Taikoo Immortal King

Chapter 360 Xu Miao's Strategy

Chapter 360 Xu Miao's Strategy

The Xiangge is the place where the Hunwumen refines the Guhunxiang. According to what the chess player told him, when the Hunwumen was destroyed, Xiangge had just refined a batch of Guhunxiang.

All refined soul-fixing incense will be properly preserved. If there is no accident, there should be some soul-solid incense in the Xiangge.As long as he has the solid soul incense, he can start to practice the martial arts of the soul martial arts, stabilize the soul, and break through to the Nascent Soul stage in one fell swoop.

I have the map in my hand, I have the Soul Martial Gate, the road Xu Miao is taking now is a small road.Although it looks like a weird road with twists and turns, it is actually the safest and fastest road.

On the way to Xiangge, there will be various checkpoints in front of you.Even the one that Xu Miao took was no exception.Xu Miao opened the gate according to the corresponding formula.

Along the way, Xu Miao's brows were always in a state of frowning.What he was worried about was never the organs in the Xiangge direction, but the four ninth-level monsters.

He took three pieces of the real pass and was left with one.The purpose is to make the four monsters have internal strife, and have no time to pay attention to him.But until now, Xu Miao has not detected the movement of the nine-level monsters fighting.

"Damn it, those three guys actually ganged up on me! If I hadn't saved a hand, it would be really hard to get away from them." Xu Miao listened attentively, and it was the voice of the purple-clothed scorpion.

Judging from the tone of the purple-clothed scorpion, it should be that the remaining three demons sensed that there was a problem with the pass in their hands, and joined hands to attack the purple-clothed scorpion.It's just that the purple-clothed scorpion has more methods, and luckily escaped from the hands of the other three demons.

At that time, Xu Miao left the real passport on the Iron Bull Demon, but he didn't expect that the purple-clothed scorpion would succeed in the end.Xu Miao sent a voice transmission to the Huoyan spirit demon, signaling him to stop the purple-clothed scorpion.

The Huoyan Spirit Demon walked out of the shadow helplessly, releasing a tyrannical aura.The attention of the purple-clothed scorpion was completely absorbed by the Huoyan spirit demon. Xu Miao walked around the two demons and walked towards the Xiangge.

"Xu Miao, why don't we kill the purple scorpion directly?"

"The map shows that the only exit from the Soul Martial Gate is the arched stone we came in. In other words, if we want to leave, we must encounter those three ninth-level monsters again."

"With the strength of the Huoyan spirit monster, it is impossible to parry three of them at the same time. Only by letting the purple-clothed scorpion stand on our side, and then let Qingjiao make a move, can we have a chance to escape from the three ninth-level monsters."

After Xu Miao explained why the purple-clothed scorpion was left behind, she also stood in front of the Xiangge.Xu Miao recited the formula and opened the door of Xiangge.

The Xiangge was protected by a bunch of extremely aggressive formations. If someone who played chess hadn't informed him in advance, Xu Miao would not have been able to retreat in the Xiangge.

When Xu Miao entered the incense pavilion, she had already released her consciousness to search for the solid soul incense.He noticed that one part of the Xiangge was guarded by a stricter magic circle.

Sure enough, there are several arm-length purple wooden boxes here.This kind of box is made of purple wood and is specially used to store items with strong smell.

To Xu Miao's surprise, there are a total of five purple wooden boxes here, and the solid soul incense in each purple wooden box is intact, exuding a clear fragrance.

Xu Miao unceremoniously took away all the purple wooden boxes, restored the array to its original state, and left the Xiangge.The most important thing in Soul Martial Sect, apart from spices and exercises, is the censer dedicated to burning Soul-fixing incense.

Although the ordinary incense burner can also be used, it will greatly reduce the effect of the solid soul incense.There is an incense burner in the Hunwumen, which was passed down from the founder of the Self-Creation School.

Xu Miao's current goal is the incense burner, he really doesn't like those incense burners in the disciple's room.Xu Miao walked to the place where the soul martial incense burner was stored according to the memory of the chess player.

"Fellow Daoist Huoyan, I will only take one of the things here, how about giving the rest to you?" The purple-clothed scorpion demon and Huoyan spirit demon are storing the soul martial incense burner.

Xu Miao's pupils shrank, and Huoyan Lingyao said through a voice transmission: "Deal with her, and then promise her, I'll get that thing." He knew exactly where the Soul Wu Incense Burner was stored and how to take it out.

Xu Miao is confident that the purple-clothed scorpion is definitely not as clear as he is about the information of Soul Wumen. As for the information obtained by the purple-clothed scorpion, it must be related to the place where the pass was obtained.

The Huoyan spirit demon's eyes were dim, and he began to play Tai Chi with the purple-clothed scorpion demon.Xu Miao walked in carefully through the side door, his aura had been completely hidden, as long as he didn't use his spiritual power, the purple-clothed scorpion might find him.

The Soul Martial Incense Burner was in a secret room, Xu Miao ordered the Huoyan Spirit Demon to make some noise so that he could enter.

The Huoyan spirit demon roared angrily: "Who's there!" At the same time, it launched a loud attack, which attracted all the attention of the purple-clothed scorpion.

Xu Miao took this opportunity to open the mechanism of the secret room and sneak in.The timing just now needs to be perfectly matched, without the slightest deviation, otherwise it will attract the attention of the purple-clothed scorpion.

The furnishings in the secret room are similar to those in the disciple's room, they are all straw mats and an incense burner.Next to the censer, there are some soul-fixing incense that has lost its medicinal effect.

The shape of this censer is the same as that of the censer in the disciple's room. Xu Miao guessed that the censer of the Soul Martial Sect was modeled after this censer.

The refining materials of the Soul Martial Incense Burner have long been unreliable, and it weighs as much as a thousand catties in the hand.With Xu Miao's cultivation strength, even if he puts a mountain in his hand, it won't feel heavy.

But just putting this small spirit martial incense burner in his hand, he felt very strenuous for a moment.Xu Miao moved the censer into the Hunting Stone, restored the secret room to the appearance that no one had been there, and left the secret room.

Xu Miao succeeds, and it's time for Huoyan Spirit Demon to perform.Huoyan Lingyao pretended to be very reluctant to agree to the purple-clothed scorpion, but the smile of the purple-clothed scorpion froze at the corner of its mouth before it could fully unfold.

According to the information obtained, the purple-clothed scorpion opened the secret room, but found that there was no trace of the soul martial incense burner at all.Her consciousness kept scanning the secret room, and all the signs in the secret room showed her that there was no soul martial incense burner.

"Damn it!" The purple-clothed scorpion was furious, blasting out a wave of monster power.Where is the secret room here, the cultivation place of the ancestor of the Hunwumen, how can a nine-level monster be arrogant.

The wall of the secret room rebounded the demon power of the purple-clothed scorpion and sent all of it back to the purple-clothed scorpion.What Xu Miao saw was the purple-clothed scorpion being hit with all his strength and vomiting blood.

Without the Soul Martial Incense Burner, other places could not enter, and the purple-clothed scorpion could only choose to return.She was very irritable when she thought that there were three ninth-level monsters at the exit.

Under Xu Miao's order, Huoyan Spirit Demon proposed an alliance in due course.Although the purple-clothed scorpion doesn't like the Huoyan spirit demon, in the current situation, only the Huoyan spirit demon is the most suitable.

Xu Miao followed the two ninth-level monsters, their expressions flickering and flickering.The two demons passed through the light film, and three strong attacks appeared in front of them.

How could the remaining three ninth-level monsters let go of the actions of the purple-clothed scorpion.Without further ado, just come up and fight.The aftermath of the first wave of attack dissipated, and Hundred Poison Centipede noticed Huo Yan Lingyao and Xu Miao beside him.

"Fellow Daoist Huo Yan, how did you get into the Soul Martial Sect?" The scheming of Baidu martial arts is extremely deep, and he immediately associates many things.

Huo Yan Lingyao said calmly: "I go in, so naturally there is my way to get in, do I still need to ask you for instructions? Why, you can't get in now, so you want to use my method to get in?"

"Fellow Daoist Hundred Poisons' calculation is too good." Standing in front of Xu Miao, Huo Yan Lingyao didn't look flustered at all.With a few words, the attention of all the demons was diverted.

Of course, these words were not thought up by Huo Yan Lingyao.It was Xu Miao who used the mouth of the Huoyan Spirit Demon to control the current situation.Comparing scheming and scheming, monsters can't catch up with humans even if they flatter them.

Not to mention human monks, even ordinary mortals, in some occasions, the IQ of monsters is not as good as mortals.

The Hundred Poisonous Centipede was evaded by Huo Yan Ling Yao's words, and couldn't find any words to refute for a while.Xu Miao chased after the victory: "Fellow Taoist Ziyi also told me that you are obviously being deceived."

"But there is no difference. There is nothing in this Soul Martial Gate. Fellow Daoist Ziyi and I turned it upside down, but found nothing."

Xu Miao knew very well that the more the Huoyan spirit demon said this, the more suspicion it would attract the remaining three monsters.Completely push the purple-clothed scorpion to the opposite side, so that the purple-clothed scorpion has no chance to change its camp.

"Why should we believe you! Whether there is nothing, only you know!" Iron Bull Demon gasped, looking at Huoyan Spirit Demon angrily.

After receiving Xu Miao's instructions, Huoyan Lingyao sent a sound transmission to the purple-clothed scorpion, ready to attack: "Since you don't believe it, then see the real chapter under your hands."

The two sides fought together again, five nine-level monsters fought, and the aftermath alone could make Xu Miao drink a pot.Xu Miao continued to use teleportation, and quickly approached the exit.

Hundred Poisonous Centipede noticed that Xu Miao was about to leave, so he repelled the purple-clothed scorpion demon with one hand, and shot a terrifying demon force at Xu Miao.There was no way for Xu Miao to dodge the attack of the ninth-level monster.

At this moment, his whole body was shrouded in the attack of the Hundred Poisonous Centipede, unable to move.However, Huoyan Lingyao was caught by two level nine monsters and could not be rescued in time.

At the moment of life and death, Qingjiao suddenly appeared, and with a loud howling sound, Qingjiao transformed into its own body and faced the attack of the poisonous centipede.Although Qingjiao is only half-stepped to transform into a god, his race level is much higher than that of the Hundred Poisonous Centipede.

Combat strength will also be several levels higher.Therefore, Qingjiao, who is half-step to transform into a god, is evenly matched against the ninth-level hundred poisonous centipede.

But Xu Miao knew very well that this was only temporary.Qing Jiao was able to succeed in one blow because the opponent was defenseless.When the Hundred Poisonous Centipede reacted, it was the moment when the scene changed.

Xu Miao sent voices to Qingjiao and Huoyan Lingyao in time: "End the battle quickly, we will evacuate immediately!" Before the words fell, Xu Miao had already passed through the arched stone and left the boundary of Soul Wumen.

(End of this chapter)

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