Chapter 381
Xu Miao's cang wood suddenly turned outward, and he used spiritual power to germinate branches, and tied the eighth-level monster tightly.

Du Kezhi looked at Xu Miao's image and fell into deep thought.Regarding Xu Miao, the news he got was that the other party had a single different spiritual root in Feng Shui.This kind of spiritual root is also a useless spiritual root for Zhonglu.

Xu Miao was born in Westland. With his own strength, he has come to the level where he is today, which is really admirable.What Duke admired the most was that Xu Miao's attainments in other areas far surpassed what a Dharma cultivator could do.

However, no matter how strong Xu Miao is now, he can't escape the fate of a single different spiritual root after all.This spiritual root can still persist now, once it reaches the stage of transforming into a god, I am afraid it will never be able to recover.

An Xitong's seal has been completed, and the eighth-level monster can no longer make waves.Xu Miao drew her sword back and at the same time put away Cangmu's rattan.He found the pity that flashed in Duke's eyes was somewhat inexplicable.

The eighth-level monster was restrained, and the other eighth-level monsters who were fighting Fan Fan and the others disappeared from everyone's eyes in an instant, as if they had never appeared before.

The eighth-level monster that was sealed by An Xitong was still uneasy, and said in a rough voice: "You little fellows, you actually hit me so hard! You wait, wait for me to go out, you must be careful!" I will teach you a lesson!"

It's a pity that no one took care of this eighth-level monster.Impacted by the previous eighth-level monsters, they had already lost their previous direction.It was far from heading north as originally envisioned.

"Which direction should we go now?" An Xitong asked with her arms crossed, frowning.An Xitong seemed to be asking the other six people this question, but in fact her gaze was always on Xu Miao.

Unknowingly, Xu Miao had established enough prestige among the seven.No matter what the situation is, Xu Miao can come up with suitable solutions to resolve the difficulties they face.

Xu Miao glanced at the eighth-level monster, and then looked at the surrounding situation: "If I expect it to be correct, there will be an exit later." Everyone's smiles have not yet spread, and Xu Miao's next words will let An Xi Tong drooped her mouth.

"Although it is an exit, it is also an entrance. Since we entered this special space, we have not met other people. When the exit appears, we will meet other people."

After Xu Miao finished speaking, she looked up at the sky.From Ma Dezhong's direction, Xu Miao's eyes fell on Ma Dezhong through the partition between the two spaces.

Although he knew that Xu Miao was just looking at it casually, the embarrassment of being seen through his thoughts immediately swept over Ma Dezhong.Ma Dezhong twitched the corner of his mouth unnaturally, and muttered to himself: This guy is really a monster, he can guess everything right.

The seven people in the space sat in different positions and adjusted their states.In this space, there is no night, and the sun is always hanging in the sky, which makes the seven people confused about the passage of time.

However, the seven of them are all people with excellent xinxing, such a lonely practice is the most common thing for them, and monks have always had to endure loneliness.

Suddenly, Xu Miao felt a weak shock coming from the ground.He opened his eyes and saw that the sun in the sky was gradually changing.The sun keeps expanding, and then it is torn apart from the middle, and the whole sun becomes an exit.

Actually using the sun as the entrance and exit of the entire space, Xu Miao had to admire the monk who built the space here, he was really a man of great wisdom.

Everyone sees the sun, and likewise, no one pays attention to the sun.The more ordinary things, the more people ignore them, the more likely they are to break the situation.

With a firm mind, Xu Miao turned into a ray of light and flew towards the sun.The sun's light has not been weakened because it has become an exit, and it still poses a threat to the monk's eyes.

Xu Miao involuntarily closed his eyes. At the same moment, the Mist Condensing Sword appeared in his hands out of thin air, and his spiritual consciousness covered every part of his body.

Without the aid of her eyes, Xu Miao needs to be more vigilant against external threats.The space shifted, and Xu Miao noticed a spiritual force coming from the right rear.

Xu Miao's body moved first before the brain gave orders.He didn't even think about it, he raised the fog-condensing sword with his right hand, and aimed at the spiritual power with a sword.

"Ah—" A scream sounded, and Xu Miao opened her eyes suddenly.The space conversion has ended, and all other monks who passed the small space assessment were sent here.

The spiritual power that Xu Miao felt just now was a monk who arrived in advance. Seeing Xu Miao's eyes closed, he was about to attack.Unexpectedly, Xu Miao was so vigilant, and killed him before he succeeded.

The sky above this space was suddenly torn open by a pair of hands, and Ma Dezhong's face appeared on everyone's heads: "The team is still the unit, you have to go to the most central position of this space, there is a Zhongshan peak there."

"There is a hall on the top of the mountain. There are 200 yuan stones on the table in the hall. The team that did not get the stone in the end will be eliminated! The team that lost all members in the middle of the battle will be eliminated!"

Ma Dezhong disappeared into the sky after completing the task of this trip.All the monks were silent for a moment, and immediately rushed to Zhongshan Peak.

Some monks immediately left the ground and took off, but when they rose into the air, the spiritual power in their bodies disappeared instantly, and they fell to the ground one after another.

Ma Dezhong's voice came again: "Flying is prohibited in this space, and if there are monks who fly without authorization, send them out of the space immediately!"

"You must not use the power of spirit beasts to go there, you must not use talismans, you must not use divine sense, you can only rely on your own strength!" The monks who landed kept cursing in their hearts, and did not remind them earlier, and only told them after they flew up and fell down. them.

Xu Miao glanced at the sky with a half-smile, and walked towards Zhongshan Peak.This Zhongshan peak stands straight in the center of the space.No matter where the monk is in the space, he can see the mountain.

"Shall we just walk over like this?" He Bai roughly measured the distance with his eyes, and they were still a long way from Zhongshan Peak.If you walk barefoot, I'm afraid it will take more than a month.

An Xitong chopped off his feet angrily: "We are not allowed to fly, and we are not allowed to use spirit beasts, what can we do? We are also very desperate!"

Everyone looked at each other in blank dismay, and finally could only follow behind Xu Miao, walking towards Zhongshan Peak step by step.Although it is walking, it will also pour spiritual power into the feet, increase the frequency and length of steps, and thus increase the speed.

Xu Miao did not use Fenghuiyunduan, because he believed that Ma Dezhong would never just make things difficult for them.For the monks, even if they walked for half a year without sleep, they could survive.

Suddenly there was a strong fluctuation of spiritual power from behind, it was an eighth-level monster.Xu Miao's heart trembled, these eighth-level monsters were obviously transformed by special techniques.

When some monks were about to take out the magic weapon and attack the eighth-level monsters, Ma Dezhong's voice appeared again: "All monks are not allowed to attack the eighth-level monsters. Anyone who has done something secretly, all send out the space!"

Don't let them attack the eighth-level monsters, but don't restrict the eighth-level monsters from attacking them.Everyone's faces became very exciting, and their faces were distorted.

If Ma Dezhong was not here, Xu Miao believed that the monks here would definitely unite and beat Ma Dezhong.Even if you can't beat it, you have to make a gesture.

Xu Miao gritted her teeth, poured all her spiritual power into her legs, and used Fenghuiyunduan to gallop forward without stopping.Xu Miao only hates the laws of heaven and earth in this space, which are different from the laws of space in the plane below the earth and space.

Otherwise, Xu Miao wouldn't have to work so hard. With just a few teleports, he would be able to throw the eighth-level monster behind him far away.All of a sudden, curses, complaints, and complaints came and went.

"This is too crazy, how can there be such an assessment method—" Unfortunately, before the monk finished speaking, he was sent out of the space with a slap by an eighth-level monster closely behind him.

The speed of the eighth-level monsters is much faster than them.With the prohibition of flying, the prohibition of using spirit beasts, the prohibition of using talismans, and the prohibition of shooting against eighth-level monsters, a group of monks in the early stage of Nascent Soul are no match for eighth-level monsters in terms of speed.

"How could we outrun the eighth-level monster!" An Xitong narrowly avoided the attack of the eighth-level monster behind him.

Xu Miao glanced at the monk next to him: "You don't need to outrun the eighth-level monster, you just need to outrun other monks."

Ma Dezhong released the eighth-level monster to determine the fastest monk in terms of speed.The only chance for a monk to survive in the eighth-level monster is to let the eighth-level monster focus on other monks.

Only by being faster than other monks can he not attract eighth-level monsters to attack him.Xu Miao's spiritual power was running to the limit, and all the spiritual power was provided to "Feng Hui Yun Duan".

The painful sound of the cultivator being killed by the eighth-level monster continued to invade everyone's minds. The cultivator was killed in the space. Although it was not a real death, he would still feel the pain of being killed.

The pain of death is not so easy to bear.Xu Miao did not turn off her five senses, but listened carefully to the screams of the monks around her.

It is forbidden to release the spiritual consciousness outside the body. Xu Miao can only rely on the screams of the monks to distinguish the distance between the eighth-level monster and him, as well as the specific location of the eighth-level monster.

A group of late Nascent Soul monks outside the space looked at the monks running wildly in the space gloatingly, with a good mood on their faces.Especially the real person Feiqi in Fufeng Valley, who was angry with Xu Miao before, but now seeing Xu Miao deflated, his mood is unusually smooth.

"Xu Miao, what do you say if we can't run anymore?" An Xitong had been thinking about this question for a long time, and couldn't help asking Xu Miao for an answer.Xu Miao really wanted to cover An Xitong's mouth with a cloth, because you had a lot of questions.

But now he has no time to bet on An Xitong's mouth, so he can only answer resignedly: "How could those old foxes kill us all in this level?"

(End of this chapter)

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