Taikoo Immortal King

Chapter 384 Climbing to the top

Chapter 384 Climbing to the top
There are two people who have reached the summit of Zhongshan Peak, monks from Qianyangmen and Jingyangzong.Xu Miao could even feel the eyes of the monks from Qianyangmen sweeping over her body, which lacked any emotion.

In the heart of this Qianyangmen monk, it was just because Xu Miao was not his target, like ants, people would not care about ants.Guessing what the other party was thinking, Xu Miao still walked up step by step.

The pressure continued to increase, and even the face of the Nascent Soul in the dantian showed a hint of pain.All the organs in Xu Miao's body were squeezed into a ball.

Blood kept gushing from his throat, he still couldn't believe it, Xu Miao couldn't walk to the mountain without relying on the dragon's blood.There are still ten steps left, and these ten short steps are as difficult as reaching the sky for Xu Miao now.

Xu Miao gritted her teeth, clenched her fists tightly, and her spiritual power was running to the limit.Under the restriction of this kind of pressure, Xu Miao couldn't externalize the image at all to relieve the pressure that was as heavy as a thousand mountains.

But even so, Xu Miao never thought of using dragon's blood.He raised his head with difficulty and looked straight at the main hall ten steps away.

He let out a low growl, and suddenly there was infinite power under his feet, and Xu Miao walked seven steps in a row.During the last three steps, the pressure on the ladder increases again.

Xu Miao's knees couldn't bear the pressure, and she almost knelt on the steps.Xu Miao immediately put her hands on the ground to stop the kneeling posture.It's not that simple to make him kneel down!
The body trembled and shook uncontrollably.Xu Miao spit out a mouthful of dirty blood, a trace of force flashed in her eyes, the Nascent Soul and the body worked together to resist the external pressure.

At the same moment, Xu Miao raised her foot, and despite the sound of bones breaking, she took the last three steps before the bones of her body shattered completely.

The pressure of Qianshan that had been pressing on her body suddenly dissipated.The rich aura surrounds Xu Miao, and Xu Miao sits directly beside the main hall, absorbing the aura, and adjusting his breath.

Xu Miao's current physical condition is very bad, but it is still within the range that can be remedied.If it wasn't for the forging of the body when the dragon's blood was fused, I am afraid that Xu Miao would not be able to complete the nine thousand nine hundred and ninety-nine steps even if she wanted to rely on her own strength.

After adjusting the breath, Xu Miao calmly walked into the hall and took one of them while facing the eyes of the other two.It's a pity that there is a limit here, a monk can only take one stone.

Otherwise, Xu Miao can take all the stones away, and make a deal with the monk who arrived later than him to get some spirit stones to make money.Xu Miao weighed the stone and saw two more people reached the peak.

One is a monk from the He family, and the other is presumably a casual cultivator.Being able to surpass other sects and family casual cultivators, the strength of this cultivator should not be underestimated.

When the [-]th monk reached the peak with difficulty and took away the stone, Ma Dezhong appeared in front of everyone.

"There are 120 remaining teams, and 73 of them have only one person left. There are only three teams that can preserve their complete organizational system."

"Team No. 19, Team No. 110, and Team No. [-]. No. [-]. The three teams are eligible to select a magic weapon to prepare for your next assessment."

After Ma Dezhong finished speaking, a storage bag appeared in his hand: "According to the order in which the members of your team arrive first, No. 58 will be selected first, No. 110 and No. 19 will be selected second, and No. [-] will be selected last."

The cultivator of Qianyangmen is the cultivator of No. [-].He didn't consult the opinions of other team members, and directly chose a magic weapon in the storage bag.

Like him, the monks of the Jingyang Sect chose a magic weapon without consulting others.The storage bag came to Xu Miao, waiting for Xu Miao to choose.

Xu Miao glanced at the unpredictable Ma Dezhong, walked to the middle of the team, and asked the six people for their opinions.Since Ma Dezhong said that it will be used for the next assessment, it is definitely not a simple choice.

In this storage bag, there are pills taken by monks in the Nascent Soul stage, top-quality spirit stones, top-quality acquired spiritual weapons, and even pill formulas and formations.

It has to be said that the most attractive thing for monks is the top-grade Acquired Spirit Artifact.Calculated according to the level, the best Houtian spirit weapon matches the cultivation base of the great monk in the late Yuanying period.

If they have the best Acquired Spirit Artifact in their hands, they will definitely be able to unleash the most powerful attack.Xu Miao, however, focused her attention on the jade slips that recorded the formation.

The formation recorded on this jade slip is exactly the suitable attack formation for seven people.With the help of this formation, the attack power of the seven people can be greatly improved.

Xu Miao is more inclined to choose the Jade Slip of Formation. Although Fan Fan and the others are more interested in the best Acquired Spirit Artifact, they have to admit along the way that Xu Miao's decision-making is more effective.

The six people did not object and all agreed with Xu Miao's decision.Xu Miao took out the jade slips from the magic circle, and threw the storage bag back in front of Ma Dezhong.Ma Dezhong did not express any opinion on the selection of the three teams.

"The space here will change in three days. The 200 of you will experience something more terrifying than hell here. How many people can survive in the end depends entirely on your ability."

"Finally, I want to tell you that the monk who performed the best will get a top-grade Houtian spirit weapon, a low-grade heaven-level kung fu method, and 100 million high-grade spirit stones."

"Other monks who perform well can also get a lot of rewards!"

This reward alone is enough to cheer up a group of monks.The expressions of many monks changed from calm to extremely excited.No monk could remain calm under such rewarding conditions.

Xu Miao now has 40 high-grade spirit stones on her body, but these spirit stones are far from enough.Shui Mei's injury has always been something he worries about, and the materials needed for treatment are all priceless natural materials and earthly treasures.

40 pieces of high-grade spirit stones may seem like a lot, but in the trade fair of Nascent Soul monks, it is just an ordinary amount.Xu Miao did not fall into the illusion of rewards like other monks.

Ma Dezhong only explained the reward items, but did not explain how to evaluate the monk's performance.There is no need for Xu Miao to ask this question, because the No. 1 monk from Qianyangmen who reached the peak has already asked.

However, the cunning Ma Dezhong only said that the great monks in the later period would naturally have a way to evaluate them, and he also told the two hundred monks that they only need to do their best.

Saying it is tantamount to not saying it, Xu Miao keeps slandering her in her heart.There are still three days of rest, Xu Miao took out the formation jade slip and stuck it on his forehead.

The name of this formation is Seven Stars Combined Formation. As the name suggests, seven people are required to form this formation.The seven of them attacked according to their special positions, and with the help of this formation, the power of the attack was greatly enhanced.

However, the positioning of this formation is very complicated, and the requirements for those who use the formation are also very high.In the process of casting the seven stars together, seven people need to constantly change their positions in order to increase the power of the attack.

If the seven of them kept standing still, the power of the attack formation would not only not increase, but would decrease, and even cause damage to the monks.

The Qianyangmen, Jingyangzong monks who were selected in front of Xu Miao, they are not ignorant of the benefits of this formation, but they cannot control this formation well.

Although there are monks from Fufeng Valley in the team of the two of them, there is no guarantee that they can use the seven-star combination proficiently.For them, instead of choosing a formation with uncertain power, it is better to choose the safest and most powerful ultimate acquired spirit weapon.

But these are not problems for Xu Miao.In a short period of time, Xu Miao has already grasped the law of formation changes clearly.When to attack, when to change formation, all in mind.

Seven stars unite for a formation, the most important thing is coordination.Only if the seven monks can cooperate tacitly, can the maximum power of the formation be exerted.Xu Miao was able to confidently choose the formation, rather than the best acquired spiritual weapon, precisely because he had the consciousness to transform into a god.

During the battle, it couldn't be easier to tell the other six people their exact positions through their spiritual sense.After Xu Miao understood the formation, she handed the jade slips to the other six people and told them her plan.

The six people don't need to fully comprehend this formation, they just need to know how to make different attack actions according to Xu Miao's different password instructions.

The three days passed in a flash, and the first thing that greeted them was the sudden collapse of Zhongshan Peak.All the monks used their means one after another to fly away from Zhongshan Peak.

The location of the Zhongshan Peak was completely sunken downwards, and it directly turned into a scalding lava.The sky and the earth changed color at this moment, the red sun was shrouded in a layer of black shadow, and the blue sky turned into a depressing red sky.

The originally rich and pure aura on the top of Zhongshan Peak suddenly became mixed and mixed, which greatly affected the monk's demand for aura.Insufficient supply of spiritual energy will weaken the monk's attack power.

Xu Miao had experienced the thin spiritual energy of heaven and earth in Westland, so she adjusted the circulation of the spiritual energy in the meridians in time to adapt to the current environment.Just as the monks were panicked, the changes on the ground made them even more frightened.

Thick turbid air rises from the ground, and this turbid air just restrains the aura.As long as there is turbidity, there will be no spirituality.If a monk accidentally inhales the turbid air, he will directly swallow the spiritual energy in his body, causing blockage of the meridians.

Once the meridian is blocked for a period of time, the monk's Nascent Soul will not be nourished by spiritual power and will start to wither.The most direct consequence is that the cultivation base will gradually decline until the body dies and the dao disappears.

Although monks can fly in the air, they will consume a lot of spiritual power.In such a place where spiritual energy is extremely precious, every trace of spiritual energy needs to be carefully calculated.

Some monks have already taken out the flying magic weapon, using the power of the magic weapon and the spirit stone to save their spiritual energy.An Xitong also took out a treasure ship at this time, and beckoned the six people to enter the treasure ship.

It's just that the treasure ship has not been used for a long time, and the exterior of the treasure ship has been corroded visibly with the naked eye.The treasure ship was originally sky blue, but it gradually turned gray-black.

(End of this chapter)

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