Chapter 399
"Killed?" The pupils of the three shrank at the same time, and the leader looked around the environment where Xu Miao was, and there was no sign of a fierce battle.

Xu Miao's cultivation is only at the early stage of Yuanying, but the target person is at the middle stage of Yuanying.The leader took a small step forward and asked tentatively, "Aren't you joking?"

Xu Miao looked coldly at the thoughts of the three people in front of her, and said with a serious expression, "I seem to be joking with you?" As soon as the words fell, Xu Miao teleported and suddenly appeared beside the leader.

Of the three monks, none of them reacted. The lead monk had already been kicked in the abdomen by Xu Miao.Xu Miao didn't intend to just kick, these three people were the main culprits for Ye Qianqian's current situation.

It's just a kick, it's too cheap for the other party.Xu Miao raised her hand to set a restraint, controlling the leading monk.Seeing that the situation was not good, the remaining two monks wanted to slip away with oil on their feet.

"Hmph—want to leave? Do I agree?" Xu Miao's cold voice sounded from behind the two, and the two monks immediately felt the hairs on their backs stand up.

Two monks in the middle stage of Nascent Soul met a monk in the early stage of Nascent Soul, and if the story of retreating without fighting was spread, it would definitely be laughed at.

However, these three people were doing shameless deeds in the first place, and they didn't care about their reputation outside of them at all.One of the fleeing monks took advantage of the other person's inattention, and gave that person a palm, which greatly slowed down that person's speed.

"Old Bei! Fuck you, you actually framed me!" The monk who was slapped didn't expect it at all, and was tricked by his teammates.Lao Bei's palm almost exhausted all his strength, directly causing the person's body to lose control.

Xu Miao reached out and grabbed the opponent's clothes, and after placing the restraint, she threw her hand back and landed on the leader.The two people who bumped into each other were cursing and complaining to each other.

Lao Bei's speed was very fast, he didn't stop for a moment, and the spiritual energy in his whole body was running to the limit, driving his flying speed.Xu Miao left Shui San to take care of Ye Qianqian, guard the two people who were arrested, and went to capture Lao Bei by herself.

"Shouldn't they be chasing you." When Lao Bei was running for his life, he used the secret technique of burning lifespan, just to escape from Xu Miao's range.

Lao Bei changed his clothes very skillfully, while muttering to himself: "Damn, this business is really a big loss this time, and I actually offended such a murderous god. Fortunately, I run fast, otherwise I would have to kill that kid hand."

Although Lao Bei used all means, even using secret techniques to escape, in Xu Miao's eyes, this speed could not be compared with his speed at all.

Xu Miao has mastered the laws of space, heaven and earth in the plane below the earth and space, and has a vast spiritual consciousness comparable to that of a god. In addition, he has recently practiced Changfeng Wanli. His current speed can be compared with that of a monk in the late Yuanying period. One high and one low.

What's more, this old Bei is only a monk in the middle stage of Nascent Soul, and he is not good at speed.Xu Miao quietly followed behind Lao Bei, and was about to make a move when he heard Lao Bei's words.

"When I get the treasure, I must kill that boy, and then I will fuck that female cultivator hard!" Lao Bei was so ambitious, but he was suddenly thrown a bucket of cold water.

When Lao Bei was completely unaware, Xu Miao appeared behind him: "Really? You want to kill me? You want to do other things to the female cultivator. Did you borrow a courage from the sky?"

Xu Miao's voice was cold, without the slightest warmth, and the killing intent contained in the words was not concealed at all, and the strong killing intent completely enveloped Lao Bei.

Old Bei is the one who talks nonsense when he sees people, and talks nonsense when he sees ghosts.Knowing that he was not Xu Miao's opponent, he immediately turned around and knelt down, begging for mercy.Xu Miao looked at this person with disgust, and put a restraint on him, and brought him back to the cave where Ye Qianqian was with a rope.

When Ye Qianqian saw Xu Miao, her worried expression quickly faded away, and she held Xu Miao's hand excitedly.Xu Miao squeezed Ye Qianqian's hand to comfort her.

The three Nascent Soul mid-stage monks were all restrained by Xu Miao, and made into a row by Shui San.Before Xu Miao made an attack, the monk who was attacked by Lao Bei first scolded Lao Bei: "Old Bei, you are the bastard who tricked me, otherwise I would not have ended up like this."

Old Bei felt guilty, and faced the monk's abuse, he kept silent all the time, only his eyes became more and more fierce.Xu Miao watched the three scolding each other coldly. Such three people can advance and retreat together in the face of common interests.

When in danger, they will only push each other, frame them, and run away.Xu Miao shouted impatiently: "Enough, who proposed to arrest her first?"

The leader was the quickest to realize who Xu Miao was talking about, and hurriedly said: "It's Lao Bei, the female cultivator that Lao Bei saw first!"

When Lao Bei heard what the leader said, he also hastily retorted: "It's not me, it's him, it's Lao Ha." The Lao Ha that Lao Bei said was the leader.

Xu Miao looked at the three of them, didn't bother to continue asking, and directly used her spiritual sense to search the soul of the three of them.The consciousness as strong as Huashen, under Xu Miao's precise control, did not cause any damage to the sanity of the three of them, and got the truth he wanted.

The three of them were still in the coma state when they were soul-searched, Xu Miao waved his hand, and countless spiritual powers cut to the three of them.The three bedbugs are not good things, and there is no need to distinguish who is who.

All of a sudden, the shrill screams sounded continuously.Ye Qianqian has already been lifted by Xu Miao's spiritual power restriction, but her level is too low, and her cultivation base in the late stage of Jindan cannot cause damage to monks in the middle stage of Nascent Soul.

Xu Miao forcibly took out the natal magic weapon of the three people, and used brute force to disconnect the natal magic weapon from the three of them.Losing the magic weapon of life is more painful than the previous physical injury.

The three of them vomited blood one after another, Xu Miao frowned, and pulled Ye Qianqian back a step.Lao Ha raised his head with difficulty, his eyes were full of angry flames: "If you want to kill us, give us a good time! Why torture us like this!"

When Xu Miao heard this, she laughed angrily: "Torture, but this level is also called torture? As monks, your strength is weak. As humans, no, to be precise, you are not worthy of being human at all, even worse than animals. "

"I'll let you know what real torture is." Xu Miao handed the three talismans to Ye Qianqian, and asked her to use them to attack the three.

The natal magic weapon is all refined by the monk with the most precious materials, and its power will not be lower than the monk's own strength.Ye Qianqian took three magic weapons and left holes in the bodies of the three monks.

The Nascent Soul cultivator has a very strong survivability, as long as the Nascent Soul does not die, the monk will not die.In addition, Xu Miao deliberately enhanced the sensory sensitivity of the three of them, and constantly used spiritual power to repair their wounds, until they taught them that they could not survive or die.

Three days later, Xu Miao drained the spiritual power of the three monks and imprisoned their Nascent Soul, saying coldly: "My lesson is over, I hope you can still survive."

After speaking, Xu Miao took Ye Qianqian and left.Although Ye Qianqian really wanted to kill the three of them directly, she followed Xu Miao obediently without asking any further questions.

"Do you not understand why I want to spare the lives of the three of them?" Ye Qianqian nodded.

Xu Miao chuckled: "It's nothing to keep them in pain all the time. Only after letting them see the hope of living, give them a fatal blow and let them die completely in despair, is it considered complete. Destroy them."

According to Xu Miao's instructions, Shui San attracted a group of seventh-level monsters.These monsters are most fond of devouring human monks, and the three of them who were imprisoned by Xu Miao have no strength to resist.

The hope they had just raised was once again destroyed by the seventh-level monster.Amidst the sound of biting and swallowing by the monster, he died desperately and unwillingly.

After finishing the three, Xu Miao was going to send Ye Qianqian back to Donglu.In front of the continental teleportation array, Ye Qianqian looked surprised after seeing the teleportation token Xu Miao handed her: "Xu Miao, won't you go back with me?"

Xu Miao shook her head: "There is only one token, and only one monk can be allowed to teleport. As long as you return to Donglu, no blind monk will do anything to you. I still have things to do in Zhonglu, so be careful."

Ye Qianqian wanted to say - can I go with you, but she knew that her strength was too low to help Xu Miao at all, and would hold him back.

Strength, great strength, only with strength can you stand side by side with Xu Miao and stay by Xu Miao's side.Ye Qianqian has never been so thirsty for strength.

Ye Qianqian looked at Xu Miao with deep affection in his eyes.He stepped forward suddenly and left a long kiss on Xu Miao's mouth.

Xu Miao felt the softness of the woman's lips, but there was no further reaction.He knew very well that any reaction he made at this time might change Ye Qianqian's mind.

Ye Qianqian lowered her eyes to conceal the disappointment in her eyes, took one last look at Xu Miao, and walked towards the teleportation formation.Xu Miao watched Ye Qianqian's figure disappear into the teleportation array with a peaceful face, and also left here.

While flying, Xu Miao recalled the information obtained from the sea of ​​knowledge of the three monks.In the sea of ​​consciousness of the three monks, there is the same message, which is a monk's cave in ancient times.

Xu Miao was fortunate to have seen the cave of the ancient monks.Many things in Tiandingmen were obtained from that ancient cave mansion.

It is also different from the ancient monk's cave that I met before. It is rumored that there is news of ascension in this cave.A monk stumbled into it by mistake and found a way to ascend without reaching the stage of transformation.

But later, this monk did not know what kind of experience he had experienced, and his mind fell into a state of madness, and his whole body was insane.A casual cultivator in the late Yuanying period made a move, but it didn't wake him up.

In the end, the casual cultivator learned the news of Ascension directly through soul searching.

(End of this chapter)

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