Taikoo Immortal King

Chapter 386 Seven Stars in One Formation

Chapter 386

Now, in the body of this seventh-level monster, the formula of avoiding turbidity pill appeared.Even if I think about it with my knees, I know that Ma Dezhong's group of old foxes left it behind on purpose.

If it weren't for Xu Miao's divine sense that was as strong as that of a cultivator who transformed himself into a god, he might have exhausted a group of cultivators just by killing this seventh-level monster.Xu Miao handed the prescription to Fan Fan and the others who were chasing up, and asked them to circulate it for viewing.

"The recipe of this turbidity-avoiding pill is too cheating!" An Xitong complained after reading it, "Not to mention the refining method, there are nine kinds of materials alone, and it is clearly stated that this space should be used You cannot use materials found in the website, and you cannot use your own."

"Once you use your own materials secretly, you will be eliminated immediately. Isn't it forcing us to search for them all over the space?"

Fan Fan waited until An Xitong finished speaking, and then said: "We already have one material, which is the inner alchemy of this seventh-level monster. There are eight other materials left, three of which are spirit grass, and two of them are Beast Pill."

"The last two materials are a kind of spiritual water and a kind of stone. The biggest problem now is that we don't know where these materials are and what they look like."

What Fan Fan was worried about was also what Xu Miao was worried about.This space is not small. In such a large space, searching for eight kinds of materials is tantamount to finding a needle in a haystack.

The most important thing is that Xu Miao is not familiar with the names of the spirit grass and the inner alchemy of monsters. They were obviously made up by Ma Dezhong's group of old foxes on the spur of the moment.This kind of made-up name may cause Xu Miao and the others to see it before, but ignore it.

If the refining materials for Bizhuo Pill were not found, they would have been infected by the turbid air and sent out of space.Xu Miao's eyes fell on the corpse of the seventh-level monster again. This seventh-level monster provided the same material, a prescription.

Is it possible that there is other information on the body of this monster?Xu Miao took out the Mist Condensing Sword and cut open the corpse of the seventh-level monster thoroughly, cutting all parts open like a Pao Ding cutting an ox.

Xu Miao found artificially carved marks on several bones of the seventh-level monsters.He took the formula of Bizhuo Pill and compared them with these imprints one by one.

Sure enough, these imprints are the materials needed to refine the Bizhuo Pill.However, these appearances have also been modified by people, and they are different from any kind of spiritual grass and monsters in the outside world.

Xu Miao rubbed these imprints, and Fan Fan made six copies.One copy per person, look for it by looking at the material.At least knowing what things look like is much better than looking for a needle in a haystack.

Where are these imprints set up?It's just that unlike Danfang, he didn't put it directly on the belly of the monster, but engraved it on the bone.

Many monks would habitually take out the beast pill after killing the monster, but they would not completely dismember the monster and look for the mark on the skeleton.

He Fang has to admit that Xu Miao's thinking is extremely careful and thorough, and he will not let go of any small details.

"Zhang Ya, Xie Xiu and the others have made a move." Ma Dezhong suddenly said, before Xu Miao was born, the attention of these monks was definitely on these two people.

Zhang Ya and Xie Xiu didn't do anything until now, and they all had the same idea.Let Xu Miao's team be the guinea pigs, and after confirming that there is no danger, they will fall down.

However, after Xu Miao and others fell to the ground, nothing happened. Instead, they went after a monster, so more and more monks also began to fall.

It's just that they didn't have the reward for being the first to fall, unlike Xu Miao, who found the seventh-level monster specially released by He Fang when they got down, so they naturally didn't know the formula of the avoiding turbidity pill.

Only when they successfully killed a monster and cut open the monster's abdomen, would they know the formula of the Bizhuo Pill.Before that, some monks had already inhaled foul air and were sent out of the space due to a disturbance in the operation of their spiritual power.

Xu Miao's team was the first to eat crabs, so they also won the reward of being the first to eat crabs.Of course, along with the rewards, there are also great dangers and difficulties.

If he didn't have that ability, this reward would not fall on Xu Miao either.Xu Miao has now collected five materials, and there are still two monster pills, one spiritual water and one stone.

The seven of Xu Miao were standing in front of a rushing river. To be precise, this river was not just a river.The river water, whose original color could no longer be seen, was stained red by blood.

The corpses and bones of monsters flowed continuously on the surface of the river, and red blood was steaming above the river, and just by being close to the river, one could feel the high temperature of the river.

According to the depiction of the imprint, the spiritual water and the stone should be together.As long as you can find that stone, you can find the spiritual water you need.Time is running out, they need to find the spiritual water and stones as soon as possible.

The seven of them jumped into the water together. As soon as they entered the water, Xu Miao felt the high temperature of the river.If he hadn't practiced the reincarnation Nirvana Jue, it would be just the river water that could harm him.

Several other people had used their means to resist the river water the moment they entered the water. Xu Miao was the only one who did not use exercises or magic weapons to resist the river water.

In this river, she couldn't use her spiritual sense to find out the situation, so Xu Miao could only swim inch by inch, looking for stones and spiritual water with her eyes.According to the imprint on the skeleton of the seventh-level monster, the stone is in the shape of a depression, and in the center of the depression, there is a cloud of spiritual water.

However, at the bottom of the river, apart from a pile of corpses of monsters and sand, nothing else could be found at all.Suddenly, the flow speed of the river changed, and at the same time, the temperature of the water continued to rise.

Xu Miao quickly jumped out of the water and landed on the bank, and saw a large amount of red water flowing down the upstream direction of the river.Simultaneously with the increase in water flow, there were also violent fluctuations in spiritual power.

The Fog Condensing Sword appeared in front of Xu Miao in an instant, and Xu Miao looked solemnly at the upstream of the river.The vibration on the ground gradually increased, and Xu Miao's spiritual sense quickly reached forward, and a monster with a height of more than ten feet stretched its thighs and ran towards the position of the seven people.

Just based on the spiritual power fluctuations emitted by the other party, Xu Miao can be sure that it is an eighth-level monster, and this eighth-level monster is stronger than the eighth-level monster they encountered before.

The most sensible choice is to quickly evacuate this place before the eighth-level monsters arrive here.But the appearance of this eighth-level monster is exactly the same as the mark on the bone.Xu Miao never expected that the monster they were going to kill would have such a large size.

Xu Miao told the other six people about the situation of the monster with the fastest speed and the most concise words, and the expressions of the six people became extremely ugly.

In the face of such a powerful eighth-level monster, even though everyone has long been accustomed to jointly kill the eighth-level monster, in this case, they still cannot help but feel terrified.

"The seven stars are in one formation, we need to use this formation. You just need to change the formation according to my password. Remember, there must be no error in the slightest when changing the formation."

Xu Miao's expression was very serious: "A small mistake is worth a thousand miles, anyone's small mistake may make us all eliminated!"

As soon as the voice fell, the seven people stood up separately, which was the initial formation of the seven stars.The initial formation can be offensive or defensive, and can be quickly changed according to the next situation. It is the most suitable opening formation.

Xu Miao's consciousness kept observing the rapidly approaching monster, and suddenly ordered: "Number one, fifth from the left!" In order to simplify the passwords of the formation, Xu Miao deliberately numbered the six people.

"Number four, first three!"

"Number two, first two!"

...The array is constantly changing under Xu Miao's command. Everyone must pay attention to Xu Miao's orders while attacking the eighth-level monsters.No one dared to be in a trance for a moment, and they all treated it with the most concentrated attitude.

Compared with the distraction of the six people, Xu Miao has to bear more pressure.Not only did he need to attack the eighth-level monsters, but he also had to judge the most suitable formation based on the situation of the crowd and the monsters, and then ordered his teammates to change the formation.

The Fufeng Valley cultivator outside the space was a real person, his eyes became brighter as he watched Xu Miao's continuous orders.The combination of seven stars was specially put in the reward items by him.

This formation is also an important tool for killing the eighth-level giant monster.With the strength of Zhang Ya and Xie Xiu, they can indeed kill the eighth-level giant monster by choosing the top-grade Houtian spiritual weapon and gathering the spiritual power of their teammates.

But since it is a top-grade acquired spiritual weapon, using a high-level magic weapon beyond one's own level will do a great harm to the monk itself.And the combination of seven stars, as long as it is used flexibly, can also achieve the effect of the best acquired spirit weapon.

In addition, through the combination of seven stars, killing the eighth-level giant monster will not cause any harm to the body of any monk.Originally, there were monks from Fufeng Valley in Zhang Ya's team, but Immortal Feiqi was sure that Zhang Ya would choose the Seven Stars to form a team.

But he never expected that Zhang Ya didn't even look at Qixinghe for a while, and directly chose the best Houtian spiritual weapon.This is a monk's absolute confidence in his own strength, and his aloof character unwilling to cooperate with others.

Xu Miao is different from Zhang Ya. When climbing Zhongshan Peak, Zhang Ya obviously used some kind of secret method.And Xu Miao, from the beginning to the end, has been using his own strength to climb the stairs.

Up to now, Master Feiqi has only seen that Xu Miao's spiritual consciousness is absolutely strong to a certain extent, otherwise he would not be able to use the Seven Stars to such an extent.

As for Xu Miao's real strength, as a great monk in the late Yuanying period, he still hasn't seen it clearly.However, he knew that it wouldn't be long before the ranks of the Plane Cultivator Rankings would be reset.

At that time, Xu Miao's strength will definitely surprise everyone.

"Fellow Daoist Feiqi, you seem to appreciate Xu Miao, a monk who was born in the Western Continent." An Zaixian, a late Nascent Soul cultivator from the An family, said meaningfully.

Real person Feiqi knew that the An family had the idea of ​​joining forces with Qianyangmen.An Zaixian made a marriage contract between the most proud monk in his family, An Xiyue, and Zhang Ya, the chief disciple of Qianyangmen, and you can tell a thing or two.

(End of this chapter)

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