Taikoo Immortal King

Chapter 370 The last thunder?

Chapter 370 The last thunder?
"That's Xu Miao? That's Xu Miao who ranks fourth on the list of planar monks?" Xu Miao didn't know that his name had already spread throughout Donglu.

After the selection of elite monks, all the monks knew that Xu Miao overwhelmed Xie Lingan and became No.1 on the list of spiritual power levels.Xie Ling'an has long been a legend, and his various deeds can only be passed on by word of mouth.

But Xu Miao is a person who really existed in their era, and they can completely witness Xu Miao's real strength.See how he confronts high-level monks, how he fights against high-level monsters, and how he leads casual monks to join the tide of beasts!

"If Xu Miao is the one who crosses the catastrophe, I still believe what the old monk said. Apart from Xu Miao, there will be no other person who can surpass Xie Ling'an."

"It should be so. My good friend is a casual cultivator who participated in the beast tide. He once told me that if Xu Miao hadn't been there, his life would have been left outside the seaside city. How could he have had the opportunity to sing with me over wine. "

"Not only that, in the selection of elite monks, if Xu Miao and Ye Chen hadn't taken action, the soul power of many monks would have been taken away by those hateful monks from the upper plane."

All the monks talked about it one by one, and they were surprised to find that Xu Miao, a monk who was born in the West Continent, had made such amazing contributions to the East Continent.There is absolutely no exaggeration in saying that Xu Miao saved Donglu's generation of monks alone!

The eyes of the onlookers all changed, from the attitude of watching a joke at the beginning to respect.It is easy to gain the respect of one person, and it is also easy to gain the respect of ten people, but it is even more difficult to gain the respect of thousands of monks.

Xu Miao did this, when he didn't notice at all, did this.And this person who is respected by many monks is still fighting against Tianlei.

At the moment when the third thunder was about to hit him, Xu Miao teleported and disappeared in place.But in the blink of an eye, Xu Miao reappeared at the place hit by the sky thunder, and the lightsaber slashed at the sky thunder without any reservation.

The spiritual power of the whole body seemed to flow into the sea, pouring into the hands without stopping, enhancing the power of the lightsaber.The collision of the lightsaber and the sky thunder this time caused a stronger aftermath.

Even a monk at the golden core stage had to retreat again and again to avoid being affected by the aftermath.

"As expected of Xu Miao, it's just the third thunder, and its power has reached this level."

"I once saw a Nascent Soul cultivator crossing the catastrophe. At that time, the opponent's last thunder, that is, the sixth thunder, barely reached this power."

When the Nascent Soul cultivator crosses the catastrophe, there is a basic number of thunders-six paths.Regardless of whether the Nascent Soul cultivator who crossed the catastrophe is strong or weak, he needs to survive the six thunderstorms before he can truly become a Nascent Soul cultivator.

However, the strength of the sky thunder will change according to the strength of the Nascent Soul cultivator.If Xu Miao used the power of the sky thunder when he crossed the catastrophe to deal with all the Nascent Soul monks, I am afraid that the Nascent Soul monks in the lower plane will disappear.

Feeling Xu Miao's strength, Tianlei changed direction and shifted the power against the ground to the side.At this time, Xu Miao can no longer use teleportation to change the direction, and she can fool Tianlei with the first use.

Using it for the second time will make Tianjie think that it has not hit the target, and it will drop the third thunder again.On the contrary, it will affect Xu Miao's plan. Xu Miao is not a person who loses big because of small things.

At this time, he must use his own strength to take the thunder forcefully.The sky thunder and the lightsaber are constantly playing games, and all the meridians in Xu Miao's body are opened, absorbing the aura of the nearby heaven and earth.

Under Xu Miao's call, all the nearby heaven and earth spiritual energy rushed towards Xu Miao's body.The onlookers obviously felt that the spiritual energy of the surrounding world was gradually becoming thinner: "Eh? Why is the spiritual energy getting less?"

"All were sucked away by Xu Miao!"

Xu Miao was born with dual spiritual roots in Fengshui, and even a monk with a single spiritual root would not be his opponent in terms of his closeness to spiritual energy.The aura kept pouring into Xu Miao's body like a young son finding his mother.

Possessing strong spiritual power, the light saber in Xu Miao's hand has never dimmed.With a soft chirp, he slashed forward with both hands. At this moment, more than half of the spiritual power in his body was taken away, completely splitting the third thunder.

The surrounding aura maintained the speed just now and poured into Xu Miao's body.The fourth thunder will fall soon, and Xu Miao's time is running out.Xu Miao raised her hand to take out the spiritual source water, and drank it with her neck raised.

The strong spiritual power immediately filled the whole body, and the Nascent Soul in the dantian was surrounded by thick spiritual power.The fourth thunder fell at this time, and Xu Miao was unable to deal with the thunder with only a lightsaber.

Xu Miao raised her right hand, and the Nirvana Sword appeared in her hand.On the blade of the Nirvana Sword, black and white light flashed at intervals, and finally all returned to black.Xu Miao's eyes also turned pitch black at this moment, and a destructive aura burst out suddenly.

The Heaven and Earth Annihilation Art, with the circulation of Xu Miao's spiritual power, was displayed.Xu Miao flipped her right hand and pointed the Nirvana Sword directly at Tianlei.It's just the fourth sky thunder, Xu Miao wants to solve the battle as soon as possible.

This sword contains Xu Miao's deepest comprehension and explanation of the silence of heaven and earth.The world is dark, and the world is destroyed. Only by subverting the world can the world be restored.

The black sword light flew out from the sword, rushing towards the fourth sky thunder that was half revealed.Xu Miao didn't give the fourth Tianlei a chance to fully reveal, he wanted to let the fourth Tianlei die.

Jian Guang's depressing breath became stronger and stronger, even after a short distance, a group of Jindan monks, including the monks in the early Yuanying period, felt a burst of suffocation.

The howling sword light continuously hit the fourth sky thunder. Before the fourth sky thunder showed its full power, it was completely killed by Xu Miao and wiped out.

"It's... so scary. I've never seen someone use this method to defuse thunder." A monk muttered to himself.

Another monk echoed: "That's right, Tianlei only showed his head, but Xu Miao chopped his body to pieces. Overbearing and powerful, it's beyond my reach."

The fifth thunder did not let Xu Miao continue to use this method, because the moment the fifth thunder appeared, it was divided into five small thunders.Falling from different directions, attacking different parts of Xu Miao.

There was a sneer at the corner of Xu Miao's mouth: "Want to surround and attack them? Just rely on these few thunderbolts?" In the thunder rolling, Xu Miao's voice was suppressed by the thunder.

But the monks are all people with sharp eyes and ears, sensitive to the five senses, and can hear even the smallest voice.They clearly heard Xu Miao's mockery of Tianlei, and they couldn't laugh or cry.

Thunderbolt?Which monk has the guts to describe Tianlei like this.Xie Ling'an ten thousand years ago was not so arrogant when he crossed the catastrophe.

Some monks who had heard of Xu Miao's strength but were unwilling to admit Xu Miao said with disdain, "This Xu Miao is too arrogant, even Xie Ling'an would not say that. I will just wait for the thunder to blow him to pieces."

"Xie Ling'an didn't say that because he is not as strong as Xu Miao!" A monk who always admired Xu Miao retorted loudly.

The five small paths of heavenly thunder fell at the same time, Xu Miao did not support Fu Yu's helmet, but displayed the broken star sword technique.There are a lot of stars, and his swordsmanship can smash them, let alone the five-way sky thunder.

During the tribulation crossing, Xu Miao's sword intent has never been revealed.When facing the fifth thunder, Xu Miao's terrifying sword intent was finally revealed in front of everyone.

The sword intent alone changed the situation controlled by Tianlei.The Nirvana Sword was tightly held in Xu Miao's hand, with Xu Miao as the center, the sword was awe-inspiring and full of murderous aura.

Although Tianlei's coercion is strong, Xu Miao's momentum has not weakened in the slightest.On the contrary, Xu Miao's aura tended to faintly overwhelm Tianlei's aura.

Xu Miao's eyes froze, and the sword in his hand poured out.Broken star swordsmanship, all the stars, all fall under the sword!Xu Miao's figure became afterimages in the five small thunderstorms.

Except for the monks in the late Yuanying stage, even the monks in the middle stage of Yuanying couldn't accurately see Xu Miao's true location.Xu Miao's speed is too fast. Having refined the laws of space, he has mastered how to obtain the greatest gain with the least cost.

He kept shuttling among the five paths of sky thunder, and the burst star-shattering swordsmanship had a great impact on the fifth sky thunder.When Xu Miao landed on the ground again, the five small paths of thunder in the sky turned into nothingness and dissipated between the heaven and the earth.

Facing the fifth way just now seemed very easy, but in fact, Xu Miao spent a lot of consciousness and spiritual power.The fifth sky thunder broke into pieces, posing a great threat to Xu Miao from different directions.

Xu Miao must pay attention to the position of the five small paths of Tianlei while performing the broken star swordsmanship.He wants to ensure that every sword move can exert its maximum effect, and prevent the sky thunder from harming him.

As long as there is a slight mistake, the injury to Xu Miao will be fatal.His body might be able to sustain it barely, but the Nascent Soul would definitely not be able to withstand the powerful attack of the fifth thunder.

After Xu Miao landed, she took out the spiritual source water and drank it to replenish the consumed spiritual power.Although the spiritual power can be restored quickly, the consumed consciousness cannot be restored to the best state in a short time.

The sixth thunder has fallen, and the purple of this thunder has completely faded, and the whole thunder has turned white.

"White sky thunder! The power of white sky thunder is far greater than that of purple sky thunder. In history, all the monks who encountered the whole white sky thunder were unborn geniuses!"

"Is this the last step? As long as Xu Miao passes through this step, will Xu Miao become a real Nascent Soul cultivator?"

"No way? I haven't even seen Xu Miao's talisman. Xu Miao is going to succeed in the tribulation?"

Several Golden Core cultivators were expressing their opinions, and suddenly a Nascent Soul cultivator who had remained silent all along said, "This is indeed the sixth thunder of heaven, but it is not the last thunder of heaven."

The words of monk Nascent Soul were like a thunderbolt, exploding among the monks.Cultivators with more than six thunderbolts are rare in this era.

But at this moment, the pure white sixth thunder has already fallen.

(End of this chapter)

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