Chapter 373
"This is impossible! There is a limit to the body of a monk, and the 32 laws of heaven and earth are the limit of a human monk. Throughout the ages, for so many years, no monk has ever surpassed this limit!"

"Xu Miao actually surpassed the limit of the human monk's body and set a new record. Even if he fell under the catastrophe today, the fact that he successfully refined 36 laws of heaven and earth will be passed down."

"No matter which monk in the future, when he reaches the stage of conceiving a baby, he will always think of the name Xu Miao. This person transcends the limit, creates the limit, and turns the impossible into the possible."

Xu Miao clasped her hands tightly and put them on her knees.He raised his neck and looked at the two lawful golden dragons.The Golden Dragon formed by the Eighteen Dao Laws, combined into one, is not just the effect of one plus one equals two.

The combined attack of two golden dragons is far more powerful than the effect of a single lawful golden dragon attacking.The half-white and half-gold sky thunder was tightly entangled by two golden dragons, and could not fall down after all.

The corner of Xu Miao's mouth curled up, and she calmly looked at the golden dragon who was constantly struggling among the golden dragons.Wanting to kill him with Heavenly Tribulation is really a dream.

With the breath-adjusting time that the Golden Dragon of Two Laws bought for Xu Miao, Xu Miao finally stood up.The current Xu Miao is really not a high-level monk who is detached from the world.

The clothes were ragged, and the few rags left were completely stained red and black by blood.The headband that bound her hair had long since disappeared, and her black hair fluttered in the wind.

But no matter how embarrassed Xu Miao looked, no one dared to underestimate Xu Miao's strength and the momentum he displayed at the moment.In front of Xu Miao, even if it is a catastrophe, it is nothing!
Xu Miao slowly raised his right hand, and the Fog Condensing Sword instantly appeared in his right hand.Xu Miao grabbed the hilt of the Ningwu Sword violently, and her figure suddenly disappeared from everyone's sight.

When he reappeared in the sight of everyone, he was already in midair.The Ningwu Sword was already pointing at the Heavenly Tribulation that was entangled by two lawful golden dragons. Xu Miao leaned back slightly and began to accumulate strength.

The spiritual power of the Ningwujian sword gradually increased, and the sword's momentum rose to a height even comparable to that of Tianlei.Xu Miao's face was calm. If only Xu Miao's expression was shown at this moment, no one would be able to tell that Xu Miao was facing the eighth thunderstorm.

Xu Miao's raised hand suddenly swung down at this moment, and the violent sword momentum and sword intent merged perfectly.Under the cover of dark clouds, a dazzling silver light still shines.

This silver light hit everyone's eyes directly, and all the onlookers had to close their eyes to temporarily avoid the condensed fog.It was also at this moment that Xu Miao's move shattered the stars and gushed out.

The offensive of the Ningwu Sword collided head-on with the eighth thunder, and a terrifying shock wave erupted.Some onlooker monks with low cultivation bases were even overthrown directly, and they didn't even have time to summon magic weapons to resist.

And Xu Miao has already recalled two golden dragons of laws to protect herself.Eyes half-closed, both hands clenched the fog-condensing sword, the spiritual power of the whole body poured into the fog-condensed sword, resisting the eighth thunder.

The sound of thunder, the sound of the sword, and the sound of the wind were all mixed together, making it impossible to distinguish.Under the light of Lei Guang and Jian Guang, Xu Miao's figure appeared extremely resolute.

An explosion sounded suddenly, and Xu Miao fell straight to the ground like a kite with a broken string, making a dull sound.The moment he landed, Xu Miao heard the sound of bones breaking.

If it weren't for the two laws of golden dragon body protection, Xu Miao would have been destroyed by the sky thunder just now, and there would be no hair left.

Xu Miao struck with all her strength. Although most of the power of the eighth thunder was neutralized, there was still a small part of the power left, which had not been completely crushed.

Xu Miao lay sideways on the ground with blood all over her face.He could clearly feel that the eighth thunder was getting closer and closer to him.

At this moment, the dragon's blood suddenly exerted force, covering Xu Miao's entire body.When the half-white and half-gold lightning struck Xu Miao's body, a clear dragon chant even appeared on the light film of dragon's blood, resounding throughout the world.

At this time, Xu Miao raised her hand to summon the Wu Concentrating Sword, and aimed at Tianlei and threw the Wu Condensing Sword.Xu Miao threw the Wu Ning Sword as a long spear, and the Wu Ning Sword did not disappoint Xu Miao's expectations, hitting Tianlei.

This blow contained the power of the law of heaven and earth, and the remaining might of the thunder finally became irresistible and dissipated without a trace.Xu Miao closed her eyes and adjusted her breathing slowly.

The dragon power started to play a role. When Xu Miao couldn't control his body, he repaired Xu Miao's injury and recovered his spiritual power.Xu Miao blinked constantly and shook her head slightly, trying to stay awake.

A lot of blood flowed out of his body, his mind gradually became blurred, and he could not continue to stay clear.Longli can restore Xu Miao's injury, but cannot replenish the lost blood.

Xu Miao swallowed hard and propped her body up with her elbows.Reluctantly maintain the posture with the knees crossed, this posture is the most suitable for monks to absorb spiritual energy and restore their state.

Even though he didn't even have the strength to lift a finger now, he still gritted his teeth and braced himself.

Xiaotian fell into a deep sleep due to refining materials, and could not know Xu Miao's situation.But Little Phoenix, Qingjiao, Huoyan Lingyao, and several other monsters could see Xu Miao's current situation.

"The movement of crossing the tribulation is too great. When I advanced from the eighth level to the ninth level, there was no such scary movement! How does Xu Xiaozi look, it seems to be punished by heaven!"

Although Huoyan Spirit Demon always hated Xu Miao, he also knew that Xu Miao's life and death had something to do with his master, Little Phoenix.If Xu Miao dies, Little Phoenix will not have the possibility of being reborn from Nirvana.

"I haven't seen him crossing the catastrophe in the Demon Realm. Even those monsters with extraordinary talents, no one can be like Xu Miao. It's just the catastrophe in the Nascent Soul stage, and the aura generated is almost as good as that of ordinary monsters. The God Transformation Heavenly Tribulation is comparable."

No matter how worried Qing Jiao and the others were, they could only watch and not appear outside.As long as they help Xu Miao, the catastrophe will affect them immediately, and it may even attract Qing Jiao's God Transformation Tribulation.

In Xu Miao's current situation, it is absolutely impossible for him to escape from the Heavenly Tribulation of Transformation God.Xu Miao's complexion is gray now, with a trace of decay floating on her face.

His real situation was even worse than everyone expected, and the Nascent Soul in his dantian was even more depressed.No matter how the golden dragon circled around Yuanying, it could not improve the situation of Yuanying.

The power of dragon blood was sealed by the giant dragon, unable to show the true strength of Canglong, it can only be used as an assistant to protect Xu Miao in dangerous moments.

Xu Miao closed her eyes, but her back was straight.He swallowed all the pills that could replenish his spiritual power and heal his injuries. As for the possible consequences, Xu Miao couldn't care less about it.

Yuan Ying suddenly came into contact with this force, and his face immediately turned purple.This is a situation where too much force is suddenly absorbed and the body repels it.

A stern look appeared in Xu Miao's eyes, no matter how much his body rejected this force, he would suppress his body to integrate this force.

Xu Miao's current condition is like that of a seriously injured patient. Although chicken, duck and fish are great supplements, for the patient, it is tantamount to aggravating their condition and is not conducive to the recovery of the injury.

Only by taking it slowly, slowly adjusting it with porridge and side dishes, and supplemented with supplements, can the body recover completely.Xu Miao directly skipped the previous key steps and skipped to the last step.

The instinctive repulsion of the body and the struggle of will decided the outcome before the thunder fell.The winner is of course Xu Miao's iron-like, unshakable will.

Whatever he wanted to do, he would always do.Gods block and kill gods, Buddhas block and kill Buddhas, even if there are difficulties and obstacles ahead, he will cross over at all costs.

The dried up meridians instantly filled up, and the objects in the dantian temporarily returned to life.Xu Miao knew very well that all this was only temporary, and the situation would get worse soon.

"Xu Miao is recovering his spiritual power at the expense of his body. Has he ever thought that using such a method may destroy his Dao foundation?"

"Foolish, Xu Miao's behavior is exactly the word decisive. Between life and death, you must have enough determination to survive. Maybe I was wrong before, and Xu Miao may really be able to survive this catastrophe."


Xu Miao didn't know the consequences of doing so, but so what, as long as he could survive the thunderstorm, all problems would no longer be problems.

He has Huo Yan Ling Yao, Qing Jiao, and Shui San at his side, no matter who it is, it is impossible for him to attack him when he is weak.

In the dense dark clouds, golden light shines.Xu Miao's expression was serious. He could be sure that the ninth catastrophe must have all turned into gold, becoming a golden thunder through and through.

Before Jin Lei fell, he made a loud cracking sound.Just this explosion made many monks uneasy.Xu Miao has dragon power to protect her body. Although her mind is not unstable, it is difficult to avoid a momentary trance.

However, Xu Miao's reaction speed was extremely fast, and at the same time as the sky thunder fell, he raised his sword.The Nirvana Sword and the Fog Condensation Sword are held in two hands respectively.

Xu Miao regarded the ninth thunder as an opponent who could fight, and used all the means of fighting.Whether it's talismans or sword moves, Xu Miao has used all the methods available to her except divine sense.

Against Jin Lei, the price required is huge.But for a moment, the spiritual power in Xu Miao's body was exhausted. At this moment, Xu Miao couldn't even take any pill or drop of spiritual source water.

Xu Miao fell to the ground, her body trembling under the support of the sword in both hands.At this time, Jin Lei appeared on Xu Miao's head, and it was inevitable.

"Xu Miao!" "Boy Xu!" "Father!"

"Xu Miao couldn't make it through, he had used all his means—"

Shui San stood outside the range of Heavenly Tribulation, tightly holding the sword in his hand.If Xu Miao really can't hold on, he will use special secret techniques to save Xu Miao and hide in the ancient secret realm.

(End of this chapter)

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