Taikoo Immortal King

Chapter 390 Pointing to Alchemy

Chapter 390 Pointing to Alchemy
The combination of seven stars has condensed the painstaking efforts of several generations to reach the current level of power.The changes and orientations in it all contain the true essence of the complex formation.

If someone else declared that he wanted to revise the Seven Stars, Daoist Feiqi would definitely scoff at it and dismiss it.But the person who is doing this now is Xu Miao.

It is a person who exerts the greatest power of the Seven Stars by relying on his own strength.Xu Miao created the greatest miracle of the seven stars joining together.Real person Feiqi is looking forward to Xu Miao continuing to create a miracle.

All of Xu Miao's spiritual consciousness was poured into the seven-star formation, constantly calculating, modifying, trying, and simulating the attacks and changes of the formation in her mind.

His eyes were closed tightly, and the veins on his forehead were bulging due to excessive use of his spiritual consciousness, dripping with sweat.Xu Miao relied on his divine sense to complete the vast calculations.

If it is modified in this way, what will be the attack power? If it is modified in that way, what will be the attack power.There are too many roads and choices in front of Xu Miao. To know which road can successfully lead to the destination, Xu Miao has to try one by one.

His time was too tight, Xu Miao crazily controlled his consciousness to modify the formation.Xu Miao felt pain in her head due to excessive use of her consciousness.

As if a knife was chopping the head continuously, Xu Miao just frowned slightly, ignoring the pain in the head and continuing to count.When he opened his eyes again, except for the black pupils, everything else turned scarlet.

The consumption of consciousness was too great, and the scene in front of Xu Miao's eyes was a bit blurred.Xu Miao shook her head and saw that Xie Xiu and Zhang Ya had finished adjusting their breath, but there were still two members of their team who hadn't finished adjusting their breath completely.

Xu Miao walked over, told Xie and Zhang the revised formation, and briefly explained his plans and plans.

"Controlling the three seven stars at the same time, Xu Miao, this is definitely not a small problem for your spiritual consciousness." Xie Xiu first objected. Xu Miao's current state is obviously overused. Consciousness can have irreversible consequences.

Although Zhang Ya didn't care about Xu Miao's situation, he was also worried that if Xu Miao made a mistake, they would all fail.

Xu Miao glanced at the other monks on the side: "If you have a better way, of course I would not choose this way. But the team of the two of you is missing a member."

"At full capacity, it is impossible to fight against the eighth-level spider man, not to mention that now this monster has transformed and become even stronger."

An Xiyue interjected at this moment: "We can wait for other monks to come and regroup with them."

Xu Miao looked at An Xiyue as if she was mentally retarded: "If other monks can come, will we be the only ones here?" An Xiyue also knew that she had said something stupid, so she curled her lips and retreated.

There is no other way, Xie Xiu and Zhang Ya can only agree.Xu Miao immediately ordered Fan Fan and the others to tell the other monks how to obey his command, what kind of password, and what kind of actions to make.

The people in the three teams are all monks with outstanding strength, and they will be able to comprehend these passwords very quickly.Without further delay, Xu Miao asked everyone to take their positions and officially prepare to start the attack.

The eighth-level spider looked at the several people who made a comeback, and made an unusually piercing voice: "It's such a big list, and I want to die again! You have ruined my appearance, and I will tear off your skins one by one and stick them on my face!"

Xu Miao has developed immunity after hearing too many words like this.Xu Miao's spiritual consciousness enveloped everyone in an instant. With his command, the magic weapons in the hands of the monks flashed, and they kept hitting the eighth-level spiders.

During the battle, apart from the cry of the eighth-level spider and the burst of spiritual power, only Xu Miao's calm voice of password remained.

"Zhang No. [-], the first four!"

"Thank you number two, the last three!"

"Number five, second from the left!"


Listening to Xu Miao's password and looking at Xu Miao's quiet face, Master Feiqi suddenly felt happy and regretful.Fortunately, in my lifetime, I can see such a talented monk in the formation.

But it is also a pity that Xu Miao was not born in Zhonglu, otherwise, with Xu Miao's strength, he would definitely take Xu Miao into his family.With Xu Miao's strength, he can definitely guarantee that Fufeng Valley will not fall for ten thousand years.

Xu Miao gave the password and launched an attack at the same time, both at the same time, without any confusion.After the last command was issued, the eighth-level monster finally fell to the ground, unable to utter any more disgusting words.

Everyone cheered, but Xu Miao's eyes went dark, and she half knelt on the ground.He adjusted his breath for a while before recovering from the state just now.As the person who contributed the most to this battle, even if Xu Miao was at a great loss right now, no one took advantage of this moment to take out the inner alchemy of the monster.

Seeing that Xu Miao's condition had improved, Fan Fan, together with Zhang Ya and Xie Xiu, cut open the monster and took out the inner alchemy.The inner alchemy of the eighth-level spiderman is different, it is composed of three small pills, and it happens to be one for each team.

Having obtained all the alchemy raw materials, Zhang Ya and Xie Xiu's team is ready to start refining the Bizhuo Pill.The alchemist in Zhang Ya's team was eliminated just before, so he could only rely on the alchemist in Xie Xiu's team to refine the elixir.

The alchemist Zheng Fei in Xie Xiu's team is from the Yintai sect.In front of him were two copies of the raw materials of the Bizhuo Pill, and the materials from Xu Miao's team have not been handed over to Zheng Fei for the time being.

Fan Fan sent a voice transmission to Xu Miao and asked, "Xu Miao, none of us know how to make alchemy, why don't we also give the materials to Zheng Fei." Fan Fan's proposal was exactly in line with everyone's ideas.

Xu Miao shook her head slowly: "Don't worry, let's see Zheng Fei's strength first." Refining the Bizhuo Pill also requires a huge amount of spiritual consciousness.Xu Miao's current consciousness has been overused. If he continues to forcibly refine the Bizhuo Pill, it will cause secondary damage to his consciousness.

The refining process of Kebizhuo Pill is not simple.He has read alchemy recipes, and every step is not easy, and it is a very big challenge for alchemists who have never refined Bizhuo Pill.

Although Zheng Fei came from Yintai sect, he had never refined Bizhuo Pill.Now there are only three materials and three teams. In other words, he must refine at least three to ensure that the three teams will not be affected by the turbidity.

However, the difficulty of avoiding turbidity pills is too great, he can't guarantee even one, let alone three.Not only Xu Miao, everyone could see the embarrassment on Zheng Fei's face.

If the refining of the Bizhuo Pill fails, then their test this time will come to an end.On the bodies of the eighth-level spiders, it is written where they are going next.

The concentration of turbid air in that place is stronger, even if you hold your breath and condense your breath, it will directly affect the monk's body.Without the Bizhuo Pill, no monk would be able to hold on for a stick of incense in such a place.

Xu Miao suddenly sent a voice transmission to Zheng Fei, telling the other party his thoughts on refining Bizhuo Pill.These ideas are all summed up by Xu Miao after researching Dan Fang.

Originally, the alchemist's summary of the alchemy formula was a secret that was not passed on, but Xu Miao told others so simply.Although Zheng Fei also summarized Danfang, the content of the summary was obviously not as incisive as Xu Miao.

Zheng Fei's eyes lit up, and under the surprised eyes of everyone, he walked to Xu Miao's side and asked Xu Miao about refining.Now Xu Miao's spiritual consciousness is too depleted, otherwise Xu Miao can refine it by herself.

Xu Miao patiently told Zheng Fei some key points one by one, and pointed out that when refining Bizhuo Pill, the special skill of using spiritual consciousness was used.Although Xu Miao has never refined Bizhuo Pill, there are some similarities between refining pills.

It's just that these places are very easy to ignore.Xu Miao pointed out these places, hoping to increase Zheng Fei's alchemy rate.Under the bewildered expression of everyone, Zheng Fei's eyes became brighter and brighter.

When Zheng Fei walked back to the alchemy furnace and began to refine the Bizhuo Pill, Xu Miao also closed her eyes.

The monk who came here from the Yintai Sect was not the alchemy master who was best at refining elixirs, but Li Mingjian, another elder of the Yintai Sect.Although Li Mingjian's level of alchemy was not as good as that of a true alchemist, he was still at the top of the alchemists in Zhonglu.

He was very aware of Zheng Fei's talent in alchemy, not to mention that Zheng Fei was a direct disciple of Daoist alchemy.In this assessment, they will set up refining Bizhuo Pill, also because Zheng Fei is there.

Zheng Fei was simple in nature, and all his thoughts were on alchemy, so he was favored by alchemy saints in the way of alchemy.The embarrassment shown by Zheng Fei just now changed obviously after he came to Xu Miao's side.

Li Mingjian has already seen Xu Miao's talent in formation, combat, cultivation, and alchemy.He was frightened by his sudden thought, but this thought was always lingering in his heart, lingering.

Despite Xu Miao's guidance, Zheng Fei still ended in failure when refining the first material.Zheng Fei's pressure suddenly increased. This alchemy was not only for himself, but also for the rest of the monks.

Especially that evil god Zhang Ya, if the refinement failed again, Zheng Fei felt that Zhang Ya would be the first to hack himself to death with a sword.Zheng Fei turned to look at Xu Miao with a bitter face.

Being stared at by others, Xu Miao opened his eyes helplessly. He walked over, took Zheng Fei's place, and sat in front of the alchemy cauldron.

Seeing the performance of Zheng Fei and Xu Miao before, Zhang Ya suspected that Xu Miao also knew how to make alchemy, and now Xu Miao's performance confirmed this point.Everyone looked at Xu Miao like a monster.

The monks in the space cannot speak, but the monks outside the space can talk: "Xu Miao is too heaven-defying, he can fight, he can fight, he can make alchemy, he is decathlon!"

"I just want to know what else Xu Miao can't do!"

"Why is the gap between people so big!"


Zhang Ya asked worriedly: "Can you really successfully refine the Bizhuo Pill?"

Xu Miao glanced at Zhang Ya indifferently: "Even if the refining fails, the fault is on my shoulders, so you don't have to worry."

(End of this chapter)

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