Taikoo Immortal King

Chapter 368 Prepare to cross the robbery

Chapter 368 Prepare to cross the robbery
A complete law of heaven and earth rushed directly into Xu Miao's dantian, and this law of heaven and earth instantly turned the inside of dantian upside down.

All objects retreated as much as possible, not to compete with this violent law of heaven and earth.Even Nascent Soul has no choice but to retreat when encountering this law of heaven and earth.

This is not the scene Xu Miao wants to see. If the law of heaven and earth is allowed to destroy his dantian, then he will never be able to refine this law of heaven and earth.

With a thought in Xu Miao's mind, Nascent Soul and Objects, who were instinctively retreating, moved forward one after another.Yuanying's face was serious, and his little hand pointed forward, and the majestic spiritual power frantically rushed to the laws of heaven and earth.

It is impossible to figure it out slowly.Xu Miao's choice is to control violence with violence.Since the law of heaven and earth is strong and unwilling to give in, then he will beat the law to its knees!
No matter how noble the laws of heaven and earth are, they must submit to Xu Miao's feet. Without Xu Miao's permission, he would never even think about raising his head.If other monks knew what Xu Miao was thinking, they would be dumbfounded.

Although monks are going against the sky, in general, they still have to follow the way of heaven.When the laws of heaven and earth cannot be refined, they will choose to give up.

There has never been a monk who, like Xu Miao, would forcibly refine it if he could not refine it.Not to mention, treat the law of heaven and earth as an enemy and deal with it ruthlessly.

The law of heaven and earth screamed to avoid the attack of spiritual power, and released coercion from time to time, suppressing objects.A trace of disdain flashed across Yuanying's face, he made a fist with both hands, and the red spot between his eyebrows became brighter and brighter.

This red dot is a mixture of dragon blood and mysterious blood.When the Nascent Soul is formed, this drop of blood actively divides into two parts, one remains in the heart, and the other enters the Nascent Soul and becomes a red spot.

The vast dragon power appeared instantly, forming a confrontation with the coercion of the law of heaven and earth.Longli alone is not enough.If Xu Miao wants to completely refine the laws of heaven and earth, he still needs the help of mysterious blood.

The power of the two bloods burst out at the same time, no matter how powerful the law of heaven and earth is, when encountering two kinds of blood, the coercion has to be weakened.

Xu Miao seized this opportunity, and the law golden dragon suddenly appeared, swallowing this law directly.Xu Miao knew very well that at this time of slow refining, it was absolutely impossible for the law to be willingly integrated into the golden dragon.

What he can do is to force the Golden Dragon to possess the law, and make the law of heaven and earth submit to his will!Xu Miao's domineering aura at the moment traverses all directions, he wants to let Law know that in his dantian, there is only one master!
This owner is Xu Miao.As for the others, they can only become his vassals, and there is no possibility of turning over to become the master.This law of heaven and earth tortured Xu Miao enormously.

Regardless of the limits of his body, he forcibly refined the law, and the most direct consequence was that all the meridians swelled up.In addition to the upward horizontal stroke he deliberately drew on his body with the fog condensing sword before, the blood flowed out, and he couldn't stop it at all, and the whole person turned into a blood man.

Xu Miao flipped her hands and took out the fruits formed by the Cangmu. These fruits are nourished by his spiritual power and are most suitable for his body.Xu Miao turned the fruit into liquid and sprinkled it on the wound.

Although it is impossible to heal all the wounds, at least it can slow down the blood flow.The golden dragon was still churning in the dantian, and Xu Miao kept suppressing it with spiritual power.

Being continuously impacted by spiritual power, the law of heaven and earth lost its backing, and finally succumbed to the golden dragon.The golden dragon circled around the Nascent Soul, its body suddenly increased, and its power became much stronger.

The 36 laws of heaven and earth are all in my hands!At this moment, Xu Miao's pride rose sharply.Even the laws of heaven and earth, which represent the way of heaven, can only succumb to him, let alone everything in the world.

He closed his eyes, slowly absorbed the spiritual energy, and adjusted his physical condition.When Xu Miao was fighting against the law of heaven and earth, an object quietly appeared in the dantian.

After the red sun and bright moon, there are stars in the blue sky.Countless stars shone brightly, and the brilliance of the stars sprinkled the entire blue sea, reflecting each other with the sea water.

So far, Xu Miao's advanced Nascent Soul has come to an end.As long as he survives the catastrophe again, he will be a complete Nascent Soul cultivator.Xu Miao stood up, the sharpness in her eyes was fleeting, and she returned to a gentle look.

When Xu Miao left the special space, she saw the little white tiger.To be precise, Little White Tiger is no longer Little White Tiger.Under Teng Snake's teaching, the little white tiger lost its immaturity and became even more majestic as a beast.

However, when he saw Xu Miao, the prestige disappeared quickly.Still the same as when he was a child, sticking out his rough tongue and licking Xu Miao's face.

The white tiger's current cultivation level is equal to that of a seventh-level monster, but its combat power can rival that of a ninth-level monster.This is a divine beast. It has a natural suppression of monsters, and it is impossible to refuse to accept it.

It's just that Teng Snake still didn't agree to let Baihu leave the ancient secret realm. Once Baihu leaves the ancient secret realm, the speed of advancement is definitely not as fast as that in the secret realm.

No matter how reluctant Xu Miao was, she could only pat Baihu's head reassuringly.There was the familiar furry touch under his hand, and he could clearly feel Baihu's desire to stay by his side.

Xu Miao sat on the white tiger and went to see Teng Snake with the white tiger.He went to see Teng Snake not for anything else but because of Little Phoenix.Phoenix is ​​the descendant of Suzaku, and only after Nirvana can it become Suzaku.

As a sub-divine beast, Soaring Snake may be able to know how the little phoenix grows.It would be great if Teng Snake could teach Little Phoenix the same way he taught Little White Tiger.

"It's been less than a hundred years since I saw you last time, but you have advanced from the Golden Core Stage to the Nascent Soul Stage. You really have not let yourself down." Teng She looked at Xu Miao without any surprise, as if The speed at which Xu Miao advanced was as early as he expected.

Xu Miao saluted Teng Snake respectfully, and said in a deep voice, "Senior Teng Snake, thank you for teaching Xiaobai so well—"

"If you don't have anything to go to the Three Treasures Hall, just tell me what you have to say." Xu Miao was interrupted by Teng Snake before she could finish her compliments.

Xu Miao was not embarrassed, and said directly: "Since Senior Teng Snake can teach Xiaobai, one of the divine beasts, can senior also teach the other divine beasts?"

Teng Snake's expression was really surprised: "You got another baby animal?"

Xu Miao brought the little Phoenix out of the Hunting Stone, and the little Phoenix looked at the Soaring Snake in front of him curiously, chattering non-stop.

"Phoenix cub, you really have great luck." Teng Snake took a deep look at little Phoenix, "I can't teach the Phoenix family, let alone this Phoenix is ​​no longer a pure Phoenix."

"He has your blood in his body, as well as dragon power. Multiple forces are gathered on this phoenix. I'm afraid it will be difficult for him to advance in the future."

"Instead of wasting all kinds of precious materials on it in the future, why not just kill it now and strengthen your body." Soaring Snake's voice was calm, but the words he spit out were extremely cruel.

Hearing Teng Snake's words, Little Phoenix got into Xu Miao's arms in fright, not even daring to lift his head.The little white tiger appeared directly between Xu Miao and Teng Snake, protecting Xu Miao in a defensive state.

Little White Tiger knows that Teng Snake has helped him a lot, but no amount of help can compare to the importance of his master.

Teng Snake didn't seem to notice the actions of the two beasts, but still said: "You can think about it clearly, the possibility of this little phoenix succeeding in nirvana and becoming Suzaku is very small."

"It will not help you much in the future, and the blood of the beast can directly improve the quality of your blood, which will be of great help to your future cultivation."

Xu Miao was not at all moved by what Teng Snake said: "Since Senior Teng Snake can't teach Little Phoenix, I won't bother." After speaking, Xu Miao turned and left.

Since the little white tiger can be taught by Teng Snake to the present level, then Teng Snake will definitely not treat the little white tiger badly, and will continue to teach it attentively.As for Little Phoenix, how could Xu Miao kill the little guy in order to improve his blood quality.

"Father!" Little Phoenix moved back and forth in Xu Miao's lapel, his voice full of admiration.Xu Miao stroked Little Phoenix's head to comfort him.

"You really don't intend to consider my opinion?" Xu Miao shook her head solemnly, but did not speak.

Teng Snake laughed suddenly: "Although I said that it is difficult for him to advance, but only for himself. With his own strength, it is indeed difficult to advance."

"But he has a good master. As long as you provide him with blood power continuously, he can use your power to nirvana and become Suzaku."

Xu Miao was thoughtful: "Senior, what you mean is that the little phoenix needs to be fed with my blood in order to finally nirvana?"

"That's right. If you want this little phoenix to grow up, the best way is to feed it with blood every day without interruption. The day he becomes a Vermillion Bird, the feeding can only be stopped."

Xu Miao understood the meaning of Teng Snake, and the most suitable teacher for Little Phoenix was not Teng Snake, but Xu Miao himself.Xu Miao nodded gratefully and took the little phoenix out of the palace, leaving the little white tiger sprawled on the ground.

"Shui San, get ready. I'm leaving the secret realm and preparing to cross the catastrophe." Xu Miao has already learned through Shui San that it took him 29 years to advance to Nascent Soul, and only one year is left.

During this year, he not only has to survive the catastrophe, but also travels from the Eastern Continent to the Central Continent. Time is tight and there is no extra time to waste.As soon as Xu Miao came out of Teng Snake's place, she ordered Shui San to prepare.

With the improvement of Xu Miao's cultivation base, Shui San's cultivation base has also been upgraded to the early stage of Nascent Soul.This kind of subordinate who can keep up with the cultivation of the master is really convenient.

As soon as Xu Miao left the ancient secret realm, she felt the rumble of thunder.Dark clouds kept gathering above Xu Miao's head, almost covering the sky and the sun.

Just like the last time Xu Miao survived the Golden Core Heavenly Tribulation, Shui San went out of the coverage of the Heavenly Tribulation to protect Xu Miao.Xu Miao stood there leisurely, with a relaxed face, completely unable to see the tension of the imminent tribulation.

(End of this chapter)

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