Taikoo Immortal King

Chapter 392 Fierce Beasts and Divine Beasts

Chapter 392 Fierce Beasts and Divine Beasts

Xu Miao and Zhang Ya drew their swords back to block at the same time, and the three fought together instantly.The majestic spiritual power of the three collided, and the shock wave even caused some crumbling walls of the temple to collapse directly.

However, these walls obviously concealed a mystery, and countless flying arrows were shot from the collapsed walls.The attack power of each flying arrow is no less than that of an ordinary Nascent Soul cultivator's blow, and the rain of arrows enveloped the three of them airtightly.

Xu Miao quickly pinched the dharma seal with both hands, and cast out the Nirvana Jue.Then there was the golden light behind Xu Miao.It's just that this golden light appeared for too short a time, and it passed by in a flash, most of the monks didn't see it.

"Master, is this the practice of the Buddha?" Ma Dezhong asked Master Wuxiang, a monk in the late Yuanying period of Lingfa Temple.There are thousands of differences between Buddhist cultivation and Taoist cultivation in terms of cultivation methods.

Therefore, the fluctuation of spiritual power is also obviously different.Even if Buddha Xiu wants to cover up his identity and imitate Dao Xiu, as long as he makes a move, everyone will be able to identify his true identity.

The fluctuation of Xu Miao's spiritual power is clearly a Taoist cultivator, but the hand that Xu Miao used just now has faint traces of a Buddhist cultivator.Whether it is the handprints when launching the exercises, or the golden light produced by the exercise of the exercises.

Master Wuxiang clasped his hands together and denied it: "No, the exercises used by Xu Miao seem to be Buddhist exercises, but in fact they are still Taoist exercises. If the poor monk guessed correctly, it should be the Heavenly Cauldron in ancient times. "Samsara Nirvana Jue"."

Master Wuxiang once had the honor to read the records of the Tiandingmen in the ancient times in the scriptures of the sect.The founding patriarch of Tiandingmen once had a discussion with a highly respected Buddhist cultivator.

The founding master of the Tiandingmen sect, who is a genius in heaven, created the reincarnation nirvana formula through this discussion.Since this practice combines the dual theories of Taoism and Buddhism, the requirements for practitioners have also become very high.

In the Yintai sect, there is no specific practice of reincarnation Nirvana Jue, which is something that many members of the Yintai sect regret.Master Wuxiang never expected that today in the Zhonglu cultivator ranking competition, he was lucky enough to see the real reincarnation Nirvana formula.

Ma Dezhong recalled that the ancient secret place was exactly a relic of Tiandingmen.It's a pity that neither the monks in Zhonglu nor Donglu have the luck to get the reincarnation nirvana formula.

The flying arrow was blocked by the three of them, and the three stood in the triangle again.Zhang Ya's expression flickered, he looked at Xu Miao and said, "Do you know the Buddhist exercises?"

"I know. It's not just the Buddha's practice. You'll know it soon." Before Xu Miao finished speaking, he jumped up, and the Mist Sword and Nirvana Sword attacked Xie Xiu and Zhang Ya respectively. The three fought together again.

The strength of the three of them is the peak strength of the early Nascent Soul monks, and every attack will greatly consume the spiritual power of the three of them.However, when Zhang Ya and Xie Xiu were tired, Xu Miao remained unchanged.

Xie Xiu couldn't believe it. In the plane below the ground and space, there could be no monks with more spiritual reserves than the two of them: "How can you have so much spiritual power?"

Xu Miao tilted her head and smiled: "Because my spiritual root is what you call a waste spiritual root - Feng Shui single and different dual spiritual roots. Combining two unique spiritual roots, naturally my spiritual power will be stronger than yours. to be vaster."

Xu Miao held the Nirvana Sword in one hand and the Fog Condensing Sword in the other, and performed the Heaven and Earth Nirvana Jue and Star Breaking Sword Art at the same time, revealing the chaotic gas together with it.

He has the Chaos Stone, as long as the Chaos Stone is not cracked, then he has endless Chaos Gas.The intent of the two swords soared in the narrow space, and even faintly overwhelmed Zhang Ya.

Xu Miao looked at Zhang Ya and Xie Xiu, and directly cast their divine sense, turned into a net, and rushed towards Zhang Ya.Although Zhang Ya's spiritual consciousness is not as good as Xu Miao's, it is far above the same level.

He knew that Xu Miao's spiritual sense was powerful, and he had been guarding against Xu Miao's use of his spiritual sense to attack him.Although Zhang Ya was on guard, he kept retreating under Xu Miao's fierce attack of spiritual consciousness.

Zhang Ya's body was fixed in the air, and he used his spiritual consciousness to fight against Xu Miao.Because Xu Miao's spiritual consciousness was exhausted, he couldn't force Zhang Ya back directly through his spiritual consciousness. What he wanted was that Zhang Ya couldn't escape, so he could deal with him.

Without Zhang Ya by the side, Xu Miao was able to attack Xie Xiu with all her strength.Xie Xiu saw that Xu Miao and Zhang Ya were engaged in a spiritual competition. The strength of Xu Miao's spiritual sense was obvious to all. He would not allow Zhang Ya to lose in the spiritual competition.

Xie Xiu instantly raised the sword in his hand, stabbing towards Xu Miao like a bolt of lightning.The tip of the sword was getting closer and closer to Xu Miao, but Xu Miao suddenly raised his sword to block at this moment.

Xie Xiu only has one sword, but Xu Miao has two.Holding the sword in both hands, Xu Miao directly locked Xie Xiu's sword in it, preventing Xie Xiu's sword from advancing an inch further.

At the same time, Xu Miao turned over and spun, and hit Xie Xiu with the help of gravity and inertia from top to bottom.As the most outstanding sword cultivator of Jingyangzong's generation, Xie Xiu swiftly backed away, the sword circled twice in his hand before returning to his hand.

Xu Miao didn't wait for Xie Xiu to stand still, Feng Huiyun Duan rotated to the limit, turned into an afterimage and rushed towards Xie Xiu.Sword energy and sword intent poured out, without holding back the slightest hand.

Xie Xiu was forced back by Xu Miao's blow. He didn't expect that when Xu Miao was competing with Zhang Ya for his spiritual sense, he still had such a strong spare power to fight him.

A sword forced Xie Xiu back, Xu Miao did not continue to chase, he turned around and turned to Zhang Ya's back.Xu Miao twisted the Nirvana Sword in her hand, accumulated the momentum of the sword, and threw it straight, stabbing at the back of Zhang Ya's heart.

Zhang Ya felt the crisis, between life and death, he suddenly used the secret method in his body, a layer of golden-red light appeared all over his body, blocking the attack of Nirvana Sword.

At this time, Xu Miao also appeared behind Zhang Ya, and the Mist Condensing Sword was immediately behind the Nirvana Sword, cutting towards Zhang Ya's body.After all, Xu Miao's spiritual consciousness was exhausted too much, and she couldn't deal with Zhang Ya for a long time.

Zhang Ya got rid of Xu Miao's spiritual control and immediately launched a counterattack against Xu Miao.Xu Miao jumped up swiftly, avoiding Zhang Ya's sword glow temporarily.Unlike Xie Xiu, who is a simple swordsman, Zhang Ya not only has a sword.

His methods were unimaginable, Zhang Ya raised one hand, pressed his middle finger to the center of his brow, and a red and black phantom appeared behind Zhang Ya.

There are many inheritances and treasures in this world, and of course Xu Miao is not the only one who can obtain these things.Although Zhang Ya's ability to be so powerful is closely related to his talent, it is also related to the inheritance and secret techniques he acquired outside.

As soon as this red and black phantom appeared, the outburst of tyranny and murderous intent even forced Xu Miao and Xie Xiu who was about to rescue Zhang Ya to retreat.Xu Miao squinted her eyes half-closed and looked at the phantom carefully. The more she looked at it, the more she looked like the phantom of Wuwu.

"梼杌?" Although Xu Miao's words were questions, there were no doubts in them.

Zhang Ya laughed arrogantly, raised his chin, and looked at people with his nose: "That's right, it's the 梼杌!"

"梼杌? As far as I know, it seems that Wu Wu is still locked up somewhere. What is behind you is probably just a clone of Zhu Wu." Xu Miao had seen the real body of Zhu Wu, so naturally she would not believe Zhang Ya's words. .

Zhang Ya's eyes were fierce: "So what, even this clone, I will kill you!"

"The main body of Wuwu can't do anything to me, let alone a clone, dare to be rampant in front of me!" Before the words finished, Xu Miao's momentum changed.

Wuwu is one of the four fierce beasts, and only divine beasts can fight against it.Xu Miao has dragon blood in his body, and there is a real phoenix in the Hunting Stone, so he has no fear.

Xu Miao circulated the dragon's blood, and her whole body was also covered with a layer of light.The aura that Xu Miao displayed was distant and clear, which was completely opposite to Zhang Ya's tyrannical and murderous intent.

Little Phoenix is ​​not suitable to appear in front of everyone, but Xu Miao can borrow the power of Little Phoenix.When he was still in Westland, monks from Zhuo Li Pavilion came to make trouble. Xu Miao borrowed the power of the little white tiger and turned into a phantom of the white tiger.

Xu Miao can still do this now, using the power of the little phoenix to repel the power of the Wuwu avatar.Zhang Ya is only in the early stage of Nascent Soul, and if he can absorb and use it, his strength will not be too strong.

Little Phoenix established contact with Xu Miao in the Hunting Stone, and a crisp Fengming sound suddenly sounded, disrupting the atmosphere formed by Zhang Ya.A fiery red phoenix phantom slowly emerged from behind Xu Miao.

This phoenix was formed by Xu Miao with the help of the original power of the little phoenix, and it can directly suppress the wuwu.Xie Xiu stood aside, cautiously not moving.

Whether it is Xu Miao or Zhang Ya, their current state is not normal, if they go forward easily, he may be the first to die.And among the monks outside the space, there has already been an uproar.

"梼杌? Phoenix? The luck of these two people is too bad!"

"It's a divine beast and a ferocious beast. The battle between these two is really exciting!"

"Rather than saying it's wonderful, it's more enviable and jealous. Why don't we have such good luck."

The Nascent Soul monk who was eliminated outside the space was very surprised, and the Nascent Soul late stage monk was also very surprised.Zhang Ya can get the doppelganger of Wuwu, they can understand a little bit.But Xu Miao, who was born in Westland, was able to get Suzaku's predecessor, Phoenix.

However, Master Feiqi calmly glanced at the big cultivator beside him who was making a fuss: "What's so strange about it, Xu Miao can show extraordinary talents in many aspects, so he naturally has enough luck and opportunities."

"Otherwise, according to ordinary monks, you won't be able to pick up things wherever you go, so what's the use of high talent." A monk's cultivation, talent is important, but if there is not enough opportunity, he can only catch the blind.

As long as there is a heaven-defying opportunity, no matter how bad the talent is, it can be reversed.Master Feiqi's words attracted the approval of several monks, but some monks sneered.

Although they recognized Xu Miao's strength, in their hearts, Xu Miao came from the west land after all, not from the middle land.With the pride of Zhonglu for many years, they will not easily think that Xu Miao is better than Zhang Ya.

(End of this chapter)

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