Taikoo Immortal King

Chapter 359 Inheritance of the Soul Martial Sect

Chapter 359 Inheritance of the Soul Martial Sect
In the southeast of the square, a group of "people" are meditating.Xu Miao can be sure that these are not real people, they should be the scene left by the square many years ago, and it is displayed by accident today.

There are many incense burners placed around these "persons". The position of the incense burners seems to be irregular at first glance, but it actually implies the characteristics of the Eight Diagrams formation.

Xu Miao carefully wrote down the location of the incense burner. Since the disciples of the Soul Wumen will use this method in cultivation, it means that this method is the most suitable for soul cultivation.

He stared for a while, then turned and walked towards the main hall behind the square.It's just that although the door of the main hall was opened, Xu Miao couldn't enter.There is no place to check the pass here, indicating that ordinary disciples here cannot come in and out at will.

Just as Xu Miao was about to retreat, that strong call suddenly appeared, and the source was this inaccessible hall.Xu Miao tried all means, but to no avail.

At this moment, thick fog began to appear around.The main hall in front of him and the square behind him all disappeared from sight.The Huoyan spirit demon immediately entered the combat preparations, and the flames all over his body were ablaze.

Standing in the thick fog, Xu Miao looked around her surroundings with an unusually solemn expression.He had personally seen the fire of the Huoyan spirit demon ignited.Once the flames of level nine monsters burn, there is no possibility of them being extinguished.

However, Xu Miao saw the flame gradually shrinking until it disappeared.Xu Miao's back suddenly felt cold, and the monk instinctively told him that danger was coming.

Xu Miao made a teleport, disappeared from the spot, and appeared on the side.Xu Miao clearly saw that the place where he was standing just now was hit by a mysterious lightning, which directly penetrated the solid bluestone ground.

He summoned the Mist Condensing Sword and struck the strongest blow on the ground beside his feet, but there was no trace of it on the bluestone ground.That mysterious thunder, Xu Miao has no doubts, can kill him in an instant.

Xuan Lei appeared too strangely, facing Xuan Lei, he had no strength to resist at all.Xu Miao could only dodge the mysterious lightning strike.The surrounding area was covered by dense fog. After several teleportations, Xu Miao couldn't tell where she was.

Xu Miao's spiritual consciousness was all dispersed, but nothing was found.This is the first time Xu Miao encountered such a strange situation.Normally speaking, spiritual consciousness is equivalent to a monk's second pair of eyes, which can detect places that cannot be reached by sight.

However, Xu Miao stretched out all his spiritual senses, and what his spiritual senses saw was thick fog.His spiritual consciousness is almost the same as that of the half-step transformation of the gods. Although such a majestic spiritual consciousness, it can't play a role here.

Xu Miao lowered her eyes, thinking about a way to solve the current predicament.Soul Wumen, a sect that focuses on the soul, will use the soul as a weapon.Xu Miao's eyes lit up. Since he was concerned about the soul, let's have a soul-to-soul.

He sat cross-legged and his soul left his body.The thick fog in front of him receded instantly, the square he saw before was still there, and he was right in the center of the square.

The only thing that has changed is the location in the southeast of the square, and there is no scene of monks cultivating their souls.Only a pile of incense burners remained, scattered all over the place without any pattern.

Since Xu Miao passed through the arched stone for the first time and cultivated her soul through that piece of spice, Xu Miao's soul is no longer a white spherical object, but has become the same as the body.

Xu Miao walked through the grand square and stood in front of the hall again, the call was still strong.This time, the hall did not stop him, and Xu Miao entered the hall smoothly.

The main hall was empty, without any decorations that should be in the main hall of the sect.On the wall at the end of the main hall, the word "Shunwu" is written.

Xu Miao looked up at the word Hunwu. Hunwu was shining with a barely visible light. Xu Miao was sure that it was these two words that were constantly calling him to come here.

He walked in, and the radiance of Soul Martial was gradually strengthened. When the distance between Xu Miao and the word "Soul Martial" was only three steps away, the radiance of Soul Martial became so glaring that it was impossible to look directly at it.

Xu Miao naturally raised her hand to cover her eyes, only to find that her entire soul was enveloped by the light from Soul Martial, entering another space.

This space is surrounded by lake water, and in the center of the lake is a gazebo, in which sits a chess player.The appearance of the chess player seemed to be covered by a layer of white mist, making it impossible for Xu Miao to see his true face.

"I've been waiting here for so many years, and finally I've waited for a living person to come." The clear and clear voice of the chess player shocked Xu Miao's soul.Xu Miao's soul was in an unstable state with just one sentence. This person is absolutely extraordinary.

Xu Miao cautiously walked into the gazebo, sat opposite the chess player, and asked, "Senior, are you a disciple of the Hunwumen?"

"Hunwumen has long been annihilated in the long river of history. I'm just a wisp of ghost, and I can't be a disciple of Hunwumen." The other party said casually, but kept putting down chess pieces in his hands.

"From your point of view, is Heizi still able to win?" the chess player asked calmly.

Xu Miao looked down at the chessboard. Between black and white, black and white pieces were constantly fighting on the chessboard.Xu Miao doesn't know much about Go, but she can see that Heizi has been besieged by Baizi in one corner, and the whole army is about to be annihilated.

But Xu Miao saw a glimmer of hope in Heizi's weakness.He raised a black piece and put the chess piece in his hand in one place. The black piece's decline disappeared immediately, and there was even a chance to turn defeat into victory.

The chess player chuckled, and pushed the black stone next to Xu Miao's hand.The two came back and forth, quickly dropping pieces on the nineteen vertical and nineteen horizontal chessboard.

Despite Xu Miao's previous genius, under Bai Zi's pressing step by step, Hei Zi was still slaughtered by Bai Zi.Xu Miao tightly held the sunspot in her hand, her eyes darted around the chessboard, but she couldn't find a chance to make a move.

Xu Miao sighed softly, and threw the ball to admit defeat: "Senior's chess skills are superb, which is beyond the reach of the younger generation."

"You are the first person who can reach such a level under my hands." The chess player said calmly, "Before you, there were eight people who came here."

"Five of them couldn't even make your first son, and the remaining three didn't reach your current situation." Xu Miao didn't speak, and remained silent.

From the moment he saw this chess player, he knew that if he wanted to leave this place, he could only rely on this person and absolutely not provoke him.

"What do you think of this game of chess?" The chess player asked a question.

Xu Miao kept complaining in her heart, why there are so many questions, it is really empty and lonely for too long.But he didn't show the slightest impatience on his face, and said with a serious look: "Heizi seems to have hope, but in fact, from the moment I took over, he was doomed to die."

"The so-called hope is nothing more than deeper despair. Although the black pieces lost, the white pieces did not win either." Xu Miao suddenly raised her head and looked straight at the chess player.The subordinates simply and neatly swept all the pieces on the chessboard to the ground.

"Since we can't break the game, let's ruin this game." Xu Miao's eyes clearly conveyed the undying determination.

The chess player took a deep look at Xu Miao, and suddenly laughed: "Your aptitude is the most unique among all the people I have ever seen. From the formation of the Hunwumen to the elimination of the faction, there has never been a single disciple. , dare to destroy this game of chess."

"What is your purpose for coming here?" The chess player changed his subject and his tone was very severe.

Xu Miao cupped her hands and saluted: "Seek the soul-cultivating method of Soul Wumen to stabilize my soul."

"Shunwumen has disappeared. The reason for the disappearance is that the skills of Hunwumen are not compatible with the laws of the world. The skills you insist on pursuing may accelerate the demise of the soul."

"I was originally not allowed to be in this world, and I don't mind having an excuse to let the heavens kill me." Xu Miao's eyes were firm, and he knew that Soul Wumen might be his only hope.No matter how the other party stops him, he will go forward.

"Hahahaha! Good!" The chess player clapped his hands and smiled, "Soul Wumen was executed by the law of heaven for violating the law of heaven. Now let me see when you, a person who violates the law of heaven, will be punished by the law of heaven!"

The chess player spread out his palm, and a golden light appeared from his hand.He raised his hand, and the golden light rushed towards Xu Miao.Xu Miao is now in the state of the soul, and the golden light directly appears in the depths of the soul as a skill of the Soul Wumen.

Xu Miao could clearly see the formulas of the exercises depicted in gold letters, as long as his soul returned to his body, he could practice immediately.It's just that he didn't understand for the time being why Hunwumen violated the law of heaven because of cultivating the soul.

The chess player didn't pay attention to the obvious doubts on Xu Miao's face. He read out several materials, including the refining method of the materials, and Xu Miao memorized them one by one.

"This is the refining material and refining method of the Soul-fixing incense. When you practice the exercises, you must light the Soul-fixing incense, otherwise your soul will not be able to withstand the strong shock in the exercises."

Xu Miao nodded solemnly, expressing her understanding.

The chess player stood up, walked to the edge of the gazebo, raised his eyes to the distant horizon, and said in a low voice: "Master, I have completed the task you entrusted to me, and I can go back here."

As soon as the words fell, the figure of the chess player became fainter and fainter until he disappeared without a trace.Xu Miao didn't even know the person's name, so she got the person's blue eyes and the skills of the Soul Wumen.

For a while, the world spun, and the dazzling light flashed.Xu Miao closed his eyes, and when he opened them again, he found that he was still in the hall, with the word "hunwu" in front of him.

It's just that the Hunwu at this time has lost all its brilliance.A gust of wind blew from nowhere, completely erasing the word Hunwu from the wall.Soul Wumen, after all, nothing was left behind.

"Xu Miao! Where are you!" Huo Yanling's anxious voice came, Xu Miao stepped back, and saw Huoyan's spirit beating around like a headless chicken.

He got the inheritance of the chess master, and also knew the internal structure and map of the Soul Wumen.If you can find the ingredients for the Soul-fixing incense directly in the Soul Wumen, it will be much more convenient than finding them from the outside.

Xu Miao appeared in front of Huoyan Lingyao and led him to Xiangge.

(End of this chapter)

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