Taikoo Immortal King

Chapter 388 Enraged Zhang Ya

Chapter 388 Enraged Zhang Ya

Ants do have a chance to kill a giant elephant, but that requires thousands of ants.Too few ants are also not a threat to giant elephants.It's a pity that this group of ants didn't think of this, and they were too self-righteous.

The monks who are killed will be sent out of the space directly, and there is no way to snatch their magical treasures.After the seven adjusted their status, they continued to move towards the place where the last monster might appear.

When they found the last eighth-level monster, everyone had weird expressions.It's not that the strength of this monster is too strong, but that this monster is too tall to bear to look at directly.

The lower body is in the shape of a spider, and the upper body is in the shape of a human, but the human shape is not purely human, but also mixed with the appearance of other insects and monsters.

The most disgusting thing is the words that the eighth-level monster said: "Oh - there are beautiful humans coming to play with me! They are all handsome men and beauties. They are destined to meet thousands of miles away, so stay and be my harem! "

The voice is artificial and artificial, which makes people's hairs stand on end.Even the most calm Mage Chenlu closed his eyes with a sinful face, refusing to see the appearance of this eighth-level monster.

"Just because you are like this, you still want to accept us and make your spring and autumn dream come true!" An Xitong raised his hand and shot out a wave of spiritual power as soon as he finished speaking.

The power of this spirit power was not small, but it didn't react when it hit the eighth-level spiderman.On the contrary, he angered the eighth-level spider man and spit out a long spider thread at An Xitong.

The spider silk was sent out so fast that An Xitong didn't react at all.In front of the eighth-level monsters, except for the top Nascent Soul Early Stage, how could other early-stage monks be the opponents of the eighth-level monsters.

What's more, this eighth-level spiderman, Xu Miao felt that the opponent's spiritual power fluctuations were still higher than the eighth-level giant monster.It took them a long time to kill that eighth-level giant monster with the help of seven stars.

In the crisis of life and death, Xu Miao summoned the spiritual fire in the cauldron of refining heaven and rushed towards the spider silk.At the same time, he moved his body and quickly pulled An Xitong to the rear position.

Xu Miao's spiritual fire is extremely powerful. After the Battle of the East China Sea and the cultivation of the Huoyan Spirit Demon, it has reached the level of the seventh-level spiritual fire.But even this high-level spiritual fire couldn't do any harm to the spider silk.

The spider silk turned its direction and was about to take the spirit fire away.Xu Miao opened her right hand resolutely, and a whole ball of spiritual fire instantly turned into several small flames and flew back to Xu Miao's hand.

"Hey, this young man is still handsome and has good means. But I think you think I'm ugly, and you won't stay with me. If I tear off this woman's face and stick it on my face, you will still be willing." Don't you want to stay with me?"

Every time the eighth-level spider man uttered a word, the upper part of the spider's humanoid body would twist. The visual impact plus the impact of words, An Xitong directly frowned: "Ugly, don't even think about it!"

This time An Xitong learned to be smart, hid behind Xu Miao, and angrily scolded the eighth-level spiderman.Xu Miao noticed that this spiderman seemed to be imprisoned by a special spell, and the range it could move was not large.

As long as they do not enter the range of each other, they can guarantee their own safety.But they didn't go beyond this spider man and go to other places. What they needed was to kill this spider man and take out its inner alchemy.

"Xu Miao, this eighth-level monster is too powerful. Even with the power of the seven stars, we can't defeat it." Fan Fan said worriedly.

"The theme of this assessment is cooperation. It not only involves the cooperation of the members of the team, but also the cooperation between teams. If I am right, this monster should gather the strength of three complete teams, That's 21 people."

"In addition, you need the best acquired spiritual weapon and the power of the magic circle to kill this eighth-level spiderman." Xu Miao had roughly estimated the strength of the monster in the fight with the spider silk just now. .

The strength of their team alone is not enough.That's why Xu Miao was not in a hurry. Zhang Ya and Xie Xiu's team would come over sooner or later.

After hearing Xu Miao's words, Fan Fan was silent for a while, and then said: "Zhang Ya has no dust in his eyes. In his heart, only Xie Xiu from the Jingyang Sect is qualified to be his opponent. I'm afraid he won't easily agree to cooperate."

Xu Miao is from the west land, and was in the east land before, so she doesn't know the situation in the middle land.As for Zhang Ya, the only concept he has is that he is the chief disciple of Qianyangmen, the most talented disciple of Qianyangmen since the establishment of the sect.

This person once had a tie with Xie Xiu of Jingyang Sect in a competition, and since then he regarded Xie Xiu as his lifelong enemy.Other people will not enter his eyes at all.Fan Fan, who is also a disciple of Qianyangmen, knows Zhang Ya best.

Xu Miao didn't take it seriously: "Without our help, it is impossible for Zhang Ya and Xie Xiu to kill the eighth-level spiderman just by using the top-grade Houtian spiritual weapon."

"Since the group of old foxes set up such a monster here, they must give full play to the maximum value of this monster. Only when three different forces attack together can they kill the monster."

Taking ten thousand steps back, even if the two of them could kill the monster, the old fox would not let the monster die.But Xu Miao didn't tell Fan Fan this sentence, because it was unnecessary.

With Xu Miao's guarantee, Fan Fan was still a little worried.Xu Miao didn't care about Fan Fan either, but sat aside and waited quietly.

As Xu Miao expected, Zhang Ya and Xie Xiu's team arrived here.Zhang Ya glanced at the eighth-level spider man, then at the seven Xu Miao sitting beside him, and then he knew the specific situation.

"Sister, why don't you stop here?" An Xiyue has always looked down on An Xitong, and when she sees An Xitong, she always makes a mockery.

An Xitong had already received Xu Miao's advice, and knew that those two teams alone would not be able to kill the eighth-level spiderman, so he raised his chin and replied, "I'm tired from walking, and I want to rest here to watch the scene." Play, can't you?"

"Of course you can, but my sister wants to remind you, don't patronize the theater, and accidentally lose your life." An Xitong wanted to refute, but was stopped by Xu Miao. At this time, there is no point in arguing with the other party.

The eighth-level spiderman molested Zhang Ya, Xie Xiu and the others in a clichéd manner. Zhang Ya is not an impulsive person. He could reach this height by relying on the courage of a man alone.

Although Xu Miao's team has Fan Fan who is also from Qianyangmen, but Zhang Ya doesn't like Fan Fan's strength.As for Xu Miao, she was just a lucky ant.

Even if it is necessary to ask for a joint alliance, Zhang Ya will not be in Xu Miao's team.Although Zhang Ya and Xie Xiu could not look down upon each other in the past, as opponents for many years, they understand each other better than anyone else.

Xie Xiu didn't hesitate to agree with Zhang Ya's proposal of cooperation.Zhang Ya will see that the eighth-level spiderman is powerful and needs to join forces, and he can also see it.Xie Xiu of course understands the simple truth of standing together and standing apart.

"You seven, get out of the hundred-foot range of this place immediately!" Zhang Ya ordered unceremoniously, his voice transmission could be heard by everyone, and this voice transmission also carried a strong pressure.

Except for Xu Miao, all six people turned pale. Only Xu Miao looked up as usual. He raised his eyes and squinted at Zhang Ya: "It seems that your Excellency knows how to get fucked, and has done it many times. Why don't you give us these first?" How about a demonstration for someone who has rolled over?"

All six people looked at Xu Miao nervously. In the past few days, the strength Xu Miao showed in front of them was indeed very strong, but after all, he did not show all his strength.

Therefore, among the six people, the strongest monks in Zhonglu are still Zhang Ya and Xie Xiu.If Xu Miao confronted Zhang Ya so bluntly, he might directly anger Zhang Ya.

Zhang Ya's eyes suddenly filled with murderous intent, he raised his hand and struck out a burst of spiritual power, this spiritual power contained [-]% of his strength, if an ordinary monk encountered it, he would be seriously injured even if he did not die.Even if this monk from the west land has a certain strength, it is far from enough.

However, Xu Miao was still sitting on the ground, didn't even stand up, and also shot a wave of spiritual power with her backhand.The two spiritual forces collided fiercely in the air, and the shock wave produced made several people retreat involuntarily.

When the shock wave dissipated completely, except for Xu Miao, Zhang Ya, and Xie Xiu's positions remained unchanged, the others retreated to varying degrees.

Xu Miao stood up calmly at this time, and patted the non-existent dust behind her: "Does your Excellency usually roll like this? I really saw it today, but this rolling method is too noisy, is there a little less noise?" of?"

Strength is the basis for monks to speak.Xu Miao was able to completely ignore Zhang Ya's anger and killing intent precisely because he was strong enough to not only fight against Zhang Ya, but even be stronger than Zhang Ya.

"Inferior cultivator in Xilu, you are courting death!" Zhang Ya took out his talisman, a white sword.Zhang Ya is a single ice spiritual root, which belongs to the different spiritual root.

Based on the attributes of the spirit root alone, the spiritual power of the ice spirit root is stronger than Xu Miao's water spirit root.However, Xu Miao's water spirit root is no longer a simple water spirit root, it has the power almost like ice spirit root.

Xu Miao glanced at Zhang Ya: "Really? When I went to the ancient secret realm and met you Zhonglu monks, the Zhonglu monks looked at me that way."

"But later, the faces of you, Cultivator Lu, were slapped and slapped, probably swollen. You look good, swollen into a pig's head, tsk tsk tsk, it's really unsightly." Xu Miao pretended to be regretful. Take a breath.

Zhang Ya's sword was hanging down all the time, he didn't lift it up, and said with a sinking face, "Cultivator Xilu, do you think that provoking me will affect my attack?"

"Hahaha—of course not, I just think it's very refreshing to provoke you and see your expression change. You should be very clear that your strength is not enough to kill me."

"I just like to see the expression on your face that you are so angry that you want to kill me, but you can't kill me."

(End of this chapter)

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