Taikoo Immortal King

Chapter 380 3 Talent Formation

Chapter 380 Three talents array
But what the seven of them faced was not the experienced monk of the late Nascent Soul, but an eighth-level monster.In terms of combat experience, no monster can compare with a human being of the same cultivation level.

The location of the seven people happened to seal off the escape position of the eighth-level monster, making it unable to escape like a trapped animal.The attacks of the seven people were all fierce and explosive, and they were merciless in their strikes. The most powerful moves were all directed at the eighth-level monsters.

Just this move, the eighth-level monster's body is already covered with scars.But the eighth-level monster is an eighth-level monster after all, it will panic at the beginning, and after a round of confrontation, it will calm down instead.

The eighth-level monster opened its mouth wide, shook its head, and spewed out a fiery flame.The temperature of this flame is extremely high, Xu Miao has no doubt that if he accidentally touches the flame, he will definitely be hurt a lot.

Xu Miao raised her hand to support Fu Yu's helmet. Fu Yu's helmet has no attribute requirements, so it can also block attacks of any attribute.After Xu Miao advanced to Nascent Soul, the defensive power of Fu Yu's armor also increased a lot, perfectly blocking this wave of attacks for Xu Miao.

Since this eighth-level monster is of the fire attribute, then use the water attribute to restrain him.Xu Miao circulates the water attribute spiritual power in her body, and at the same time mobilizes the water vapor in the external environment.

Under Xu Miao's control, the water vapor condensed into the ice shield.As soon as Xu Miao raised her hand, countless ice shields flew towards the eighth-level monster.Master Chenlu threw the beads in his hand and hit the eighth-level monster on the head, but the eighth-level monster jumped and dodged nimbly to avoid it.

The others are also using their own methods to deal with the eighth-level monsters.Judging from the confrontation just now, Song Le was the weakest among them.The eighth-level monster also discovered this, and it rushed straight towards Song Le regardless of other attacks on it.

Naturally, Song Le was not willing to let the attack of the eighth-level monster fall on him, so he dodged to avoid the eighth-level monster.This dodge made Song Le unscathed, but it also provided a chance for the eighth-level monster to escape.

Originally, seven people besieged the eighth-level monster, as long as they didn't give the eighth-level monster a chance to escape, they would definitely be able to kill the eighth-level monster.But Song Le's negligence gave the eighth-level monster a chance to escape.

As soon as this eighth-level monster left the siege of the seven people, it entered the sea like a fish and mixed into the group of eighth-level monsters.The other eighth-level monsters rushed up immediately, blocking the direction of the seven people's pursuit.

As soon as he entered the group of eighth-level monsters, the aura of this eighth-level monster changed.Fan Fan let out a long sigh: "This monster is too cunning, its breath changes so fast, I can't find it anymore."

Xu Miao's consciousness is always locked on it, no matter how the breath of the eighth-level monster changes, it will not lose its trace.

"It's there!" Xu Miao pointed at the eighth-level monster, but now the seven of them were blocked by the eighth-level monster that rushed up madly, and they couldn't get close to the eighth-level monster.

An Xitong kept complaining: "Song Le, if you didn't dodge just now, nothing would happen! You are a big man, and you are afraid that the eighth-level monster can do you!"

Song Le's face was also very ugly. Hearing An Xitong's complaint, he didn't say a word.As the team leader, Fan Fan could only mediate.At this time, everyone must cooperate. If internal conflicts arise, seven people may all be sent out of the space.

"Xu Miao? What can you do?" Fan Fan found that Xu Miao's attention was obviously not here, so he asked.

Xu Miao glanced at the eighth-level monsters hiding in the group of monsters, and said: "We need to divide the work and cooperate, and the three most powerful people will kill the eighth-level monsters, and the remaining four will be three people. Block the remaining monsters."

"We must open up a path, otherwise all of us will fail here." Xu Miao mentioned the three strongest fighters, but Fan Fan hesitated.

The seven people here are all arrogant people, and they would definitely not be willing to admit that they are inferior to others.But among the seven people, there are indeed strong and weak ones, and among them Xu Miao must participate, because Xu Miao is the only one who knows the location of the eighth-level monster.

The remaining person, Duke Zhi, as a sword repairman, his combat power is also a first-class existence.There is still one person left, and this candidate is the most difficult for Fan Fan to decide.

Due to Song Le's mistakes in the first siege, he will not be a candidate.Fan Fan needs to choose one of An Xitong, He Bai, and himself.

Master Chenlu first pointed out that his combat power is not high, and he took the initiative to become the three blocking people.After some thinking, Fan Fan finally decided to let An Xitong, Xu Miao, and Duke go to kill the monster together.

Xu Miao glanced at Fan Fan, and it was indeed extraordinary that Fan Fan could voluntarily withdraw at this time when he was obviously considering combat power.The strength of Qianyangmen should not be underestimated.

Fan Fan and the other four, according to Xu Miao's instructions, opened up a path for one person to pass through.Without any hesitation, Xu Miao rushed to the eighth-level monster.

The eighth-level monster obviously didn't expect Xu Miao to come to it so soon, but now, the eighth-level monster's eyes are full of confidence.The previous seven people worked together, but none of them killed it, let alone only three people now.

Xu Miao ordered the other two through voice transmission: "We are not many in number, so it is best to use the three-talented formation, separated in three directions. As long as everyone keeps their own positions, we will surely be able to surround this monster."

Duke Zhi, An Xitong immediately followed Xu Miao's instructions and took his position.

"Kill!" Xu Miao gave an order, and the three of them moved at the same time.Three powerful spiritual powers rushed straight to the eighth-level monster. Facing a spirit beast that might be a certain monk, Xu Miao didn't plan to use the power of Qingjiao and Huoyan spirit monster.

Xu Miao was more worried that those people would find trouble after breaking it with a single sword.If Xu Miao wanted to kill this monster, he had to use the safest method so that no one could discover his hidden secret.

With four missing, the pressure on the three suddenly increased.An Xitong was the weakest of the three, and her attacks obviously couldn't cause trouble to the eighth-level monsters.

The eighth-level monster wanted to repeat the old trick again. It chose An Xitong as the breakthrough point, and it was about to break through.A huge ice shield appeared in front of the rushing eighth-level monster, and the ice shield shattered in response.

But it also created an opportunity for Xu Miao, Xu Miao jumped up, and slashed the head of the eighth-level monster with the fog sword from top to bottom.At this time, An Xitong also knew that he was not strong enough, and almost followed in Song Le's footsteps.

An Xitong's eyes flickered, her mood was complicated.In Anjia, even if she is not the strongest, she can still be ranked among the top three.But in the monk ranking competition, there are seven people here, and she belongs to the bottom rank.

From the corner of Xu Miao's eyes, he noticed that An Xitong was distracted, which was fatal for a siege that focused on cooperation.Any problem with any one of them will lead to the wastage of all previous efforts.

"An Xitong! Take it easy!" Xu Miao's voice transmission brought An Xitong back to the battle with shock.An Xitong blushed unnaturally, and focused on the eighth-level monster again.

The eighth-level monster failed to break through, making it very angry.It looked at Xu Miao angrily: "Little guy, do you know what the consequences of angering me are?"

Xu Miao looked at the staring eyes of the eighth-level monster, and was unmoved: "I don't know, but do you know the consequences of angering me?" Xu Miao suddenly turned around, and his movement speed suddenly accelerated.

The whole person turned into a silver light and appeared behind the eighth-level monster.The sword of Ningwujian was filled with chaotic gas, Xu Miao raised her hand and stabbed straight away.

No monster's fur can survive the full attack of chaotic gas.This sword directly pierced through the eighth-level monster.

The eighth-level monster felt the pain and jumped vigorously, trying to throw the Ningwu Sword off its body.How could Xu Miao do what it wished? He transported the chaotic gas to his fingertips, and grabbed the eighth-level monster's back fiercely with one hand.

The other hand held the Ningwu Sword tightly, and it kept spinning in the body of the eighth-level monster. The sword intent and ice blade of the Ningwu Sword caused serious damage to the body of the eighth-level monster.

At this time, Duke Zhi's sword also arrived.Stimulated by Xu Miao, Duke mobilized the strongest state, all the spiritual power of the whole body was gathered on the sword, and with a "puchi", it pierced the body of the eighth-level monster from another direction.

The two swords pierced together, causing the eighth-level monster to completely fall into a state of rage.The eighth-level monster crazily counterattacked the monster power in its body, along with the two stabbed swords, into the bodies of Xu Miao and Duke.

The monster power of the eighth-level monster is not something they, the monks in the early stage of the Nascent Soul, can resist.As soon as the demon power entered her body, Xu Miao felt all the meridians scalding hot.

His meridians are full of water spirit power and wind spirit power. When encountering the fire spirit power of an eighth-level monster, he can only retreat steadily.Xu Miao's expression was serious. He didn't expect that the eighth-level monster could launch such a terrifying counterattack when it was restrained by two swords at the same time.

Xu Miao's skin instantly became red and hot, and white air kept coming out of her body.Xu Miao closed his eyes, and he used his spiritual power in time to avoid the monster power attack of the eighth-level monster.

Instead, he mobilized the dragon's blood to fight against this demon power.The monster power of the eighth-level monster naturally cannot fight against the dragon force. In the face of the dragon force, the power of the eighth-level monster becomes vulnerable.

A gleam of disbelief flashed in the eyes of the eighth-level monster. His demon power entering the body is a unique skill, and no one has ever been able to dissolve this monster power.Xu Miao used the law of heaven and earth to protect the dragon power, so that the eighth-level monster could not perceive the real dragon power against it, but the law of heaven and earth.

Not to be outdone, An Xitong formed a special mark on her chest with both hands, and began to seal the eighth-level monster.Under normal circumstances, level eight monsters would naturally not be sealed, but now this level eight monster, under the combined attack of Xu Miao and Duke, was greatly reduced in strength.

Anjia's seal strength is extraordinary, able to seal opponents across a small realm.As long as the eighth-level monster can remain still for a short period of time, the seal will work.Xu Miao and Duke looked at each other and activated the spiritual power in their bodies again.

(End of this chapter)

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