Chapter 377
The expressions on the faces of the seven people were very calm, and under the watchful eyes of everyone, they stepped onto the teleportation circle.The light of the teleportation array flashed past, and the seven people had already appeared in the special space.

After arriving in the special space, Xu Miao fully knew the remaining six people.Fan Fan of Qianyangmen, Duke of Jingyang Zong, Master Chenlu of Lingfa Temple, Song Le of the Song family, An Xitong of the An family, He Bai of the He family.

The six of them are all at the early stage of Yuanying, and they are also the most outstanding monks in the current generation of Yuanying monks in their respective families and sects.The names of the six people are all on the list of monks in the plane of the Nascent Soul cultivator.

Compared with the six powerful people behind him, Xu Miao really seemed alone.Now that the team has been formed, the most important thing right now is to choose a captain.

Having a good commander has a vital impact on the future of the entire team.If the commander is incompetent, no matter how strong the team members are, they will die halfway.

If the commander has a superior commanding ability, he can guarantee the combat effectiveness of the team and the acquisition of subsequent points to the maximum extent.In Team No. 19, Xu Miao was a complete outsider, and several people immediately excluded Xu Miao.

"Fellow Daoist Xu Miao, you are new here, and you don't know the specifics of the Cultivation Realm in Zhonglu, so I'm afraid I can't consider you as the captain of the team." As a disciple of Qianyangmen, Fan Fan said warmly.

Xu Miao shrugged nonchalantly: "You take your time to select, and when the results come out, just let me know." After speaking, Xu Miao walked under a tree, spread his consciousness, and observed the surrounding situation.

I don't know how the space here was constructed. At least Xu Miao's spiritual consciousness was spread to the extreme, and he didn't find the difference between this place and the outside environment.

What surprised Xu Miao the most was that he didn't notice the existence of other monks.Before their team came in, there were already 100 teams and more than [-] people entered the space.

But no matter how Xu Miao used his spiritual sense to investigate, he couldn't find the existence of other monks at all.Xu Miao frowned, I'm afraid this space is a small space in a big space.

If you want to see the monks in other teams, you must first leave this small space.According to the requirements of the second round of assessment, the monks in a team must be required to cooperate together.

Xu Miao glanced at the few monks in front of her. Except for Master Chenlu of Lingfa Temple and Duke of Jingyang Sect, who did not participate in the captain's competition, the remaining four monks competed so fiercely that they were on the verge of fighting.

Although everyone in the team he is in is very powerful, but if they are added together, the effect of fighting alone may not be as good.Most of these people are arrogant people, and it is more difficult to make them obey other people's orders than to kill them.

Xu Miao noticed that Master Chenlu sitting next to him, with his head shining in the sun, was reciting scriptures in a low voice.

After a long time, the four of them finally negotiated to form the captain of the team——Fan Fan of Qianyangmen.Fan Fan was dressed in Qianyangmen's exclusive disciple costumes, and he looked really heroic and convincing.

"Fellow daoists, the battle is over, can we go?" Master Chenlu clasped his hands together and asked.

Fan Fan smiled slightly: "Naturally." After finishing speaking, he took the initiative to walk to the front of the seven people.An Xitong looked at Fan Fan's appearance, spat in disdain, and reluctantly followed.

Xu Miao was a little strange. Although these people belonged to different sects and families, how could there be an alliance.Just like the Donglu sect and the family are closely related.But these people in Zhonglu are really not harmonious.

Xu Miao leisurely walked at the end of the team, with her head lowered and her thoughts racing.However, Xu Miao's spiritual consciousness kept scanning the surrounding environment. Xu Miao's spiritual consciousness was already comparable to that of a cultivator who transformed himself into a god. Normally speaking, any strange places could not escape his eyes.

But the space here is very strange. No matter how Xu Miao probes with his spiritual sense, he can't find any sign of man-made construction.The only possibility is that this place was originally an independent space.

It was later discovered by some monks and improved to create such a space.What Xu Miao didn't know was that the person who improved the space here was a monk who was good at space in ancient times.

As for the jade tokens that can send them out, they were also specially made by the ancient monk.The space here was also discovered by Zhonglu's Spirit Transformation cultivator not long ago, and it happened to be used for this cultivator ranking competition.

The people in this team are all steadfast, wise and close to monsters.Everyone has their own views on this space, but no one takes the initiative to speak out.

Suddenly, Xu Miao clearly felt that the environment had changed.This has never happened before.Xu Miao took a few steps back carefully, the changed situation was still the same.

Fan Fan noticed Xu Miao's difference, and asked, "Xu Miao, what's unusual?"

An Xitong's favorite thing to do is to fight against Fan Fan, and then said: "Fan Fan, when you went out, your brain was caught by the door, and none of us noticed anything unusual. How come this person from Xilu Anomalies may be noticed."

Although the others didn't speak, they acquiesced to An Xitong's words.All the people present are brilliant and talented people.If there is an abnormality, they will not be unaware.

Fan Fan also thought about this in his heart, but Xu Miao, who can be ranked fourth on the list of Jindan monks, and teaching monks of the same level is like playing, so Fan Fan has to pay more attention to monks with such strength.

"The law of heaven and earth here has changed, which is different from where we were before." Xu Miao pondered for a moment, and said slowly.He refined 36 laws of heaven and earth. It can be said that among the Nascent Soul monks, no one is more sensitive to the laws of heaven and earth than him.

Only with enough sensitivity can we find the difference in the momentary change.Fan Fan mobilized the golden dragon of the law and checked it carefully, but found nothing abnormal.

Master Chenlu touched his bald head: "It seems to be different, at least my beads show different colors." The beads in Master Chenlu's hand are a top-grade innate spiritual weapon, which can best explore the laws of heaven and earth.

Originally, the Buddha beads showed a brownish yellow color, but now, they have turned into a faint purple.Xu Miao glanced at the string of beads and tried to use her spiritual power, only then did she know what was wrong.

"Flying is forbidden here, we can't leave the body now." Xu Miao's spiritual power is running fine, Nascent Soul, and objects are also fine, except that they can't leave the ground.

Everyone's expressions have changed, and the strength of monks who cannot fly will be greatly weakened.There are many moves that need to be performed in the air, and preventing them from flying is equivalent to prohibiting their attack methods.

"Xu Miao, aren't you a formation master? You are the best at formations, why don't you hurry up and break the formation that prohibits flying!" An Xitong was restless and said nothing.After the words were spoken, I realized that this had nothing to do with the formation at all.

Xu Miao glanced at the other party coldly: "I am a formation master, not a law master. The changes in the laws of heaven and earth are definitely not limited to this. I am afraid that as we continue to walk in, there will be more changes in the laws of heaven and earth. "

"At that time, the restriction will not be such a simple thing as flying." Xu Miao's voice was cold, which made An Xitong feel a burst of irresistible suppression.

When she raised her eyes and stared at Xu Miao, Xu Miao had already looked away.An Xitong suffocated on Xu Miao, which made her very uncomfortable.However, Xu Miao ignored her at all, and she had no choice but to find fault.

The group of them had no map or guidance, and Ma Zhongde only told them one sentence—find the exit.The space here is huge, and for monks who cannot fly, walking with bare feet is enough to make people desperate.

At the same time, in different small spaces, many monks fell into a state of irritability, and some even left the team and ran away.Compared with other teams, at least in Xu Miao's team, everyone can remain calm.

He Bai stopped suddenly, and said, "It's not a problem to go on like this. We have no direction, no map, and we scramble around like headless chickens. In the end, I'm afraid we will go crazy in this space."

What He Bo said was exactly what Xu Miao thought.It's too quiet in this space.Apart from the sounds made by a few people walking, there was no other sound.

This quietness alone can drive people crazy.Coupled with the lack of hope and long-term despair, sooner or later the monk's mind will collapse.The level of the Cultivation Realm in Central Continent is indeed the strongest among several continents.

They not only assess the combat power of the monks, but also the state of mind of the monks.Too often, a monk is left alone, with no hope in sight.A monk can only pass through this stage with the firmest will.

A powerful monk is not only strong in combat power, but also in will.No matter what happens, you can go forward bravely without being disturbed by foreign objects, and you can reach the end.

Song Le looked at the surrounding environment, and then said, "Do you have any good solutions?" He Bai didn't answer Song Le, he just raised a question, but didn't think of a solution.

"Since this is a space for us to test, no matter how wide its scope is, it is still limited." Xu Miao looked into the distance, "As long as it is limited, we can definitely look for a direction and move forward."

"Don't worry about the road under your feet." Xu Miao lowered her eyes and looked at the deep path under her feet.All the way they walked, they followed this path, and it never occurred to them to leave this path.

Master Chenlu clasped his hands together, and recited the Buddha's name: "Things that cannot be solved by common sense, we must use heresy ways to solve them. Fellow Daoist Xu Miao's idea is really brilliant."

Several other monks looked at Xu Miao with complicated eyes. They did not expect Xu Miao to propose a solution so simply.

(End of this chapter)

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