Taikoo Immortal King

Chapter 376 The Weird Team Member

Chapter 376 The Weird Team Member

As soon as Jia Wu's words fell, he took the initiative to summon the talisman and hit Xu Miao.Jia Wu's natal magic weapon is a long stick, which is made from the trunk of a giant tree that has been around for thousands of years and is indestructible.

No matter what attribute the magic weapon is, it cannot restrain the power of the long stick.Jia Wu jumped up from the ground, turned the stick, adjusted it to the best state, and smashed it down hard on Xu Miao's head.

Xu Miao had absolutely no chance of showing mercy to someone like Jia Wu.Against Jia Hong, who was in the middle stage of Nascent Soul, Xu Miao was able to lift the weight with ease.What's more, Jia Wu, who looks aggressive in front of him, is nothing more than a paper tiger.

The moment the stick fell, Xu Miao disappeared on the spot.Xu Miao made a sword and pointed at the back of Jia Wu's neck.Jia Wu is in a state where the old power is gone and the new power is not born.

He felt Xu Miao's attack, but found that he had no way to dodge.Jia Wu was not a fool either, knowing that he could not stop him, he concentrated all his spiritual energy on the back of his neck to protect his fragile neck.

The corners of Xu Miao's mouth curled up. Just because of this, she still wanted to protect her neck?Xu Miao kept attacking, this attack contained chaotic gas, even jadeite could not resist the sharpness of chaotic gas, not to mention it was only a temporary protective cover made of spiritual power.

With a "click", the protective cover shattered.Xu Miao's palm directly touched the back of Jia Wu's neck. He turned his palm into a claw and grabbed Jia Wu's neck in his hand.

Xu Miao concentrated her spiritual power in her right hand, and lifted Jia Wu in her hand like a chicken.Jia Wu was furious. At this time, he had recovered, holding the long stick in his hand, and was about to attack Xu Miao from below.

"You're too weak—" When Jia Wu's attack was halfway through, Xu Miao grabbed Jia Wu's neck and threw him straight away.The long stick lost its target, and when the body flew away, it affected the surrounding monks.

Jia Wu fell to the ground, and he could clearly hear the tittering of the surrounding monks, which made him unbearable.Even though their Jia family is not a powerful family, it is not something that an ordinary monk can bully.

Jia Wu stood up and shouted an order: "Jia Hong, go and kill this monk!"

However, Jia Hong stood there hesitantly. He knew very well that this unfathomable monk had never displayed his true strength.At least he knocked Jia Wu into the air without even taking out his talisman.

"Kill me?" Xu Miao's eyes turned cold, she suddenly appeared next to Jia Wu, and punched Jia Wu in the face, "You still want to kill me."

Xu Miao's left and right hands worked at the same time, and each punch contained powerful spiritual power, directly beating Jia Wu into a pig's head.After being beaten by Xu Miao, Jia Wu was completely stunned, and he didn't even have the idea of ​​resistance.

Xu Miao grabs Jia Wu's shoulder, bends her knees and hits Jia Wu's dantian hard.The dantian position was attacked by Xu Miao in this way, and Jia Wu's Nascent Soul showed great pain.

"Ah—" Jia Wu's scream was very shrill, but Xu Miao kicked Jia Wu's heart as if he hadn't heard it.With this kick, Xu Miao was still merciful.

If Xu Miao still kicked at Jia Wu's dantian, Jia Wu's Nascent Soul would be injured in an instant, disappear, and finally fall.Jia Wu fell heavily to the ground, unable to even groan in pain.

A group of monks watched the whole process of Xu Miao beating Jia Wu dumbfounded, and no one stepped forward to dissuade him.It's not that they don't want to, but that Xu Miao's movements are too fast.Before the monk could react, Jia Wu had already been sent flying, and he couldn't even get up.

"This person is really just here to watch the game, not to play?"

"It's horrible. I'm now sure that this person didn't fail the primary election, but he didn't want to participate in the primary election."

The conflict between Xu Miao and Jia's family naturally fell into the eyes of the disciples in charge of the Jingyang Sect. Not only that, but some high-level officials also looked sideways at it.

Although Jia Wu's strength is not as good as that of famous families and aristocratic families, he will not be beaten like this by anyone, and he has no chance to fight back.Since it wasn't that Jia Wu was too weak, the only reason was that the person who attacked Jia Wu was too strong!

Jingyang Sect is in charge of coordinating this monk ranking competition, and it is Ma Zhongde, the head of Jingyang Sect.Ma Zhongde is at the late stage of Nascent Soul, but because he is a sword cultivator, his combat power can even be compared with that of the late Nascent Soul.

Ma Zhongde pushed aside the crowd and walked in front of Xu Miao: "Ma Zhongde, the head of the Jingyang Sect, don't know the origin of my little friend?"

Although Xu Miao met a monk from Zhonglu last time, it was a cultivator who passed through the late Yuanying stage and was directly a cultivator of Huashen. In addition, he had never appeared in Zhonglu before. It is normal that the monks in the late Yuanying stage did not recognize him.

"Junior Xu Miao." Xu Miao told her background lightly, but everyone was in an uproar.

"Xu Miao, he is Xu Miao!"

"Xu Miao, who has successfully conceived babies for 50 years!"

"No wonder he hit Jia Wu just now, like a dog."

"Jia Wu is still alive now, that's because Xu Miao didn't plan to kill him, otherwise Jia Wu wouldn't have survived in Xu Miao's hands."

...The monk kept talking about Xu Miao and what happened just now.

Ma Zhongde, who was as calm as Ma, was also shocked at this time. He didn't understand when Xu Miao would have the leisure to visit other people's competitions.

"I'm just late. Your primary election ended too early. I didn't catch up. Anyway, I'm here, and I'll see how the monks in Zhonglu fight." Xu Miao said next. It was a rock-shattering shock.

A group of monks secretly slandered: "The reason for not being qualified for the competition is that you came late."

"As expected of Xu Miao, the reasons are different from ordinary people like us."

Ma Zhongde coughed lightly, and said: "Xu Miao's strength is obvious to all. In the next round of competition list, there is one more Xu Miao. Do you have any opinions?"

The head of the Jingyang Sect asked them if they had any opinions, of course they didn't!Even if there is, does anyone dare to say it!In the silence of everyone, Xu Miao did not need to participate in this competition, and directly qualified for the next round.

As time passed, the first competition gradually came to an end, and the second competition was about to begin.The second competition was different from the competition Xu Miao participated in before. This was a cooperative competition.

When monks sign up for the ranking competition, they will declare in advance which one they are best at.For example, some monks are good at fighting, some monks are good at alchemy, and some monks are good at formation.

The second round of competition is to gather monks with different fields of expertise to form a temporary team.This team will advance together and retreat together in the next competition, accepting various assessments.

The assessment this time uses a concrete method to send the monks into a special space.Dying in the space is not a real death, but will be sent out of a special space, which is similar to the magic weapon space that Xu Miao once participated in.

As long as there is one monk left in the space, the team will continue to gain points. If the entire team is wiped out, then the team will also fail.

The ranking in the second round is calculated based on the personal points of the monks.Only those whose points are ranked within [-] can enter the third round of competition.All monks stand in different places according to their previous areas of expertise.

Among them, the number of monks who are good at fighting is more, accounting for almost [-]% of the number. As for the number of monks who are good at medicine pills, formations, and talismans, divide the remaining [-]%.

These monks have already made their statement and know where they should stand.But Xu Miao didn't say anything in advance, and he didn't decide which field to go to.Whether it's battles, pills, formations, or talismans, Xu Miao can play well.

Xu Miao's hesitation fell into the eyes of others, but it was inexplicable.In their eyes, there was no need to consider Xu Miao's top-notch combat power, as long as he was in the rank of good at fighting.They didn't understand what Xu Miao was hesitating about.

Ma Zhongde couldn't help asking: "Xu Miao, don't you plan to join the team that is good at fighting?"

Xu Miao shook her head and rubbed her nose: "My combat strength is too low, let's go to the array, it's more suitable for me."

The monk who heard Xu Miao's words vomited blood in his heart.Your fighting strength is too low?Who was it that beat Jia Wu into a pig's head just now?Who was it that knocked Jia Hong back with one blow just now?Are we hallucinating?
Xu Miao walked calmly into the formation, facing everyone's gaze.Most of the monks in the formation came from Fufeng Valley. When they saw Xu Miao approaching, they also looked at Xu Miao with inexplicable eyes.

Ma Zhongde raised his hands and signaled everyone to be quiet: "Now we need to group into groups. The old rule is still to draw lots." Ma Zhongde waved his hand, and countless jade plaques appeared in front of everyone.

Xu Miao took a jade token randomly, and the token said [-], which was the number of Xu Miao's team.

"You have to pin this jade card around your waist, and you must not lose it. Only this jade card can send you back here from the special space."

All the monks entered the special space in sequence according to the number.Xu Miao has just advanced to the Nascent Soul Stage, and no one he knows has yet advanced to the Nascent Soul Stage, so the monks in the same team as him are all strangers.

In their team, there are seven people in total, only Xu Miao is a formation master, and the other six are monks who are good at fighting.Each of these six monks has extraordinary backgrounds.Qianyangmen, Jingyangzong, Lingfa Temple, and three of the four major families.

Just the lineup of this team has already made a group of monks envious.Any one of the seven people, placed in other teams, can become the existence to lead a team.

But these people were gathered into a team.It is hard to believe that there is no black box operation in it.When Ma Zhongde saw the members of No.19 team, he was also stunned.

"Is there any mistake? The strength of this team is too strong. Isn't this bullying!"

"That's right, when we meet them, we don't have a chance to escape!"

Dissatisfied monks sounded and protested.

(End of this chapter)

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