Taikoo Immortal King

Chapter 382 The Stairway to the Sky

Chapter 382 The Stairway to the Sky

"We've all gone out. The stones they put on Zhongshan Peak are just for nothing." An Xitong's eyes lit up when she heard Xu Miao's explanation. A heart that has always been hanging is let go.

No matter how energetic the monk was, he couldn't bear to use his spiritual power and ran non-stop.Some monks couldn't hold on anymore, so they slowed down and took the initiative to pounce on the eighth-level monster.

More and more people are leaving, and fewer and fewer are staying.Of course, this small number is only relative to the initial number of people.If compared with 200 yuan stones, the quantity is still a lot.

Even with Xu Miao's majestic spiritual power and the continuous high-intensity operation of his spiritual power without rest, he was uncontrollably fatigued.The eighth-level monsters behind were watching. As long as Xu Miao slowed down a little, Xu Miao would die at the feet of the monsters.

Xu Miao bit the tip of her tongue and used blood to forcibly dispel her fatigue.This kind of test tests the heart.If you don't have a strong mind, you will give up sooner or later before reaching Zhongshan Peak.

There are monks going to Zhongshan Peak all over the vicinity of Zhongshan Peak.Xu Miao could see some monks, but not others.

In Xu Miao's line of sight, the first one was a monk he didn't recognize.Immediately after this person was Xu Miao.As for what happened after Xu Miao, that was not what Xu Miao needed to care about.As long as there are enough monks behind him, that's enough.

The space here is different from the small space where Xu Miao used to be. This place has the same sunrise and sunset as the outside world.The speed of the eighth-level monsters during the day will be slower than that at night.

When entering the night for the first time, some monks still kept running at the same speed.In the end, they were all killed by monsters and sent out of space.

If Xu Miao hadn't immediately increased her speed and kept vigilant when it suddenly darkened, she might have been killed by the eighth-level monster as well.Xu Miao estimated that the speed of the eighth-level monster in the night is about one and a half times the speed in the daytime.

Don't underestimate this one-and-a-half times. For an exhausted monk, it is almost impossible to increase the speed by half on the premise that it is already the limit speed.

As a result, in addition to being afraid of the eighth-level monsters, the monks are also afraid of the constantly rotating night.The night is the sickle in the hands of the god of death, and the number of monks who died in the night is far greater than the number of monks who died in the daytime.

Gradually, the monks in front of Xu Miao slowed down.From shoulder to shoulder with Xu Miao, to being overtaken by Xu Miao in the end, Xu Miao became the leader heading to Zhongshan Peak in this direction.

"Xu Miao, aren't you tired?" An Xitong asked suddenly, Xu Miao was taken aback.Of course he was tired, how could he not be tired.But compared with elimination, it is still more reliable to be tired.

After countless nights and days, everyone finally reached the range of Zhongshan Peak.There is an obvious yellow circle around Zhongshan Peak.

Inside the yellow circle, it is safe enough, eighth-level monsters will not enter the yellow circle.But when Xu Miao stepped into the yellow circle, she realized that the fatigue just now was nothing, because the next test was the real test.

The inside of the yellow circle will not be threatened by the eighth-level monsters, because the spiritual power is limited here. At this time, the spiritual power of Xu Miao's whole body disappeared in an instant.

After [-] days of non-stop running, the body has reached its limit, and it is only by the continuous rotation of this spiritual power that it can barely support it, but suddenly discovered the spiritual power.

Xu Miao, who had lost her spiritual power, staggered a few steps, tiredness flooded in like a tide.He managed to walk a few steps, found a stone and sat down, never wanting to get up again.

He was really too tired. Not only did his spiritual power disappear, but he couldn't even use his spiritual consciousness.Xu Miao smiled self-deprecatingly, he really experienced the loss of spiritual power several times.

Some monks fell face-to-face as soon as they entered the yellow circle, and fell to the ground, unable to get up for a long time.Every monk who can reach the yellow circle has exhausted all his strength.Sudden loss of spiritual power, it is not easy to have this kind of performance.

If ordinary monks encountered such a situation, they would complain and curse, but now there was no sound of complaints except gasping in the yellow circle.

When the last living monk stepped into the yellow circle, Ma Dezhong's voice broke the panting here: "Within the yellow circle, everyone's spiritual power, consciousness, and magic weapons are not allowed to be used."

"You have to walk to the top of Zhongshan Peak by your own ability. There are a total of 99 steps. Every time you take a step, the pressure you will receive will gradually increase."

"A monk who fell down and did not stand up within ten breaths will be deemed to have given up the assessment and will be teleported out of the space immediately!"

"One more thing, don't think that you are safe when you are in the yellow circle. If you want to rest enough monks in the yellow circle, don't think about it. The yellow circle shrinks by ten feet every half an hour. The eighth-level monsters outside the yellow circle , but didn’t leave.”

After Ma Dezhong finished speaking, Xu Miao immediately heard the sound of gasping.As long as half an hour passes, Xu Miao's location will be exposed to the eighth-level monster again.

When some monks heard Ma Dezhong's words, they tried their best to support their bodies and walked forward.However, all the monks only took one or two steps before falling to the ground again.

Xu Miao closed her eyes, counting the time in her mind.He wanted to rest his body as much as possible within half an hour.At this moment, Xu Miao is very envious of the physical training in ancient times.

The monks are all focused on the improvement of spiritual power, but ignore the importance of the body.Therefore, the body of all monks is not directly proportional to their own mana cultivation.

Before half an hour had arrived, Xu Miao had already stood up.Ma Dezhong's words are very clear, every half hour, shrink ten feet.Now that he has lost his spiritual power, the distance of ten feet cannot be achieved overnight.

Therefore, he had to finish the ten feet before half an hour ran out.Measuring step by step, Xu Miao strictly calculated the distance of ten feet, and after ten feet passed, Xu Miao sat on the ground.

Xu Miao is not the only monk who uses this method. Most of the monks from aristocratic families and famous sects use this method.To the greatest extent, use the external environment to create the best conditions for yourself.

However, some monks gave up resting and walked directly to the foot of Zhongshan Peak.There are steps in the four directions of Zhongshan Peak in the southeast and northwest.No matter which direction the monks are in, they can choose the nearest ladder to climb.

Xu Miao half-closed her eyes, and saw a monk walk to the foot of the mountain and start climbing directly.The monk sitting next to Xu Miao snorted coldly: "Stupid! If he goes up like this, it won't take a few steps, but he won't be able to climb up, and he will be sent out in the end."

As if to prove what the monk said, the monk who climbed the stairs really only took six steps before falling down on the stairs.After ten breaths passed, he was sent out of the space without getting up.

Master Chenlu clasped his hands together and recited the Buddha's name: "This fellow Taoist is too reckless." Restore the body with the yellow circle.

The range of the yellow circle kept shrinking until they forced everyone to the foot of Zhongshan Peak.Xu Miao knew that at this time, the yellow circle could no longer provide her with protection, and it was time to really climb the ladder.

Nine thousand nine hundred and ninety-nine, just this number made Xu Miao feel dizzy.If he has spiritual power, maybe he still has the strength to go up step by step.

Now that the spiritual power is imprisoned, it is simply unrealistic to rely on one's own strength.He wants to see what plans Ma Dezhong and those old foxes are planning.

Some monks take a few steps and become the first to step up the stairs.Master Chenlu was directly bumped by someone's shoulder and pushed aside.The cultivator who bumped into someone was a burly man, and he would never have done such a thing if everyone had their spiritual power.

But now everyone has lost their spiritual power, relying on physical strength.Whoever has the greatest physical strength is the strongest here.Chenlu Fashen practiced the Dharma, and his stature couldn't compare with that monk's.

After the cultivator bumped into someone, he didn't turn his head back, and went straight up the stairs.Master Chenlu shook his head helplessly, clasped his hands together, and silently recited the Buddha's words.

An Xitong couldn't suppress Huo at first, and Mage Chenlu was also in his team.This assessment is based on the team as a unit, and if one person is bullied, it is equivalent to everyone being bullied.

She shouted loudly: "Don't you apologize for bumping into someone?" The monk waved his hand casually and continued to walk up.

Xu Miao frowned: "The space here is temporary, but the space outside is eternal. Are you ready to offend these forces?"

Xu Miao's words were obvious, directly threatening the monk.It is true that they have no spiritual power now, but after they get out, everyone's spiritual power will be restored, and then there will be revenge for revenge, and revenge for revenge.

When the monk heard Xu Miao's words, his body trembled, and he apologized to Master Chenlu very unwillingly.When he left, he gave Xu Miao a very veiled look. In this look, Xu Miao felt a clear killing intent.

Xu Miao gave him a sideways look coldly: "You'd better pray that you don't run into me after you go out, otherwise, whether you can keep your eyes is a big problem."

Xu Miao made no secret of his threats. He is not a dust deer mage. It is impossible for someone to tolerate him after provoking him.It was just a warning, and Xu Miao will never show mercy when we meet again next time.

The big man didn't say a word, lowered his eyes, and climbed up the stairs directly.Xu Miao took one last look and followed the crowd to climb up.

As Ma Dezhong said, every time you take a step, the pressure will increase a little.There are more than 9000 steps in total. If this ratio increases, all the monks present will be directly crushed into meat paste by this pressure.

Xu Miao's speed is not particularly fast like some monks, nor is it particularly slow like some extremely tired monks.He has been using a flat speed, slowly climbing up.

(End of this chapter)

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