Taikoo Immortal King

Chapter 375 Misunderstanding

Chapter 375 Misunderstanding
Xu Miao heard the words and looked, his name was indeed missing from the list of plane monks for Jindan monks.And not far away, Xu Miao's name appeared on the Nascent Soul cultivator list.

After all, it is only the initial stage of Yuanying's cultivation, and Xu Miao's ranking is not high.The top fifty monks are all great monks in the late Yuanying period.Until one, the name of the monk in the mid-Yuanying period appeared.

"Xu Miao's name has appeared on the list of Nascent Soul monks!" A monk suddenly said, attracting everyone to the bottom of the list of Nascent Soul monks.

"It's a lie, how many years has it been since Xu Miao advanced to the Nascent Soul Stage?"

"It's only been 50 years since the last time Xu Miao appeared in public. At that time, he was only at the late stage of Jindan. In 50 years, it took him 50 years to advance to Nascent Soul!"

"The patriarch of my sect spent a full 120 years before he successfully conceived a baby."

"The genius disciple Guan Yuehao who is most likely to step into Huashen in Qianyang Sect now took 55 years to advance to Nascent Soul. Is this Xu Miao more talented than Guan Yuehao?"


The topic of discussion among a group of monks has shifted from Xu Miao to how long it takes to advance to the Nascent Soul.No matter how they recall, in today's comprehension world, no one can advance faster than Xu Miao.

Although there is a limit to the number of participants in the monk ranking competition, there is no limit to the monks onlookers.As long as you register in the Jingyang Sect, you can enter and watch it.

Xu Miao did not hide his level of cultivation. The monk in charge of registration saw the Nascent Soul cultivator standing in front of him, and was stunned for a moment. Fighting can't improve one's own strength.

Xu Miao's insight is so sharp. Seeing the expression of the monk in charge of registration, he knew what he was thinking.Xu Miao just put her hand on the table and tapped it lightly three times.

In these three strikes, Xu Miao didn't use any spiritual power or consciousness, but the suppression of low-level monks by Nascent Soul monks was innate.

The monk in charge of the registration suddenly turned pale, and hurriedly speeded up his hands, and handed Xu Miao a piece of yellow paper cut to the size of a palm.

"This is the warrant. If it is accidentally lost, the monks who will be inspected will immediately clear the Jingyang sect."

"Also, don't scatter your consciousness inside at will, which will easily arouse taboos from other monks." Xu Miao took the yellow paper and entered Jingyang Sect without any indication.

He is already a monk at the Nascent Soul Stage, so there is absolutely no need to haggle over every detail with a monk at the Golden Core Stage, as that will degrade his status.Xu Miao walked to the area where the Nascent Soul monks competed, and joined a group of monks to watch.

None of the onlookers passed the primary election.Xu Miao is probably the only one who can only enter as a spectator because he missed the primary election.

The primary election was just a simple screening, and the number of remaining monks was still as large as crossing the river koi.Therefore, after the primary election, there will be another competition.Draw lots to catch and fight, the winner enters the next round, and the loser can only go home sadly.

If the two sides compete on the same level and have outstanding strength, they are also eligible to enter the next round.Xu Miao shuttled back and forth between the various competition platforms with relish, watching the fighting methods of the Nascent Soul cultivator.

Xu Miao's behavior was seen by a monk who was defeated just now. This monk is Jia Wu, the heir of a medium-sized family.

Although Jia Wu's strength was not weak, he was unlucky. The opponent he met in the lottery was a disciple of the Jingyang Sect.

As soon as he saw Xu Miao, he knew that Xu Miao didn't even participate in the primary election, but just entered to watch the competition with a yellow paper.For this kind of person, Jia Wu has seen too many people, he has no strength, but he still has to come out to embarrass himself.

Jia Wu was in a bad mood right now, and just wanted to find someone to vent his anger on, so Xu Miao was accidentally selected by Jia Wu as the punching bag.

Although Jia Wu was only at the early stage of Yuanying, his mother specially assigned a monk at the middle stage of Yuanying to accompany him and escort Jia Wu for Jia Wu's safety.

"Jia Hong, go and catch that guy. I have to take a deep breath, my lord! If you don't have the skills, don't fool around, I'm annoyed!" The middle-stage Nascent Soul cultivator beside Jia Wu obeyed his orders.

Jia Hong dodges, blocking Xu Miao's way.Xu Miao noticed that there was a murderous aura falling on him before, but this murderous aura was fleeting. In order not to attract the attention of other monks, he did not spread his consciousness to look for the source of the murderous aura.

But if Xu Miao doesn't pursue it, it doesn't mean the other party will give up.Xu Miao looked at the middle-stage Nascent Soul cultivator standing opposite her with a half-smile, with a family imprint, indicating that he was a cultivator within the family.

In the monk ranking competition, some monks would always continue to fight off the stage after fighting on stage because they were not convinced.

As the organizer of the monk ranking competition, it will not prevent these.As long as they do it under their noses, as long as no one is killed, everything else is fine.Therefore, it is not uncommon to continue to fight off the stage.

"What's the matter, Your Excellency?" If Xiaotian was awake, he would know that Xu Miao's current expression was definitely not happy, but angry.The angrier she gets, the calmer Xu Miao's expression becomes.

He watched the game well, did not hinder anyone, but inexplicably attracted murderous intent, this kind of unreasonable disaster, Xu Miao will never let the troublemaker go easily.

"My master, please tell me, Fellow Daoist." The monk at the middle stage of Nascent Soul spoke sternly, but Xu Miao knew that the other party didn't take him seriously as a monk at the early stage of Nascent Soul.

Even if Xu Miao participates in the primary election and obtains the qualification to participate in the official competition, it may not make Yuanying mid-term think highly of it.What's more, Xu Miao was holding a yellow paper in his hand, and all the monks knew at a glance that this person hadn't even passed the primary election.

Such a monk has low strength, and I am afraid that the birth of a baby is just luck.

"Your master? What is your master? Just let me go there. You are used to being a dog's leg, don't think that everyone in the world is your house's dog's leg." Once Xu Miao is in a bad mood, she will not show any mercy .

Jia Hong's expression changed, and he raised his hand to grab Xu Miao: "Boy, don't toast and refuse to eat, eat fine wine!" The vast spiritual power of a monk in the mid-Yuanying period rushed directly to Xu Miao, but with this level of spiritual power, Xu Miao still can't eat it. Really don't pay attention to it.

Bearing 36 laws of heaven and earth, and experiencing nine terrifying thunderstorms, Xu Miao's body has been forged from the inside out.The pressure of a monk in the middle stage of the Nascent Soul is irrelevant.

Some good-hearted monks saw the conflict between the middle-stage Nascent Soul and the early-stage monks, and they all gave up on the competition on the stage, and turned to watch Xu Miao and Jia Hong.

From Jia Hong's attack, Xu Miao stood still, not moving at all.

"This kid in the early days is probably scared by Jia Hong. Look at him, he can't even hide, hahaha!"

"Who made this kid so arrogant that he didn't even pass the primary election. When he meets a monk in the middle stage of Nascent Soul, he should be a man with his tail between his legs. Now he should be taught a lesson."

The comments of these monks fell into Xu Miao's ears verbatim.He tilted his head slightly, his eyes swept over everyone calmly, but these monks suddenly felt a chill.

Jia Hong's attack was close, Xu Miao suddenly raised her hand to block Jia Hong's attack.At the same time, Xu Miao flipped his wrist, and Jia Hong's attack was sent back intact by Xu Miao.

This movement, Xu Miao's speed was very fast, Jia Hong had to move his body to avoid the attack he just made.

"What... what's going on here?" A monk couldn't believe what he saw, and rubbed his eyes, "This guy in the early stage of Nascent Soul actually pushed back Jia Hong's attack, what a joke!"

Jia Wu has been standing not far away, paying attention to the situation here.He knows Jia Hong's strength best. His talent may not be comparable to those of the core disciples of the famous sect, but his combat power will not be much different.

This is why Jia Wu's mother sent Jia Hong to him.However, the mighty Jia Hong was repulsed by a Nascent Soul cultivator who hadn't even passed the primary election.

Jia Hong's face turned livid: "Who the hell are you?"

"Guess—" Before the words finished, Xu Miao had disappeared in place, and then appeared behind Jia Hong.Before Jia Hong could react, he punched Jia Hong in the back.

No one saw clearly how Xu Miao disappeared and reappeared.Like a ghost, Xu Miao played with Jia Hong in the middle of the applause.

Xu Miao's attack on Jia Hong's back directly caused confusion in Jia Hong's spiritual power, and he had to stagger a few steps forward to ease the impact of the punch on him.

"You are definitely not someone who failed the primary election! Who are you!" At this time, Jia Hong and Xu Miao had already gathered a lot of monks. This scene was much more attractive than the well-regulated battle on stage.

Xu Miao squeezed the yellow paper in her hand: "It's not wrong for me to be a spectator, but who told you that I didn't pass the primary election?" pressure.

Before Jia Hong could figure out what to say, the crowd of onlookers had already exploded: "What's the situation? Didn't all the people who came to watch the game come because they didn't pass the primary election?"

"Is there anyone who doesn't participate in the primary election, just to see how other people fight?"

Jia Hong's fists were tightly clenched, and he faced Xu Miao directly, so he knew Xu Miao's strength better than anyone beside him.This person who seems to have only the initial stage of Nascent Soul, but his strength can completely crush him.

He was no match for this man, and even though he didn't want to admit it, he had to face the fact.Jia Hong felt bitter in his heart, and said a word with difficulty: "Your Excellency is superior in strength, I was the one who slowed down earlier, please take care of me."

Xu Miao really wanted to say that he didn't take care of him, but before he could speak, Jia Wu pushed through the crowd and stood beside Jia Hong: "Wait, what right does he have to take care of our Jia family?"

(End of this chapter)

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