Taikoo Immortal King

Chapter 378 Working Together

Chapter 378 Working Together
"This method is feasible, but what if we still can't reach the end?" Song Le raised doubts.

"Everyone, have you forgotten that we are in the assessment, not really in the mud, and everything that happens here." Xu Miao pointed to the sky, "Everyone outside can see it clearly."

"This level is a test of our determination. As long as we are firm enough, after a few tests, we will naturally find an exit." Xu Miao's words are well-founded, even An Xi, who despises Xu Miao the most. Tong also had to admit Xu Miao's point of view.

They have been walking here for too long, only thinking about finding the exit, but they forgot that this exit is just something that the monks outside call and go.

"According to what fellow Daoist Xu said, no matter which direction we go, the result will be the same. Why don't we just head north." After all, Fan Fan bears the captain's accusation, and there is no conflict of interest, so everyone has no choice but to set off again.

Outside the space, Ma Zhongde couldn't help being taken aback when he saw the situation in the space where Xu Miao was.He thought that after a short period of confusion and despair, the monk would gradually wake up and understand the true location of the exit.

But he didn't expect that this Xu Miao didn't fall into confusion or despair at all, and he discovered the real purpose of this round of assessment without even showing a trace of doubt.

If it is said that this space has been used before, it is understandable that Xu Miao learned the way to pass the level from other places.However, this space was only recently found by Zhonglu's cultivator of transforming spirits. Before that, Xu Miao had no possibility of knowing about this place.

That is to say, Xu Miao saw through all of this completely relying on his wisdom and mind.A late Nascent Soul cultivator from Lingfa Temple came forward, twiddled the Buddhist beads and said, "This son will definitely not be underestimated in the future."

Xu Miao once again felt that the laws of heaven and earth had changed. This time, without Xu Miao's reminder, the remaining six people all reacted, because everyone's spiritual power was suddenly imprisoned.

In one breath, they all became mortals.If they encountered monsters or creatures blocking the way at this time, none of the seven of them would have the strength to resist.

What are you afraid of, what is coming, a tiger roar resounding through the mountains appeared, and the expressions of the seven people instantly became extremely ugly.They have lost their spiritual power now, and if the tiger is powerful, they are likely to be killed in a short time.

Lost spiritual power, unable to control magic weapon.Fortunately, their consciousness can still be used.The seven of them took out their own talismans and stood ready for battle.

Although there is no spiritual power in the magic weapon, the natal magic weapon has the closest relationship with the monk, and can best understand the mood of the monk.At this critical juncture, all the magic weapons of life are shining with strong light.

If there are monks from Fufeng Valley here, they will direct everyone to stand in a suitable position, and use the formation to enhance the attack power of the seven people.Although Xu Miao can crack the formation, but Xu Miao is really not clear about the formation that enhances the attack power.

"Xu Miao, great formation mage, is there any attack formation that we can use?" An Xitong didn't miss any chance to taunt Xu Miao.

"No, just fight yourself." Xu Miao said coldly.He originally wanted to use his spiritual sense to attack the tiger and destroy the tiger's mind, but limited by the laws of heaven and earth, his spiritual sense could not be used to attack at all.

He Bai's face was ugly: "Damn it! Spiritual attacks cannot be used!"

Divine consciousness cannot be used, only the most basic sword moves can be used.Xu Miao rushed to the tiger's side with her sword in hand, and pierced fiercely with her sword.Xu Miao knows the sharpness of the Wu Ningjian sword best, cutting gold and cutting jade is no problem at all.

Such a sharp fog condensing sword could not pierce the tiger's flesh at all.The Ningwu sword drew a shallow trace along the tiger's body.

At this time, the magic weapon attacks of several other people have also fallen.Like Xu Miao, none of their magic weapons could harm the tiger.The tiger roared furiously, raised one of its front paws, and slapped away Song Le who was closest to it.

After shooting Song Le away, Xu Miao was the closest to the tiger.The tiger opened its mouth wide and bit Xu Miao.Xu Miao didn't back down, but instead, the tiger's fur was hard, and he didn't believe that the inside of the tiger's mouth would also be hard.

Taking advantage of the tiger's mouth wide open, Xu Miao raised her hand and inserted the Mist Sword into the tiger's tongue.Sure enough, as Xu Miao expected, the hardness of the tongue is far less than that of the fur.

After a successful blow, Xu Miao drew her sword and stepped back quickly.Without spiritual power, Xu Miao's retreating posture is really not good-looking, and she is in a mess.

When Xu Miao was confronting the tiger, Duke drew his sword and stabbed the tiger's giant eyes.The pain of being blinded was worse than the pain of being pierced with a tongue, and a trail of blood left from the tiger's eye.

The tiger slapped the person next to him into the air, and rushed straight towards Duke.Duke is a sword cultivator, and the most important magic weapon is the sword in his hand.Although the sword just now successfully blinded the tiger's eyes, it also left Duke's sword in the tiger's eyes.

The tiger's front paw was about to fall, and Duke rolled on the ground several times in a row, but still couldn't avoid the tiger's attack range.Duke Zhi's face was livid, this feeling of being mermaid is really too hateful.

A silver light suddenly flashed from Duke's eyes, and went straight to the other intact eye of the tiger.Xu Miao was half bent, panting heavily.

Just now he threw the Wu Ning Sword just to blind the other eye of the tiger.But now he doesn't have the spiritual power to be close to him, whether it's accuracy or strength, he can't compare with the past.

And due to the constraints of the laws of heaven and earth, even if he wanted to borrow the green flood dragon, the power of the flame spirit demon would not be able to do so.Fortunately, he was very lucky, the Wu Ningjian hit the red heart and blinded the other eye of the tiger.

Unlike Duke, Xu Miao is a pure swordsman, and has no other magic weapon except a sword.Some of Xu Miao's hunting stones are magic weapons.He took out the Nirvana Sword, and together with the rest of the people, completely killed the invisible blind tiger.

Just a tiger made the best monks in their group tired like this.Everyone collapsed to the ground without any grace, adjusting their breathing.

Xu Miao was the first to complete the adjustment. He stood up, pulled out the Ningwu sword stuck in the tiger's eye, and pulled out Duke's sword along the way, and threw it in front of him.

Du Kezhi was silent for a moment, and said, "Thank you." Xu Miao waved her hand indifferently, waiting for everyone to finish adjusting their breathing.At this time, the number of monks in Jingyang Sect continued to increase.

They were all in a special space. Because they couldn't resist the tiger, the monks who were killed by the tiger were finally sent out of the special space through jade cards.

The teams that are still in the special space, the teams that can maintain a complete staff, are so few that they can be counted on one hand.Among them, there is the NO.19 team where Xu Miao is.

If Xu Miao hadn't thrown the Mist Condensing Sword at a critical moment, Duke would definitely have died at the hands of the tiger and was sent back to Jingyang Sect.

Team NO.19 set off again. At this time, no one dared to underestimate Xu Miao.Everything about Xu Miao before was just rumors.Moreover, no matter how powerful Xu Miao is, he is only a Golden Core cultivator.

In the eyes of their Nascent Soul cultivators, no matter how powerful the Golden Core cultivators are, they are only Golden Core cultivators, and they cannot yet enter their eyes.But now it is different. Xu Miao has advanced to Nascent Soul within 50 years, and has shown strength no less than any of them.

In the world of comprehension, no matter one's origin or background, one cannot compare to one's true strength.As long as the strength is strong enough, you can get enough respect.

Walking through the area where the tiger was, the spiritual power gradually recovered, which made everyone breathe a sigh of relief.Without spiritual power, you will never feel safe in your heart.

When Fan Fan was about to go around a stone, he was stopped by Xu Miao: "Wait a minute, there are traces of formations." Fan Fan quickly retracted his feet and quickly stepped back.

Xu Miao is the only person in the team of seven who knows the formation. Since he said that there are traces of the formation, there must be a formation here.

Xu Miao walked to the place where the stone was, and spread out all her consciousness to identify the type of formation.It's just that Xu Miao hasn't figured out what kind of formation it is. He first sensed another threat.

"There are a lot of seventh-level monsters approaching this place rapidly!" Xu Miao's expression froze, and he turned to look at the surrounding environment.The surrounding environment has not changed in the slightest, it is still eerily quiet.

Xu Miao's spiritual consciousness is stronger than everyone present, so he is also the first person to discover the appearance of the monster.When the others heard Xu Miao's reminder, they noticed a monster approaching.

"It seems that this is also part of the assessment." Fan Fan looked at the approaching wolves, "Xu Miao, just break through the formation with peace of mind, and the six of us will be responsible for your safety."

Xu Miao still believed the words of the disciples of Qianyangmen.He nodded and returned his attention to the formation.The wolves howled one after another, continuously attacking the six people.

What troubled them the most was that the aura of heaven and earth here was gradually decreasing, and it was not enough for them to restore it.The six of them could only take out their respective pills and spirit stones to restore their spiritual power.

"These monsters are endless, no matter how you kill them, you can't kill them clean!" An Xitong killed a seventh-level monster approaching, complaining non-stop.

"Since it's cooperation, these monsters will retreat only after Xu Miao completely deciphers the formation." Master Chenlu was also merciless in his attacks.

Xu Miao only used a trace of consciousness to pay attention to the situation around her.All other consciousnesses were thrown into the formation by him.Although this formation is complicated, it is not difficult to crack.

All it takes is a lot of time.As long as there is enough time, even a monk who has just stepped into the formation can crack the formation.

But what Xu Miao lacks most now is time, because not only the seventh-level monsters, but also the eighth-level monsters appeared outside.

(End of this chapter)

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