Taikoo Immortal King

Chapter 397 Pure Yin Physique

Chapter 397 Pure Yin Physique
"Fine wine? Although I don't drink much, I have drank a lot of the fine wine you mentioned. If you want to buy me a drink, it depends on whether you have the ability?" Give the old woman face.

The old woman was silent for a moment when she heard Xu Miao's words, and then she gritted her teeth and said, "Okay, very good, very good. Boy, I remember you. When the auction is over, you'd better run quickly, otherwise, you're afraid I can't escape for the rest of my life!"

"13 high-grade spirit stones!" Xu Miao didn't let go, and the old woman could only continue to increase the price.Her spiritual stone is not rich, and she has already spent a lot of it in previous auctions, but this golden stone is too important to her to be missing.

Xu Miao nodded, and Shui San continued to increase the price: "15 yuan!"

The old woman was furious, but because the auction was being held, she couldn't do anything to Xu Miao, so she could only suppress her anger and say: "You are amazing, you have money, I give up!"

The old woman gave up bidding, but the people who competed with the old woman did not give up.Some of them had reservations because of the old woman's strength, but now that the old woman withdrew from the bidding, it was cheaper for them.

"16 yuan!"

...The value of the golden stone made its price rise rapidly, reaching 20 in no time.Xu Miao didn't have many spirit stones left, but he didn't intend to give up, after all, Shuimei was different in his heart.

"25 yuan!" Xu Miao ordered Shui San to directly increase the price by 5 yuan to 25 yuan, so that some monks would think of giving up when they saw this price.

Lianyi's eyes flickered, holding a golden stone in his hand, and said in a charming voice: "One time for 25, two times for 25, three times for 25! Deal!"

Xu Miao breathed a sigh of relief after successfully obtaining the golden stone.Even if you buy Jinzheng stones outside, it will cost about 20 yuan, and you may not be able to buy such high-quality Jinzheng stones at auction.

Xu Miao put the golden stone and the vine away, leaned back, and closed her eyes to rest.Ask Shui San to keep an eye on him, and if there are other valuable things, remember to wake him up.


"Master, we are bidding for a woman now." Shui San hurriedly shook Xu Miao awake.

Xu Miao was awakened by Shui San, her eyes were sleepy, and she laughed at herself helplessly: "Shui San, does your master look like an evil ghost in sex? It's just a photo of a woman, so excited—"

The rest of the words, when Xu Miao saw the woman in the picture on the stone wall, she swallowed it into her mouth.The woman on the screen is none other than Ye Qianqian.She collapsed softly inside the cage with her clothes half open, which made some monks uncontrollably agitated.

"This woman has a pure Yin physique like no other in a million." Lianyi slowly put her hands on Ye Qianqian's shoulders, "Although it's not as good as Yinyue's physique, it's still very rare."

"If anyone here is worried about a certain bottleneck, or just happens to be seriously injured, as long as you double cultivate with this woman with a pure yin physique and obtain her Yuan Yin, you will be guaranteed to practice rapidly and completely recover from your injuries!"

As soon as Lianyi's words fell, there were bursts of clamor from the monks.In the world of comprehension, it is not uncommon to sell monks. Whether it is a male cultivator or a female cultivator, as long as they are not strong enough and captured alive, they will inevitably be sold as goods.

Among the monks who were trafficked, the special physique was the most precious, and the asking price was high, not to mention the pure yin physique like Ye Qianqian was very rare.

Every time this type of monk appears, there will inevitably be a fight.Some monks in the comprehension world, relying on their talents and strengths, could not advance to a higher level, so they found a unique way to improve their cultivation by raising furnaces.

Although this method is shameless to everyone, there are still many monks who use this method.After all, those so-called reputations are nothing compared to the actual improvement in cultivation.

"This female cultivator has a starting price of 50 yuan for high-grade spirit stones." Lianyi gently opened her vermilion lips, and slowly quoted Ye Qianqian's reserve price.Ye Qianqian's spiritual power was imprisoned all over her body, her five senses were sealed off, and she had no idea what was happening outside.

With 50 top-grade spirit stones, Xu Miao's total net worth now is less than 10 yuan, which can't even match the reserve price, let alone participate in the bidding to buy Ye Qianqian.

The best thing about the auction here is that you can know which monk in the stone room bought which item.Xu Miao couldn't participate in the auction, but he could see who got the bid for Ye Qianqian.

Ye Qianqian's final price was 97 high-grade spirit stones, which was sold by a monk who changed his voice.Xu Miao noticed the stone room, and her spiritual consciousness kept staring there.

When the last auction item was over, Xu Miao didn't stop and went out of the stone room directly.His current situation is not good. On the one hand, he has to keep an eye on the monk who slapped away Ye Qianqian, and on the other hand, he has to guard against that old woman.

Xu Miao has instructed Huo Yanling Yao and Qing Jiao that they need to show up at the critical moment to repel the enemy.There were a large number of people participating in the auction, and countless rays of light flew into the sky.

He stared closely at one of the escaping lights, and followed closely behind.The speed of this ray of light is extremely fast, Xu Miao already has the spiritual root of alchemy in his body, and among the monks of the same level, there is absolutely no ray of light that he can't catch up with.

The remaining possibility is that the monk who took away Ye Qianqian was in the middle stage of Nascent Soul, or in the late stage of Nascent Soul.He is not afraid to fight against Nascent Soul in the middle stage.

If he fights with Yuan Ying in the late stage, he will need Huoyan Lingyao or Qingjiao to take action, and then he must kill him with one blow, and he must not give the opponent a chance to escape.

Otherwise, the fact that he has a level [-] monster will be completely publicized, and it will cause trouble for Xu Miao's various actions in the future.

Behind Xu Miao, a ray of light also followed Xu Miao closely.Xu Miao clicked her tongue softly, full of impatience.He circled around, released Shui San at the blind spot of the old woman's sight, and ordered Shui San to follow the monk who had slapped Ye Qianqian away.

Shui San took the order and left, while Xu Miao stood where she was, waiting for the old woman to come.As soon as the old woman landed on the ground, she saw Xu Miao leaning against the tree.

"Boy, aren't you good at running? Why don't you run?" The old woman looked sullen, and a strange black air was exuding from all over her body.

Xu Miao frowned: "Old woman, did you just get out of the dead? You smell too bad. How can there be such a disrespectful monk like you?"

When the old woman heard Xu Miao's words, her complexion became even uglier. She stretched out her skinny right hand, turned it into a claw, and grabbed Xu Miao fiercely.Xu Miao called out the Ningwu Sword to block it in front of her, and the old woman's hand just caught the sword of Ningwu Sword.

Seeing this, the old woman smiled triumphantly, thinking that Xu Miao tried to resist but failed: "Boy, you are dead!" The old woman stretched out her other hand and grabbed Xu Miao's abdominal dantian.

Xu Miao's eyes were fixed, her spiritual power circulated to her feet, and her body moved upwards to change her posture.Changing from standing to slashing horizontally, the fog condensing sword that was originally controlled by the old woman's hand instantly emitted strong ice blades and wind blades, cutting towards the old woman's hand.

The old woman exclaimed, and was about to let go and back away. Xu Miao moved forward, turned her wrist over, and swung the Mist Sword, hitting the old woman's hand with a sword, leaving a deep bone scar on the old woman's wrist.

"You should be thankful that my sword has not yet advanced, otherwise it would not just be a wound, but your hand would be left behind." Xu Miao lightly landed on the ground, with the point of the sword pointing obliquely to the ground. The gas is completely divided and dissolved by the chaotic gas.

Seeing that the situation was not good, the old woman wanted to turn around and run away.How could Xu Miao do what she wanted, flying up and stabbing the old woman's dantian with a sword.

Sensing the danger, the old woman forcibly twisted her body and attacked Xu Miao again with both hands.Xu Miao's face remained unchanged, while Ningwu Sword was fighting the old woman, Nirvana Sword appeared silently.

The two swords struck at the same time, and the old woman had no way to avoid it. One sword pierced the old woman's throat, and the other pierced the old woman's dantian, directly destroying the Nascent Soul.

When the old woman's Nascent Soul died, her body immediately turned into a cloud of black air and dissipated into the air.This technique is really weird and evil.After Xu Miao took away the old woman's magic weapon, she disappeared in place.

Shui San has already sent him a message. The monk who took away Ye Qianqian is a monk in the middle stage of Nascent Soul, and now he is fighting with three other monks in the middle stage of Nascent Soul.

In the middle stage of the four Nascent Souls, Xu Miao didn't need to make a move at all, just waited for them to bite the dog, and when the fight was almost done, he would reappear and clean up the mess.Xu Miao restrained her breath, and quietly came to the place where Shui San was hiding.

Xu Miao's ability to hide his aura has reached perfection. If Shui San hadn't had a unique way to perceive Xu Miao, otherwise even if Xu Miao had come behind him, he would not be able to detect Xu Miao's appearance.

The four were fighting inextricably, and Ye Qianqian was tied under a tree not far from the four.Ye Qianqian's five senses have been unlocked, but the spiritual power seal in her body is still not unlocked, making it impossible to use spiritual power.

Xu Miao cautiously approached Ye Qianqian, her powerful consciousness completely dispersed, always paying attention to the four people fighting in the air not far away.Xu Miao walked to Ye Qianqian, and found that the rope binding Ye Qianqian was a special magic weapon.

This kind of magic weapon has a characteristic, if it is touched by a non-owner monk, it will immediately attack the bound target.Xu Miao could only back away, waiting for the owner of the rope to appear.

The Nascent Soul cultivator who was successful in the first bid repelled the other three after resorting to a trick that Xu Miao didn't even see clearly.Appearing next to Ye Qianqian, he raised his hand and took away the magic weapon tied to Ye Qianqian.

"Bastard! Let me go!" Ye Qianqian kept struggling, but was stunned by the raised hand of the Nascent Soul cultivator.Just when the monk was about to take Ye Qianqian away, Xu Miao made a sudden move, and the fog sword stabbed straight at the monk's right hand that was hugging Ye Qianqian's waist.

In order to avoid the attack of the Mist Sword, the monk could only let go.This was the moment Xu Miao was waiting for. He quickly stepped forward and hugged Ye Qianqian in his arms, before flying away into the distance.

(End of this chapter)

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