Chapter 366

Due to the peculiarity of Xu Miao's space, there is no need to worry about a catastrophe falling.Xu Miao can safely and boldly practice the martial arts of Soul Wumen without any worries.

Xu Miao's soul has materialized from only a sliver of entity to most of it now.In his soul state, he can even leave his body and walk outside without being afraid of the external environment.

When he was in the secret place of Nanjing Sect, although Xu Miao's soul was also separated from the body, but at the moment of separation, Gong Shi used means to collect it into a specific magic weapon.

If there is no such magic weapon, the souls of all monks will be wiped out in the blink of an eye.The power of the soul is both powerful and fragile.Without the blessing of a magic weapon, a random separation of the soul would directly destroy a monk.

Walking in the world in the form of a soul, in the jade slips, only a few monks who have practiced special skills can achieve this level.

Now, Xu Miao has also managed to separate the soul from the body by practicing the skills of the Soul Wumen.At the critical moment, Xu Miao can completely deceive others with his soul, and let Shui San or others bring his body and soul together.

The "two" Xu Miao sat facing each other, but one of them, Xu Miao, just sat and did not move.The other Xu Miao can make various expressions and movements.

The body without the soul is still like a corpse.If two souls can be cultivated, maybe the problem of the body talking can be solved.

But these things are not what he continues to deal with now. Xu Miao called Shui San and asked him, only to find out that five years have passed since he started practicing.

The Hunwumen's skills are really extraordinary, even if it is the reincarnation Nirvana Jue, he has only practiced it for nine years.Xu Miao calculated that he still has 35 years left before the Zhonglu Cultivator Ranking Competition.

In the world of comprehension, some monks often retreat for 100 years in order to advance to the Nascent Soul stage.Some monks even close the concept of life and death.

If they cannot conceive a baby smoothly within the time of retreat, the only thing waiting for them is death.Xu Miao will not belittle herself, nor will she be arrogant. For him, 35 years is really a bit tense.

He swung Shui San back, sat cross-legged, put his hands on his knees naturally, and began to absorb the aura of heaven and earth in the space.The majestic spiritual energy entered his body along the left and right palms.

Each meridian is filled with rich spiritual energy, which rapidly rotates in the body.Xu Miao did not suppress the speed of the spiritual power. On the contrary, he took the initiative to guide the spiritual power, using the monk's own intimacy with the spiritual power to speed up the speed.

More and more spiritual power continuously poured into the dantian and merged into the golden elixir.The most important thing in forming a baby is to form a baby.All the power of the Nascent Soul cultivator comes from the Nascent Soul, as long as the Nascent Soul is not destroyed, the monk will not die.

In the battle, even if the body of the Nascent Soul monk is destroyed by the enemy, the Nascent Soul will not be destroyed, and he can still survive.A monk only needs to find a suitable body, seize it, and then practice again.

The strength of the Nascent Soul cultivator is not only the depth of mana, but also that it is equivalent to other cultivators, they have one more life.This life comes from Yuan Ying.

To advance the Jindan to the Nascent Soul, one needs to first melt the Golden Pill and shape it into the prototype of the Nascent Soul, and then fill the prototype with majestic spiritual power until the Nascent Soul takes shape.

There are three difficulties recognized by the monks in the advanced Nascent Soul. One is to shape the melted golden core into a Nascent Soul. Some Golden Core monks' golden core is too narrow, and it is only a little smaller after melting, which is completely impossible to shape into a Nascent Soul.

The second is to fill the prototype of the Nascent Soul with spiritual power. This step tests the monk's absorption speed of spiritual energy.If the Nascent Soul cannot be fully filled with spiritual power in a short period of time, it will also fail to advance.

The last point is to let the Nascent Soul become the source of spiritual power for monks.This step seems simple, just place the Nascent Soul in the same position as the golden elixir.

In fact, all the meridians in the body need to be connected to the Nascent Soul.In addition, the monk's sea of ​​consciousness no longer only exists in the brain, but a brand new sea of ​​consciousness will be born, located in the brain of the Nascent Soul.

In addition to connecting the meridians to the Nascent Soul, the consciousness must be divided and placed in the Nascent Soul's Sea of ​​Consciousness.For ordinary monks, it is already extremely difficult to divide the spiritual consciousness, let alone connect the meridians.

These are the steps that ordinary monks go through when they advance. Xu Miao is different from ordinary monks in that he has an extra step of refining the laws of heaven and earth.

Shui San once told him that when he advanced to the Nascent Soul in his previous life, he first formed the Nascent Soul and then refined it according to the laws of heaven and earth.But at that time, Xu Miao was protected by Shui Da, and he didn't know the specific situation.

When Xu Miao heard this, she was very speechless, especially wanting to complain about her previous life.Anyway, there are so many subordinates, why don't you just call everyone together and let them watch it when you advance.

This will also allow the present self to have more experience.It's good now, Shui Da doesn't meet, Shui San doesn't know.

Xu Miao went through the steps of ordinary childbirth in her mind.Except for Shui San, no one told him how to conceive a baby. Those around him who surpassed Nascent Soul were all monsters and monsters, completely different from human monks.

All he can rely on is himself.If he fails to conceive a baby, he can only start all over again.Shui San would not deceive him, and he also believed what Shui San said.

Since in his previous life he first formed a Nascent Soul, he can do the same in this life.After Xu Miao confirmed that the steps were correct, she began to melt the golden pill.

Even melting the golden pill requires a lot of spiritual power to support it.Therefore, Xu Miao's body is still absorbing the aura of the outside world in order to maintain the speed of melting the golden elixir.

The vast spiritual power impacted the golden core, and the solid golden core finally showed signs of melting.Xu Miao's expression didn't change at all, she was still absorbing the spiritual energy calmly.

It took a lot of spiritual power to solidify the golden core, and now it needs to consume a lot of spiritual power to melt it in the opposite way.Even with the backing of endless spiritual power, the melting speed of the golden core was not particularly fast.

Xu Miao roughly estimated that when the spiritual power completed ten major cycles in the body, the golden core would only make a slight progress in melting.Xu Miao was very helpless at the speed at which the golden elixir melted, but she couldn't speed up the speed, so she could only be patient.

What he didn't know was that if outsiders knew the speed at which Xu Miao's golden elixir melted, they would definitely not believe it.Ordinary monks need to complete at least one hundred cycles of spiritual power before they can melt a trace of golden core.

As for those monks with excellent aptitude, at least thirty cycles of spiritual power are needed.But Xu Miao only needed ten great cycles of spiritual power, which greatly surpassed the so-called genius disciples in the famous schools.

It's just that Xu Miao won't know all of this.His patience is very good. When he knew that the speed could not be accelerated, he used his spiritual power step by step to melt the golden elixir.

As time passed day by day, the golden elixir in the dantian had completely melted, and Xu Miao was shaping the melted golden elixir into a golden elixir.

His golden core was originally larger than that of ordinary monks, which is why his combat power has always been far superior to that of the same level.With sufficient golden elixir solution, Xu Miao shaped the Nascent Soul without haste.

In this step, because Xu Miao's foundation was too solid, he did not encounter any obstacles and successfully shaped the prototype of the Nascent Soul.Next, he needs a lot of spiritual power to fill the Nascent Soul.

Xu Miao just maintained the speed of absorbing spiritual energy before, but did not open all the meridians.At this time, Xu Miao no longer needs to control the speed of absorbing spiritual energy, he wants to maximize the speed of absorption.

All the meridians were opened in an instant, and the spiritual energy in the special space poured into Xu Miao's body frantically, directly filling up the meridians in the body.

The Bihai Qingtian Jue and the West Wind Withered Bishu two techniques were activated at the same time, and a large amount of spiritual energy poured in, easily causing damage to the meridians. Only the Bihai Qingtian Jue can quickly repair the meridians.

The west wind withered green tree is to maintain the balance of the two kinds of spiritual power in the body, so as to prevent the imbalance of spiritual power from affecting the body.The majestic spiritual power continuously flowed into the dantian, gradually expanding and forming the embryonic form of the Nascent Soul.

The Nascent Soul is like a black hole, unable to reach the full state at all. Xu Miao has maintained this maximum absorption speed for a while, but the Nascent Soul can still continue to absorb it.

When the Nascent Soul is formed, how much spiritual energy it can absorb means the amount of spiritual power in the body after the monk advances to the Nascent Soul.The more spiritual energy absorbed, the greater the monk's spiritual power capacity, and the stronger the combat power will be at that time.

When the aura continued to fill the Nascent Soul, the mixture of dragon blood and mysterious blood that had been quietly in the heart suddenly appeared in the dantian.

This drop of blood was stably located next to Nascent Soul, and did not move due to the majestic spiritual power.Xu Miao suddenly understood the reason why the blood appeared, and he guided the drop of blood to merge with the Nascent Soul.

The moment the blood touches the Nascent Soul, it spontaneously enters the Nascent Soul.Xu Miao's spiritual consciousness has been paying attention to the internal situation of Yuanying, and he can clearly see a red spot appearing between Yuanying's eyebrows.

And this red dot is created by blood.The blood slowly left the Nascent Soul, and the size of the blood at this time was more than twice as small as before.

From now on, the blood not only protects his body, but also protects his Nascent Soul.

When Yuan Ying's absorption of spiritual energy finally began to slow down, Xu Miao also let out a long sigh of relief.After all, this place was built by him in his previous life, using his means.

The aura is not endless, it looks very rich, and it is also limited.If the spiritual energy was suddenly exhausted while absorbing the spiritual energy to fill the Nascent Soul, Xu Miao would really want to cry without tears.

Fortunately, the formation of the Nascent Soul was completed before the aura in the space ran out.Although the Nascent Soul has taken shape, the current Nascent Soul is like a magic weapon that has just been put into the dantian. There is a gap with the body, and it has not yet fully integrated into the body.

(End of this chapter)

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