Chapter 385
The distressed expression on An Xitong's face could not be concealed. This treasure ship was obtained through untold hardships during an expedition.I have always used it carefully, but I didn't expect that in this space, it would suffer such serious damage as soon as I took it out for use.

"Put it away, and if you continue, your treasure ship may not even be repaired." Xu Miao took the lead to jump out of the treasure ship and observe the surrounding environment.

Since they flew directly from the top of Zhongshan Peak, they are all in the sky now.The turbid air on the ground is constantly increasing, which is almost a fatal threat to monks.

No monk dared to fall to the ground. They would rather the treasure ship be corroded and damaged than take risks easily.Xu Miao's face was serious, and staying high in the sky was not the solution.

Ma Dezhong wouldn't let them stay in the sky all the time, if he didn't take the initiative to go down, it was very likely that Ma Dezhong took action himself and urged them to go down.Just like the group of eighth-level monsters that appeared when they went to Zhongshan Peak.

"I'll go down and take a look first, you stay here." Xu Miao originally wanted to go to the ground to check the specific situation, but was stopped by Fan Fan.

"Xu Miao, we are a team. We should advance together and retreat together. There is no reason for you to take risks alone." Xu Miao glanced at the six people. Everyone was proud and would not allow his teammates to take risks ahead. It happened that I was hiding behind.

Xu Miao's team became the first team to fall to the ground. Although the remaining monks were surprised and marveled at their courage, they did not immediately follow behind them.

"Zhang Ya, those people will go down first." A female cultivator said to Zhang Ya, Zhang Ya, that is, the cultivator who reached the summit of Zhongshan Peak with the No.1 result.The female cultivator is An Xiyue, a monk from the An family, who has a marriage contract with Zhang Ya.

Zhang Ya glanced at the direction where Xu Miao fell in disdain: "If they want to be guinea pigs, let them go. Even if they have to go down, they won't let monks into the turbid air so easily."

"We can quietly wait for the reaction of these little white mice, and see how they are in a panic and how they run away with their heads in their hands. Don't you think it's more interesting?" Zhang Ya's voice was low and full of temptation in An Xiyue's ears.

An Xiyue looked at Zhang Ya, then at Xu Miao and the others, and said, "Let them take the lead, I'm always a little bit unwilling."

"Hehe——" Zhang Ya closed his eyes, "What are they? Even my junior brother Fan Fan is useless. The opponents I set my eyes on have never been weak people like them."

Zhang Ya suddenly opened his eyes again: "My opponent has always been Xie Xiu from Jingyang Sect! Only Xie Xiu is qualified to be my opponent!"


The closer to the ground, the more Xu Miao could feel the shortness of breath.He has sealed all the meridian entrances, forbidding any possibility of absorbing turbid air.The seven people fell to the ground. In order to avoid inhaling foul air, they communicated directly through sound transmission.

Xu Miao was observing the situation on the ground while falling to the ground.He can be sure that Ma Dezhong must be on the ground, providing them with a way to avoid the turbid air, but he has not found this way yet.

Suddenly, a black shadow flashed in front of Xu Miao, and quickly disappeared from Xu Miao's sight.Xu Miao turned her head suddenly, and her vast spiritual consciousness instantly followed.

He found out that it was a monster with an extremely strange appearance.Xu Miao has seen so many monsters and read all kinds of jade slips about monsters, but she has never seen this monster.

Xu Miao had a premonition that the way to avoid the turbidity should be to fall on this monster.The level of this monster is not high, only level seven, but its speed is very fast, far exceeding the speed of ordinary level seven monsters.

The spiritual consciousness is always behind the seventh-level monster. No matter how fast the seventh-level monster is, it cannot be faster than the range of the spiritual consciousness of the strength of the transformation.Master Chenlu took out seven sandalwood beads from the storage belt and distributed them to everyone.

"This is the evil sandalwood bead, which can slightly reduce the influence of turbidity. And this bead also has a function, it can give guidance to the person who owns the bead, so as not to disperse us in the next action." Master Chenlu's kindness, no one will refuse.

After everyone was ready, Xu Miao told the six of them her guess about the monster.The speed of the monster was extremely fast, and the six of them also noticed it and used their spiritual sense to track it.

However, no one succeeded in tracking the monster. After barely following for a certain distance, they could only give up due to the limited range of spiritual consciousness.The six people didn't expect that Xu Miao's spiritual consciousness could be so strong that he was still chasing that monster.

During the pursuit, the use of spiritual power cannot be avoided. Xu Miao warned: "Be careful to hold your breath and concentrate your breath. I would rather give up the monsters and ensure my own safety."

The six nodded solemnly, Xu Miao gave an order, and the seven chased in the direction of the monster together.Among the seven, Xu Miao was the only monk with a wind spirit root, so he was also the fastest.

Now that this seventh-level monster has been absolutely killed, Xu Miao will never show mercy.The divine sense, which was only used to track before, played another role.

In combat, in addition to using spiritual power, you can also use spiritual consciousness.If one party's spiritual sense is far superior to the other party's, the spiritual sense alone can cause damage to the other party.

Xu Miao had never seen this seventh-level monster.In terms of his level of dabbling, there will be no monsters in this plane that he has never seen before.Not only that, but I have never seen Qingjiao, Huoyan Spiritual Demon, and Xiaotian who has successfully advanced to the top-grade Houtian spirit weapon and awakened.

Xu Miao can guess that this seventh-level monster was specially created by Ma Dezhong and others. It is a nihilistic monster.Since it is artificially produced, it must not exceed the strength of the producer.

Judging from the spiritual power fluctuations emitted by the monster, it would not exceed the strength of the seventh-level monster's consciousness at most.In addition, this monster's speed is so against the sky, so its spiritual consciousness must be weakened.

Xu Miao controlled the consciousness to approach the seventh-level monster, and attacked the sea of ​​consciousness of the seventh-level monster.As Xu Miao expected, the sea of ​​consciousness of this seventh-level monster does not exist at all, it is just a wisp of consciousness.

Xu Miao's spiritual consciousness is too strong, he doesn't want the monsters to discover his existence, and the monsters won't be able to find out.Before the consciousness could react, Xu Miao directly devoured the strand of consciousness.

It's a pity that this ray of consciousness doesn't have too much information, it just orders this man-made monster to run continuously.The master of the spiritual consciousness is He Fang, a late monk of the He family.He instantly noticed the disappearance of his consciousness, and looked up at the situation in the space.

Xu Miao's team was the first to fall to the ground, so more attention was paid to Xu Miao and others.He Fang clearly saw that Xu Miao's team was chasing after the seventh-level monster he created, and Xu Miao was the fastest among the seven.

Although Xu Miao is the fastest, he is still a long way from the seventh-level monster.It doesn't make sense to say that it was Xu Miao who killed the seventh-level monster.

They didn't see Xu Miao's move. It was impossible for Xu Miao to be fast enough to deceive the eyes of a group of late Nascent Soul cultivators.The only trick for you is that Xu Miao used his spiritual sense to get rid of He Fang's spiritual sense left in the seventh-level monster.

He Fang, as a great monk in the late Yuanying period, even if there is only a ray of consciousness in the body of the monster, even if the spiritual consciousness of a monk in the late Yuanying period appears, he can detect it.But Xu Miao, without anyone noticing, eliminated his consciousness, which is really amazing.

"Fellow Daoist Ma, is this Xu Miao really from the Western Continent?" He Fang couldn't believe that a monk with such strength came from the Western Continent.

Ma Dezhong also saw the scene where the seventh-level monster fell to the ground, and smiled wryly: "Yes, it is indeed from the West Land. The Xia Bofei I sent once entered the ancient secret realm, and it was thanks to his help that he was able to escape from it alive." come out."

The matter about that ancient secret realm has almost become a taboo in Zhonglu.After all, the monks from Zhonglu and Donglu were rescued by the monks from Westland who they had always looked down upon. Just thinking about this kind of thing is embarrassing enough.

He Fang suddenly realized that Xia Bofei of the Jingyang Sect was still at the late stage of Jindan and had not yet advanced to the Nascent Soul. He was surprised: "Isn't this Xu Miao the fastest to advance to the Nascent Soul among their group of monks?" ?”

"Although I don't want to admit it, it is indeed a fact. Whether it is Qianyangmen or my monks from Jingyangzong, no one can surpass Xu Miao's advancement speed."

The Nascent Soul monks who heard Ma Dezhong's conversation with He Fang fell silent.My disciples and juniors didn't know if they were lucky or unlucky when they met Xu Miao.

"Will he be like Donglu Xie Ling'an ten thousand years ago, leading Xilu to overtake us in Zhonglu?" He Fang said surprisingly.

Ma Dezhong looked at Xu Miao's figure in the space, and pondered for a moment: "I'm afraid it will be more terrifying than Xie Ling'an. You fellow Taoists may not know that when Xu Miao advanced to Yuanying, he refined 36 laws of heaven and earth."

"The last sky thunder that I suffered during the tribulation was a complete golden sky thunder." Ma Dezhong's words were like thunder, one after another, they struck the hearts of all the late stage monks.

Even if they are as strong as Zhang Ya and Xie Xiu, they did not refine so many laws of heaven and earth when they advanced to the Nascent Soul stage.In the later period, an atmosphere of death-like silence was formed among the great monks.

The area around Xu Miao and others in the space was also very quiet, because they were communicating with their spiritual consciousness in order to avoid inhaling the stale air.Standing beside the corpse of the seventh-level monster, Xu Miao took out the Mist Condensing Sword and cut open the corpse of the monster.

Xu Miao noticed that besides the inner alchemy of the monster, there was a piece of kraft paper on the abdomen.Xu Miao opened it up and saw that it was the prescription of Bizhuo Pill.

When he saw the appearance of turbidity, he once thought about refining the Bizhuo Pill, but none of the seven people in the team knew the formula of the Bizhuo Pill, so this method had to be discarded.

(End of this chapter)

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