Chapter 379
In addition, the most disgusting thing about this formation is that it cannot be destroyed with brute force.Once the formation feels the invasion of a strong external force, it will immediately change the formation and generate more formations, leading to a vicious circle.

"Shui San, pay attention to the situation outside. I'm going to use all my spiritual consciousness to break the formation." After Xu Miao gave the order, she took back the spiritual consciousness left outside and covered it all over the formation.

Xu Miao put her heart and soul on the formation, her eyes were wide open, overflowing with red blood, and her consciousness was running to the limit, constantly breaking the formation.

Fan Fan repelled the eighth-level monster in front of him with a single sword, and took the time to look at Xu Miao's position.He could see the fluctuation of the formation, indicating that the formation was being cracked rapidly.

Although they haven't studied formations specifically, but as the core disciples of Qianyangmen's generation, they will also dabble in formations.

When Xu Miao mentioned that there is a formation here, he also observed it carefully.This formation is neither offensive nor defensive enough, but it can disgust people who break the formation.

He believed that his spiritual consciousness was higher than all monks of the same level, and when he broke the formation, he couldn't reach the speed of Xu Miao's breakthrough.If Fan Fan were to break the formation alone, he would need five times longer than Xu Miao to reach the current progress.

There are more and more eighth-level monsters. No matter how powerful the six of them are, they cannot fight against a group of eighth-level monsters for a long time.The distance between the six people was constantly shrinking, and the temporary defensive line kept retreating.

"Xu Miao, if we don't break the formation, we will all be sent out of space!" An Xitong shouted at Xu Miao while fighting the eighth-level monster.

The blue veins on Xu Miao's forehead popped up, and the large-scale calculation made his consciousness consumption speed increase rapidly.In front of the formation in front of him, various rules floated on it, dazzling the eyes, confusing the mind of the formation breaker.

His consciousness bypassed this bunch of disturbing nodes, and quickly decomposed the nodes of the formation.Xu Miao found that although the various small formations of this formation are extremely cumbersome, there is an obvious characteristic.

In order to quickly arrange a large number of formations, the person who arranged the formations set up a node in a very hidden position of the formations.This node can speed up the arrangement of formations, and similarly, it can also speed up the speed of cracking formations.

All of Xu Miao's spiritual consciousness was used to find this node, and the majestic spiritual consciousness crushed away. No node could hold on under Xu Miao's divine consciousness as strong as Huashen.

A large number of formations were broken by Xu Miao at this moment, until the last one.The last formation is the origin formation of all formations, and even if that node is found, it cannot be cracked.

Xu Miao sneered, there was only one formation left, was he still afraid that the formation would give rise to other formations?Xu Miao stood up abruptly, took out the Fog Condensing Sword, and slashed at the formation.

This blow contained the power of Qingjiao's half-step transformation into a god.The cultivator who arranged this formation is only in the late stage of Nascent Soul, how can he resist the power of half-step Huashen.

Under Xu Miao's hands, the solid and complex formation was extremely fragile, and finally shattered under the Ningwu Sword.After Xu Miao cracked the formation, she immediately turned around to meet the eighth-level monster.

The Ningwu Sword swept away, and wherever the sword energy went, even the eighth-level monsters stagnated.

"Let's go!" Xu Miao informed the six people, all of whom were people with extraordinary skills. After receiving Xu Miao's notice, they immediately swung the monster back and retreated.

Outside the space, a monk's face was as black as the bottom of a pot, staring at Xu Miao's figure firmly.This monk is the later stage monk Feiqi Daoist of Fufeng Valley. Fufeng Valley is best at formations, and he is also responsible for the arrangement of various formations in the space.

In order to create obstacles for the monks participating in the monk ranking competition, Fei Qi spent a lot of effort on this formation.With the initial strength of the monk Yuanying, it is absolutely impossible to crack them all in such a short period of time.

The nodes of the formation were indeed specially set up for the convenience of layout.But at this node, Fei Qi also completely concealed it.

He also specially recruited another late Nascent Soul cultivator in the sect, and asked him to try to decipher the formation.Without any prompting, the cultivator found no trace of the existence of the node at all, and it took a lot of time to crack it honestly.

Therefore, Feiqi is confident that he can use this formation to give these normally arrogant monks a blow.

However, Xu Miao was far beyond the prediction of the real person Feiqi. Not only did he find all the nodes of the small formations, but even when he encountered the last origin formation, he completely gave up using formation knowledge to break the formation and used violence to break the formation.

A late Nascent Soul cultivator from the Zhou family sneered coolly beside him: "It seems that Fufeng Valley's formation skills have declined. A monk at the early Nascent Soul stage can break it so easily."

No wonder the monks of the Zhou family taunted him. Master Feiqi vowed at the time that once this battle came out, all the monks would definitely encounter difficulties. Now, Master Feiqi's face was swollen from Xu Miao's beating.

With no formation blocking the way, the seven of them retreated while fighting, and with the addition of Xu Miao, a powerful combat force, the pressure on the six of them was greatly reduced.There was no abnormality on the faces of the six people, but they had completely different evaluations of Xu Miao in their hearts.

Xu Miao couldn't even see the shadow of the seventh-level monsters in front of him, all of them were eighth-level monsters.No matter how strong the seven people are, no matter how high they are in normal battles, they can't resist the tide of eighth-level monsters.

"If this continues, sooner or later we will be consumed by these damned eighth-level monsters!" Everyone knew this, but no one could take An Xitong's words.

Xu Miao looked at the crazy eighth-level monster in front of her with a solemn expression.It is impossible for the lower plane to have so many eighth-level monsters. There are so many monsters in the space, which shows that these monsters must not be real.

Knowing that these monsters are transformed by special means, but unable to decipher them, this feeling is very bad.While dealing with the eighth-level monsters, Xu Miao used her divine sense to find the flaws of these eighth-level monsters.

Since it is false, there must be flaws.Xu Miao's spiritual consciousness has a wide range and can cover all eighth-level monsters.As strong as the divine consciousness of Huashen, it constantly scans the monsters.

"The problem is that we can't find the flaws of these monsters. Every monster looks like the real thing, and there is no difference at all!" Duke suddenly said. He is not the only one who sees that the monsters are fake. monk.

"That's right, whether it's the attacks we landed on them or the attacks they landed on us, they are all real." Mage Dust Deer added.

"Master Chenlu, don't your Buddhists have the eyes that can see through all evil? Isn't it easy to use?" An Xitong asked.

Dust Lu shook his head in frustration: "The first time I saw this group of eighth-level monsters, I used the barrier-penetrating eye, but all the monsters have no problem under the observation of the barrier-penetrating eye."

The blind eye of Buddhism can see through all emptiness and exclude all illusory creatures.It can make Master Chenlu's blind-penetrating eyes fail, which means that among the people who arranged this group of monsters, there must be people from Lingfa Temple involved.

Xu Miao never said anything, and kept looking for the monster's flaws with her divine sense.Suddenly, his eyes lit up, and Xu Miao noticed that the last monster was slightly different from the other monsters.

If Xu Miao hadn't been scanning with his consciousness, he would have ignored this difference.

"The last one." Xu Miao pointed at the eighth-level monster with her sword, "Its fluctuation of monster power is different from other monsters."

When the six people heard the words, they immediately dispersed their consciousness to observe the monster that Xu Miao pointed at with his sword.But no matter how they use their spiritual sense to detect, there is nothing abnormal.

"Forgive me for being stupid, but I didn't notice any abnormalities." Master Chenlu not only used his divine sense, but also used his blind eyes, so he didn't notice the difference.

The other five people also nodded, but they knew that Xu Miao would not be aimless.Since Xu Miao said that there was something wrong with that monster, then there was probably something wrong with this monster.

After all, the speed at which Xu Miao cracked the magic circle was obvious to all.To be able to decipher such a complicated magic circle in such a short period of time, one must have a strong spiritual sense as the backing support, and none of them could do it.

"No matter whether there is a problem or not, these monsters must be fought. Let's fight the monster that Xu Miao pointed out first!" Fan Fan, as the captain, gave the order.

The six people all agreed, and the seven jumped up, leaped over the monster beside them, and went straight to the monster in question.When the monster saw the seven people coming together, an almost invisible panic flashed in its eyes.

The corners of Xu Miao's mouth curled up, showing flaws.Only real monsters and beasts will be afraid and flustered.Those false monsters, no matter how many people gather around them, they will not feel afraid.

The Ningwu Sword was raised slowly, and the sword's body was instantly filled with bitter sword intent.The sword intent generated by Xu Miaoning Wujian even overwhelmed the sword intent generated by Duke, who was born in the Jingyang Sect.

When Duke noticed this sword intent, the sword in his hand even produced a weak vibration.Others won't notice, but Duke knows very well that this is the surrender of the sword to the strong.

Xu Miao's Condensing Fog Sword is only a top-grade acquired spiritual weapon, and has not yet had time to advance to an innate spiritual weapon.But with the sword intent generated, he was able to surrender the top-grade innate spiritual weapon in his hand, which was something that had never happened before.

Duke tightened the sword in his hand, and urged the sword move again, and the violent sword intent continued to increase.Xu Miao's attention was all on the eighth-level monster, and she didn't pay attention to Duke.

The attacks of the seven people reached the eighth-level monster at the same time. Although the seven of them were all in the early stage of Nascent Soul, their combat power was higher than that in the early stage of Nascent Soul, reaching the middle stage of Nascent Soul.

Fighting over the next level is nothing more than a routine for them.Under the siege of these seven people, if it is a monk of the late Nascent Soul who has experienced many battles, it is still possible to escape.

(End of this chapter)

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