Taikoo Immortal King

Chapter 371 Level of Sky Thunder

Chapter 371 Level of Sky Thunder

Compared with the power of the previous five thunderbolts and this pure white thunderbolt, it really pales in comparison.The sixth thunder just appeared, and before it landed on Xu Miao's body, it had already made Xu Miao breathless under the dark clouds.

Before this, Xu Miao had never experienced such a situation.His chest kept rising and falling, but the surrounding air was squeezed out by Tianlei, and there was not much left.

Xu Miao gritted her teeth and simply gave up breathing.In terms of breathing, monks are the same as ordinary people, and they all need sufficient air.But there are also different places, monks can hold their breath for a period of time.

Since I am not allowed to breathe, then I will not breathe, let's see who can consume more!Xu Miao held her breath and summoned the Fog Condensing Sword.No matter how powerful the Nirvana Sword is, it cannot be compared with the natal magic weapon Ningwu Sword.

The Fog Condensing Sword can fit Xu Miao's mind to the greatest extent and save Xu Miao's spiritual power to the greatest extent.In the process of crossing the catastrophe, every point of spiritual power saved can increase the monk's ability to survive.

"I recognize that sword, it's the Mist Condensing Sword!" A sharp-eyed monk noticed that Xu Miao changed the magic weapon when the sixth thunder appeared.

"When many monks are crossing the catastrophe, they will use their natal magic weapon in the first three thunderstorms. Unexpectedly, this Xu Miao persisted until the sixth thunderstorm before summoning the fog-condensing sword."

"Then he must still have enough power to fight against the next thunder." Many monks have already believed what the Nascent Soul monk said just now, the sixth thunder is definitely not the end of Xu Miao.

Xu Miao held the fog-condensing sword in her hand, with a dignified expression.The blade of the Mist Condensing Sword turned completely azure blue, with chaotic gas lingering on it, and the biting chill and hurricane constantly rotating.

"Boom—" The sixth thunder was close at hand, and Xu Miao swung the fog sword.The light of the Ningwu Sword was reflected, and Xu Miao's sharp eyes were reflected on the sword of the Ningwu Sword.

Xu Miao flew up and pierced Tianlei with the fog-condensing sword.One white and one blue, forming a violent color impact near the ground.What brings impact is not only the color, but also the spiritual power.

The power of the sky thunder firmly suppressed Xu Miao, and Xu Miao couldn't even use the broken star sword technique.Xu Miao stood on the ground with her feet separated.Unable to withstand the double pressure of Tianlei and Xu Miao, the soil on the ground shattered one after another.

Xu Miao held the Wu Ningjian sword with her right hand. Under the pressure of Tianlei, her right hand could not even keep straight.Xu Miao raised her left hand with difficulty, clasped both hands together, and the power of the Mist Sword increased again.

Being unable to use sword moves will not affect Xu Miao's frightening sword intent.In the ancient secret realm, when Xu Miao confronted Xia Bofei, he did not need sword moves, but directly produced sword intent.

Xu Miao is repeating this process now, starting from Xu Miao's body and gradually spreading.The fierce sword intent was released crazily, approaching Tianlei.

"It's sword intent! Under the suppression of Tianlei, Xu Miao didn't even use her sword moves. How could she have a sword intent!" A law cultivator said in disbelief. Only then can the sword intent be displayed.

The sword cultivator next to him had admiration in his eyes, and explained in his mouth: "A real sword cultivator can release a strong sword intent as long as he is there."

"Sword moves are nothing more than a medium. Xu Miao has reached the state where he can directly release sword intent without a medium. I am far inferior to him in the way of swordsmanship."

Everyone knows that Jianxiu is the most arrogant and arrogant. To put it bluntly, he is a dead duck with a hard mouth.Let a swordsman admit the strength of the opponent, unless the opponent is really strong to an unattainable level.

What made the monks even more dumbfounded was that this sword cultivator, who admittedly was not as good as Xu Miao, was a Nascent Soul sword cultivator!
The sword intent all over Xu Miao's body turned into a sword sharper than the Ningwu Sword at this moment, attacking the white sky thunder.The hands holding the Ningwu Sword were exerting more and more force, and the veins on the back of the hands burst out.

The operation of spiritual power has reached its limit, but the sky thunder shows no sign of dissipating.Xu Miao bit the tip of her tongue decisively, spat out a mouthful of blood, and landed on Ningwujian.

Ningwujian felt the master's blood essence, and its power suddenly increased.In the original blue sword light, there was a dazzling red.The appearance of this ray of red changed the stalemate between Xu Miao and Tianlei.

Under the attack of Xu Miao's blood essence, Tianlei finally showed a tendency to weaken.Xu Miao took a step forward with her right foot, swung her hands forward violently, and with the help of the power of Tianlei, she jumped up from the ground, and then fell quickly.

With an invincible momentum, he turned around and slashed towards the sixth thunder.The Broken Star Sword Art was cast at this moment, and under the blessing of the Broken Star Sword Art, the sword intent was strengthened again, completely crushing the sixth thunder.

At the same time as the sixth thunder disappeared, Xu Miao fell to the ground with no strength, half kneeling on the ground, with the fog sword inserted into the ground, supporting her body, panting heavily.

The blow just now emptied all the spiritual power in Xu Miao's body in an instant.At this moment, no matter in the dantian or in the meridians, everything is empty, and there is no trace of spiritual power to be found.

Xu Miao's eyes turned black, her head was heavy, and she just wanted to faint like this.However, the dark cloud above the head will not dissipate, and the thunder brewing inside the dark cloud will not stop brewing just then.

He took out the spiritual source water from the Hunting Stone, and poured it into his mouth with shaking hands.Xu Miao's spiritual power was exhausted and she couldn't control the position of her hand accurately.Some spiritual source water did not pour into the mouth, but flowed down the neck and onto the clothes.

The spiritual source of water entered the abdomen and instantly turned into spiritual energy, gradually filling Xu Miao's dry body.The spiritual power concentration of the spiritual source water, when Xu Miao was still in the golden core stage, could restore Xu Miao's spiritual power in between breaths.

But now that Xu Miao has advanced to the Nascent Soul stage, the concentration of spiritual power in the spiritual source water is not enough to restore the spiritual power in a short time.Xu Miao looked up at the seventh sky thunder that was about to take shape, and raised her hand to take out the fruit of Cangmu.

When the fruit of Cangmu touched Xu Miao's mouth, it turned into spiritual power and entered Xu Miao's body.This was bred by Xu Miao's own spiritual power, and it was most suitable for Xu Miao's body.

It can also restore Xu Miao's spiritual power in the fastest time.With the double recovery of Cangmu fruit and spiritual source water, Xu Miao's spiritual power finally recovered almost before the seventh thunder fell.

Xu Miao didn't continue to rest, he wanted to start arranging formations.Xu Miao found that the seventh sky thunder that appeared and disappeared in the dark clouds had already appeared inconspicuous golden lights.

The power of the sky thunder is closely related to the color of the sky thunder. Among them, the red sky thunder is the weakest. From the beginning of Xu Miao's catastrophe, no red sky thunder appeared.

Then came the purple sky thunder, Xu Miao's first strike was the purple sky thunder.After that, there are white sky thunders and golden sky thunders.Golden thunder is the most powerful sky thunder in the lower plane, and it is also the most difficult kind of sky thunder.

Xu Miao reckoned that most of the seventh thunderbolt he was about to face was still white, but there was a trace of gold mixed in it.Like the fourth thunder, purple is mixed with white.

If his prediction is correct, then the last thunder, that is, the ninth thunder, will be completely transformed into gold.The monks in the distance saw the continuously shining gold, and everyone had expressions of disbelief on their faces.

"Jin Lei, Xu Miao actually wants to face Jin Lei—"

"Even Xie Ling'an only encountered the golden sky thunder when he was on the ninth road. Xu Miao is only the seventh sky thunder now, and has already reached the level of Xie Ling'an's ninth sky thunder!"

"If Xu Miao can successfully survive this catastrophe, I am afraid that his combat power will be directly comparable to that of the middle stage of the Nascent Soul, and even fight with the great monks of the late stage of the Nascent Soul." A Nascent Soul monk said with a calm face But it changed the color of a group of monks.

There will be a considerable distance between the small realms within each big realm.The higher the realm, the greater the gap between the small realms.The middle stage of Jindan may be able to fight against the late stage of Jindan, but the middle stage of Nascent Soul is extremely difficult to compare with the late stage of Nascent Soul.

Now there is a Nascent Soul cultivator who said that Xu Miao can compare the early Nascent Soul with the late Nascent Soul, how can people not be surprised.However, these monks quickly realized that the monk who leapfrogged to fight was none other than Xu Miao.

At the early stage of Jindan, you can kill the seventh-level monsters equivalent to the early stage of Yuanying, let alone the early stage of Yuanying.I'm afraid that in the eyes of Xu Miao, the ordinary Nascent Soul could not be called an opponent at all.

Many monks talked about it, but Xu Miao turned a deaf ear to it.He didn't have much time, and the seventh thunder was about to fall.He had to complete the arrangement of the magic circle before the thunder fell completely.

What Xu Miao arranged was a chain formation, including attack and defense.One layer of defense, one layer of attack, another layer of defense, one layer of attack.His speed was very fast, and the banners in his hands turned into streaks of silver light, quickly planted on the ground.

One formation flag after another formation flag, one formation after another, Xu Miao has never discovered that his hand speed can be so fast.Between life and death, human potential can always be maximized.

"Is Xu Miao setting up a formation?"

"But can the formation block the sky thunder?"


Neither the Golden Core cultivator nor the Nascent Soul cultivator believed that Xu Miao's hastily arranged formation could withstand the seventh thunder.Xu Miao didn't intend to just use formations to defuse the thunder.

All he wanted was enough time.As long as there is enough time, he has a chance to let the thunder fall on him, and its power will be weakened to a certain extent.

The seventh thunder finally fell, and Xu Miao's last banner was planted on the ground.He stood proudly in the center of the formation, staring coldly at the golden and white sky thunder.

The formation on the first floor did not have any resistance effect at all, and was completely destroyed by the sky thunder, followed by the second and third floors.

Bi Hai instantly externalized, this was the first time he used Bi Hai after he advanced to Nascent Soul.Water is the softest, but also the hardest.Bihai was controlled by Xu Miao layer by layer, blocking the outside of the magic circle, weakening the power of the sky thunder.

(End of this chapter)

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