Taikoo Immortal King

Chapter 398 1 anger is a red face

Chapter 398
Cultivator Nascent Soul was stunned for a short time, then reacted immediately, and then became furious.Under my nose, I was shot by someone feigningly, and my furnace that cost nearly one million high-grade spirit stones was robbed by that person, it is unforgivable!
"It's so hateful!" The Nascent Soul cultivator cursed angrily, and also turned into a ray of light, chasing after Xu Miao's flying direction.Taking advantage of Ye Qianqian's coma, Xu Miao directly used teleportation.

After several consecutive teleports, his position was no longer in the previous direction, but completely opposite.Xu Miao found a hidden cave and moved Ye Qianqian out of the Hunting Stone.

Xu Miao checked the restraints in Ye Qianqian's body, it was obvious that it took a lot of effort to set up, it was very cumbersome, and it was very difficult to lift.In addition, Ye Qianqian's golden pill was locked by a jade lock.

This jade lock is the key to sealing the spiritual power in Ye Qianqian's body.If you can't open this jade lock, even if Xu Miao lifts all other restrictions, it won't help.

It may even cause the self-protection state of the jade lock, directly destroying the golden core trapped by the jade lock.The destruction of a monk's golden core is tantamount to a catastrophe for a monk. It is impossible for Xu Miao to take the risk of lifting the restriction for Ye Qianqian.

Xu Miao sat at the entrance of the cave, thinking carefully about how to open the jade lock.Ye Qianqian was just stunned by the Nascent Soul cultivator, and did not cast a coma spell. It didn't take long before she woke up.

Ye Qianqian opened her eyes, and the fragment that stayed in her mind was still the scene of being forcibly picked up by Yuan Ying and taking herself away.Now that he suddenly appeared in the cave, Ye Qianqian immediately became vigilant.

However, the moment Ye Qianqian woke up, Xu Miao had already noticed it.He stood up and walked into the cave. Ye Qianqian's spiritual power was blocked, and Xu Miao blocked the optical fiber outside the cave. She couldn't recognize who it was.

Ye Qianqian kept stepping back, uttering pale threats.Even though Ye Qianqian is not as talented as Shui Mei, she grew up under the love of the Ye family. When did she experience such a thing?

Xu Miao sighed almost inaudibly, and said, "Qianqian, it's me, Xu Miao." Ye Qianqian's body was motionless as if struck by lightning when she heard Xu Miao's words, and did not respond for a long time.

When she finally came to her senses, she trotted towards Xu Miao, buried her head in Xu Miao's arms, and sobbed in a low voice.After hearing Ye Qianqian's sobbing description, Xu Miao knew why Ye Qianqian appeared in Zhonglu and was caught as cargo.

After the matter of the monks on the upper plane was resolved, Xu Miao promised Ye Chen that he would participate in the Zhonglu monk ranking competition 50 years later. For 50 years, Ye Qianqian has never received any information from Xu Miao.

Out of missing Xu Miao, Ye Qianqian changed her outfit and quietly followed Ye Chen's team without telling the Ye family.Without Ye Chen's knowledge, he secretly left the team.

But before she could find Xu Miao, she was discovered by three monks in the middle stage of Nascent Soul.As soon as the three Nascent Soul cultivators saw her, they grabbed her.

Ye Qianqian was only at the golden core stage, so how could he be the opponent of the Nascent Soul cultivator, let alone the three Nascent Soul cultivators, Ye Qianqian didn't resist at all, and was captured directly.

Ye Qianqian didn't know exactly what happened, but only vaguely heard that the monk who captured her said that he would send her to the auction for auction.

Jindan female cultivators with a pure yin physique are rare even in Central China.The three monks planned to sell Ye Qianqian first, and after making a fortune, they killed the monk who bought Ye Qianqian.

It is equivalent to the three of them having nothing to lose, they have earned both Lingshi and Ye Qianqian.What happened later, Ye Qianqian's five senses were closed and she didn't know anything.

It wasn't until Ye Qianqian was photographed by the middle-stage Nascent Soul cultivator that Ye Qianqian's five-sense restriction was lifted.Ye Qianqian wanted to resist, but the opponent was a Nascent Soul cultivator, and even when her spiritual power was still there, she was not a one-hit enemy.

Xu Miao listened to Ye Qianqian's narration, and the anger in his heart kept burning, almost drowning his reason.Although Xu Miao was angry, his hands were still extremely light. He gently patted Ye Qianqian on the back to calm her flustered mood.

Shui San suddenly appeared at this moment and told Xu Miao that the mid-stage Nascent Soul cultivator was coming here just now.Xu Miao was not surprised that the other party could catch up here.

Ye Qianqian has a jade lock in his body, and that person will have a key in his hand.There must be an induction between the key and the jade lock, guiding the other party to come.When Ye Qianqian heard Shui San's words, her body shook involuntarily.

Seeing this, Xu Miao became even more angry.In any case, Ye Qianqian encountered those things just to find him.Xu Miao had to vent her anger for Ye Qianqian, otherwise she would have no face to stand between heaven and earth.

He handed Ye Qianqian to Shui San to take care of, and Ye Qianqian gently tugged on Xu Miao's sleeve, looking at Xu Miao with aggrieved face.Seeing this look, Xu Miao knew that she couldn't hold on.

From Song Siyu to Ye Qianqian, they always liked to look at him with this kind of eyes.He had no resistance at all to this look, and could only let Ye Qianqian grab his sleeve and walk out of the cave.

The Nascent Soul cultivator looked at Xu Miao and Ye Qianqian's intimacy, and was furious.Obviously he spent a lot of money to buy it, but this woman didn't have a good look at him.In a blink of an eye, he was in the arms of another young monk, and it was like this.

"Smelly bitch! You look dead to me, and you look like this to this little boy, who is it for?" Ye Qianqian's expression changed, and before the monk Yuanying could react, Xu Miao directly Moving in front of the Nascent Soul cultivator, he raised his hand and slapped him.

With a "slap", an obvious slap print appeared on the brown-black face of the Nascent Soul cultivator.Cultivator Yuanying was a little dazed by Xu Miao's slap. While still in a daze, Xu Miao opened his bow with both hands, and slapped the opponent's face hard and hard at the same time.

"Papa papa!" The face of this Nascent Soul cultivator instantly turned into a pig's head.Xu Miao used [-]% of her strength and spiritual power in these few strokes, absolutely showing no mercy.

Cultivator Nascent Soul finally realized it, but it was already too late.Xu Miao slapped his teeth so hard that they fell out.He spat out a mouthful of blood on his hand, and two teeth appeared shiningly in his eyes.

A monk in the middle stage of Yuanying was slapped several times by a monk in the early stage of Yuanying, and even his teeth were knocked out.This is intolerable for the Nascent Soul Middle Stage.

He raised his hand abruptly, about to attack Xu Miao.Xu Miao snorted coldly, cast teleportation, and disappeared in front of the middle-term monks.Immediately afterwards, it appeared on the opponent's back.

With lightning speed, Xu Miao kicked the mid-stage cultivator hard in the back.This cultivator has been trapped in the middle stage of Nascent Soul for many years, but he has never been able to advance to the late stage of Nascent Soul.

This time he is willing to spend a lot of money, just to double cultivate with Ye Qianqian, so as to hit the late Yuanying stage in one fell swoop.Therefore, his strength is really not that good compared to monks of the same rank.

In the battles with other monks, they often use some indiscriminate means.Just like fighting those three Nascent Soul mid-stage monks just now, he managed to get away with some tricks.

And Xu Miao didn't give him a chance to make a move at all, and attacked him head-on and face-to-face before he made a move.This kick directly shook the spiritual power in Nascent Soul's mid-stage body, completely ignoring his control.

Before he could adjust, Xu Miao's fist came down again, hitting the mid-term cultivator's lower back hard.Constantly hitting hard, even when the sound of bones breaking came, Xu Miao still didn't stop.

The mid-term cultivator was beaten by Xu Miao, coughed up a few mouthfuls of blood with difficulty, and completely lost the strength to resist.Xu Miao then turned the opponent over with her foot, stepped on the opponent's face, and asked sharply, "Where is the key to unlock the jade lock?"

This mid-term cultivator had already been shattered by Xu Miao's style of play, and he didn't dare to hide anything.He took the key out of the storage bag with difficulty and offered it with both hands.

With a wave of her right hand, Xu Miao took the key into her hand and confirmed that it was correct.Seeing Xu Miao, who was like a demon, the middle-term monk said tremblingly: "I have already given you the key, can you let me go?"

When Xu Miao heard this, her expression froze, and she stomped on the opponent's face: "Let me go?"

"Yes yes yes! I still have some wealth, I can give it to you as a filial piety, it's not a problem!" The mid-term monk replied hastily.

Xu Miao raised the corner of her mouth and showed a disgusted smile: "Based on what you said just now, I can't let you go." Xu Miao's hand swiped from top to bottom, and the fog condensing sword went from top to bottom, straight Stab straight at the dantian of the mid-term monk, and kill the opponent's Nascent Soul.

The monk convulsed for a moment, and then remained silent.After Xu Miao took away the monk's storage ring, he raised his hand and squeezed out a ball of flames, burning the monk's body completely.

Xu Miao looked back and saw Ye Qianqian's unusually bright smile.Through Ye Qianqian's pupils, Xu Miao saw herself clearly.His mind was in a trance, but was soon interrupted by three waves of spiritual energy gradually approaching.

If Xu Miao's guess is correct, these three strands of spiritual power are the three mid-term monks who captured Ye Qianqian in the first place.Since they dared to have such a plan, they would naturally have the means to track Ye Qianqian's whereabouts.

When the three of them appeared in front of Xu Miao, their expressions became obviously different.The three of them clearly saw the mid-term cultivator chasing in this direction, so how could it be that the figure of that person is gone now.

"Are you looking for that person?" Xu Miao described the appearance and characteristics of a mid-term monk.

The leading monk among the three nodded: "That's right, where did he go?" They saw Ye Qianqian behind Xu Miao, and they were very suspicious that the disappearance of that person was related to the monk in front of them, but they needed to verify.

Xu Miao cast a sideways glance at the three of them: "I have already killed him."

(End of this chapter)

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