Chapter 400
According to the information in the sea of ​​knowledge of the three, the news about Ascension is only spread in a small area.But Xu Miao can be sure that after a while, the news will spread completely.

Xu Miao found a nearby small town to inquire about the news.In the teahouse, Xu Miao sat by the window, took a sip, and listened to the monks in the teahouse talking.

"You don't need to cultivate to the stage of transforming gods, you can ascend to the upper plane, is it really such a good thing?"

"I heard that many Nascent Soul monks have been dispatched, and many sects and families have also sent monks to investigate."

"It's more than that. The monk who entered the cave and successfully left has already been controlled by people from various sects and families, looking for more useful information!"

"Isn't there a Nascent Soul loose cultivator who has already searched for the soul? Why do you want to control it?"

"It is said that the monk's body has mutated, and the muscles of the whole body have begun to skyrocket, but the bones have gradually shrunk uncharacteristically!"

Xu Miao frowned listening to the discussion of the nearby monks.The body of a monk can actually mutate, and these things alone are already unimaginable.

In that cave, I'm afraid it's not just as simple as ascending, there are other things in that cave.It was not only Xu Miao who was curious about the matter, but also countless monks.

In the recent period of time, seventy to eighty percent of the light flashing across the sky were going to the ancient monk's cave.Xu Miao didn't even need to ask for directions, he could reach his destination just by following the big team.

The specific location of the ancient monk's cave is in a deep mountain.This mountain is sparsely populated, and even monsters rarely appear. There are only scattered villages around the foot of the mountain.

Xu Miao passed a mortal village on the road, and it couldn't even be called a village at all.The size of this village is not as big as the Dianhou village where Xu Miao made a sound. There are only three or four courtyards, and each courtyard is also dilapidated, and the houses are also piled up with loess.

The villages here are all mortals. Seeing monks coming continuously, they panicked a long time ago.Xu Miao originally wanted to go to the village and ask them if they noticed any abnormalities in the mountains, but now she can only give up.

"Did you see any strange things during this time?" Xu Miao followed the reputation and found three monks in the early stage of Nascent Soul, who were holding a ten-year-old child in this village, and asked in an evil voice.

The child was strangled by the throat, struggling constantly, trying to get rid of the imprisonment of the Nascent Soul cultivator.But how does the power of a mortal compare with that of a powerful monk?

Don't say that the monk standing in front of them is a monk in the Nascent Soul Stage, even a monk in the Qi Refining Stage can take everyone's life in the blink of an eye.

The child's parents knelt aside, trembling uncontrollably, and kowtowed vigorously, begging the monk to let their child go.In the eyes of the Nascent Soul cultivator, there was a playful look.

His hands around the child's neck kept tightening, the child's face gradually turned purple, the extent of his struggle gradually became smaller, and his breathing became weaker and weaker.

Xu Miao frowned. Although he was not a good person, he would not sit back and watch monks attack ordinary people.Xu Miao raised her hand and shot out a burst of spiritual power, hitting the cultivator's rear.

This blow, relying on the opponent's single hand, is absolutely unstoppable.In order to block the blow, the cultivator could only throw the child aside and cross his hands in front of his chest to block Xu Miao's attack.

"Who! Stand up!" The monk looked around fiercely, and the two Nascent Soul monks beside him also raised their magic weapons, ready to defend against the enemy at any time.

Xu Miao appeared from behind the tree, ignored the monk's strict questioning, took out a pill and handed it to the child's parents.This little child was about to be strangled to death by the cultivator, and it was impossible to save the child with only ordinary people's medical skills.

When the child's father saw the friar in blue suddenly appearing in front of them, he forgot to move for a moment.The child's mother reacted and fed the pill into the child's mouth.

"Who are you, dare to offend us! Do you know who we are?"

Xu Miao turned around with an indifferent expression: "Oh? Who are you?"

"We are members of the He family! Look at your face, which has never seen the world!" The He family is a medium-sized family in Zhonglu. Since there are no monks in the late Nascent Soul stage in the family, they are attached to the An family.

Xu Miao is not familiar with the He family, but Xu Miao still knows about An's family. At least he is on the same team as him, and those who participate in the monk ranking competition will have An's family members.

But looking at the relationship between An Xitong and An Xiyue, the An family was divided into several factions.I don't know which faction of the An family this He family belongs to.

Seeing that Xu Miao didn't answer for a long time, the cultivator on the opposite side felt that he had been underestimated, and became even angrier. He launched a spiritual attack at Xu Miao: "No one has ever dared to distract themselves in front of me, He Ting. You are the number one!" indivual!"

Xu Miao didn't even give him a straight look, and cast a sideways glance at He Ting, and counterattacked with spiritual power, defusing He Ting's attack, and with the extra spiritual power, he chased after He Ting.

He Ting didn't expect that this early Nascent Soul cultivator would be so strong, he backed away again and again: "He Xiao, He Lian, set up the formation! Let's kill this person together!"

Hearing He Ting's instructions, the other two immediately jumped up and formed a triangle with He Ting.Xu Miao looked up, this formation should be the exclusive formation of the He family, as long as someone with the blood of the He family stands at this angle, the power of the formation can be exerted.

"Boy, you should feel lucky that you died in our He family's three-shade formation!" It was originally called the three-shade formation. This formation is really extraordinary and can greatly increase the power of attacks.

But this formation, compared with Fufeng Valley's seven-star formation, is really far behind.The formation of seven stars has no flaws at all, but in Xu Miao's eyes, this formation of three evil spirits is full of flaws everywhere.

Xu Miao has been maintaining a state of changing appearance, so the members of the He family did not recognize Xu Miao's identity.But when Xu Miao took out the Fog Condensing Sword, the expressions of the three of them changed immediately.

"Fog Condensing Sword! This person is—" Xu Miao didn't even give He Ting a chance to finish speaking, and the Fog Condensing Sword quickly stabbed at several obvious weak points in the formation of the three evil spirits.

Under Xu Miao's sword, the He family's famous three-shade formation became a useless formation, and it was broken with one sword.The three of He Ting were rebounded by the power of the formation and flew to three different places.

The formation is destroyed, and the members in the formation also have a great backlash effect.Before the attack of the three evil formations fell on Xu Miao, Xu Miao sent them back to the three of them.

"Xu Miao! You are Xu Miao!" He Ting couldn't get up for a long time and could only watch Xu Miao walk in step by step.Xu Miao was condescending and looked down: "As a monk in the Nascent Soul stage, you actually made a move on a mortal, and you have completely humiliated the monk!"

He Ting knew Xu Miao's strength, so he didn't dare to refute Xu Miao's words.Xu Miao let out a low voice: "Don't get out!" He Ting gave Xu Miao a resentful look, and left the place with He Xiao and He Lian.

Xu Miao watched the members of the He family leave, but did not kill them.Because in Xu Miao's mind, He Ting's strength was too low to affect him at all.For ants, elephants will not bother to solve them.

After taking the elixir given by Xu Miao, the child soon regained consciousness.When his parents didn't notice, he ran over and grabbed Xu Miao's skirt.

The child's parents turned pale with fright, wishing they could step forward and grab the child.But this person is stronger than the previous three people, and they are not able to deal with them at all.

"Big brother, are you going into the mountains?" came the childish voice of the child.Upon hearing this, Xu Miao turned around and squatted down, keeping level with the child, and nodded.

He had a hunch that this kid might know something.The child continued: "One day, when I went to the mountains to pick up logs, I accidentally lost my way."

The child's words were scattered and not in complete order, but Xu Miao still listened patiently: "I don't know where I went, and suddenly I saw a very big green door behind me!"

"I thought it was fun, so I wanted to push it away, but my strength was too weak to push it away. At that time, I also picked up a very beautiful stone under the door!"

After speaking, the child ran to the bottom of the wall, pushed aside the soil, and dug out the stone in his mouth.The child has never told anyone about these experiences, and he knows that once he speaks out, he will definitely be beaten up.

The child didn't know this stone, but Xu Miao could sense the surging spiritual power inside this stone.And this spiritual power is sealed by the stone outside. In addition, this spiritual power is very different from the spiritual power of the present era.

It is very likely that it has something to do with the monk's cave in ancient times. Xu Miao took the stone from the child's hand.I didn't expect that it was just a moment of kindness to pick up such a big bargain.

With Xu Miao's cultivation in the Nascent Soul stage, he can naturally check whether a mortal has spiritual roots at will.After scanning with his spiritual sense, he found that although the child had spiritual roots, it was only the lowest quality five spiritual roots.

As a reward given to him by the child, Xu Miao took out a book of high-grade Xuan-level cultivation techniques, as well as enough pills for him to cultivate to the ninth level of Qi Refining, and three Foundation Establishment Pills.

The aptitude of the spiritual root has never been an obstacle to the progress of the monks.If this kid has enough opportunities and hard work, it is absolutely possible for him to step into the foundation building stage.

At that time, the child needs to walk the future path by himself.Xu Miao set up a few small spells to modify the memory of the child's parents, and told the child not to mention this matter to outsiders, and to move out of this place with the parents as soon as possible.

Seeing that the child nodded solemnly, Xu Miao understood the cause and effect.In the world of comprehension, it is better to understand cause and effect as soon as possible.Xu Miao patted the child's head encouragingly, and disappeared into the sky.

More and more monks are going to the ancient monk's cave, and there are more and more light shields in the sky.Xu Miao changed her face and got mixed up with a group of casual cultivators.

(End of this chapter)

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