Taikoo Immortal King

Chapter 362 The Scorpion's Tracking

Chapter 362 The Scorpion's Tracking

Xu Miao didn't know that the purple-clothed scorpion had regretted it, he only knew that the purple-clothed scorpion had downloaded his tracking, like a sharp sword, hanging on his head.If this sharp sword is not cut off, Xu Miao will never be able to be at peace.

The scorpion clan's residence is in the middle of the Hepu Mountains. In order not to attract the attention of other monsters, Xu Miao resisted the impatience in her heart and walked quickly on the ground.

He is only at the late stage of Golden Core cultivation, so it is impossible for him to fly into the territory of monster beasts as arrogantly as if entering the land of no one.Otherwise, he will attract the attention of other monsters and things will become more difficult.

Xu Miao had some scruples, but the four ninth-level monsters that were chasing after her were not.They were monsters in the first place, and they were level nine monsters. In the territory of monsters, they could walk sideways without any monster without eyes coming out to stop them.

Xu Miao decisively released Huoyan Lingyao and Qingjiao. At this moment, she didn't care about attracting the attention of other monsters.With the blessing of a monster with the power of transforming gods and a half-step power of transforming gods, Xu Miao flew directly in the air, approaching the scorpion monsters.

Originally, the monster sensed the aura of a human monk, and was a little upset.In particular, there were a few monsters ready to teach Xu Miao a lesson, but they were frightened by the sudden appearance of Huo Yan Ling Yao and Qing Jiao.

Just kidding, a late Jindan cultivator can teach him a lesson, but monsters of the ninth and super eighth levels are not something they can provoke.Except for a few eighth-level monsters, they could still treat them calmly when they felt the aura of Huo Yan Ling Yao and Qing Jiao.

Almost all the monsters curled up tremblingly, not daring to move a single step.Xu Miao arrived at the territory of the scorpion demon clan without any hindrance. He didn't stop, and went straight to the center of the territory.

The people of the same clan were too frightened by Xu Miao's aura to dare to move at all, and only the eighth-level scorpion was left to host the scene.The eighth-level scorpion demon walked out of the cave and looked at the Huo Yan Ling Yao and Qing Jiao beside Xu Miao.

In the eyes of the eighth-level scorpion, Xu Miao is just a low-level human monk who can be crushed to death at any time. The only monsters that can attract his attention are ninth-level and super-eighth-level monsters.

"Everyone came to the territory of my scorpion demon clan, why did you come?" Xu Miao didn't want to talk nonsense with him, his plan was very rough and simple, just knocked him unconscious and took him away.

Let the Huoyan spirit demon control the opponent with his powerful consciousness, and release him from the tracking.It's just that the Huoyan spirit demon has not yet made a move, and the four purple-clothed scorpion monsters have also rushed here.

The Hundred Poisonous Centipede didn't hesitate, and it was the strongest blow to Xu Miao.The Huoyan spirit demon quickly stood in front of Xu Miao, blocking the move for Xu Miao.Xu Miao quickly sent a voice transmission to Qing Jiao, and Qing Jiao did as he said, taking the eighth-level scorpion demon into his hands.

At this moment, Xu Miao turned around calmly and looked at the purple-clothed scorpion: "Purple-clothed scorpion, if you dare to do anything at will, I can guarantee that before I die, all your fellow clansmen will be buried with me!"

The only ones who can threaten the purple-clothed scorpion are her fellow clansmen.Seeing the tension and worry revealed in the eyes of the purple-clothed scorpion, Xu Miao knew that she had made the right bet.

The Hundred Poisonous Centipede's voice was cold: "Fellow Daoist in purple, this person has deceived the four of us so much, but it also shows from another aspect that he does not have the strength to confront us head-on."

"All schemes are meaningless empty talk in front of absolute power!" At this moment, the killing intent of the Hundred Poisonous Centipede was fully released.

If it were an ordinary monk, the violent killing intent of this ninth-level monster alone would be enough to destroy a late-stage Jindan monk.But Xu Miao has the consciousness of half-step god transformation, and has the dragon power in her body, so how can she be afraid of the killing intent of the hundred poisonous centipedes.

Xu Miao circulated the dragon's blood and easily dispelled the killing intent of the centipede. Xu Miao did not ignore the surprise that flashed in the eyes of the centipede.

"Are you curious, how can I resist your killing intent?" Xu Miao's eyes fell on the Hundred Poisonous Centipede, "The reason is very simple, because you are too weak!"

Anyway, Xu Miao didn't mind that it had aroused the other party's strong killing intent, and made the other party even more angry.Adding fuel to the fire, Xu Miao is very familiar with it.

Xu Miao turned to the purple-clothed scorpion: "In the Soul Martial Gate, we didn't get anything, and you saw it too. Whether I really did harm to you, I'm afraid I didn't."

"Since we can be allies in Soul Wumen, we can also be allies now. You release the tracking on me, and I can promise that I will never do anything to your kind."

"After all, in your scorpion clan, you are the only ninth-level monster. It is impossible for the three of you to stay in the territory of the scorpion clan for many years."

"As for me, I have a lot of time. When I'm in a good mood, I can come here for a walk, and when I'm in a bad mood, I can also come here for a walk."

Xu Miao placed all her interests in front of the purple-clothed scorpion, as long as the purple-clothed scorpion had a slight worry about her fellow clan, she would agree to Xu Miao's proposal.

A potential danger, or a potential ally, a normal person's brain, as long as they are not trapped by the door, will choose the latter.Seeing the hesitation flashing across the face of the purple-clothed scorpion, Hundred Poisonous Centipede hastily said.

"Ziyi, have you forgotten how this human being played tricks on us? How can you still trust this human being? Human beings are cunning and incompatible with us monsters!"

"The life and death of the same clan are all in the mind of the purple-clothed senior. Your clan is also watching you. Don't make a decision that disappoints them." tactics.

The purple-clothed scorpion looked at its fellow scorpions around, and finally made up its mind: "I can untie the tracking for you, but you have to make an oath of heaven and never do anything to my scorpion family."

"Next time, when I see you again, I will never show mercy!" The purple-clothed scorpion stared at Xu Miao stubbornly. She was defeated by a human monk at the golden core stage, and she was so convinced.

Xu Miao smiled with a relaxed expression: "Of course, as long as Senior Ziyi promises to follow me for the rest of his life, let me go, and not harm the scorpion demon clan, I can make it at any time."

The purple-clothed scorpion read the formula, and a monster force hit Xu Miao, and the pursuit was eliminated.As a promise, Xu Miao steadfastly made an oath of heaven that she would never do anything to the scorpion demon clan for life.

With the guarantee of the purple-clothed scorpion, Xu Miao took Qingjiao and Huoyan spirit and left the territory of the scorpion clan in a big way.As soon as she left the line of sight of the four, Xu Miao quickly teleported, changing her breath constantly during the teleportation process.

Without the special tracking of the purple-clothed scorpion, even a level nine monster would not be able to track Xu Miao's whereabouts.The Hundred Poisonous Centipede stared at the purple-clothed scorpion with a serious face, "Ziyi, you let him go!"

"My dignity is insignificant compared to the life and death of my fellow clan." The purple-clothed scorpion changed from its previous charming and casual attitude, and was very serious, "If you have nothing to do, I will not send you away."

The purple-clothed scorpion flicked his sleeves, left the three hundred poisonous centipedes behind, and went back to the cave.Seeing this, the Hundred Poisonous Centipede turned angrily and left the territory of the Scorpion Demon Clan.

The three demons searched separately, and searched the way out of the Hepu Mountains with the fastest speed, but they still couldn't find Xu Miao, so they had to go back separately.

When Hundred Poisonous Centipede thought of this, it was difficult to calm down.Even a level nine monster, even a cultivator who transformed himself into a god, would not dare to treat him like this.

But he was tricked to such an extent by a monk in the late stage of Golden Core.He even made the purple-clothed scorpion withdraw from their alliance and form an alliance with humans.

The most exasperating thing is that he didn't know the origin of this human being from the beginning to the end.That human face was covered by a special magic weapon, making it impossible to see the real face.

If we meet next time, I am afraid that the human being will not recognize him when he walks in front of him.The more poisonous centipede thought about it, the more angry he became, and angrily cut off all the nearby trees.

Xu Miao didn't know how the Hundred Poisonous Centipede would behave after he left, but he knew that the mood of these three ninth-level monsters would definitely not be any better.

In fact, he didn't leave the Hepu Mountain Range immediately, but turned his head to the place with the most monks in the Hepu Mountain Range.

The most dangerous place is the safest place. No one would have guessed that after Xu Miao escaped from the hands of four level [-] monsters, she did not leave immediately, but stayed in the Hepu Mountain Range.

Although the Hepu Mountains are under the jurisdiction of the monsters, there will be monks who often enter the Hepu Mountains to kill monsters and obtain beast pills.Since the beast tide, monks and monsters have been calm for a while, and now it's time to kill each other again.

The cultivator of Huashen reached a consensus with the ninth-level monster, and the monk was allowed to attack the monster, and the monster was also allowed to attack the monk.Whether it is life or death, it all depends on whose fist is hard.

When Xu Miao came here, he happened to meet a seventh-level monster, which killed two mid-Golden Core and one late-Golden Core monks.Xu Miao rolled her eyes and thought about it.

He tore his clothes torn, and even got some blood from the monk's corpse to smear on his body, creating the situation that he had just experienced a life-and-death struggle.

The safest way is to mix with a group of people. Following a group of people will weaken the attention of other monsters.In order to be more on the safe side, Xu Miao also lowered her cultivation base to the middle stage of Golden Core.

Xu Miao's spiritual sense felt that not far ahead, there were a few monks in the golden core stage.He stumbled over and fell right in front of one of them.

Whether it is the timing of the fall or the angle of the fall, it is extremely perfect.Xu Miao couldn't help but praise her acting skills in her heart.

"Brother, he's injured!" A young woman's voice sounded, and it was Xu Miao's target who fell down.

"In the Hepu Mountains, many monks die every day, let alone a wounded monk." The man's voice sounded, and the man's tone showed no intention of accepting Xu Miao.

The young woman retorted in disapproval: "Isn't that what we didn't see? Now someone is falling in front of me, how can I ignore it?"

"How do you know that he didn't fall in front of you on purpose?" The man's words made Xu Miao feel ashamed. He really did fall in front of the nun on purpose.

(End of this chapter)

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