Chapter 363

Xu Miao raised her head at this time in a timely manner, her voice was weak: "Don't be embarrassed, everyone, I will leave immediately, cough cough cough—" He coughed as he spoke, imitating the appearance of being seriously injured.

Regardless of the male cultivator's expression of disapproval, the female cultivator accepted Xu Miao into her team: "We are monks from Jingtaimen, fellow Taoists can stay with us for a while, and leave after we leave the Hepu Mountain Range."

Although Xu Miao despised her behavior very much, she couldn't care less about it at the moment.Only by being with a group of monks can we guarantee our own safety to the greatest extent.

From the conversations between several people, Xu Miao knew that all three were monks from Jingtaimen.The one who sympathized with Xu Miao and extended a helping hand to Xu Miao was Jiang Man, who was in the middle stage of Jindan.

The male cultivator who opposed Jiang Man was Gu Fanhua in the late Jindan period.There is another person who has been silent all this time, Jiang Man's senior sister He Yanshi, who is also a late Jindan monk.

In order to win the trust of the three of them, Xu Miao deliberately disrupted her spiritual power, and now she pretended to take out a healing elixir and adjusted her complexion to be normal.

Xu Miao was not able to accept help from others with peace of mind. Since he was blessed by Jingtaimen, as a reward, he would help the three of them kill the monsters.

"Now there is still a big gap from the task entrusted to us by the sect. Five hundred sixth-level beast pills and fifty seventh-level beast pills, we only obtained more than 100 sixth-level beast pills, and seven-level beast pills Didn't even see it!" Jiang Man complained in a low voice.

For two late-Golden Core and one mid-Golden Core monk, this task is simply impossible to complete.Xu Miao had never heard of Jingtaimen, and it proved from the side that Jingtaimen was just a small school.

Since it is a small sect, there will definitely not be monks with outstanding strength.But their sect assigned such a mission. If the monk in charge of the assignment hadn't been caught by the door, there was only one possibility, and that was that the three of them had offended the monk who assigned the mission.

"According to the map, there is a seventh-level cave in front of us. Let's go to see if there are any monsters in the cave. If not, we will set up a formation and wait for the rabbit."

"If there are monsters in there, I'll lure them away. You two hurry up, arrange the formation, and kill the monsters when they return." Gu Fanhua issued an orderly order.

In such a situation of being obviously made things difficult, he can still be so calm and composed. This Gu Fanhua has a firm heart and is a character.Gu Fanhua's eyes fell on Xu Miao, and he frowned, as if he was thinking about how to arrange Xu Miao.

"Fellow Daoist Gu don't have to worry about it. Although I haven't completely healed from my injuries, I can help fellow Daoist's two junior sisters arrange formations."

Gu Fanhua didn't expect Xu Miao to lure the monster away with him, so he took a deep look at Xu Miao, turned around and flew to the seventh-level monster cave.

A late Jindan cultivator from a little-known sect dared to confront a seventh-level monster. This courage alone was enough for Xu Miao to respect.The roar of the seventh-level monster came, a silver light flashed, and Gu Fanhua led the seventh-level monster to run away.

Jiang Man and He Yanshi hurriedly came to the seventh-level monster cave and began to arrange the formation.This formation is an extremely ordinary attack formation. Even if it can cause some damage to the seventh-level monsters, it cannot completely kill them.

Once the seventh-level monster does not die within the formation, what awaits the three of them will be a certain death.Xu Miao pondered for a moment, walked to Jiang Man's side, and said: "The attack power of your formation is too low to have the effect of killing a seventh-level monster with one blow."

Jiang Man froze for a moment, before he could speak, he heard He Yanshi's cold voice: "Does Fellow Daoist Yu have a better formation?"

"That's natural." Xu Miao did not cancel the formation that the two had previously arranged, but improved on the basis of this attack formation.Jiang Man didn't know much about formations, but He Yanshi did.

An ordinary attack formation, improved by Xu Miao's hands, has increased its power by more than five times!He Yanshi watched Xu Miao's method of modifying the formation without blinking. She can be sure that this person's attainment in formation has definitely reached a very high level.

At least among the formation masters she has seen, no one has been able to improve the formation so lightly and greatly enhance the attack power of the formation.

Although Jiang Man didn't understand formations, every monk could feel the power of a complete formation.A strong murderous intent was contained in the formation, if she entered the formation herself, she would be strangled into mud within a short while.

"Fellow Daoist Yu, I didn't expect your formation to be so advanced!" Jiang Man was simple-minded, and didn't think too much about Xu Miao's origin, but only thanked her for keeping this monk behind. "With this formation, we will definitely be able to Level [-] monster kill."

But Xu Miao shook her head: "It's not enough. The attack power of the current formation is too strong. The seventh-level monster is not a fool. Once it sees the formation in front of the cave, it can think that it has been tricked."

While explaining to Jiang Man, he continued to move several formation flags to form a formation within a formation.The outermost formation is a formation that conceals the breath, and is used to confuse the seventh-level monsters.

The internal formation is the most important killing formation, and its power is enough to kill seventh-level monsters.He Yanshi's eyes became brighter and brighter when he saw Xu Miao's way of arranging the formation.

She has only seen it in various jade slips.Each formation has different characteristics. Combining different formations may directly weaken the two formations.

Only by thoroughly understanding the two formations, and according to the specific rules of the formation, can we arrange the formation within the formation that allows the two formations to live in harmony without compromising the power of the formation.

The jade pendant that He Yanshi had been hanging around her waist suddenly lit up. She picked up the jade pendant with a concentrated expression: "Brother Gu has already escaped, and that seventh-level monster is on its way back."

Xu Miao nodded to express her understanding, planted the last formation flag, and hid behind a boulder not far from the cave with the two female cultivators.Jiang Man looked excited. She had never successfully killed a seventh-level monster.

Just thinking about it makes me excited.Unlike Jiang Man's excitement, He Yanshi was very calm.She looked straight at the formation, although in her eyes, the formation was already extremely mysterious.

But after all, she has never fought against a seventh-level monster. She doesn't know the true strength of the seventh-level monster, and she still has a faint worry in her heart.

Seeing He Yanshi's worry, Xu Miao comforted her, "Don't worry, this formation has been specially improved, so it's easy to deal with a seventh-level monster."

As soon as the words fell, the seventh-level monster appeared in the sight of the three of them.The three of Xu Miao had their own means to hide their aura, so the seventh-level monsters were completely unaware that there were three human monks beside the cave.

It scanned the cave cautiously, and He Yanshi's heart directly rose to his throat.If it is discovered by a seventh-level monster, it will definitely arouse its rage, and then attack the surrounding environment...

Xu Miao looked calm, with a smile on the corner of her mouth.It's just a seventh-level monster, even if Xu Miao showed up at this time, he could kill him by the sword.What's more, this formation, after his special improvement, has absolutely no possibility of finding and escaping this seventh-level monster.

Sure enough, the seventh-level monster didn't notice any abnormalities, and it walked back to the cave with confident and bold strides.Just when it was about to enter the cave, the internal formation suddenly activated, completely trapping the seventh-level monster in the attack formation.

With a thought in Xu Miao's mind, the attack formation began to attack.Powerful attacks landed on the seventh-level monster one after another, and the seventh-level monster let out a mournful roar in rage.

Jiang Man showed surprise. She had already overestimated the power of the formation, but she never thought that this formation, which was casually modified by Xu Miao, could cause such serious damage to the seventh-level monsters.

Gu Fanhua, who came from a distance, also saw the miserable situation of the seventh-level monster, and he frowned, thinking about the reason.He clearly saw that this formation was not the formation of their Jingtais.

The previous formation could only provide limited attacks, and he and the two junior sisters had to be added to attack at the same time, and there was only a chance to kill the seventh-level monster.

But the current situation was far beyond his expectations. They didn't need to take action at all. This formation has already done it for them, strangling the seventh-level monsters in the formation.

The screams of the seventh-level monsters became weaker and weaker, and the aura they emitted became weaker and weaker, until finally they lost their aura.He Yanshi noticed Xu Miao's expression. From the beginning to the end, he showed no surprise or surprise, as if he had already prepared.

Seeing the complete death of the seventh-level monster, Jiang Man cheered, ran to Gu Fanhua, and told him the reason.Gu Fanhua looked at Xu Miao with a complicated expression. The person who can improve the formation to this point is by no means an ordinary person.

He couldn't figure out Xu Miao's purpose, why did he want to partner with them despite having such strength, Gu Fanhua didn't think Jingtaimen had anything worthy of Xu Miao's fancy.

Xu Miao walked towards the formation, dispelled the formation, and at the same time sent a voice transmission to Gu Fanhua: "I have absolutely no malice towards Fellow Daoist, but due to the situation, I need to go with the three fellow Daoists."

"I can assure you that it will not affect you. As a reward, I will help you complete the sect's mission." Xu Miao didn't fully explain his origin.

But Gu Fanhua also knew that according to Xu Miao's strength, if he wanted to attack the three of them, they might not have the strength to fight back, and they would be killed completely.

With Xu Miao's promise, Gu Fanhua temporarily suppressed his worries and took out the beast pill of a seventh-level monster.

"Yu Daoyou, what you said just now must mean something?" Gu Fanhua stared at the beast pill in his hand and came up with a plan.Since Xu Miao has such strength, he might as well cooperate with Xu Miao to kill the seventh-level monsters together, so that Jiang Man and He Yanshi don't have to be in danger.

Xu Miao glanced at him with a half-smile: "I will do what I say."

"Then, can Fellow Daoist Yu join me in killing the seventh-level monsters and let the two junior sisters rest here?"

(End of this chapter)

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