Taikoo Immortal King

Chapter 391 Elimination by 1

Chapter 391 Elimination One by One
After finishing speaking, Xu Miao ignored the glaring Zhang Ya and took each material in front of her into her hands.First of all, he had to remove all the impurities from the materials, and his consciousness slowly soaked into the materials, removing them one by one.

Zheng Fei was sitting next to Xu Miao, calmly watching Xu Miao's operation with all his attention.He was not as thorough as Xu Miao in the step of removing impurities.This is the difference in the strength of spiritual consciousness, which Zheng Fei cannot compare to for the time being.

After Xu Miao checked the spirit fire and the alchemy furnace, he began to melt various materials according to the alchemy recipe.The melting temperature of each material is different, which requires precise control by the alchemist.

The spiritual fire is in Xu Miao's hands at this moment, as if it has life, and the color of the flame is constantly changing.The most intuitive characteristic of the change in the temperature of the spiritual fire is the change in the color of the flame.

Xu Miao has a water spirit root, and is extremely sensitive to temperature.Under his precise control, the spirit fire melted all eight materials except spirit water.

The melted liquid of eight materials floated in the air in front of Xu Miao.Xu Miao summoned the alchemy furnace, moved his arm horizontally, and placed the spirit fire under the alchemy furnace.

According to the prescribed order, Xu Miao added the materials into the alchemy furnace one by one.There are no strict regulations on when to add what material and what temperature is required.

All need to rely on the alchemist's instinct and experience to choose the right time.When Xu Miao resisted the beast tide in Donglu, he refined countless pills.His experience was also accumulated during that time.

Feeling the degree of fusion of the liquid medicine, Xu Miao continued to add it into the alchemy furnace calmly.Xu Miao's hands were extremely steady without any shaking, and her eyes were also extremely calm.

After adding the eight melted ingredients, only one spirit water remained.This spiritual water needs to be added to it at the moment of alchemy.Sooner or later, it will affect the efficacy of Bizhuo Dan.

Xu Miao closed the furnace lid, strictly controlled the spiritual fire, and waited quietly for the moment of becoming a pill.Because her sense of smell was turned off, Xu Miao couldn't judge the time by the scent of the medicine.

He could only endure the pain of his spiritual consciousness being burned by the spiritual fire, and use his spiritual consciousness to observe the situation of Chengdan.Zheng Fei's spiritual fire is a seventh-level spiritual fire, which is extremely powerful.If it wasn't for the fact that Xu Miao's spiritual consciousness was not as strong as that of Huashen, he would have been completely burned by the spiritual fire just after touching it.

Even so, being burned by the spirit fire was still uncomfortable, and his brows furrowed inadvertently.At this very moment when the pill was formed, Xu Miao was neither excited nor panicked. He quickly lifted the furnace cover and raised his hand to send the spiritual water into the alchemy furnace.

The spiritual water was instantly transpired by the spiritual fire and turned into water vapor. Xu Miao decisively placed the formed elixir in the water vapor, and at the same time covered the furnace lid.After a while, Xu Miao removed the spirit fire, opened the furnace cover, and three complete turbidity-avoiding pills appeared in the alchemy furnace.

The alchemy rate is only [-]%, which is definitely not high among the elixirs refined by Xu Miao.However, under the circumstances that the spiritual consciousness is excessively depleted and cannot be judged by the fragrance of the medicine, being able to successfully refine the Bizhuo Pill is already the greatest success.

With the Bizhuo Pill, everyone no longer needs to worry about being affected by the turbidity.One for each of the three teams, and put it in the hands of the strongest person.

Zheng Fei looked at Xu Miao adoringly. He could successfully refine the Bizhuo Pill for the first time.In his heart, except for his master Dan Sheng, no one can do it.

Xie Xiu held the Bizhuo Pill in his hand and asked, "Xu Miao, is this really the first time you have refined Bizhuo Pill?"

Xu Miao held the Bizhuo Pill in his hand: "Of course, whoever has nothing to do to refine the Bizhuo Pill, I'm not from the Yintai sect." Xu Miao's casual words attracted a group of people to complain.

"You are not from the Yintai sect, how can you be better at alchemy than Zheng Fei from the Yintai sect!"

"It simply doesn't give alchemists like us a way out!"

When Li Mingjian heard Xu Miao's words, he couldn't help but have black lines on his face.He had refined Bizhuo Pill before, but the first time he refined it, he also ended in failure.Not only did he fail the first time, he did not succeed in refining until the third time.

Xu Miao's words despised almost all alchemists.However, no one dared to express a rebuttal opinion. After all, Xu Miao's alchemy strength was too strong, and they could not be compared with Xu Miao at all.

Although the assessment was not over, in the eyes of all the monks, the number one monk had appeared——Xu Miao from Westland.

From the beginning, due to time constraints, he did not participate in the primary election, but later, he participated in the ranking competition with his agility that is good at formation.Whether it's commanding teammates to deal with high-level monsters, or the shocking sword with Zhang Ya, and the Bizhuo Pill that makes all the alchemists feel ashamed.

All aspects represent Xu Miao's strong strength.Some monks even believed that Xu Miao would surpass Zhang Ya and Xie Xiu and become the strongest monk in this generation of monks.

In the space, An Xitong was in an unusually good mood. Seeing her "sister" An Xiyue suffer a loss, she was so happy no matter how she looked, she almost hummed a song.

An Xiyue could only look at Xu Miao angrily, her heart was full of anger.Many strategies against Xu Miao emerged in her mind.Every strategy can put Xu Miao to death.

Xu Miao noticed the flash of killing intent, and he glanced at An Xiyue clearly.When An Xiyue met Xu Miao's eyes, she instantly felt that she had been seen through.

An Xiyue's back felt a chill, she pretended to look away calmly, but her heart was beating like a drum.An Xiyue, Xu Miao remembered the name.

Now that the other party hasn't confronted him head-on, if An Xiyue still doesn't know whether to live or die after going out, he doesn't mind letting An Xiyue know what life and death are.

Everyone walked to the final destination, which was a majestic temple.The temple is already in dilapidated condition, and some walls may be falling down in the next moment.

Ma Dezhong's voice appeared at this time: "There is no turbidity in the temple. After handing over the anti-turbidity pill, the existing team will immediately disperse. No matter whether it is the best innate spiritual weapon or the combination of seven stars, it is not allowed to be used again."

"Every half an hour, the turbidity will begin to infect the temple. Anyone within the range of the turbidity, no matter whether they inhale the turbidity or not, will be eliminated immediately! Take the individual as a unit, kill other people, and the person who survives to the end will get Highest score!"

In other words, the safety range of the temple will continue to shrink, and the monks will be constantly driven into the center of the temple.This method perfectly avoids someone hiding somewhere and not being able to hide.

As soon as the words fell, nineteen rays of light shrouded everyone.A burst of oppressive feeling came, and when the oppressive feeling disappeared, Xu Miao was already standing inside the temple.

Xu Miao immediately hid her breath and minimized the fluctuation of spiritual power.His spiritual sense is powerful, and he can detect the other party's situation without others being able to find out.

Not far from Xu Miao's right is An Xiyue.Xu Miao raised the corners of her mouth, it's really a narrow road to enemies.He has no reason to reject the prey that comes to his door.

An Xiyue didn't find any trace of Xu Miao at all. She held a pair of short thorns and carefully observed the surrounding situation.Xu Miao approached An Xiyue from behind, without attracting An Xiyue's attention at all.

When it comes to the concealment of breath, An Xiyue is far behind.Xu Miao patted An Xiyue's shoulder in a good mood. An Xiyue's eyes widened suddenly. She didn't notice that someone was approaching at all. This person's strength was definitely not simple.

Various candidates flashed through her mind, and at the same time, she turned the short thorn in her hand and stabbed backwards.As the saying goes, one inch is longer and one inch is stronger. Before the short stab hit Xu Miao, the Ningwu Sword had already stabbed An Xiyue's dantian from behind, directly destroying Yuanying.

An Xiyue's figure immediately became blurred, and the person who killed her was sent out of the space without seeing her clearly.An Xiyue stood on the square of the Jingyang Sect, and could vaguely feel the pain of the Yuanying being destroyed.

She looked up at the spatial projection on the sky with hatred, and it was Xu Miao who appeared at the place where she was killed!Anger rose sharply in An Xiyue's chest, she clenched her fist tightly, pinched it sharply into the flesh, and swore secretly: "Xu Miao, I will definitely kill you!"

Xu Miao knew that An Xiyue could already see the situation in the space at this time, he raised his head and glanced at the sky leisurely, the contempt in his eyes was very obvious, which aggravated An Xiyue's anger even more.

He turned his head and walked to other places. Xu Miao's strength, as long as he didn't meet Zhang Ya and Xie Xiu, it would not be an exaggeration to describe it as walking sideways.

At the next turn, Xu Miao bumped into Xie Xiu.However, the two of them looked at each other tacitly, and passed by without making a move.This time period is the time to deal with the other monks, and it is not yet the time for the three of them to decide the final outcome.

Xu Miao's aura was hidden so perfectly that no one would find his trace.He stood in the shadow of a corner, calmly watching the two monks beating each other to the death.

When the two were out of breath, Xu Miao appeared and sent them out of the space with a sword.The same scene happened in various places in the temple.

As the turbid air kept approaching, Xu Miao had to change positions constantly, walking towards the center of the temple, and the chance of encountering monks was getting higher and higher.

This time, Xu Miao met Master Chenlu. Master Chenlu knew that he was not Xu Miao's opponent, and walked decisively into the turbid air, avoiding Xu Miao's attack.

When Xu Miao walked to the platform in the center of the temple, no one else came over except Zhang Ya and Xie Xiu.Each person occupies a corner, and the three stand in a triangle.

All the monks outside the space watched the battle of the three with great excitement.They believe that this will be a battle recorded in history.The strongest of Zhonglu's generation will be decided through this match.

None of the three took the lead, and just when everyone thought they would remain silent, the three of them started at the same time.Xu Miao summoned the Fog Condensing Sword and the Nirvana Sword, and the two swords attacked Zhang Ya at the same time.

Xu Miao and Zhang Ya have always had grievances, so it is not surprising that Xu Miao made such a move.The strange thing is that Xie Xiu, one of his swords struck at the two of them at the same time, and each sword was a group attack.

(End of this chapter)

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