Chapter 372
The water curtain formed by the blue sea was scattered by the sky thunder, turned into water droplets, and then turned into aura and scattered in the sky and earth. Xu Miao absorbed the aura and returned it to Xu Miao's body.

This seemingly simple recycling trick contains great danger.In the vicinity of Tianlei, absorbing the aura scattered by Tianlei is dangerous enough.

If there is a mistake, the sky thunder will be introduced into the body, causing irreversible consequences.Xu Miao only planned to use such a risky move once.

When Tianlei came to the fourth layer of magic circle, the Wu Ningjian sword in Xu Miao's hand suddenly moved.The Broken Star swordsmanship followed the trajectory of the formation, directly hitting the seventh sky thunder.

The moment the seventh sky thunder encountered the Broken Star Sword Art, its strength was weakened a little.Only then did Xu Miao's purpose in arranging the formation really come to light. He found one who could temporarily resist the thunder. He attacked the thunder from the side, and then weakened the power of the thunder.

With the Ningwu Sword in Xu Miao's hands, she couldn't see its real appearance at all, and it all turned into a blue sword light.One move after another, the Broken Star swordsmanship greeted Tianlei.

Xu Miao, who was the closest to Tianlei, could clearly feel that the power of Tianlei was gradually decreasing.At this time, the power of the sky thunder has been weakened by at least [-]% compared to when it first fell.

Although there are [-]% left, the threat to Xu Miao is not small.The power of the seventh thunder is twice as powerful as that of the sixth. Even if it is weakened by [-]%, the current power of the seventh thunder is stronger than that of the sixth.

But at this moment, all the formations have been shattered by the thunder, and there is nothing that can resist the thunder.Xu Miao held the Nirvana Sword in her left hand and the Wu Ningwu Sword in her right hand. The two swords were crossed in front of her chest, and she frantically struck Tianlei.

This is the fusion of Heaven and Earth Nirvana and Broken Star Swordsmanship. While the Heaven and Earth Nirvana Jue strengthens the Broken Stars Sword Art, it also allows the Broken Stars Sword Art to enhance the power of the Heaven and Earth Nirvana Jue.

A cross with terrifying sword intent and chaotic gas rushed straight into the seventh thunder.This blow completely exhausted Xu Miao's spiritual power, Xu Miao swallowed the Cangmu fruit and spiritual source water at a very fast speed, and sent another blow.

Under Xu Miao's continuous attack, the sky thunder finally divided into four parts from a complete sky thunder.Two of them are the weakest. Xu Miao decisively teleported under the sky thunder to deal with the weakest two.

There were still two powerful thunderbolts left, Xu Miao flipped both wrists at the same time, the fog-condensing sword and the Nirvana sword were aimed in different directions, and the Heaven and Earth Nirvana Art and the Broken Star Sword were fired together.

Under the attack of Xu Miao's violent storm, the power of the two thunderstorms decreased again.Xu Miao drank the spiritual source water again, but her spiritual power had not yet fully recovered. Xu Miao swung two swords again and completely smashed the seventh thunder.

This thunder did not dissipate directly into the air, but penetrated into Xu Miao's body.The power of the golden sky thunder cannot be compared with the purple sky thunder at all.

Xu Miao can guide the purple sky thunder into the body and forge the body.But he definitely didn't have the courage to introduce the white sky thunder into his body.

As soon as the white sky thunder entered her body, Xu Miao felt severe pain.The muscles all over his body twitched uncontrollably, and Xu Miao could even smell the burning smell.

Xu Miao's hair was directly smeared, her clothes were scorched by the thunder, and her skin, which was originally as clear as white jade, also turned brown-black.

"Golden thunder has entered the body, Xu Miao may find it difficult to survive." A Nascent Soul cultivator stroked his long beard and said in a deep voice.

"It is recorded in the historical data that no monk can survive when the golden thunder enters his body."

"I think Xu Miao deliberately introduced Tianlei into her body before, maybe this time it was also on purpose?"

Cultivator Nascent Soul shook his head: "Who is Xu Miao, he would never do such a stupid thing. The last move to smash the sky thunder just now must have exhausted all his strength, and there is no possibility of resisting it."

"Tianlei seized this opportunity, entered Xu Miao's body as if entering no one's land, and destroyed Xu Miao's body from the root."

The monks were silent. They thought they would witness the birth of a brand new legend, but they did not expect to witness the death of the legend.

The golden thunder kept attacking the internal structure of Xu Miao's body, including Nascent Soul.Xu Miao lay on the ground with her eyes closed tightly, making it impossible for people to know Xu Miao's mood and thoughts at the moment.

Nascent Soul at the dantian showed an extremely cruel smile at this moment, wanting to destroy my body, it depends on how fast you can do it!

Xu Miao's spiritual power was exhausted, but her spiritual consciousness was not affected.He controlled the Wu Ningjian with his spiritual sense, and stabbed fiercely at the place where the sky thunder was.The chaotic gas poured out unreservedly, and several blood holes appeared in Xu Miao's body immediately.

"Is Xu Miao crazy? How did he attack himself with the fog sword?"

The Nascent Soul cultivator who had previously concluded that Xu Miao would not be able to make it through had a gleam in his eyes: "Xu Miao is indeed a person who can surpass Xie Lingan. The method he used seems to be really hurting himself, and at the same time he is attacking Tianlei."

"Instead of letting Tianlei completely destroy his body, it's better for him to take action himself, destroying the body while destroying Tianlei. His mind and will are so determined to a very terrifying level."

Xu Miao didn't hold back the slightest of every attack of Wu Ningwu Sword.Only with the strongest offensive can there be a chance to destroy Tianlei.The price Xu Miao paid was also painful.

The whole body was full of blood holes, even at the dantian, Xu Miao stabbed decisively with a sword.Fortunately, Xu Miao is already at the Nascent Soul stage, and can change the position of the Nascent Soul at will.

Otherwise, the sword piercing into Dantian would directly abolish Xu Miao's cultivation.Under the attack of Wu Ningjian, Tianlei could no longer pose a threat to Xu Miao.The rest of the thunder was absorbed by Xu Miao and used for exercise.

At this moment, Xu Miao was already in a terrible state of distress.He opened his eyes and looked at the eighth thunderstorm brewing in the dark clouds with a serious expression.

The golden light is getting bigger and bigger, which also means that the sky thunder is transforming into a golden sky thunder.Xu Miao barely supported her body, sat up cross-legged, and took the elixir, spiritual source water, and Cangmu fruit, all of which seemed to cost nothing.

The violent spiritual power and medicinal power appeared in Xu Miao's dantian at the same time. For a monk, it is extremely dangerous to take too many recovery items so recklessly.

A monk's body has a limit, beyond this limit, the healing items will cause secondary damage to the body instead.Of course Xu Miao knew this truth, but he ran out of time now.

The eighth sky thunder has formed and will fall in a short time.Xu Miao must restore her body to a state capable of fighting in the shortest possible time.

"He actually made it through!" a monk muttered to himself, his face full of disbelief.

Another monk saw the situation of the eighth thunder: "Even after the seventh thunder, he still has the eighth thunder, and even the ninth thunder. The power of the remaining two thunders will definitely not Lower than the seventh thunder."

Few of the cultivators who have been paying attention to Xu Miao's crossing the catastrophe believe that he can survive this catastrophe.It's not that everyone doesn't believe in Xu Miao's strength, Xu Miao's strength has already left a deep impression on their hearts.

It's just that the power of Tianjie is too strong. Even Xu Miao's strength may not be able to resist Tianjie.

Xu Miao was still sitting cross-legged on the ground, both the Fog Condensing Sword and the Nirvana Sword were suspended above his head.Xu Miao's spiritual power and medicinal power have been absorbed, but his current physical condition is still not optimistic.

The eighth half-white and half-gold sky thunder fell, Xu Miao raised her head abruptly, pointed her right hand upwards, and the Mist Condensing Sword and Nirvana Sword faced the sky thunder at the same time.Under Xu Miao's control, the two swords gradually formed a sword shield, blocking Tianlei firmly on the sword shield.

It's just that Xu Miao knows very well that this sword and shield won't last long.He opened all the meridians in his body to absorb spiritual energy.The surrounding aura frantically rushed into Xu Miao's body, and then Xu Miao led it into the two swords.

The sword and shield formed by the Nirvana Sword and the Ningwu Sword were tenaciously confronting Tianlei. Xu Miao almost tried his best, but there were still cracks in the sword and shield.Xu Miao knew that the sword and shield had reached its limit, and if it continued, it would not only be the sword and shield that would be cracked, but the sword.

Xu Miao decisively recalled the two swords, and the golden dragon formed by the law of heaven and earth roared out.This golden dragon with its body has gathered eighteen laws of heaven and earth, and its momentum alone is enough to suppress many things.

"This is—the Golden Dragon of Law?"

"How can there be such a big golden dragon of laws? How many laws of heaven and earth did Xu Miao refine?"

A Nascent Soul cultivator half-closed his eyes, observed for a long time, and finally said: "Eighteen, this golden dragon has eighteen laws of heaven and earth!"

"Eighteen laws of heaven and earth, this is too heaven-defying! I haven't refined even one so far."

"Who are you, who is Xu Miao. But Xie Ling'an has refined 29 laws of heaven and earth. Xu Miao is not as good as Xie Ling'an in this respect."

"Xie Ling'an was a monk ten thousand years ago. Times have changed, and the laws of heaven and earth are not so easy to refine."

At this time, the monk no longer paid attention to whether Xu Miao could successfully survive the catastrophe, but paid attention to the laws of heaven and earth that Xu Miao refined.With this law, the golden dragon can even send out a faint roar, entwining the eighth thunder.

"The eighth thunder, the golden dragon of the law cannot subdue it, unless Xu Miao has a golden dragon of the same strength. Otherwise, Xu Miao will die under the eighth thunder."

As if to reflect the words of the Nascent Soul cultivator, Xu Miao's eyes turned hard, and the Law Golden Dragon on the Nascent Soul roared out from the top of his head, soaring straight into the sky, tightly entwining the eighth thunder.

The Nascent Soul cultivator, who had previously believed that Xu Miao would die, was filled with embarrassment.Whoever is slapped in the face so quickly will not be in a good mood.

"Golden dragons are the same size, that is to say, Xu Miao refined 36 laws of heaven and earth!" A monk's voice suddenly became high-pitched.

"36 ways! According to historical records, the most refined ones are only 32 ways!"

(End of this chapter)

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