Taikoo Immortal King

Chapter 365 Soul Martial Art

Chapter 365 Soul Martial Art

The three late Jindan cultivators looked at Deng Qifa hesitantly, still hesitating.Xu Miao sneered again and again: "The three of you have two choices now."

"First, leave immediately. If you don't get involved in this matter, I can consider not taking action against you. Second, listen to his words and do it. You will bear my anger before you bear the anger of Nascent Soul cultivator."

Xu Miao controlled his consciousness to the strength of the middle stage of Nascent Soul, and swept across it, and the faces of the three monks turned pale at the same time.

"I'll count to three, and you have time to think about it and think about whether you are ready to bear my anger." Xu Miao looked very relaxed, as if he was the monk in the middle stage of Nascent Soul, instead of showing A middle-stage Jindan monk.

"As long as we leave, can you guarantee that we will not be hunted down by Deng Qifa?" one of the monks asked cautiously.

"You are not qualified to tell me the conditions, one, two—" Before the three words could be spoken, the three late Jindan cultivators turned around, turned into three rays of light, and quickly disappeared from everyone's sight.

Deng Qifa stood on the spot, jumping and cursing continuously, but couldn't call back the three monks: "Useless things! I will settle accounts with you sooner or later!"

"Settling the score? It's up to you? You can't protect yourself now, how can you have the confidence to go to those three people to settle the score." Xu Miao's eyes were cold, without the slightest warmth, and the undisguised killing intent finally made Deng Qifa terrified.

Deng Qifa trembling his lips, sternly: "You, you can't, you can't kill me. Jingtaimen is not something you can mess with. My elder is a monk of Nascent Soul."

"As long as you are willing to let me go, I can swear that I will not let the elders trouble you, and I can also ask my elders to help you once. You have to think clearly, the favor of a Nascent Soul cultivator is not so easy to get. "

The more Deng Qifa said, the more confident he became. His biggest backer was the mid-stage Nascent Soul cultivator. This temptation was an irresistible temptation for most Golden Core cultivators.

Gu Fanhua sneered, he guessed that Xu Miao's real strength was the middle stage of Nascent Soul.Does a monk in the mid-Yuanying period need the promise of a monk of the same rank?
"Middle-stage Yuanying monk, will he listen to you?" Xu Miao's eyes turned cold, and the Ningwu sword was unsheathed, directly cutting off Deng Qifa's carotid artery, spurting out fresh blood.

After killing a monk from Jingtaimen, Xu Miao didn't look panicked.On the contrary, the faces of Gu Fanhua and the others all changed.They originally thought that Xu Miao was just teaching Deng Qiqi a casual lesson, but they didn't expect Xu Miao to simply kill him.

"Fellow Daoist Yu, what you are doing is likely to attract Deng Qifa's backers to chase and kill you." He Yanshi was not without worry. Although Jingtaimen was not well-known in the Eastern Continent, it dominated the Hepu Mountains.

But as far as Xu Miao is concerned, the highest level of monks is only a sect in the middle stage of Nascent Soul, so he really doesn't take it to heart.

"Even if behind him is a monk in the late Yuanying period, we can't find who killed him."

Xu Miao skillfully removed Deng Qifa's storage magic weapon and threw it to Gu Fanhua: "Look at how many animal pills are in his storage bag."

Since Deng Qifa would bring people here, he must have tripped Gu Fanhua.The best way is to go ahead of Gu Fanhua and kill some of the sixth-level and seventh-level monsters, so that Gu Fanhua cannot complete the task within the three-month deadline.

Without the owner's magic weapon of storage, anyone can open it.Gu Fanhua opened it as he said, and was shocked by the contents inside: "There are dozens of beast pills of seventh-level monsters inside, and hundreds of beast pills of sixth-level monsters!"

Xu Miao nodded with satisfaction: "This Deng Qifa is not useless, at least it has solved your urgent needs. Since the number of animal pills is sufficient, we don't need to continue to stay in the Hepu Mountains, and leave the mountains immediately."

With the help of Xu Miao, the three of Gu Fanhua successfully completed the task. They followed Xu Miao without any objection, and walked out of the Hepu Mountains without stopping.

It was already a long distance from the Hepu Mountains. Xu Miao was sure that the three ninth-level monsters hadn't noticed him, and turned around to say goodbye to the three of them: "Thank you for your help, I am very grateful, farewell!"

After saying that, Xu Miao turned into a silver light and quickly disappeared from the eyes of the three of them.Jiang Man looked at Xu Miao's figure, feeling lost.Ever since she was a child, she has never seen a monk as outstanding as Xu Miao.

Looking at Jiang Man's expression, Gu Fanhua shook his head helplessly and sighed.Although Xu Miao never told them his real identity.But he knew that this monk was by no means an ordinary person, and he would not stop because of Jiang Man.

Shui Mei should have gone to the west land with Song Siyu now, there will be no danger.Next, he needs to find a safe place with sufficient spiritual power to advance to Nascent Soul.

Xu Miao set this location inside the ancient secret realm.There is plenty of aura in there, and no outsiders will disturb it.In addition, after successfully conceiving a baby in the ancient secret realm, the catastrophe will not come down immediately, which can give him enough time to prepare.

Once the plan is made, Xu Miao will fly directly to the exit of the ancient secret realm.The way to return to the ancient secret realm is still on the five tokens.

Shui San read the formula, and appeared out of thin air with the jade plate inside the ancient secret realm.Xu Miao put five tokens on the jade board, and an entrance slowly opened.

The moment Xu Miao entered the entrance, she put away the five tokens on the jade board.When the entrance was closed, the place returned to calm.Anyone who comes here will not know that there was a mysterious entrance here.

The aura of heaven and earth in the ancient secret realm is still rich and abundant, Xu Miao is very satisfied: "Shui San, since I prepared for the advanced Jindan stage in my previous life, now I want to advance to the Nascent Soul, is there any corresponding space?"

Shui San nodded and brought Xu Miao to a brand new space.This space is larger than the space Xu Miao was in when he advanced the advanced golden elixir, and correspondingly, there are a lot more laws of heaven and earth stored in it.

Xu Miao now has fifteen half-laws of heaven and earth. If he wants to simply advance, he only needs to refine half-laws of heaven and earth.If you make up sixteen paths, you can also advance to the Nascent Soul Stage.

It's just such an advancement, the strength of the Nascent Soul Stage will not be much higher.Xu Miao will not be satisfied with this, his goal is to stand on the highest peak, so that everyone can only look up to him.

Since there are historical records in the world of comprehension, monks who have advanced to the Nascent Soul stage can refine up to 32 laws of heaven and earth.Moreover, this record was created by a monk in ancient times.

Since then, no monk has refined 32 laws of heaven and earth when he advanced to Nascent Soul.Not to mention 32, even [-] are very few.

Xie Ling'an, a genius cultivator of the Eastern Continent, had only 29 laws of heaven and earth when he advanced to Yuan Ying.Even though it didn't reach the number thirty, 29 was already proud of the Eastland comprehension world.

At least until Xu Miao's era, no monk had claimed to have surpassed Xie Ling'an's refining capacity.Xu Miao is now in the space specially created by himself in the previous life, and his goal is not Xie Lingan's 29 ways at all.

It was the brilliant and brilliant monk from ancient times—the 32 Laws of Heaven and Earth. The 32 laws of heaven and earth are easy to say, but even more difficult to implement.

Especially in today's cultivation world, the concentration of heaven and earth aura, the monk's own physical strength, and his comprehension of the laws of heaven and earth will all affect the refining of the laws of heaven and earth.

Many monks could barely refine the twenty laws of heaven and earth until they advanced to the stage of becoming a god.This also shows from the side, the difficulty of refining the law of heaven and earth.

Xu Miao has successfully refined a half-day law since the beginning of the Qi refining period.It can be said that Xu Miao has won at the starting line.With the help of the three laws of heaven and earth in the ancient secret realm, Xu Miao left the monks of the same level far behind.

His gaze was never limited to the cultivators in the lower plane of the Earth and Space. He saw far and high, pointing directly at the upper plane.Those monks on the upper plane are Xu Miao's future opponents.

Xu Miao put away her complicated thoughts, calmed down, and took out the Soul Martial Incense Burner, the Soul Solid Incense, and the Soul Cultivation Technique of the Soul Martial School.His current soul is still a little floating, and if he wants to increase the success rate of conceiving a baby, he must stabilize his soul.

The corresponding skills of Hunwumen are all deep in Xu Miao's soul.He raised his hand to ignite the Soul-fixing Incense, and the familiar aroma gradually rose, filling the entire space.

Surrounded by this fragrance, Xu Miao's soul seemed extremely calm.Xu Miao began to cultivate the soul according to the martial arts of the soul.The chess player didn't tell him how long it would take to practice this technique.

Before practicing meditation, Xu Miao had told Shui San not to disturb him no matter what happened.Xu Miao's soul completely resonated with the exercises, and the soul that had been floating above finally landed on the ground.

The stability of the soul gave Xu Miao the foundation to practice the next exercises.Xu Miao didn't stop at this moment. If he stopped practicing directly and started to advance to Nascent Soul, he would naturally be able to advance successfully.

But Xu Miao's end point is not Nascent Soul, he has to go further.Therefore, to practice any skill, one must practice to the limit.Guhunxiang continued to exude its unique fragrance, and Xu Miao never opened her eyes in this fragrance.

The soul is the most illusory thing, but Hunwumen can materialize this illusory thing, Xu Miao has to admire the monk who created this technique.

It is mentioned in the exercises that the power of the soul can be improved by borrowing the laws of heaven and earth.Xu Miao slowly mobilized the law golden dragon deep in the blue sea.The golden dragon continuously rotates around the soul, injecting the soul with the power that belongs to heaven and earth.

This technique turned out to transform the power of the law into the power of the soul.It's no wonder that the Soul Martial Sect eventually led to the disaster of exterminating the sect. This kind of cultivation technique is too peculiar, breaking the balance between the Dao of Heaven and the monks.

It is also mentioned in the exercise that when practicing this exercise, it is very easy to attract catastrophe.Because this technique is not tolerated by heaven and earth at all, it will naturally be sanctioned by heaven.

(End of this chapter)

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