Taikoo Immortal King

Chapter 369 Surpassing Xie Lingan

Chapter 369 Surpassing Xie Lingan

The heavy dark clouds pressed down, and the thunder roared, startling a flock of birds.From time to time, golden light flashed in the dark clouds, and Xu Miao knew very well that it was Tianlei who was accumulating strength.

At this time, Xu Miao was still walking leisurely.The eyes are clear, without worry or fear.In his heart, Heavenly Tribulation has never been able to become a boulder to resist his progress.

"Is that a catastrophe? Someone is crossing the catastrophe?" The monks in the distance noticed the movement of the sky thunder on Xu Miao's side, and they all stopped to pay attention.

"Looking at the scene of dark clouds covering the sky, it doesn't look like the Heavenly Tribulation of the Nascent Soul cultivator, could it be the Heavenly Tribulation of the Transformation God cultivator?" The one who spoke was a monk of a small sect.

Another monk immediately refuted him: "It seems that you are ignorant. If a cultivator who transforms the spirit goes through the catastrophe, there will be a general of heavenly soldiers. In this dark cloud, he has not even seen a hair of a general of heavenly soldiers! "

The cultivator of the small sect disapproved and said: "You are the one who has no experience! I have personally seen a cultivator of Nascent Soul crossing the tribulation, and the power and influence created by that cultivator at that time was far inferior to that of the cultivator who is going through the tribulation now!"

The two monks didn't believe the other's words, but they couldn't convince the other to believe in their own point of view.The two of them were so blushing and thick necked that they almost started fighting.

Only an old monk squinted his eyes, looked at it for a while, and then slowly said: "This is not the catastrophe of the monk who transforms the spirit."

"Look, let me tell you!" the monk said triumphantly.

The old monk went on to say: "It is not the catastrophe of ordinary Nascent Soul monks. Although the people who overcome the catastrophe are at the stage of Jindan advanced Yuanying, the people who overcome the catastrophe are definitely geniuses that are hard to meet in ten thousand years. Monk!"

"I've read the records of Xie Ling'an's advanced Nascent Soul stage, and the scene of heaven and earth will not attract such a terrible robbery cloud in the initial stage of crossing the catastrophe."

This old monk is a highly respected monk in the nearby cultivation family.Generally, no one would refute what he said.But what the old monk said just now was so shocking that all the monks couldn't believe it.

Who is Xie Ling'an, who became famous at a young age, and is a mythical existence in Donglu, and even in the entire lower plane.In his time, no one was able to climb the mountain of "Xie Ling'an".

Because of Xie Ling'an's existence, the strength of Donglu's comprehension world was close to that of Zhonglu at that time, and even suppressed the most powerful Zhonglu.For a long time, all the monks would turn pale when they heard the word "Xie Ling'an".

Xie Ling'an has offended many forces, whether they are of equal strength or far superior to him.But no force has ever been able to capture Xie Ling'an.

Those who tried to teach Xie Lingan a lesson were all taught by Xie Lingan in the end, without exception.Xie Ling'an is the strongest among the Donglu monks.In their hearts, no one can surpass Xie Ling'an.

All monks who compared Xie Ling'an to them were blasphemy against Xie Ling'an.Today, the old monk compared Xie Ling'an with the monk who had survived the tribulation in the distance, and exaggeratedly said that the other party surpassed Xie Ling'an.

This caused the monks present to be in an uproar, and someone immediately objected: "Doesn't that mean that this person who survived the tribulation is stronger than Xie Ling'an! How can there be a monk who is stronger than Xie Ling'an?"

"That's right, I heard about Xie Ling'an's strength when I first stepped into the cultivation world. What a character, what a demeanor! If you think that person is stronger than Xie Ling'an, I will be the first to disagree! "


There were many who opposed the old monk, but the old monk did not argue with them.He himself is not a person who admires Xie Ling'an. He has read all of Xie Ling'an's life over and over again.

It was because he had seen it so many times that he could see at a glance that the cultivator who was crossing the catastrophe was crossing the Yuanying Heavenly Tribulation, and his power was stronger than that of Xie Ling'an.

Although this place is located in the most remote part of the Eastern Continent, there is a monk who is said to be stronger than Xie Ling'an, and many nearby monks have gathered to see the demeanor of the man who has crossed the catastrophe.

Xu Miao's consciousness is vast, and he noticed that the number of monks nearby suddenly increased, and their destinations were all at his position.This is not the first time he has crossed the catastrophe in this place, and he thinks that there is no magic weapon born.

Then there is only one reason for them to come here, and that is to see him cross the catastrophe.Xu Miao was amused in her heart, she didn't understand why these people were so leisurely and elegant, watching others go through the catastrophe.

But Xu Miao didn't have time to think about it. The first thunderstorm had already been brewed and was falling at a high speed.Xu Miao stood on the spot and raised a hand as a lightning guide for the thunder.

With the assistance of the right hand, guide the sky thunder into the body.Thunderbolts exploded, majestic and powerful.Xu Miao's right hand stands proudly like a lighthouse in the sea.

The spiritual power lingered in the right hand for an instant, resisting the attack of the sky thunder.As soon as Tianlei came into contact with his right hand, Xu Miao could feel the powerful force of filling.

The incomparable power that destroys everything is resisting his spiritual power.Xu Miao looked up and watched coldly as the spiritual power on his fingertips collided with the sky thunder. He slowly weakened the spirit power and guided the sky thunder into his body.

The meridian has already been prepared, and the moment the sky thunder entered the body, the Nascent Soul in the dantian opened its eyes at the same time.The meridians of the Nascent Soul have been integrated with the meridians of the body, running synchronously.

The meridians of the body are receiving the thunder, and the meridians of the Nascent Soul are also receiving the thunder.The Nascent Soul has just taken shape and has not been strengthened enough.Xu Miao needs to use the power of Tianlei to strengthen the Nascent Soul to a safe enough level.

The young Nascent Soul was violently bombarded by the sky thunder, but after a while, scorched black marks were left on the Nascent Soul.The spiritual power slowly circulated to remove these imprints.

The first sky thunder walked around the meridian, most of it was melted by spiritual power, and a small part was left by the body and Nascent Soul to nourish and strengthen the body parts.

This time, the thunder came down extremely fast, the first thunder had just been absorbed and dissolved, and the second thunder arrived unexpectedly.The strength of the second sky thunder is fully twice that of the first sky thunder, and it can no longer be absorbed by the body.

Xu Miao stretched out her long arms, and the spiritual power instantly gathered in her hands, condensing into a lightsaber.Xu Miao looked up at the rapidly falling Tianlei, her feet touched the ground, and she rushed directly towards Tianlei.

The two lightsabers collided with the sky thunder, and a strong shock wave erupted.Xu Miao has no focus in the air, he will not be arrogant and anxious in mid-air with Tianlei.

The power of the lightsaber in Xu Miao's hand did not diminish, but the person gradually fell.Seemingly defeated by Tianlei, Xu Miao could only fall.In fact, it eased the power of the sky thunder step by step until it fell to the ground.

The strength of the lightsaber in his hand suddenly increased, he slashed upwards fiercely, and the second thunder was directly scattered by him.The remaining thunder light could no longer pose a threat to Xu Miao, so Xu Miao collected all of them and put them into his own body to forge blood and muscles.

The rumbling sound in the dark cloud continued to grow, and the third thunder was about to fall.Xu Miao found that the catastrophe encountered this time was smarter than the previous ones.

The previous catastrophe had a specific time interval.No matter whether it was early or late for Xu Miao, after dispelling the first thunder, the second thunder would not rush down.

But this time, as long as the previous thunder was neutralized by Xu Miao, the next thunder would fall immediately.Xu Miao was not given a chance to breathe at all. Xu Miao is still able to handle it with ease now, but according to the law of the increase of the intensity of the thunder, it will definitely be stretched in the future.

No matter how terrible the sky thunder is, once it starts, it cannot be easily stopped.Either the cultivator who crossed the catastrophe could not bear the catastrophe and died under the sky thunder, or survived the catastrophe smoothly, otherwise the sky thunder would not disappear.

At this time, it is the most meaningless thing to think about the intensity of the catastrophe.Xu Miao looked at the falling sky thunder with solemn eyes, and once again condensed a lightsaber in her hand.

Facing the third thunder, Xu Miao's lightsaber also doubled in strength.The color of Tianlei had changed. Although the change was very small, Xu Miao still noticed it.

Tianlei is gradually changing from purple to white.The third thunder that Xu Miao is facing now is no longer pure purple, but contains traces of white.

Every trace of white is fatal to monks in direct contact.Facing the third thunder, Xu Miao did not take the initiative to meet it like the last thunder.

He stood there, motionless, waiting for the thunder to fall.Under the pressure of the thunder, his robe kept flying up and down, and the broken hair on his forehead also blocked Xu Miao's sight.

At this time, outside the attack range of Tianlei, many monks who heard the sound gathered.In the face of the Nascent Soul cultivator's crossing catastrophe, there were Golden Core cultivators and Nascent Soul cultivators onlookers, but there were no Foundation Establishment cultivators.

Cultivators whose cultivation level is too low, even if they do not come within the attack range of the Heavenly Tribulation, will vomit blood and die because they cannot withstand the suppression caused by the Heavenly Thunder itself.Although many low-ranking monks were curious, none of them dared to walk in.

A golden core monk originally came here to watch with a large group of people, and he didn't believe what the old monk said.Anything more than Xie Ling'an, stronger than Xie Ling'an, is just farting.

If he had to talk about one person, then there was only one person, maybe he could really surpass the former Xie Ling'an, but how could that person appear here.He casually glanced at the cultivator who was under the dark clouds, and his eyes widened instantly.

"Did a monk just say that this person will surpass Xie Ling'an, or is he a once-in-a-million-year monk?" He grabbed the hand of his companion next to him and asked anxiously.

"Don't you not believe it? Why are you so excited?" The companion curled his lips, his face full of impatience.

"I believe it, I believe it now! If this person can't surpass Xie Ling'an, then no one can surpass Xie Ling'an again!" The words of this Golden Core cultivator attracted the attention of the nearby cultivators, and even Nascent Soul The monk's gaze.

"Xu Miao! That person is Xu Miao! In the Nanjing Sect's spiritual power level assessment, the person who put Xie Ling'an's name under it was the person who killed two seventh-level monsters at the early stage of Jindan. what!"

(End of this chapter)

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