Taikoo Immortal King

Chapter 361 Calculation

Chapter 361 Calculation
Xu Miao's cultivation base is the lowest among this group of monsters. Only when he leaves in time can he guarantee that Qing Jiao and Huo Yan Spirit Monster will not be affected.

The arched stone only has the function of assessing those who try to enter, and will not hinder those who leave.In a matter of breath, Xu Miao had passed through the arched stone and returned to the Shiping Mountain Range.

Xu Miao did not turn around and leave directly, but arranged the formation as quickly as possible.This is an absolute killing formation - Prisoner Immortal Formation, Daoist Dust Xing once used this formation to deal with the upper plane monks who arrived in the west land.

Being able to withstand a blow of mana from a cultivator from the upper plane, Xu Miao is confident that the small prison array he arranged can also trap the four ninth-level monsters.Xu Miao's shots were like lightning, his hands were completely afterimages, and he threw out one after another array flags.

Prisoner Immortal Formation can block high-level monks, and it is the most suitable formation for Xu Miao, who often provokes high-level monks.He had studied the Immortal Immortal Formation thoroughly, and made the formation flag in his spare time.

As long as there is an array flag, Xu Miao can complete the arrangement of the Prisoner Immortal Array in the shortest time.Xu Miao inlaid the best piece of spirit stone, and the light of the Immortal Prison Formation gradually flashed.

With a thought in Xu Miao's mind, the entire Immortal Immortal Formation was hidden in the air, and all the light disappeared, as if there was no formation here at all.Sitting on the sidelines, he waited for the four ninth-level monsters to be caught.

Xu Miao didn't wait long, Qing Jiao came out of the arched stone first, followed by Hundred Poisonous Centipede, Huo Yan Ling Yao, and the remaining three monsters.

The moment Xu Miao saw the appearance of all the monsters, Xu Miao's consciousness moved in response.Immortal Prison Formation was activated instantly, and all monsters, including Qingjiao, were trapped by the Immortal Prison Formation, unable to move their bodies.

Hundred Poisonous Centipede noticed Xu Miao who was standing outside all the time, and recalled that when he attacked Xu Miao, Qingjiao and Huoyan Lingyao who appeared suddenly seemed to kill at will, but in fact they always brought this human with them.

"You are the main messenger, aren't you?" Hundred Poisonous Centipede looked coldly at Xu Miao in a serious tone.

"It's really not easy to understand now. However, it's too late." Xu Miao walked into the Immortal Immortal Formation while talking.

The Immortal Immortal Formation was arranged by him, so he can naturally come in and out freely.Xu Miao passed through several formation nodes, and brought Qingjiao and Huoyan Lingyao out of the Immortal Imprisonment Formation.

"You are just a monk in the late stage of Jindan, I don't believe you can drive them two! Who are you? Or should I change the question, who is behind you?"

The Hundred Poisonous Centipede couldn't believe that this human with such a low level of cultivation would have such a terrifying scheming to count all four of their ninth-level monsters into account.

Xu Miao looked at the Hundred Poisonous Centipede contemptuously, and glanced at the four demons: "The scheming of the monsters is not aimed at anyone, but everyone present is not very good."

Huoyan Lingyao felt sympathy for Xu Miao's words the most.He is a ninth-level monster who has been dominating the underground, but he is completely controlled by Xu Miao, and he dare not even think of resistance.

He always thought that he was the worst, but when he saw the four nine-level monsters of the Hundred Poisonous Centipede, his heart suddenly became balanced.At least Xu Miao just supported him and didn't make him miserable.

Look at the ninth-level monster that was bound immobilized by the Immortal Immortal Formation in front of him. According to what Xu Miao said, he searched for the materials to enter the Soul Martial Gate, and then Xu Miao took away the pass.

Xu Miao's random trick made the four of them unable to agree, and even turned against each other, fighting life and death, and nothing fell into their hands in the end.

Look at Xu Miao again, escaped from the four level nine monsters unharmed, and also got the inheritance of Soul Wumen and a bunch of items needed to cultivate the soul.

Huoyan Lingyao looked at the Hundred Poisonous Centipede with a little sympathy involuntarily, which made the Hundred Poisonous Centipede furious.

"A human who is only a late-stage Jindan, who gave you the courage to plot against us. In the plane below the earth and space, who dares to offend us, do you know what the consequences will be?"

The purple-clothed scorpion also reacted at this time, relying on their self-cultivation, they didn't pay attention to Xu Miao, but they were calculated by Xu Miao from the beginning to the end.

"Consequences? I don't know about the others. All I know is that you few invincible ninth-level monsters are trapped by me in the Immortal Imprisonment Formation, cursing constantly."

"And I have already left this place to go to other places." Xu Miao left the Shiping Mountains with Qing Jiao and Huo Yan Ling Yao after saying a word.

Although the Immortal Prison Formation is powerful, Xu Miao hastily arranged the formation just now, and did not bring out the maximum power of the Immortal Prison Formation.If the four ninth-level monsters bombarded the Immortal Immortal Formation without interruption, it would only take half an hour to break out of the trap.

Xu Miao will not put herself in danger just to show off her words.It is Xu Miao's character to brush off his clothes and hide his merits and fame deeply.

He sent Qingjiao and Huoyan Spirit Demon into the Hunting Stone, changed his aura, and used teleportation continuously, until he left the Shiping Mountains far behind, Xu Miao didn't stop.

Although it was a little troublesome to enter the Soul Warrior Sect, thanks to a few level nine monsters, he could easily get a pass to enter and exit the Soul Warrior Gate.

In addition, with the help of the strength and resources of the ninth-level monster, he directly obtained the advanced materials of the Hunting Stone and the Fog Condensing Sword.Now that she has got rid of the tracking of the ninth-level monster, Xu Miao is also relieved, and tells Xiaotian to start advancing.

The Immortal Immortal Formation outside the arched stone finally couldn't bear it after being continuously bombarded by four level [-] monsters, and it shattered and disappeared.The faces of the four monsters were extremely ugly, and it was a great shame for them to be teased by a low-level human monk.

"Going to heaven and earth, I must find that damned human being and kill him..." The iron bull demon's voice resounded through the mountains, startling a flurry of birds.

"Fellow Daoist Tieniu, you are so impulsive. To be on the safe side, I put tracking devices on Huoyan Spirit Demon and that human. As long as I have a thought—" The purple-clothed scorpion smiled sinisterly.

The tracking method of the purple-clothed scorpion is the innate skill of the scorpion family.It can drop the tracking thing on the target without anyone knowing it, and the tracking is successful.

"The aura of the Huoyan spirit demon has disappeared." The purple-clothed scorpion's smile froze, but soon she smiled again, "The human's aura can still be traced, and now it has left the Shiping Mountains."

The Hundred Poisonous Centipede had a gloomy face: "His speed is not slow. Let's start immediately. No matter who catches that human being, don't rush to do it."


He went around in a big circle, changed his face, breath, and cultivation level several times, before arriving at the hiding place of Shui Mei and Song Siyu.When Song Siyu saw Xu Miao appear, a bright smile filled his face.

Shui Mei's eyes suddenly became serious: "Xu Miao, have you met the Scorpion family?"

Xu Miao didn't know why, but still nodded, and told Shui Mei everything that happened in the Shiping Mountains.

"The things she has tracked on your body, except for the scorpion family, and people who have surpassed you to track the scorpion, no one else can get rid of the track."

"Besides, even the scorpion demon clan must be at least level eight in order to be able to release the tracking."

Xu Miao's expression immediately became indistinguishable. The purple-clothed scorpion was already a ninth-level monster, and there was no one who could exceed the ninth-level in the lower plane.

The scorpion's movements were so secretive that he didn't notice it at all.According to the temperament of the four ninth-level monsters, if they know his whereabouts, they will find him and kill him in thousands of mountains and rivers.

Without any hesitation, Xu Miao commanded in a deep voice: "You two, leave this place immediately. Shui Mei, you take Junior Sister Song to Xilu and send her back to Daoist Xiyue."

"Brother—" Song Siyu didn't want to stay away from Xu Miao.

This time, Xu Miao couldn't take Song Siyu's thoughts into consideration, and said sharply: "Junior Sister Song, you should be very clear that I offended a level nine monster, and if I am not careful, I will die in their hands."

"I have no way to take care of you, and I don't know if they see through my identity. The only way for you to return to the side of Daoist Xiyue and get the blessing of the cultivator of Huashen is the safest."

Shui Mei knew that the situation was serious. Although she really wanted to help Xu Miao, she was only at the beginning of Yuanying.Even in her heyday, she couldn't fight against four level nine monsters at the same time.

"Be careful yourself." Shui Mei's tone was full of worry and reluctance. They had just reunited not long ago, and they were facing separation again.

Xu Miao suddenly smiled, hugged Shui Mei in her arms, and left a light kiss on Shui Mei's red lips: "Protect yourself, wait for me to find you." Xu Miao handed a jade pendant to Shui Mei, this time A jade pendant allows Xu Miao to grasp Shui Mei's whereabouts.

Not much time, Xu Miao took the lead to leave from here.Although the speed of teleportation is fast enough, his body is only the strength of Jindan's late stage after all, and cannot withstand uninterrupted teleportation.

He could only carry the wings on his back and rely on the power of the magic weapon to fly non-stop.The direction of Xu Miao's flight is exactly where the scorpion demon clan is located.

Now that the purple-clothed scorpion was tracking, he had to get rid of the tracking, otherwise, in terms of durability, he would definitely not be able to consume the four ninth-level monsters.

The scorpion clan is not a big clan, but it is not a small clan either. Xu Miao has already learned the location of the scorpion clan from Shui San.He had Huoyan Lingyao and Qingjiao beside him, and it was easy to take down a level eight monster.

"That human probably already knows that I have tracked him. He is flying in the direction where my scorpion family lives." The purple-clothed scorpion showed concern.

Among the scorpion demon clan, she is the only ninth-level monster, and the other ones with the highest cultivation are only eighth-level monsters.If her compatriots confronted that human being, they would probably be exterminated directly.

The purple-clothed scorpion suddenly regretted it. If she let Xu Miao go like this, she would be just angry at most, but now, because of her actions, the whole family was put on the fire.

(End of this chapter)

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