Taikoo Immortal King

Chapter 357 The Entrance Formation

Chapter 357 The Entrance Formation
The Huoyan spirit wandered leisurely in front of the four ninth-level monsters, and Xu Miao followed behind the Huoyan spirit, acting honestly as a servant should be.

"Your Excellency came here uninvited, why did you come?" A female demon dressed in purple looked at Huoyan Spirit Demon warily.

"Naturally, the purpose is the same as yours. Your plan is too big. One more person will give you more strength. I think you won't refuse." Huoyan Lingyao seemed to have said a lot, but in fact, no useful information was revealed.

"Hmph! Not everyone can get a piece of the things from the Soul Martial Sect." A middle-aged man in black robe spoke displeasedly.Xu Miao kept her head down. Hearing these words, she let go of what she had just mentioned.

The purpose of these four ninth-level monsters is the Soul Wumen. Xu Miao can use their power to enter the Soul Wumen.There are not many things that can tempt a ninth-level monster in this plane.

As for the ancient Soul Martial Gate, since it can tempt four people at the same time, one can imagine the things in the Soul Martial Gate, probably not only about the soul, but also the information about ascension to the upper plane.

An extra ninth-level monster is necessary for the four nine-level monsters who each have their own ghosts.The five briefly introduced each other for convenience.

"Fellow Daoist Huoyan, you're taking a human servant with you, so you're looking down on me too much." The purple-clothed scorpion looked at Xu Miao impatiently.Huoyan Lingyao ignored the matter with a haha, and the other demons also pretended not to care.

After all, a Golden Core cultivator, they can kill him at any time.At the critical moment, no matter what Huo Yan Lingyao thought, they were sure to kill Xu Miao.

"Old Niu, you know the entrance of the Soul Martial Gate best, let's start cracking it." Hundred Poisonous Centipede said to Iron Bull Demon.

Iron Bull Demon did not directly crack the entrance of the Soul Martial Gate, but looked at the Flame Spirit Demon and said, "You are new here, Fellow Daoist Huo Yan, if you want to get a share of the pie, you must show enough sincerity."

"The entrance of Soul Martial Gate is very simple. See that arched stone? Just use your soul to imprison the stone and let us four demons enter smoothly, isn't it easy enough?" Iron Bull Demon pointed to the arched stone next to him. Shaped stone, gestured.

Huoyan Lingyao ordered without hesitation: "San Shui, go and look at that stone." The four monsters didn't know what Huo Yan Lingyao was up to, so they kept silent.

Xu Miao's image of a servant was kept very intact, and she obediently walked in front of the arched stone, and her consciousness of half-step transformation of the gods instantly dissipated.This arched stone connects Xu Miao's world on one side and the Soul Martial Gate on the other.

It is impossible to know the situation on the other side of the arched stone only by divine sense.Xu Miao pondered for a moment, ready to mobilize her soul.

"Xu Miao, your soul is not stable enough to use the power of your soul rashly. Once this is a trap, your soul will be torn into pieces in an instant." Xiaotian quickly stopped.

Things that can make even ninth-level monsters fear, naturally should not be underestimated.The Soul Martial Sect is especially good at the soul art. No one can be sure whether the arched stone here is an entrance or a trap.

Xu Miao dared to mobilize his soul, which was guaranteed by the dragon's blood.The magic of dragon blood is that it can not only protect the body, but also protect the soul, ensuring that the soul will not lose anything.

"This arched stone seems to be calling me." This is why Xu Miao is really willing to try with her soul.Xu Miao asked Huoyan Spirit Demon, but he didn't feel the call.

Xu Miao noticed the expressions of the other four monsters present. Their eyes were teasing, gloating, and indifferent, but there was no surprise or excitement in their eyes.

Eyes are the best indicator of a person's inner thoughts. From the eyes of the four demons, Xu Miao was sure that they did not feel the call.He is the only one who feels the calling here, and it may also be related to the instability of his soul.

Xu Miao knew very well that if he wanted to figure out all this, he had to try with his soul.Otherwise, the secret of the Archstone will remain a secret forever, and he will never get the answer he wants.

"If there is an accident, the Huoyan Spirit Demon will attack in an instant." Xiao Fenghuang regards himself as the master, and the Huoyan Spirit Demon considers Xiao Fenghuang as the master. Based on this alone, the Huoyan Spirit Demon will not stand idly by.

Tieniu looked at Xu Miao mobilizing his soul: "Fellow Daoist Huo Yan, your servant is not only obedient, but also very courageous, even the soul of Jindan cultivator dares to mobilize at will."

Huoyan spirit demon glanced at the other party nonchalantly: "Servant, the most important thing is to be obedient." As for the conversation between the two demons, Xu Miao could hear it very vaguely.

The moment his soul left the body, that calling became stronger.Like a hurricane, trying to take his soul to some unknown place.

The power of the soul is mysterious and mysterious.Even the cultivator of Huashen could barely detect Xu Miao's soul leaving the body.But after Xu Miao's soul left the body, they couldn't know what happened to Xu Miao's soul.

They just watched Xu Miao's soul leave the body, staring at each other.A day and a night have passed, and Xu Miao's soul has no tendency to return to the body at all.

"Fellow Daoist Huo Yan, has your servant's soul dissipated? Why hasn't he responded yet?" the purple-clothed scorpion complained. They were very displeased by delaying their actions for a Golden Core cultivator.

Huoyan Lingyao was also puzzled. After Xu Miao's soul left the body, no news was passed to him.Little Phoenix was collected by Xu Miao in the Hunting Stone, and he couldn't ask Little Phoenix about Xu Miao's specific situation, so he could only be vague and perfunctory.

The patience of a ninth-level monster will be very good in some aspects, and similarly, it will be very poor in some aspects.After three days and three nights, the patience of the four demons was exhausted, and they attacked the Huoyan spirit demon.

Huoyan Spirit Demon was not their opponent, and when he was about to remove Xu Miao's body, Xu Miao's soul returned to the body.Xu Miao walked behind Huoyan Lingyao, and told him how to deal with the four demons via voice transmission.

Xu Miao possesses the consciousness of half-step transformation into a god, and no monster of level nine can block his sound transmission.Huoyan Lingyao received Xu Miao's instructions, cleared his throat, and said, "This arched stone is the test stone for entering the Soul Wumen."

"Only the soul is strong enough to pass through this stone. As for what Senior Tie Niu said, it is completely unrealistic to imprison the stone with the soul. The strength of this stone, with your strength, is simply impossible to imprison it by yourself. "

Iron Bull Demon and Hundred Poisonous Centipede mentioned that they needed to be deciphered. They were all just excuses. They just wanted to give Huoyan Lingyao a blow. They had the pass to pass through the arched stone.Regardless of whether their souls are strong or not, they can enter the Soul Martial Gate smoothly.

The purple-clothed scorpion didn't want to waste any more time, took out the pass, and wanted to pass through the arched stone.However, to the surprise of the four demons, this pass was useless, and the purple-clothed scorpion could not enter at all.

The remaining three demons stepped forward one after another to test the pass.To their disappointment, none of the passes were available.These four passports were found by them from an ancient cave mansion.

Based on the few words left in Guxiu's cave, they deduced that the pass is the key to entering the Soul Wumen.That's why they came here full of confidence, and they didn't care if they ran into the Huoyan Spirit Demon.

Because they knew that without a pass, no one could get in, and even if the Huo Yan Ling Yao followed behind them, it would be useless.But the reality gave them a resounding slap, and the pass was useless.

The Hundred Poisonous Centipede was the first to strike. He unleashed a wave of demonic power to attack Xu Miao.Xu Miao did not dodge or dodge, and stood firmly in place.The Huoyan Spirit Demon could only make a move to block the attack of the Hundred Poisonous Centipede.

"Huoyan Spirit Demon, why are you here? Why did the passport become useless after this human passed away!" Huoyan Spirit Demon has lived underground for too many years, and his strength is stronger than any ninth-level spirit monster present. to be tall.

Seeing Huo Yan Ling Yao's attack, Hundred Poison Centipede could only temporarily suppress his anger.

"The pass is useful, but it's just your wishful thinking. From the beginning to the end, it's all your guesses. Maybe these passes are just a scam." Huo Yanling Yao said in a deep voice.

Everything Huoyan Lingyao said was told to him by Xu Miao.He didn't know Xu Miao's plan, but he could only follow Xu Miao's request.

"We can't get in, and you can't get in either." The iron bull demon can't see through the Huoyan spirit demon's thoughts. If the Huoyan spirit demon knows the iron bull demon's thoughts, he must be a confidant, because he can't see through either Xu Miao's method.

"Who told you that I can't get in?" Huo Yan Lingyao said this according to Xu Miao's instructions, and she was also surprised.Could it be that he can solve problems that even ninth-level monsters can't solve?
Since the four ninth-level monsters have come here, they want to get something from the Soul Martial Sect, and of course they don't want to return empty-handed. Hearing what Huoyan Lingyao said, they all turned their eyes to him.

"This is a formation, a formation that tests the soul of the visitor. As I said before, only the strength of the soul can pass the test before you can enter. And this formation, the basic requirement for the monk's soul, is to refine the void!"

As soon as Huoyan Lingyao finished speaking, the expressions of the four ninth-level monsters were all ugly.Due to the constraints of the laws of heaven and earth, the lower planes of the earth and space cannot advance to the refining stage.

Only through the ascension channel and entering the upper plane, can one have the opportunity to advance to refine the void.But they came here to find information about ascension to the upper plane. The current situation is equivalent to an endless loop.

"Fellow Daoist Huo Yan, you should be very clear that our cultivation level cannot reach the level of refining the void!" Iron Bull Demon was the most impulsive, and roared out first.

Xu Miao still lowered her eyes, and sneered in her heart when she heard the Iron Bull Demon's words.This kind of IQ, among human monks, may not survive the Foundation Establishment period.

"One person's soul power is not enough to refine the void, what if our soul power is added together?" Huoyan Spirit Demon told the four demons the formation of gathering soul power according to what Xu Miao said.

While listening to Xu Miao's voice transmission, Huoyan Spiritual Demon repeated the situation of the formation.The more he recounted, the more frightened Huo Yan Lingyao became.A Jindan cultivator's mastery of formation has reached a terrifying level.

(End of this chapter)

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