Chapter 396

The moment the maid in the Qi Refining Stage in Duobao Pavilion saw Xu Miao, she immediately saluted and stepped back respectfully, attracting the responsible monk who was also in the Nascent Soul Stage.

The person who received Xu Miao was also a middle-aged monk in the early Yuanying period.The other party claimed to be surnamed Wang, and he was the steward of the Duobao Pavilion branch of the Jingyang Zong, and Xu Miao also called him steward Wang in a good manner.

Xu Miao walked into the inner hall with Wang Guanshi, and after the two sat separately, Xu Miao handed a jade slip to Wang Guanshi: "The things in here are all what I need. I wonder if there are any goods in Duobao Pavilion now?"

Guanshi Wang is also a person who has seen the big world. A monk of Yuanying handed over a jade slip, which shows that this is a big deal.He took it immediately and read it quietly.

The more he looked at it, the more frightened he became. These are obviously excellent materials for recovery and healing, and each of them is of great value.And according to the efficacy of these materials, he can be sure that at least one monk in the late Nascent Soul stage was seriously injured.

When Xu Miao came here, she deliberately disguised herself so that Manager Wang could not know Xu Miao's real identity.In Wang Guanshi's eyes, no matter what Xu Miao's status is, those who need to use these materials are definitely not ordinary people.

He thought for a while, and then said: "The jade slips of fellow Taoist mentioned that a total of sixteen materials are needed, but the value of each material will definitely not be low." Xu Miao nodded clearly, signaling the other party to continue.

Only then did Wang Guanshi continue to say: "Out of the sixteen kinds, Duobao Pavilion only has ten kinds now, and among the other six kinds of materials, two will appear in the next auction."

"There are three other types. Duobao Pavilion only knows the information about the possible location of the material. As for the last one, even in the news of Duobao Pavilion, there is no news of this kind of material."

The last material is nothing but raw deer grass.Raw deer grass is a kind of spiritual grass that spirit deer loves most, and it is also a spiritual grass that spirit deer must grow.

But this spirit deer is also extinct because of the extinction of the deer grass.In the past few hundred years, no monk has ever seen the Linglu with his own eyes.

As for one of the pills that Xu Miao wanted to refine, the most important material was raw deer grass.If there is no raw deer grass, even if other materials are collected, it still cannot be successfully refined.

Xu Miao also knew that it was difficult to find the traces of raw deer grass, and it was very lucky to know the remaining fifteen materials, so he asked Guanshi Wang to take out the ten materials owned by Duobao Pavilion.

Wang Guanshi followed his words and acted, and activated the formula, and a storage bag appeared in front of Xu Miao.Xu Miao took the storage bag, and after checking that it was correct, she handed over 98 high-grade spirit stones to Steward Wang.

A material costs 10 yuan. If Xu Miao didn't buy more, the other party would not give Xu Miao a discount.Just now Xu Miao was a rich man with millions of high-grade spirit stones, but now he has become a person with little money.

After receiving ten materials, Xu Miao began to ask about the auction.Guanshi Wang has made such a large amount of business, so naturally he knows everything without saying anything.

Seven days later, there will be the largest auction in recent years.This auction is immediately after the Zhonglu Cultivator Ranking Tournament, and it can be regarded as a routine.

In the Zhonglu monk ranking competition, almost all the monks in Zhonglu gathered here.Then monks in different regions will naturally have different treasures.

Whether it is to sell treasures or buy treasures, this auction provides opportunities for everyone.Due to the large number of people participating in the auction, the location of the auction was not inside the town, but on a mountain outside the city.

This mountain was originally a lofty and straight mountain, but later in order to accommodate more monks, the powerful monk took the initiative to transform the mountain.

Numerous secret stone chambers were built for monks to participate in the auction.The auction items will be displayed on the top of the mountain, and then through the secret method, the auction pictures will be transmitted to the various stone chambers.

All the monks only need to see the auction items they like, just like the usual auctions, and use their spiritual sense to call out the price.However, since the venue of the auction is outside the town, there are no monks on duty to patrol, and there are no regulations prohibiting killing.

As soon as the auction is over, there will be a bloodbath. Many monks will quickly find the target and kill them after the auction is over.

There will be deaths at the end of every auction, but this auction ends with the most deaths.Therefore, this auction also has a nickname called Hell Auction.

Any monk who has participated in the monk ranking competition is eligible to participate in the auction.As for other monks, as long as they spend 100 yuan of high-grade spirit stones, they can enter the auction.

After introducing the auction, Manager Wang handed Xu Miao a jade slip, which recorded the location of the other three materials.After Xu Miao accepted the thanks, she turned and walked out of Duobao Pavilion.

The rules of the Duobao Pavilion in the Duobao Pavilion, no matter what transactions the monks have made in the Duobao Pavilion, they must not be publicized to the outside world.Therefore, Xu Miao is not worried that Duobao Pavilion will leak his affairs in the early stage.

In seven days, Xu Miao simply flew directly to the mountain where the auction was located.After the mountain was repaired, it looked very delicate. Countless stone chambers were built along the mountain and embedded in it.

Outside each stone room, there is a jade tablet hanging.Some jade cards are red, which means someone has already entered.Some jade cards are green, which means no one has entered yet.

Several beautiful maids stood at the entrance at the foot of the mountain to welcome the monks.Xu Miao had a token in her hand for participating in the ranking competition. Holding this token, Xu Miao was led into a stone room by a maid.

The jade plaque outside the stone chamber turned red, Xu Miao closed her eyes, and waited quietly for the auction to start seven days later.The stone wall in front of the stone chamber suddenly emitted spiritual fluctuations, and a layer of water color emerged on the stone wall.

Gradually, the color of the water receded, and a picture appeared on the stone wall.The content on this screen is the situation at the top of the mountain, which can transmit the situation of the auction items at the top of the mountain in real time.

A beautiful female cultivator appeared in the picture, she pursed her lips and smiled, which made many male cultivators in the stone room have some thoughts.The female cultivator lightly opened her thin lips, and her voice was as clear as spring water: "The auction after the monk ranking competition is the largest auction in Central China."

"The auction is hosted by the little girl Lianyi, please bid more."

Even though she knew that the other party couldn't see her, Xu Miao still felt that Lianyi was looking at her.Xu Miao didn't like this feeling.

"The first auction item is a high-grade innate spiritual weapon..." Xu Miao was not very interested in magic weapons.He closed his eyes and dozed off, waiting for the material he needed to appear.

"Yejiao vine, the spiritual grass that stabilizes the consciousness and restores injuries. If it is used to refine the elixir, it can treat serious injuries in the Nascent Soul stage. The starting price is [-] high-grade spirit stones."

When Xu Miao heard Yejiao Teng's name, she suddenly opened her eyes.Yejiao vine was exactly the kind of material he needed.Generally, those who need this kind of spiritual grass are alchemists.Except for the seriously injured monk, no one else would choose to bid.

"5 yuan!"

"5000 yuan!"

The bidding for Yejiao Vine was not fierce, and no other monks participated in the auction after only reaching 5000 yuan, which happened to be cheaper for Xu Miao.

In order not to arouse the obstruction of interested people, Xu Miao asked Shui San to bid for him.Shui San's voice was unfamiliar, no one would notice.Otherwise, it would be easier for Xu Miao to attract the attention of others with his masked voice.

Even if others are not interested in Yejiao vines, they will raise the price of Yejiao vines out of difficulty. Naturally, Xu Miao will not make such a low-level mistake.

Under Xu Miao's instruction, Shui San raised the price little by little: "6000 yuan!"

"7000 yuan!"

"8000 yuan!" When Shui San called for 8000 yuan, no monks raised the price, and Xu Miao got the Yejiao Vine smoothly.

There is only one material missing, and Xu Miao's goal of this auction has been achieved.It seems that the organizers did this intentionally, and the one behind the Yejiao vine was another material that Xu Miao needed—golden stone.

"Golden stone, whether it is alchemy or weapon refining, is an indispensable material. The starting price is 7 yuan for top-grade spirit stones." The role of golden stone is wider than that of Yejiao. Also higher.

Compared with the fact that very few people paid attention to the Yejiao Vine, as soon as Lianyi announced the reserve price of the Golden Stone, some monks couldn't wait to open their mouths to bid.

"Seventy-five thousand yuan!"

"8 yuan!"

"9 yuan! Old ghost, I'm going to use this golden stone to refine a magic weapon. You'd better not snatch it from me!" The two bidders seemed to be familiar with each other, and one of them directly warned.

But the other person didn't pay attention to the other party's warning at all: "You want to refine the magic weapon, so I don't need to refine it? 10 yuan!"

At this time, other monks also joined in the bidding: "One hundred thousand and one thousand yuan!"

"One hundred and thirty thousand yuan!"

"11 yuan!"

The price kept rising, Xu Miao ordered Shui San to join the bidding: "12 yuan!"

Shui San's voice appeared just now, and it appeared again this time, which inevitably aroused the suspicion of other monks, and it was easy to guess Xu Miao's purpose.

But Xu Miao couldn't hide it. In the same stone room, there were two different voices, which would attract the attention of other monks.

"This little friend, it seems that he intends to refine a certain kind of elixir. He must have suffered a lot of injuries when he successively bid for Yejiaovine and Jinzhenshi. How about this? To heal your wounds, how about you handing over this golden stone to the old man?"

The old woman's words seemed to be discussing with Xu Miao, but in fact there was a hint of threat. She even directly stated the purpose of Xu Miao's bidding for the gold stone, and mentioned that Xu Miao was seriously injured.

The other party said that, didn't they just want Xu Miao to retreat in the face of difficulties.But Xu Miao is the one who backs off when threatened.Xu Miao raised her eyes to signal Shui San, and Shui San said clearly, "No need, seniors can't worry about the younger generation's affairs."

The old woman's voice suddenly became vicious: "Boy, don't toast or eat fine wine!"

(End of this chapter)

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