Chapter 389
When Zhang Ya heard Xu Miao's words, his murderous intent became even more intense. If his eyes could be materialized, then Zhang Ya's gaze at Xu Miao would be enough to cut Xu Miao into pieces.

Xu Miao turned a blind eye to Zhang Ya's sharp eyes, shrugged nonchalantly, and said, "It's useless to look, if you really have the ability, kill me, or kill that eighth-level spiderman with your own strength. "

"Otherwise, your anger is too cheap and useless in my eyes!"

Zhang Ya's character is aloof and arrogant. What he said before to let Xu Miao and others go away was all due to habit.I am used to bossing around ordinary monks, and I am used to calling and shouting at ordinary monks.

In Zhang Ya's heart, these monks have no qualifications and can sit on an equal footing, except for Xie Xiu.Now there is another Xu Miao who keeps using words to provoke and even belittle him.

This was unbearable, Zhang Ya finally decided to take action.He slowly raised the sword in Ping's hand, and the tip of the sword pointed straight at Xu Miao.The corners of Xu Miao's mouth curled up, and at the same time, he summoned the Fog Condensing Sword, and the sword's intent rose sharply the moment the Fog Condensing Sword appeared.

Xu Miao has never had time to upgrade the level of the Wu Ningwu Sword, so it is still at the level of the best Acquired Spiritual Weapon.Zhang Ya looked at the Ningwu Sword disdainfully: "The Acquired Spirit Artifact, a Nascent Soul cultivator is still using the Acquired Spirit Artifact, Westland is indeed a barren land."

Xu Miao did not refute Zhang Ya abnormally, and followed the other party's words: "Yes, Xilu is not as good as Zhonglu in terms of resources and the concentration of heaven and earth spiritual energy."

"But so what, even if I was born in a poor land, you still can't win!" Xu Miao didn't say that she would win, only that the opponent would not win.

In the current situation, in a short period of time, it is impossible to determine the winner or loser of either party.The stronger the monk is, the more unable he is to decide the real outcome in a short time.

Zhang Ya didn't refute Xu Miao's words anymore, because he found that he couldn't win against Xu Miao in terms of words.Instead of fighting with each other, it is better to speak with strength.

As expected of the chief disciple of Qianyangmen, with one move, the surrounding air was distorted.Before this, apart from Xie Xiu, no monk could rely on Zhang Ya's move.

But that was before, Zhang Ya did not meet Xu Miao.Xu Miao's appearance has always been to break the rules.Xu Miao went up to meet the sword, and placed her left hand on the upper part of the sword body of Ningwu Sword.

The frenzied sword intent directly wrapped the two of them together. Although Zhang Ya was born in Qianyangmen, his understanding of the way of the sword would definitely not be inferior to any sword cultivator.

Feeling Zhang Ya's awe-inspiring sword intent, Xu Miao's expression did not change at all.The spiritual power in the body was running extremely fast, there was a sword in his heart, and the sword in his hand was soaring.

The sword intents of the two kept at a stalemate, and the violent sword intent ravaged the surrounding environment.All the other monks had to stay away to avoid being accidentally injured by the sword.

Xie Xiu frowned, watching Xu Miao's sword intent.The generation of this kind of sword intent is similar to Jing Yangzong's sword intent, but Xu Miao's sword intent has been improved and more decisive on the basis of Jing Yang Zong.

Xu Miao and Zhang Ya's swords crossed and collided in the air. Their sword intent, sword energy, and sword momentum continued to increase, far from stopping.

Although there was no change in the expression on Zhang Ya's face, the shock in his heart became more and more obvious.He has displayed [-]% of his strength now, but this monk in Xilu is still calm and breezy.

It seemed that his offensive had no effect on Xu Miao at all.Xu Miao looked at Zhang Ya's eyes, there was a dark tide surging, and she knew that the other party must be surprised.

Xu Miao is not interested in fighting Zhang Ya to the death at this time. The eighth-level spider is their biggest opponent: "A draw is the best ending now. If you don't mind, you and I can withdraw our swords at the same time."

Zhang Ya took a deep look at Xu Miao, and his spiritual power tended to weaken.When the opponent's attack weakened, he naturally wouldn't take this opportunity to make a move, not to mention that Zhang Ya seemed to have weakened his spiritual power, and he was also guarding against him.

Xu Miao smiled and withdrew her sword in a gentle manner.Holding a sword flower on her wrist, Xu Miao put away the fog-condensing sword.The remaining six members of Xu Miao's team were already in the state of "Who am I? Where am I?".

Although their evaluation of Xu Miao was already very high, they had never been higher than their evaluation of Zhang Ya and Xie Xiu.All the monks in Zhonglu know that Zhang Ya and Xie Xiu are the future stars who will lead the world of cultivation in Zhonglu.

No one can retreat under their full attack.The monks in Central China did not do this, but a monk from West China did.

Moreover, Xu Miao's natal magic weapon is only at the level of the Acquired Spiritual Weapon, and there is a big gap between Zhang Ya's natal magic weapon.In the fight between masters, any factor may result in the outcome of both sides.

However, Xu Miao was able to rely on a spirit sword of the Houtian spirit weapon to survive Zhang Ya's furious attack without any damage, and he was on par with Zhang Ya. This has never happened before, but it happened because of their Happened under the nose.

The display of Xu Miao's strength has won the respect of others.Although he didn't win the respect of everyone here, at least it made others stop despising him.

Zhang Ya didn't say a word, Xie Xiu stepped forward and discussed with Xu Miao how to deal with the eighth-level spiderman.Xu Miao would not show face to those who showed kindness to him.He will tell Xie Xiu all his guesses about the eighth-level spiderman.

After receiving Xu Miao's information and Xie Xiu's own considerations, he also agreed with Xu Miao's opinion.The three teams finally stood together.

Xu Miao led his team, using the Seven Stars to form a formation, Zhang Ya and Xie Xiu, gathered the strength of other members of their team, and displayed the power of the best innate spiritual weapon.

The three forces joined together and launched a fierce attack on the eighth-level spiderman.Xie Xiu had been observing the attack status of Xu Miao's team when he was using the top-grade innate spirit weapon.

He found that Xu Miao had played the Seven Stars to the limit, and was even able to cooperate with Zhang Ya and Xie Xiu's attacks.At this time, Xie Xiu suddenly recalled that Xu Miao did not join the team because he was good at fighting, but because he was good at formation.

Seven stars form a formation, he has heard of its prestige, and he has also seen monks in Fufeng Valley use this formation.However, the power displayed by the monks of Fufeng Valley that day was not as powerful as Xu Miao's.

"Ahhh——" the eighth-level spiderman uttered a sharp scream, interrupting Xie Xiu's racing thoughts.When he came back to his senses, he saw that the upper part of the eighth-level spiderman's body had been blasted out of a big hole.

And this hole was made by Xu Miao.The eighth-level spiderman bent down, fused the upper body into the lower body, and a complete spider appeared in front of everyone.

From a spider man to a spider, this eighth-level monster has almost doubled its strength, and its attack range has also increased.With a dignified expression, Xu Miao gave the command calmly and decisively, commanding the six people in the team to retreat in order.

In Xu Miao's team, with Xu Miao's precise control, no one was injured in the monster transformation.As for the other two teams, due to the extreme depletion of monks' spiritual power by the best innate spiritual weapons, two monks were hit by monsters in an instant and were seriously injured.

If it is outside, even if it is a serious injury, there is a way to recover.But in this space, once a wound appears, the dense turbidity in the air will immediately enter the body along the wound.

The turbid air enters the body, and the gods cannot save it.The two monks struggled in pain, but after a while, they were sent out of the space.Looking at the scene in front of them, the six members of the NO.19 team were extremely fortunate. When they chose the reward, they chose the seven-star team.

Otherwise, with their strength, they will inevitably be hit by eighth-level spiders, causing foul air to enter their bodies.Xu Miao, Xie Xiu, and Zhang Ya all had serious expressions on their faces. The enemy's strength increased, but their strength was weakened.

This is not good news for everyone.In addition, excessive use of top-grade innate spiritual weapons would also do great harm to Xie Xiu and Zhang Ya themselves.

The spiritual power in their bodies was almost completely drained by the blow just now.If they wanted to attack again, they had to wait until their spiritual power recovered.

The problem before them was not only that, both Zhang Ya and Xie Xiu's team had lost one person, which meant that it was completely unrealistic to launch an attack of the same power.

The monks can hold their breath to avoid inhaling the foul air in the air.However, the breath-holding time is also limited, and it is impossible to keep it permanently.

If he inhaled foul air and was sent out of the space because he couldn't hold his breath, it would be more wronged than dying at the hands of an eighth-level monster.Instead of continuing to forcibly use the best innate spirit weapon, it is better to let the other two teams use the seven-star combination.

To be precise, it is a combination of six stars.Their number is not enough, so the formation can only be modified.When Zhang Ya, Xie Xiu and others recovered their spiritual power, Xu Miao began to modify the Seven Stars.

He held a jade slip with seven stars in one hand and a branch in the other, writing and drawing on the ground.Fan Fan and the others were very puzzled, but Xu Miao could only suppress their doubts with a look of do not disturb.

Those who are curious include not only Fan Fan and others, but also late Nascent Soul monks outside the space.

"What is this Xu Miao doing? Hasn't he mastered the Seven Stars for a while, why are you still watching?"

Master Feiqi stared at Xu Miao's actions, and slowly said: "It may be modifying the seven-star combination, so that a team of six can also use it."

"What! Modify the formation! He, Xu Miao, has no such ability!" Except for Master Feiqi, other monks did not believe that Xu Miao could do it.

Master Feiqi didn't argue, he wanted to see if Xu Miao could really surprise him.The combination of the seven stars was continuously improved by the monks of Fufeng Valley in the past dynasties.

(End of this chapter)

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