Chapter 364

Gu Fanhua's proposal can indeed protect Jiang Man and He Yanshi, but with only two of them, the goal will become bigger.The reason why he approached Jingtaimen and his party was because of their numbers.

Three people, no more and no less, just the number of people who would not attract the attention of high-level monsters.

"I can help you kill, but your two junior sisters need to go together. Don't worry, the two of them only need to go together, and they don't need to do anything else."

Gu Fanhua also knew that Xu Miao had regressed, and it was already the limit to agree to help kill the monster.If he offended the other party, Xu Miao would probably turn around and leave.

In the Hepu Mountain Range, although there are not many teams of three, there are also many.As long as Xu Miao is willing, she can give up on them and find another team.With Xu Miao's strong strength, no matter which team he goes to, he will definitely be welcomed by those teams.

"Thank you, Fellow Daoist." Gu Fanhua bowed respectfully to Xu Miao. If others saw it, they would definitely make a fuss.What Xu Miao is showing now is only the strength of the mid-stage Golden Core, but Gu Fanhua is actually a late-stage Golden Core.

A monk in the late stage of Golden Core saluted to a monk in the middle stage of Golden Core, and those who saw it would think that they were probably blind.

Xu Miao has never been to the Hepu Mountain Range, and she came here this time to find the scorpion demon clan.He is not familiar with other regions.Gu Fanhua put the map in front of Xu Miao, waiting for Xu Miao to check it.

Xu Miao's spiritual sense swept over, and she had a comprehensive view of the entire Hepu Mountain Range.Most of the monsters in the Hepu Mountains are entrenched in the family as a unit.

Even if there are many scattered monsters, they are not many.Gu Fanhua has already marked the caves of individual seventh-level monsters, but there are only a dozen of them, which is far from enough.It is not an easy task to find fifty single seventh-level monsters.

"Let's go to the lairs of these seventh-level monsters first, and kill the dozen or so seven-level monsters first, and then figure out what to do with the rest." Xu Miao returned the map to Gu Fanhua and ordered calmly.

The three of Jingtaimen didn't have any objections, and followed Xu Miao to the nearest seventh-level monster cave.With Xu Miao making a move, there is no need for Gu Fanhua to make a move.

Xu Miao led the three of them directly into the cave of a seventh-level monster, which was originally taking a nap.Seeing the four of Xu Miao who came in suddenly, they attacked furiously.

Jiang Man's face turned pale in an instant, and the attack of the seventh-level monsters in rage could kill them directly.Even Gu Fanhua knew Xu Miao's strength and couldn't help being worried when he saw this situation.

In case Xu Miao couldn't catch this attack, and his body died and his body disappeared, the seventh-level monsters would be the three of them.The attack had already arrived in front of Xu Miao, Xu Miao didn't even frown, and the Mist Condensing Sword appeared in an instant, with a murderous aura, a silver light flashed, and the sword cut his throat.

Before Jiang Man could close his mouth, he saw that Xu Miao had dealt with the seventh-level monster with just one move.The seventh-level monster kept its eyes open until it died, as if it couldn't believe that the one who took its life was a mid-Gold Core cultivator.

Xu Miao grasped it with her right hand, and took the corpse of the seventh-level monster in front of her: "Put the corpse away, let's go to the next seventh-level monster cave."

Gu Fanhua had already overestimated Xu Miao's strength, but he did not expect Xu Miao's strength to be so powerful.According to the action of killing the seventh-level monster just now, he guessed that Xu Miao had at least the strength of the middle stage of Nascent Soul.

After all, in Gu Fanhua's perception, it is impossible for people of the same level to resolve the battle so quickly.Therefore, only in the middle stage of the Nascent Soul can it be possible to kill it with one blow.

Gu Fanhua silently put away the body of the seventh-level monster, while Jiang Man walked up to Xu Miao excitedly, and asked Xu Miao how he did that blow just now.

Xu Miao briefly explained some sword skills and the timing of the sword in a good-tempered manner.After all, if it wasn't for Jiang Man, Gu Fanhua would not have kept him.

Xu Miao would never be stingy with what he knew, who would reciprocate and treat him with kindness.Gu Fanhua quietly looked at Jiang Man's happy face, and couldn't help but think of Jiang Man's expression if he knew that Xu Miao was a monk in the middle stage of Yuanying.

Xu Miao's attainments in the way of the sword have already surpassed most sword repairers.With his current cultivation level, casually telling Jiang Man about his cultivation experience will benefit the other party a lot.

Xu Miao moved quickly, leading the three of Gu Fanhua to and fro in the Hepu Mountains.Except for a few seventh-level monsters from the cave who left, all the remaining seventh-level monsters were beheaded by Xu Miao.

Xu Miao has already completed all the places marked by Gu Fanhua, and got eleven seventh-level beast pills.While looking for the seventh-level cave, Xu Miao also killed many sixth-level monsters and obtained more than 200 sixth-level beast pills.

Xu Miao really wanted to take out the beast pill that once killed monsters in the East China Sea, but such things as beast pills have extremely strong characteristics.Sea beast pills have a unique salty taste, which is quite different from monster pills in the mountains.

As long as you take it out, you can be seen.The three of Gu Fanhua had already offended the monks in the sect, and now if they used the beast pill of the sea beast, they would not be rewarded, but endless troubles.

When Xu Miaoshang was discussing the next destination with Gu Fanhua, a mocking voice suddenly sounded: "Hey, isn't this Junior Brother Gu? Have you completed your mission yet?"

Xu Miao's spiritual sense had noticed these five people a long time ago, and also found that their attire was the same as that of Gu Fanhua and the other three.But he didn't remind in time that he couldn't get involved in the internal affairs of Jingtai Gate.

"Deng Qifa, what does it have to do with you whether we have completed the task or not!" Jiang Man choked first, Deng Qifa had evil intentions and had been coveting He Yanshi.

But He Yanshi had already been with Gu Fanhua, and would never agree to Deng Qifa's request.In a rage, Deng Qifa mobilized the forces in the sect to assign such a task to the three of Gu Fanhua, with a time limit of three months.

Just [-] beast pills of level [-] monsters is enough to cause headaches for monks in the later stage of Jindan, not to mention [-] beast pills of level [-] monsters.

If Gu Fanhua can complete this task, it proves that he has enough strength to be a sincere Taoist partner with He Yanshi. If he cannot complete this task, he will be expelled from the sect.

Deng Qifa has an elder of the same clan who is the only mid-stage Nascent Soul cultivator in Jingtaimen. Deng Qifa went to ask the Nascent Soul cultivator, and the Nascent Soul cultivator naturally agreed.Under the oppression of monk Yuanying, Gu Fanhua could only agree.

From Jiang Man's mouth, Xu Miao learned the real reason why the three of them came here.Originally thought that the three of Gu Fanhua just offended the person in charge of assigning the task, but they didn't expect such a wonderful drama to follow.

"Jiang Man, there's no place for you middle-stage monks to intervene when the late Jindan monks talk." Deng Qifa glanced at Jiang Man, then turned his head to signal the monks behind him.

A late Jindan cultivator behind him was instructed to shoot Jiang Man directly.Gu Fanhua wanted to change his position to block the attack, but was stopped by Deng Qifa.

"Junior Brother Gu, isn't your sweetheart Junior Sister He? You also have to take care of Junior Sister Jiang's life?" Deng Qifa stopped in front of Gu Fanhua and said maliciously.

When everyone didn't notice Xu Miao, Xu Miao suddenly disappeared in place, and suddenly appeared in front of Jiang Man, blocking the attack of the late Jindan cultivator.

Xu Miao is not a good opponent, since the three of Gu Fanhua and Deng Qifa have already torn their faces, he will never show mercy.A palm hit straight at the late-stage cultivator who made the shot, directly hitting the opponent back again and again, spitting out a big mouthful of blood.

"At the late stage of Jindan's attack on a mid-stage monk, it really opened my eyes." Xu Miao stood in front of Jiang Man, raised her chin slightly, and looked at Deng Qifa with disdain.

"What are you! How dare you attack my people!" Deng Qifa raised his hand, and the three late Jindan cultivators behind him attacked Xu Miao at the same time.

Xu Miao let out a cold snort. Overcoming the attacks of the three late-stage cultivators, she suddenly stood in front of Deng Qifa, raised her hand and slapped her: "I will not only attack your people, but I will also attack you."

A clear palm print immediately appeared on Deng Qifa's face, and Xu Miao pretended to be generous: "One is not good enough, let's have another one."

Deng Qifa really wanted to avoid Xu Miao's slap, but he found that the moment Xu Miao raised his hand, his body couldn't move at all.He could only keep his eyes wide open, watching Xu Miao slap on the other side of his face.

A loud and crisp sound sounded in the quiet atmosphere, and as the sound disappeared, palm prints emerged.Xu Miao patted Deng Qifa's face and nodded with satisfaction: "This looks much better."

Gu Fanhua and He Yanshi were still in shock. They never thought that Xu Miao would attack Deng Qifa directly. After slapping Deng Qifa, he slapped him again.

Jiang Man was full of smiles: "Brother Yu, well done!" When Gu Fanhua heard this address, the corners of his mouth twitched constantly: As your cousin-in-law, I have never heard you call me big brother!

Deng Qifa could no longer care about the three of Gu Fanhua. He stepped back in a panic, covered his face with one hand, raised the other, and pointed at Xu Miao tremblingly: "Who the hell are you! Do you know that I have a middle-stage Nascent Soul?" elders!"

Xu Miao walked forward calmly, and kept approaching Deng Qifa: "Oh? Nascent Soul Middle Stage? Is it scary?" Xu Miao didn't make a move now, but Deng Qifa was absolutely suppressed.

"What are you three standing there for? Don't beat him to death!" Deng Qifa's voice was hoarse, and his whole body was trembling uncontrollably.

However, after seeing Xu Miao make a move, the three late Jindan cultivators hesitated.The opponent was only at the middle stage of Jindan, but he was able to easily avoid the combined attack of the three of them and attack Deng Qifa.

The three of them will definitely not be the opponent of the person in front of them. The three of them looked at each other tacitly and chose to remain silent.Deng Qifa never expected that these three people would follow his orders five times.

He roared hoarsely: "If you don't take action, what awaits you is the wrath of the Nascent Soul cultivator!"

(End of this chapter)

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