Taikoo Immortal King

Chapter 393 Destroying Zhang Ya

Chapter 393 Destroying Zhang Ya

Xu Miao, who was confronting in the space, didn't care whether those big monks would agree.Their thoughts and decisions did not affect Xu Miao in the slightest.

In Xu Miao's view, whether to agree or not depends entirely on who's fist is hard.As long as his fists are hard enough to beat everyone, naturally no one would disagree.If you don't accept it, you will be convinced. This is Xu Miao's most direct point of view.

Zhang Ya looked at the shadow of the phoenix behind Xu Miao, and gritted his teeth: "Xu Miao, your phoenix is ​​just the predecessor of Suzaku, and its strength is too low. Only a real beast can compare with my 梼杌."

"Zhang Ya, your 梼杌 is just a clone of 梼杌. Why are you crazy in front of me? What qualifications do you have to be crazy? Zhonglu's cultivation level is indeed higher than Xilu's."

"But that doesn't mean that your strength will definitely be stronger than mine!" As Xu Miao's voice fell, the phantom of the Suzaku behind her continued to materialize, and the power displayed was also constantly increasing.

The 梼杌 avatar seemed to feel the coercion of the phoenix, and its aura weakened, and it couldn't even be compared with the beginning.Xu Miao raised the corner of her mouth: "The weakening of Wuwu's momentum is the best performance."

How could Zhang Ya endure Xu Miao's cynicism, he was always the top one among the monks.Whether it is past, present, or future, this will never change.

He raised two fingers together, his spiritual power turned into a sharp blade, and slashed fiercely towards the center of his eyebrows.A bloodstain was drawn by Zhang Ya on the area between the eyebrows, and drops of blood flowed out from the bloodstain, and were sucked away by Wu Wu's avatar in an instant.

Zhuwu was originally a ferocious beast, and it most liked to suck the blood of living beings.As long as there is enough essence and blood, the power of the 梼杌 can be continuously enhanced.Xu Miao will always remember the dark scene next to the sea of ​​blood.

All living beings in the world were killed and devoured by Zhu Wu and the other three fierce beasts, and the whole world became a hell on earth.Xu Miao would not allow that kind of scene to happen again, and the anger in his heart rose sharply.

Although he himself didn't know the reason for the anger, it wouldn't affect Xu Miao's strength in attacking.Compared with Wu Wu who needs to devour human essence and blood, Little Phoenix only needs Xu Miao's blood to grow.

Xu Miao also cut her finger and sent blood into the Hunting Stone.The little phoenix got Xu Miao's blood, and its power increased again.The phantoms of both sides were all enhanced, and at this moment, the two sides directly engaged in hand-to-hand combat.

The swords of the two collided, and the phantoms of the divine beasts and fierce beasts behind them also collided.The phoenix phantom opened its long beak and spewed out flames, but Wuwu threw himself at the side of the phoenix, tearing at the phoenix's wings with his mouth open.

A look of madness appeared in Zhang Ya's eyes, and he kept mobilizing his spiritual power to enhance the power of his sword moves: "Xu Miao, do you think these are my real strength?"

Xu Miao said mockingly: "Your real strength? I'm not interested. In my eyes, I'm nothing more than an ant." Zhang Ya always evaluates others as an ant. When and when will he be evaluated as an ant by others.

Zhang Ya suddenly let go of his sword and retreated quickly.Xu Miao didn't stay where she was, but rubbed her body to catch up with Zhang Ya.The Broken Star Sword Technique, the Heaven and Earth Nirvana Jue, and the Wubi Style quickly alternated to attack Zhang Ya.

Being entangled by Xu Miao, Zhang Ya couldn't even use his trump card.Zhang Ya suddenly noticed Xie Xiu who was watching the battle from the sidelines: "Xie Xiu! Help me stop Xu Miao!"

When Xu Miao heard this, the mockery in her eyes deepened: "If you can't win, you started looking for help? It's ridiculous, do you think Xie Xiu will help you? If he makes a move now, I will send Xie Xiu out of the space as soon as possible."

"Whether to watch or join the battle between you and me, Xie Xiu knows better than anyone else." Xu Miao's words were exactly what Xie Xiu thought.He pursued the ultimate in swordsmanship, but he would not be willing to join such a battle.

The 梼杌 behind Zhang Ya was gradually dissipated under the constant attack of the Phoenix.Zhang Ya's complexion changed again and again, and his figure retreated again and again.

Xu Miao had expected that Wuwu's avatar would be an avatar after all, how could it be compared with Xu Miao who had a real little phoenix.Zhang Ya didn't know what kind of secret method he used, and the aura in his whole body suddenly rose again.

Even Xu Miao could only retreat backwards.Xu Miao rolled backwards in the air, avoiding Zhang Ya's growing momentum, and put away the phantom of the little phoenix.

Xu Miao watched Zhang Ya's momentum getting higher and stronger, even reaching the strength of a great monk in the late Nascent Soul.However, Zhang Ya's aura didn't stop growing, it was still increasing until he reached the half-step transformation of spirit before he could barely stop.

"My God, Zhang Ya's strength is too strong. I thought Zhang Ya was going to be defeated by Xu Miao, but I didn't expect him to still have the strength to fight back."

"Xu Miao is bound to lose. No matter how good Xu Miao's performance was before, he will eventually lose." All Nascent Soul cultivators believed that Xu Miao would fail, including the late stage monks. No one thought that in this In this case, Xu Miao can still defeat Zhang Ya.

This is the strength of half-step transformation into a god, and it is an insurmountable natural moat for the initial stage of Yuanying.No matter how talented Xu Miao is, no matter how many opportunities there are, they can't change the gap in strength.

"Xu Miao, do you still think you can win? Dare to say that I am an ant, and you are the real ant." Zhang Ya's tone was arrogant, and his expression was so arrogant that he could see it all at a glance. .

In the temple, there is nothing but the sound of sword energy distorting space.Xu Miao looked at Zhang Ya quietly, as if watching a joke: "Zhang Ya, you are so confident that you can defeat me, who gave you the courage?"

When everyone thought that Xu Miao was about to lose and was sent out of the space.The aura around Xu Miao suddenly increased, and he raised his hand to support Fu Yu's helmet. When Zhang Ya's sword energy collided with Fu Yu's helmet, Xu Miao's aura had stabilized at the standard of Huashen.

Xu Miao half-closed her eyes, looking at the dumbfounded Zhang Ya.Not only Zhang Ya, Xie Xiu, but also the monks outside the space were all stunned.

"how is this possible!"

"Am I dreaming? Two monks in the early stage of Nascent Soul, the strength shown, one is comparable to the half-step deity transformation, and the other is even comparable to the deity transformation monk!"

Looking at the attack that Xu Miao easily blocked, Zhang Ya couldn't believe what he saw.He blinked, but the facts in front of him were still the facts without any change.

"Zhang Ya, I told you that in front of me, you are no different from an ant." Xu Miao's Mist Condensing Sword also fell with the voice.

This sword move contains Xu Miao's current strongest reincarnation Nirvana Jue and Broken Star Sword Art.A strong and dazzling light appeared in front of everyone's eyes.

In the face of the absolute power of transforming gods, Zhang Ya did not resist at all, and was killed by Xu Miao and sent out of the space.Zhang Ya didn't come back to his senses until he stood on the square of Jingyang Sect. He didn't believe it, he didn't admit it, he lost to a monk from Westland.

After finishing Zhang Ya, Xu Miao looked at Xie Xiu and said calmly, "Let's do it." While speaking, Xu Miao's aura of transformation all over his body receded like a tide, and he completely lost the coercion he had just confronted Zhang Ya.

Xie Xiu is a swordsman who pursues the highest kendo, and Xu Miao respects such a monk.He will not treat Xie Xiu the same way he treats Zhang Ya.It was an insult to himself and Xie Xiu.

Although Xu Miao never called himself a swordsman, deep down in his heart, he also regarded himself as a half-named swordsman.The battle between sword repair and sword repair has always been determined by the sword.

Xie Xiu looked straight at Xu Miao, and slowly raised the sword in his hand.Xie Xiu took the lead in attacking, sweeping across with his sword, and a large swath of sword energy rushed towards Xu Miao.

Xu Miao struck with his sword, cutting off the sweeping sword energy from the middle, making Xie Xiu's first move unable to work.The two held the swords in their hands tightly, silent for a moment, and attacked at the same time.

The two spirit swords briefly met in the air, and then quickly separated, attacking different parts of the opponent's body.Both of them have reached a state of perfection in their comprehension of the way of swordsmanship.This realm, even monks whose cultivation level is higher than theirs, cannot reach it.

In the ancient secret realm, Xu Miao and Xia Bofei fought.At that time, he was fighting Xia Bofei's spirit sword with the fog-condensing sword.Obviously able to defeat Xia Bofei by other means, but Xu Miao abandoned it.

With that battle, Xu Miao's comprehension in the way of swords has directly risen to a higher level.From then on, Xu Miao really embarked on the road of sword cultivation.

This time, Xu Miao will also go through this battle with the most talented Xie Xiu of the Jingyang Sect to deepen his understanding of the way of swordsmanship.The sword moves of the two were frequently issued, you come and go, the sword light is flying, and the dim temple is illuminated only by the sword light.

Every seemingly simple move contains the two people's deep understanding of the way of swordsmanship.Rather than saying that this is a battle, it is better to say that this is a discussion between sword repairers.

What is discussed is the way of the sword, what is discussed is the comprehension of the sword, the comprehension of the way of the sword.Xu Miao's mind was completely immersed in the way of swordsmanship. Unlike Xie Xiu, his practice in the way of swordsmanship was taught by a special monk.

Everything was figured out by Xu Miao's own stumbling and groping.He created a unique way of swordsmanship by relying on the experience he summed up from comparing swords with different people.

Feeling the sword intent displayed by Xie Xiu, Xu Miao was able to instantly absorb the true meaning of the way of swordsmanship from it, and constantly improve her own sword moves to enhance her understanding of the way of swordsmanship.

Xu Miao's sword moves have improved rapidly from the very first contact to now.This speed of improvement completely left a group of monks far behind.

Xie Xiu watched Xu Miao's sword moves change, and he knew very well that Xu Miao was learning from him.Every time the offensive collided, Xu Miao's sword moves changed.

He thinks that his talent for swordsmanship is already the highest in the entire plane below the earth and space. This view has been with him since he entered the Jingyang sect.

But at this moment, Xie Xiu felt that his talent paled in comparison to Xu Miao's.

(End of this chapter)

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