Chapter 358

The four demons also fell silent when they heard what Huoyan Lingyao said.Formation has never been what monsters are good at.Monster beasts rely more on the power of the race itself to cultivate.

Unlike human monks, who have dabbled in all aspects, and can even improve their cultivation through different ways.

Hundred Poisonous Centipede used to be interested in human things, and after seeing the jade slips of formations, he was able to arrange simple formations.He thought that although his attainments in formations could not be compared with human monks, at least he was unique among monsters.

But when he heard the formation that Huoyan Lingyao said, he realized how superficial he was.Just the idea of ​​gathering the soul array, he has never thought of it, let alone set it up.

This kind of formation that bears the soul power of a ninth-level monster is not so easy to arrange, and the materials needed are quite a lot.According to Xu Miao's request, Huoyan Lingyao relayed the materials one by one.

The Iron Bull Demon had a very ugly face when he heard a lot of extremely precious materials: "It's just a formation, why do you want so many things!"

Huoyan Lingyao looked at the Hundred Poisonous Centipede next to him. From the expression on the other side, Huoyan Lingyao could see that he also understood the formation: "Fellow Baidu also understands the formation, so he should know the uses of the materials."

Hundred Poisonous Centipede nodded with difficulty: "This formation, if I guess it is correct, should be born out of the Spirit Gathering Formation."

Huoyan Lingyao didn't know what kind of formation Xu Miao's formation was born from, but she just smiled inscrutablely.The five demons each made an oath of heaven, the four demons searched for formation materials, and the Huoyan spirit demon was responsible for arranging the formations.

After the oath of heaven came into effect, the four demons left here in peace, looking for all kinds of materials they needed.Huo Yan Lingyao then turned to look at Xu Miao, puzzled and said, "Are these materials needed for the formation?"

Xu Miao shrugged: "Of course not, there are also materials needed for my magic weapon to advance. It's rare to have something delivered to your door for free, so I have no reason to refuse it."

Huo Yan Lingyao muttered to one side and sat down, wary of the arrival of the four demons at any time.Xu Miao didn't care about the Huoyan spirit demon. He recalled the scene when his soul left the body.

As for the test of the arched stone, Xu Miao was right. It is true that at least the soul strength of the cultivation base is required to pass the arched stone.

Strangely, Xu Miao's soul passed through the arched stone without any hindrance.Xu Miao didn't know the specific reason, so she only guessed at the dragon's blood and the mysterious blood.

Following that call, he passed through a misty thick fog and found himself in a room of disciples.This disciple room is very simple and small, and can only accommodate ten people standing.

There is a straw mat in the middle of the disciple's room, and an incense burner is placed on the ground in front of the straw mat. Special spices are burning in the incense burner, which is a smell that Xu Miao has never smelled.

He involuntarily sat on the straw mat, and when the spices were burned, the originally transparent soul even condensed into a trace of entity.Xu Miao thinks that the biggest possibility is the spices in the incense burner.

In the records of the Soul Wumen in the world of comprehension, it was mentioned that when the disciples of the Soul Wumen practiced, they would burn a piece of spice.However, the refining method of spices is the secret of Hunwumen.

Since the Hunwumen disappeared from the cultivation world, the method of refining spices has also been lost.The soul condensed a little entity, Xu Miao stood up and left the disciple's room.

He found that the only area he could move was near the disciple's room, and he couldn't go to other places.When encountering the ban again, Xu Miao noticed a stone slab next to the ban light film.

The center of the stone slab was dug out the size of a block, and Xu Miao remembered the sign hanging on the waist of the purple-clothed scorpion, no matter its size or shape, it was exactly the same as this block.

Xu Miao guessed that the token was the key to passing the sealing of the light film.You must get a pass from the four ninth-level monsters before you can pass through the forbidden light film.

According to the situation of the arched stone, Xu Miao quickly made a plan.Design a soul-gathering array to control the souls of four ninth-level monsters, and take the pass token.

One step after another, every step is within Xu Miao's plan, and the four level nine monsters have completely fallen into Xu Miao's calculation.Even if they knew it was a trap, they had to jump into it.

When Xu Miao informed the four nine-level monsters of the Soul Gathering Formation, the design was not complete, and some details were not handled well.While waiting for the four level nine monsters to find materials, Xu Miao began to perfect the formation.

"Xu Miao, is your formation really reliable?" Huo Yanling Yao saw Xu Miao writing and drawing on the ground, and leaned over to ask.Huoyan Lingyao was worried that the formation that Xu Miao said was just an excuse to get all kinds of natural materials and earthly treasures from the four nine-level monsters.

Once exposed, it would be very difficult for him alone to ensure the safety of Xu Miao's life under the hands of four level nine monsters.

Xu Miao glanced at Huoyan Lingyao, and just this one glance made Huoyan Lingyao believe in the formation he said.Even Huoyan Lingyao himself wondered why he trusted this Golden Core cultivator so much with just one look.

Three months later, the four ninth-level monsters returned one after another.Some of the materials Xu Miao proposed were so scarce that they could not be obtained by legitimate means.

Hundred Poisonous Centipede was completely relieved when he saw Huoyan Lingyao still leaning against the arched stone, and handed all kinds of materials to Huoyan Lingyao.Xu Miao stretched out her hand and took the materials.

All the materials for the four monsters were in Xu Miao's hands, and he began to arrange the soul-gathering array.

"Fellow Daoist Huo Yan, why didn't you arrange the formation?" Hundred Poisonous Centipede questioned.

"I've already told my servant how to arrange the formation. If he makes a move, it's like I make a move. Everyone, just wait for the good news." After speaking, the Huoyan Spirit Demon closed his eyes.

The four ninth-level monsters watched Xu Miao's movements vigilantly, while Huoyan Lingyao was wary of the four monsters' sudden attack.Under the watchful eyes of the four ninth-level monsters, Xu Miao calmly arranged the formation without any panic.

In order to give the four monsters the illusion that they used all the materials, he melted some materials, fused them, and then separated them.Iron Bull Demon was the first one who couldn't stand it anymore and looked away, and the last one was Hundred Poisonous Centipede.

He watched Xu Miao's moves like lightning, and every section of the formation was quickly arranged.Xu Miao's attainments in formations were far superior to those of the Hundred Poisonous Centipedes, and he couldn't understand how Xu Miao arranged the formations at all.

When the four monsters gave up watching, Xu Miao moved the unnecessary materials for the Soul Gathering Formation into the Hunting Stone.Among them are Hunting Stone, the advanced material of Mist Condensation Sword.

The Huntian Stone is the ultimate acquired spirit tool, and the Ningwu Sword is the inferior acquired spirit weapon.Now it can barely match his cultivation base, if he continues to advance, these two magic weapons are no longer enough for him to use.

He had already obtained the advanced main material of the Ningwu Sword, which was the spine bone of the Canglong.With the materials obtained from the ninth-level monsters, Xu Miao is confident that he can directly raise the grade of the Mist Condensing Sword to the top-grade innate spirit weapon.

As his natal magic weapon, there is no need to worry about the situation that if the rank is too high, it will have a backlash against the master.As for the Hunting Stone, if there is no accident, it should be able to advance to a high-grade innate spiritual weapon.

However, Xu Miao did not instruct Xiaotian to absorb the materials to advance for the time being, and the situation in the Soul Martial Sect was complicated and startling every step of the way.If there is Xiaotian in a sober state, it can be of greatest help to him.

In order to cope with the detection of the four monsters' consciousness, Xu Miao omitted some steps and made some steps extremely cumbersome. It took Xu Miao a full month to complete the construction of the Soul Gathering Formation.

To withstand the soul power of a ninth-level monster, the power of the formation needed cannot be weak.This soul-gathering formation needs top-quality spirit stones to operate. Xu Miao inlaid the top-quality spirit stones from the four monsters one by one, and played a spell, and the formation buzzed.

The sights of the five ninth-level monsters all focused on the Soul Gathering Formation, Huo Yan Ling Yao didn't show it on his face, but he was very surprised in his heart.He never expected that Xu Miao could really arrange such a formation.

But Xu Miao said beforehand that due to the limited quality of materials, the formation can only be activated once.In other words, only those who are present can use the formation to pass the examination of the Soul Wumen and enter the Soul Wumen.

Next time, there is no such opportunity, let them enter again.

Huoyan Lingyao came over: "The opportunity to enter the Soul Martial Gate is right in front of you, what are you waiting for, why don't you quickly mobilize your soul power."

"And your pass, remember to hang it on your waist. If you need a pass if you pass through the arched stone, don't blame me for not reminding you."

Hundred Poisonous Centipede checked the formation carefully, and it was indeed a formation that gathers souls and strengthens the power of souls.He took a deep look at the Huoyan Spirit Demon, and walked into the magic circle.

When the remaining three monsters saw the Hundred Poisonous Centipede walking in first, they were not far behind and entered the formation.Xu Miao followed the Huoyan Spirit Demon and entered the Soul Gathering Formation.

The formations arranged by Xu Miao generally do not use formation boards and formation flags, and tend to use divine sense to command.The Soul Gathering Formation this time is no exception. He controls the half-step transformation of God consciousness, and controls the formation to gather the soul power of the five demons.

As the controller of the formation, his soul was not affected in the slightest.He looked at the passports on the waists of the four monsters, and unceremoniously tore off three of them, and replaced them with the imitations he had prepared long ago.

Of the four tokens, only one of them can be used in the end. Xu Miao is looking forward to the behavior of the four demons at that time just thinking about it.After passing through the arched stone, you will be randomly sent to different disciple rooms.

Xu Miao left the disciple's room at the first time, and took the Huoyan Spirit Demon through it to summon the most powerful blocking light film.Xu Miao returned to her original appearance and turned into a Huoyan spirit demon to follow behind Xu Miao.

This is a vast square. Xu Miao walked all the way, and there were all kinds of incense burners on both sides of the road.It's just that the spices in the incense burner have long been burned out, and they can no longer emit a strange fragrance.

(End of this chapter)

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