Chapter 394
At least, he couldn't comprehend so quickly and obtain the corresponding knowledge of swordsmanship from the life-and-death struggle.

Sword intent raged all over Xu Miao's body, and the sword light swung from the body of the two swords one by one, stimulating Xu Miao's eyes.As expected of a disciple of the Jingyang Sect, he is indeed unique in the use of sword moves.

Last time he was able to comprehend the sword intent from Xia Bofei's sword moves, this time he can be improved from Xie Xiu's sword moves.In kendo, people are swords, people are swords, and swords are people.

Regardless of holding a spirit sword or not, Jianxiu himself is the sharpest sword.No matter what level of spirit sword he holds, a swordsman can use the sword in his hand to exert its greatest strength.

In the way of the sword, the sword is a foreign object after all, and the way is what a sword cultivator should master.The realm of kendo has rapidly improved, and the sword moves in Xu Miao's hands are also getting faster and faster.

From the very beginning, the situation of being able to compete with Xie Xiu has turned into a situation of gradually suppressing Xie Xiu.Xie Xiu smiled wryly in his heart. Any monk, facing Xu Miao, did not know whether it was lucky or unlucky.

The last one swept past, almost without any surprise, Xu Miao defeated Xie Xiu, and Xie Xiu's figure gradually disappeared from Xu Miao's eyes.

After the normal assessment was over, there was only one person standing at the end—Xu Miao!After the teleportation light fell, Xu Miao returned to Jingyangzong's square.

As soon as Xu Miao appeared, countless eyes fell on him.Xu Miao could feel many angry eyes, as well as surprise and even admiration.

But Xu Miao didn't say anything, he just stood there quietly, didn't speak, so quietly that people could even ignore him.But at this moment, no one would ignore Xu Miao.

It was this person who just now showed strength comparable to that of a cultivator who transformed himself into a god, defeating the two most recognized experts in Zhonglu.One of them was suppressed with real swordsmanship, and the other was crushed with higher strength.

"The Zhonglu Cultivator Ranking Tournament has come to an end. Xu Miao is a well-deserved champion. No.2 is Xie Xiu from Jingyang Sect, and No.3 is Zhang Ya from Qianyangmen."

... Ma Dezhong announced the top ten rankings one by one. In the monk ranking competition, the monks who get the top ten will get a lot of rewards.

Ma Dezhong announced the result slowly. Although the result was already known to everyone, when Zhang Ya really heard Ma Dezhong clarify the facts, his chest was filled with unprecedented anger.

Qianyangmen, as the number one sect in Central China, has never been ranked as a participating disciple, and can only be ranked third.Zhang Ya's eyes were red, and he gritted his silver teeth, but he could only watch helplessly as Xu Miao snatched away the honor and prize that should belong to him.

Xu Miao sensed a very obvious killing intent, he snorted coldly, and turned to look at Zhang Ya.Xu Miao's eyes were contemptuous, she didn't use her consciousness, and she didn't make a sound, she just said four words with the shape of her lips - defeated.

After speaking, Xu Miao was very happy to see Zhang Ya's face became even uglier.Only then did he take a step, and walked to the high platform where the great monks of the late Nascent Soul were with a calm expression.

Ma Dezhong handed the storage bag to Xu Miao, and said, "Here are 100 million top-grade spirit stones. As for the top-grade innate spiritual weapons and low-grade heavenly skills, you need to go to the post-match reward building to choose."

The monks who entered the top ten are eligible to receive rewards on the spot. This is Zhonglu's appreciation and great honor to the ten monks.

However, in the final result, some people are happy and some are worried. As a ranking competition for Zhonglu monks, No.1 is not from Zhonglu, which is really unacceptable.

Ma Dezhong announced the end of the ranking competition and let all the monks disperse. He took Xu Miao ten people into the post-match reward building.The post-match reward building was specially built since the Zhonglu Cultivator Ranking Competition was held.

It contains various sects, certain exercises of the family, secretaries, and various magic weapons, pills, and formations.Except for sects, the bottom items of the family will not appear in the reward building after the game, and other cultivation resources are concentrated in the reward building.

The monks in Zhonglu regard being able to enter the reward building as the greatest honor for the monks.Xu Miao belongs to the group of Nascent Soul monks. As for Jindan, the monks who established the foundation, they have already finished the competition early and got the prizes in the reward building.

Among the group of monks who came out, Xu Miao saw many acquaintances, among them was Ye Chen from Donglu.Ye Chen was obviously surprised when he saw Xu Miao.

Ye Chen is still a late Golden Core cultivator, and the venues for the Nascent Soul cultivator and the Golden Core cultivator are not in the same place.Ye Chen didn't see Xu Miao before, and thought he was delayed by something and didn't arrive in time.

Only now do I know that Xu Miao did not arrive, but advanced to the Nascent Soul stage early and participated in the ranking competition of Nascent Soul monks.Xu Miao's advancement time is no secret in Donglu.

When the beast horde appeared, he was only at the Golden Core stage.Now it is only more than 100 years from that time, less than 200 years, but Xu Miao has already advanced to the Nascent Soul stage.Ye Chen sighed to himself that this kind of advancement speed was against the sky.

As the representative monk of Donglu, Ye Chen also knows the importance of a monk's position.The leader is the monk in charge of the ranking competition, and behind the leading monk are the top ten monks.

Seeing that Xu Miao was standing behind the late Nascent Soul cultivator, this fully demonstrated that Xu Miao overwhelmed Zhong Lu and became the strongest monk among the Nascent Soul cultivators.

Ye Chen was still sighing in his heart, while Xu Miao nodded directly to Ye Chen and followed Ma Dezhong into the reward building.

The reward building has three floors, and each floor is guarded by monks with extraordinary strength.The first floor is for Foundation Establishment monks to choose, the second is for Jindan monks to choose, and the third floor is the destination for Xu Miao and others.

Ma Dezhong took out a token, and the token instantly emitted a strong light, teleporting 11 people including Ma Dezhong to the door of the third floor.At the door was an elderly monk meditating with his eyes closed, with a long sword that looked extremely broken behind his back.

The strength of the monks who can guard the third floor of the reward building must be even more unpredictable.Xu Miao stood behind Ma Dezhong, but she couldn't feel the man's spiritual power fluctuations at all.

At first glance, it seems to be just a mortal.You can think about it with your knees, how could the Cultivation World of Zhonglu assign a mortal to guard the third floor of the most important reward building.

Ma Dezhong saluted the old man respectfully: "Uncle Xuanfeng, my disciple led the top ten monks in this ranking competition to receive the corresponding rewards."

The person known as Uncle Xuanfeng opened his eyes. There are definitely two states of this person's eyes being open and eyes closed.Xu Miao instantly felt the sharp sword intent in this person's eyes, but in a short time, this sword intent disappeared.

Xu Miao looked again, and this person returned to the appearance of a mortal again, there was nothing special about him.The short time for the sword intent to appear even made Xu Miao wonder if she had misread it.

In the later stage, all the big monks saluted, and ten of their juniors had to salute even more. Although Xu Miao was full of doubts, he still saluted honestly.Xuanfeng looked at Xu Miao, and asked suddenly: "What's your name? The fluctuation of spiritual power around you is not my Zhonglu's technique."

"Junior Xu Miao, who was born in Westland." After Xuanfeng got the answer, he didn't continue to ask, and closed his eyes again.Xuanfeng's actions made Xu Miao even more puzzled, but no one could answer him.

With Xuanfeng's acquiescence, Ma Dezhong walked into the third floor and introduced to ten people: "The left side of the third floor is exercises, secretaries, etc., and the right side is all kinds of magic weapons, formations, pills, etc. .”

"You have half an hour to choose. After half an hour, if your hands are still empty, it means that you have voluntarily given up the reward." Hearing Ma Dezhong's words, everyone went straight to the place where the reward was located without stopping.

Xu Miao can choose a top-grade innate spiritual weapon and a low-grade heavenly skill.Xu Miao first walked to the location where the heavenly-level exercises were located. Most of the low-grade heavenly-level exercises did not match his spiritual root attributes.

What Xu Miao lacks now is the wind attribute cultivation method. The level of "West Wind Withered Green Tree" he is currently practicing is too low, only the top grade of Xuan level, which can no longer support him to practice to a higher level.

Originally, he planned to use the power and resources of Duobao Pavilion to find a prefecture-level wind attribute cultivation method after he came to Zhonglu.But now that the rewards for the monk ranking competition are so generous, he doesn't need to spend more effort.

Xu Miao's eyes suddenly lit up for the wind-attributed cultivation method - "Long Wind Ten Thousand Miles", from Jingyang Sect.But this kung fu book is a mid-level heaven-level kung fu method, and Xu Miao can only choose a low-level kung fu method at the heaven level, which doesn't match.

Xu Miao found Ma Dezhong who was standing at the door: "Senior, can I give up a top-grade innate spiritual weapon and choose a middle-grade heavenly skill?"

Ma Dezhong's face obviously flashed with hesitation. Although he admired Xu Miao in his heart, it didn't mean he could break this rule.In the previous monk ranking competition, some monks gave up one of the rewards in order to improve the grade of another reward.

But those monks are all native monks in Central China, completely different from the foreign monk Xu Miao.Seeing Ma Dezhong's embarrassment, Xu Miao secretly sighed, knowing that the possibility of an exchange is unlikely.

He also knew that he was a monk of Xilu.If it's in Westland, Xu Miao can change whatever she wants.Xu Miao was about to turn around and leave, to pick out a skill and a top-grade innate spiritual weapon at random.

Cultivation techniques are not allowed to be auctioned, but magic weapons can always be sold.The price of the best innate spirit weapon is definitely not low, and then he will use the spirit stone he got in exchange to buy exercises.Thinking about his current net worth, after the purchase, I am afraid that he will be stretched again.

"Which exercise do you want to choose?" Xuanfeng, who had been meditating with his eyes closed, opened his eyes and looked at Xu Miao.

Xu Miao replied: "The wind is thousands of miles away." Ma Dezhong didn't know what Xuanfeng was thinking, so he stood aside, not daring to speak out.

"Why did you choose Changfeng Wanli?"

This is not some shady secret, Xu Miao told the reason openly.

"Then you take Changfeng Wanli away." After Xuanfeng finished speaking, he closed his eyes again without saying a word.When Xuanfeng spoke, Ma Dezhong didn't dare to criticize or object.

With the consent of Xuanfeng and Ma Dezhong, Xu Miao directly took away the jade slips of "Wind of Thousand Miles".

(End of this chapter)

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