Chapter 395
Before Xu Miao went to look for Ma Dezhong, no one noticed.However, Xu Miao's act of taking away the jade slips from "Long Wind Thousand Miles" was noticed by Zhang Ya.

Zhang Ya immediately said coldly: "Xu Miao, your prize is a low-grade heaven-level exercise, not a middle-grade exercise. Put down the exercise in your hand!"

When Xu Miao heard this, she turned the jade slip in her hand and put it into the Hunting Stone, ignored Zhang Ya, turned around and walked out.But Zhang Ya dodged and appeared in front of Xu Miao.

Xu Miao frowned: "Is it because I haven't convinced you before, and you want to humiliate yourself again?" The reward building is the sacred place in the hearts of monks in Zhonglu. If it is not necessary, no one will dare to fight in it. Hit the hand.

But the anger in Zhang Ya's heart has reached the limit at this time, he can't wait to do something to Xu Miao immediately.Zhang Ya's temperament was very strong, and in this situation, he still suppressed the urge to make a move.

"All the exercises here are recorded. It is against the regulations for you to take away the middle-grade heavenly exercises without authorization. If you quickly put the exercises back now, I can pretend that nothing happened."

Xu Miao raised her eyes and glanced at Zhang Ya lightly: "Since I can take away this exercise, it means that I am qualified. Zhang Ya, you should stop talking like a gossip."

In the battle of words, Zhang Ya is not Xu Miao's opponent at all.He was repeatedly attacked by Xu Miao's words, and his fists were clenched tighter and tighter.Originally, Xu Miao's things belonged to him, but now, they all belong to Xu Miao.

Zhang Ya kept holding back his anger and endured it all the time.At this time, he finally couldn't help it, raised two fingers with his right hand, and drew a spiritual attack at Xu Miao.

Xu Miao sneered and said, "I can't say it, are we going to do it?" Xu Miao didn't use his spiritual power to defuse Zhang Ya's attack, he just moved aside lightly, letting Zhang Ya's attack fall to the defense of the reward building. on the battlefield.

The defense circle is a large chain formation. If a certain position is attacked, it will trigger a chain reaction. The light of the circle will flicker, and the defense will be activated everywhere at the same time.

Xuanfeng, who was in charge of defending the magic circle, immediately noticed the change in the state of the magic circle, and he instantly appeared at the place where the magic circle was attacked.Ma Dezhong didn't have the connection between Xuanfeng and the magic circle. He felt the change of the magic circle and immediately entered the inside.

When Ma Dezhong arrived, what he saw was that Zhang Ya's spiritual power fluctuated obviously. Xu Miao stood opposite Zhang Ya with a calm face, while Xuanfeng stood between the two very indifferently.

Ma Dezhong frowned: "What's going on!" It was just to receive a reward, and it could cause a fight no matter what.

Xuanfeng just stated calmly: "The spiritual power of the attack formation comes from Qianyangmen." Having said this, seeing the positions of the two of them, Ma Dezhong also understood the situation.

"Zhang Ya, Xu Miao received a middle-grade heaven-level exercise in exchange for a top-grade innate spiritual weapon. Master Xuanfeng and I both agreed on this matter."

Hearing Ma Dezhong's explanation, Zhang Ya felt even more unwilling: "He's just a lowly monk from the Western Continent, why—"

"No matter which continent, they are monks from the plane below the earth and space." Before Zhang Ya finished speaking, he was severely interrupted by Ma Dezhong.Looking at the three people in front of him, Zhang Ya knew that nothing good would come of it.

Zhang Ya's eyes suddenly turned red, and then quickly disappeared.He smiled apologetically, saluted in an extremely obedient manner and admitted his mistake: "This junior is reckless. No matter which continent, they are indeed monks from our lower plane. I shouldn't be so narrow-minded."

Seeing Zhang Ya's apology, Ma Dezhong also nodded, secretly thinking that he is worthy of being a monk of Qianyangmen, who knows how to advance and retreat.Xu Miao looked at Zhang Ya meaningfully. Zhang Ya had already been driven into a rage by him before, and even sent out his spiritual power to attack him.

But Zhang Ya changed his attitude and admitted his mistakes in such a short period of time, which was simply impossible for the arrogant Zhang Ya.

If Zhang Ya continued to talk nonsense, Xu Miao would not take Zhang Ya seriously.But Zhang Ya's attitude was too unusual. If it wasn't for the fact that this person was extremely scheming, there would be "people" pointing out Zhang Ya's body.

As for the person who instructed him, whether it was a human or a ghost, Xu Miao didn't know.However, judging from Zhang Ya's behavior in fighting him before, it is more likely to be a ghost.

Whether it is the clone of Wuwu, or the sudden increase in strength later, it does not seem to be an orthodox method.Xu Miao suppressed the thoughts in her heart and walked out of the reward building with everyone.

When the other late-stage cultivators learned that Xu Miao exchanged the top-grade innate spiritual weapon for the middle-grade heavenly skills, their expressions became even more exciting.However, they didn't even say anything when they took out the Xuanfeng Sword Master who had a long wind and thousands of miles, so they naturally didn't want to make fun of themselves.

The monk ranking competition is over, and the monks return to each other.Xu Miao also rented a cave in the small town at the foot of the Jingyang Zong Mountain, and practiced Changfeng Wanli.

Xu Miao put the jade slip on her forehead and carefully read Changfeng Wanli's exercises.He found that the formulas of this exercise were extremely awkward and jerky, and the words were too jarring to understand.

Not to mention that there are strange-shaped characters in it that he doesn't know, even if they are characters he knows, when put together, he can't understand the meaning of them.Xu Miao suddenly regretted why she chose this exercise in the first place.

"This is the writing of a small tribe in ancient times." Xiaotian suddenly appeared in front of Xu Miao. Since the grade of Huntian Stone was advanced to the highest grade innate spirit weapon, Xiaotian's appearance and figure have become more refined.

Xu Miao closed her eyes and forced her gaze away from Xiaotian.Xiaotian noticed Xu Miao's unnaturalness, and deliberately leaned his body against Xu Miao's side.

If it wasn't for Xiaotian's identity as a device spirit, Xu Miao didn't know what he would do to Xiaotian if he hadn't condensed into a solid body yet.Xu Miao put aside the romance in her mind and listened to Xiaotian's narration.

This small tribe is very closed and does not often communicate with the outside world.The orthodox cultivation world doesn't know much about this small tribe.Only from the mouths of tribe members who occasionally go out, I know certain information.

What shocked the comprehension world was that everyone in this small tribe had spiritual roots, which was also surprising in the ancient comprehension world.

Although in ancient times, the aura of heaven and earth was abundant and abundant, and there were countless resources for cultivation, it was still impossible for every human being to become a monk and have a spiritual root.Even those large comprehension families are also unable to do this.

In addition, every member of this tribe, no matter who they are, uses wind root.Even if not everyone has a single wind root, it is guaranteed that most of the members have a single wind root.

Therefore, in this small tribe, the best kung fu is the wind attribute kung fu.Whether it's wind attribute cultivation techniques, wind attribute combat techniques, or wind attribute magic weapons.

All the monks in the cultivation world are full of curiosity about this small tribe, and they all want to go to this tribe to see its true face and style.However, this small tribe suddenly disappeared within a certain day.

From the buildings of the tribe to the members of the tribe, even the spirit beasts raised by the tribe themselves, and the spirit grass planted by the tribe, all disappeared bizarrely within a day, as if they had never appeared before.

No one knows where they came from and where they went. This tribe has become an eternal mystery of cultivation in ancient times.Only one member who went out at that time did not have time to return to the tribe, and was left behind in the realm of comprehension.

The words and related exercises of that tribe were handed down from this only member.Because the tribe is too mysterious, it has attracted the coveting of many high-ranking monks.

The final outcome of this member has also become a mystery.Some people say that he was killed by a certain power and obtained his unique secrets, while others say that he ascended to become a fairy. In short, there are different opinions, each with its own reasons.

And Xiaotian's former master, a monk in the Mahayana period, was fortunate to have seen the tribe's writing and exercises.At that time, Xiaotian wrote down the words out of curiosity, which happened to provide great help to Xu Miao.

According to what Xiaotian said, Xu Miao compared the tribe's writing with the current writing, and re-transcribed a brand new "Changfeng Wanli".

After comparison, this complicated and incomprehensible exercise has become much simpler.Although there are still some difficult places, Xu Miao is completely able to figure it out with his own understanding.

According to Changfeng Wanli's formula, Xu Miao started to practice.Changfeng Wanli was originally prepared for monks with a single wind spirit root, so although Xu Miao still has water spirit roots, it will not affect the cultivation of kung fu.

During the cultivation process of this technique, there are very strict requirements on the circulation of spiritual power. In each circulation, the total amount of spiritual power cannot exceed the total amount stipulated in the exercise, otherwise it will cause great damage to the body.

Xu Miao has the backing of spiritual consciousness, and he can perfectly control the total amount of spiritual power flowing.As time passed day by day, the total amount of spiritual power circulating in Xu Miao's body was gradually increasing.

From qi refining, to foundation building, to forming alchemy, and finally to forming a baby, Xu Miao did it in one go without any pause or blockage.Around the Nascent Soul in the dantian, gusts of wind gradually appeared, blowing the Nascent Soul.

These bursts of breeze are the objects that appear in the practice of "Long Wind Thousand Miles".Now the object seems to be very weak, but in fact, the breeze can grow in an instant and become a bursting hurricane, attacking the enemy.

Xu Miao readjusted the wind and water spiritual powers to balance, and when the two spiritual powers were operating harmoniously again, Xu Miao slowly exhaled a breath of foul air from his chest.

He retreated from the cave and walked towards the Duobao Pavilion.There are a lot of resources and information in the Duobao Pavilion. Only through the Duobao Pavilion can Xu Miao obtain the spiritual herbs and elixirs that Shuimei needs to heal his injuries in the shortest possible time.

The Duobao Pavilion opened under the mountain gate of Jingyangzong is also decorated with the characteristics of Jingyangzong.Xu Miao did not suppress her cultivation. As a Nascent Soul cultivator, she would be respected by monks wherever she went.

(End of this chapter)

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