Chapter 374
The ancient secret realm belongs to the other side of the world, not to the laws of heaven and earth here.Only by hiding there can Xu Miao's life be saved.Shui San watched Xu Miao's situation momentarily, ready to perform secret techniques at any time.

Even at the most critical moment, Xu Miao's expression did not fluctuate much.As if in his heart, life and death were nothing at all.

Only Xu Miao knew clearly, of course he didn't care about life and death, but he had prepared the last move - the reincarnation nirvana formula.The wheel-turning Nirvana Jue is originally from death to life, from life to death.

He dropped the two swords in his hands, sat down cross-legged, and spread his hands on his knees.The ninth thunder still had half of its power left, and it went straight along Xu Miao's head and entered Xu Miao's body.

Blood gushed out of Xu Miao's throat in an instant, unable to bear it anymore, it remained from the corner of his mouth.All the meridians in the body were destroyed the moment the sky thunder entered the body.

No matter whether it is bones or flesh and blood, no one can survive the might of the sky thunder.The two golden dragons protected the body and the Nascent Soul respectively, and the dragon's blood exuded powerful power to protect the organs in Xu Miao's body.

But these are just means of defense, there is no way to attack, it will only consume the power of defense, and eventually die under the catastrophe.

Xu Miao's breath became weaker and weaker, but his altar was not as clear as it was at this time.Thinking back to the mantra in his mind, the voice of the mantra became clearer and louder.

The cycle of nirvana began to work when Xu Miao's meridians were all damaged, and even her spiritual power could not work.Xu Miao's body gradually glowed with golden light, but this golden color was covered by golden thunder, so no one noticed.

None of the onlookers could continue to feel Xu Miao's aura. Many monks were silent for a long time, and only one broke the silence: "Xu Miao, you failed."

"After all, he is only a human being. Although he has refined 36 laws of heaven and earth, the intensity of the catastrophe is so strong, so why does it have nothing to do with the laws of heaven and earth he refined?"

"Cause and effect rotate, and the current fruit is also the cause that was once planted."

"Xu Miao is not dead yet, look at the robbery cloud, it hasn't dissipated! If he died, the robbery cloud would have dispersed long ago, not as it is now, which has not dispersed for a long time."

The cycle of reincarnation and nirvana circulated continuously, and when Xu Miao was about to die, the cycle of reincarnation and rebirth was reborn.Xu Miao even felt the breath of death. There was darkness behind him, and there was only a white exit in front of him.

He was tired, very tired, and all he wanted was to close his eyes and have a good night's sleep.The body is full of fatigue, sweeping Xu Miao, trying to destroy his will.

That bright exit seemed very, very far away from him.With every step he took, he could feel heart-piercing pain.The bloody smell rising from her throat aroused Xu Miao's cruelty.

The more he is not allowed to go, the more he wants to go.Isn't it just tired?Isn't it pain?As long as he walked to that exit, he could sleep as long as he wanted.

He took one step at a time, took a step and took a step, but no matter how much pain his body endured on the way to the exit, Xu Miao never thought of giving up.

The Sanskrit singing in his ears became louder and louder. His body was so painful at the beginning that he hunched up, and now he stood up straight.At this time, his mind had recovered, and he thought that it must be the Nirvana Jue of Reincarnation, which opened the exit for him.

Listening to the deafening Sanskrit singing, Xu Miao's footsteps became faster and faster, and finally ran directly.When the light from the exit shone on him, Xu Miao involuntarily closed her eyes.

When he opened it again, the pain that had dissipated came back like a tide.Xu Miao saw the pristine blue sky and floating white clouds, and all the dark clouds before had disappeared.

With him at the center, the surrounding environment is in a mess.In fact, the mess is not only the external environment, but also Xu Miao's body.All the meridians were damaged, unable to circulate spiritual power, and there were even several scars on Yuanying's body.

Although the physical condition was bad to a certain extent, it could not conceal the strong vitality emanating from the Nascent Soul.Xu Miao knew that he had successfully survived the Infant Tribulation and truly became a Nascent Soul cultivator.

Suddenly a sound of fighting appeared in Xu Miao's ears, and Xu Miao turned her head with difficulty to see that Shui San was fighting with a group of monks.

"Take advantage of his illness to kill him! Xu Miao is at the weakest moment. If you don't kill him at this time, you will have no chance in the future!" The person who can find Xu Miaocha at this time must be the Nascent Soul cultivator.

Golden core monks, even if they were given more courage, they would not dare to face Xu Miao easily.There are a total of five monks in this group, and the monk with the highest cultivation level is a monk in the middle stage of Nascent Soul.

Although Shui San is at the same level as him now, he is at the initial stage of Yuanying.But without Xu Miao's heaven-defying fighting power, he can fight five against five, including two Nascent Soul mid-stage monks.

Xu Miao sneered, propped her hands on the ground, stood up slowly, glanced at the monk who spoke just now at the beginning of the Nascent Soul, her voice was cold and without any warmth: "You want to kill me while I'm sick?"

Before the words were finished, a burst of spiritual power rushed straight to the previous cultivator, and instantly understood the other's life.The Nascent Soul kept his eyes wide open from the beginning to the end, and couldn't believe how Xu Miao recovered his combat power.

All monks who have experienced the catastrophe will have a period of weakness.At this time, the monk's strength dropped drastically, and ordinary monks could kill him.

Therefore, the monks who are about to cross the catastrophe will choose the safest place, just to ensure the safety of this weak period of time.None of the monks expected that Xu Miao could recover quickly, and could kill the lives of fellow monks in an instant.

Xu Miao's cold eyes swept over everyone, and slowly raised his right hand: "I didn't intend to do anything, you forced me." The spiritual power quickly gathered in Xu Miao's hands, and the few monks closest to Xu Miao could feel it. The strength of this spiritual power.

"As expected of Xu Miao, after experiencing such a terrifying catastrophe, he can quickly recover his strength. I will be willing to bow down."

Several people looked at each other and immediately used their means to leave.Xu Miao did not put away the spiritual power in her hands, but continued to sweep through the other onlookers.

Some monks knew that it would not be beneficial, so they turned around and left.Some monks stepped forward to make friends with Xu Miao.Xu Miao sent them away with a few words, until all the monks left, Xu Miao finally couldn't hold on and fell to the ground.

His strength didn't recover at all, and he was able to kill the monk at the early stage of Nascent Soul with one blow, entirely with the help of Qingjiao's power.Xu Miao has dragon blood in her body, so she can temporarily borrow the power of Qingjiao.

It's just that this kind of borrowing is a more serious injury to Xu Miao's already dilapidated body.Xu Miao didn't want to expose Qingjiao and Huoyan Lingyao, so she made such a bad move.

Fortunately, Xu Miao has always been notorious. Under his strong threat, the monks retreated like a tide.Only then did Xu Miao return to the ancient secret realm and recover from her injuries.

The spirit grass in the ancient secret realm grew luxuriantly and was full of aura. Xu Miao recovered quickly in this environment.Even the Huoyan Spirit Demon couldn't help being amazed: "This kind of injury, an ordinary monk, won't get up in three to five years."

"It's amazing that you can get back to peak form in just a few months."

Xu Miao ignored the Flame Spirit Demon, but asked Shui San, "How long is it until the Zhonglu Cultivator Ranking Competition?"

"Only one month left."

In a month's time, he speeded up, and there is still a chance to catch up.Xu Miao sent Shui San into the Huntian Stone and rushed towards Zhonglu.

Xu Miao still has the Continental Teleportation Token left by Shui Mei. With this token, she can be quickly teleported to Zhonglu.


Zhonglu's monk ranking competition this time was held at Jingyangzong in Zhonglu.As long as the monks have a certain strength, they are proud to be able to participate in the monk ranking competition. In the hearts of these monks, the ranking determined by the monk ranking competition is the monk's real strength.

Because the monk ranking competition will not only assess the combat power of the monks, but also the level of the monks in alchemy, talismans, formations, and weapon refining.

As long as you have enough strength, you can achieve excellent results in the monk ranking competition.Because of their outstanding performance in the monk ranking competition, some casual monks were recruited by some high-level monks from famous schools.

However, not any monk can participate in the monk selection competition.Before the monk ranking competition, there will be a primary election.Only the monks who pass the preliminary selection can participate in the official monk ranking competition.

Most of the monks participating in the monk ranking competition are from the central land, and some are demon cultivators from the southern land, and of course a small number are from the eastern land.

As for the West Land and the North Land, the level of comprehension of these two continents is quite far from that of the Central Land.There was a time when monks from Westland participated in a ranking competition, and the final ranking was very ugly.Since then, the monks in Xilu simply gave up the monk ranking competition.

No matter which continent you come from, if you want to participate in the official monk ranking competition, you need to participate in the primary election first.Unless you are a famous sect, a core disciple of a large aristocratic family, you are eligible to be exempted from the primary election.

Xu Miao hurried, but still missed the primary election.Xu Miao was not eligible to participate in the monk ranking competition if he failed the primary selection and was not a disciple of a sect family.

In desperation, Xu Miao could only watch for fun.It is also an excellent experience for monks to experience how powerful Zhonglu is, who has the strongest level of cultivation.

"Have you heard? This time, Xilu also has monks to participate in the ranking competition!" Xu Miao heard the discussion of the monks next to him when he was wandering in Jingyang Town under Jingyangzong Mountain.

"Xilu? Is that Xu Miao?" The nearby monks also became interested.

The monk who started the conversation shook his hand: "Of course not. This time, many Xilu monks came, but they didn't see that Xu Miao."

"Speaking of which, Xu Miao disappeared from the list of planar monks." A group of people stood in front of the list and commented.

(End of this chapter)

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