Taikoo Immortal King

Chapter 401 A lesson to the He family

Chapter 401 A lesson to the He family

This group of monks is composed of casual cultivators. From time to time, they absorb other casual cultivators who join in the middle, and they don't ask the monks about their origins. Xu Miao is very satisfied with this attitude.

At this moment, Wu Changping, the leading monk, said: "We are loose cultivators. Ever since there were problems at the upper level of the casual cultivator alliance, the power of the casual cultivator alliance has become smaller and smaller. Those monks from famous schools and aristocratic families have been laughing at us all day long."

"This time, we don't rely on the Loose Cultivator Alliance, and rely entirely on our own power to fight those people and let them know that we are not easy to mess with, Loose Cultivators!"

Xu Miao has also heard about Zhonglu's Loose Cultivation Alliance.This alliance spread across four continents, without knowing what happened to the upper echelon, it can no longer form a deterrent force at all.

Because of this reason, many casual cultivators have been excluded by sects and family forces.No wonder Xu Miao joined this group of monks, they agreed without asking anything.

All they need is a large number of people, thinking that as long as there are a large number of people, they can form an impact on the sect and family.However, although these monks are all at the initial stage of Nascent Soul, their spiritual power fluctuations are really not that great.

There are more than 200 people in this large group, and Xu Miao estimates that there will be no more than ten people who are truly capable.With such a group of mobs alone, it is a bit whimsical to want to fight against the sect family.

When they arrived at the ancient monk's cave, the place was already full of people.Schools and families occupy the position on one side, while casual cultivators occupy the position on the other side, which is clearly differentiated.

The loose cultivators are headed by the three monks in the late stage of Nascent Soul, and all the casual cultivators gather behind the three late stage monks.There are a large number of casual cultivators in Zhonglu, and there are definitely not only three big cultivators, there should be more hidden.

Sure enough, another streak of escaping light appeared, and in the positions vacated by the monks of the two sides, there were more than a dozen late stage big monks.More than a dozen people turned into silver light at the same time, rushing to the ancient monk's cave.

However, just as they approached, they received a strong deterrent force.No matter what means these dozen people used, they couldn't get within a hundred steps of the cave.

A late-stage great monk summoned a disciple from the sect and told him to go forward, but the disciple approached the entrance of the cave safe and sound.At this time, a great cultivator lowered his cultivation to the early stage of Yuanying, but he was still rejected and could not get close.

The faces of all the big monks became quite ugly at the same time. After all, a chance to ascend was in front of them, but they were restricted by the laws of the cave and could not enter. This was simply unacceptable.

No matter the monks in the middle stage of Yuanying or the early stage of Yuanying, they can approach the entrance of the cave smoothly, except for the monks in the late stage of Yuanying.In desperation, everyone could only tell the disciples to find out the situation in the cave.

The gate of the cave is exactly the green gate that the child described at that time.The gate is made of bronze, but it has rusted green over time.

Xu Miao looked at the color of the door, and always felt that the door was full of weirdness.Normally speaking, a rusted bronze gate would not give people a sense of beauty, but this gate forced people to see the beauty from it.

"Xu Miao, this is an illusion!" Xiaotian's voice suddenly sounded, making Xu Miao look away from the bronze gate.Only then did Xu Miao wake up. On the bronze gate, someone had deliberately set up an illusion.

"This illusion is very powerful, no monks below the level of refining the emptiness will have the possibility to resist." Xu Miao listened to Xiaotian's introduction in silence, "Including the dozen or so monks in the late Nascent Soul stage, they were all affected by the illusion. "

"This cave, if it is really the cave of the ancient monks, how could it be possible that the late Nascent Soul monks are forbidden to enter. They are affected by the illusion, and they spontaneously think that they cannot enter when they reach a hundred paces."

It can make more than a dozen great monks in the late stage of Nascent Soul, and Xu Miao be recruited at the same time. The strength of this illusion is not to say that it is not powerful.Xu Miao looked dignified, Xiaotian reminded him to explain, Xu Miao looked at the bronze gate again.

"Illusions were specially arranged on the gate, but all the monks who see this gate will have different hallucinations. Moreover, this gate can only accommodate 20 people to enter."

Xu Miao frowned, and could only accommodate 20 people, but the number of people they had gathered here was at least 500.Since these people came here, they would definitely not be willing to leave easily.

Soon, other monks also noticed this, the cave of the ancient monks was not so easy to enter.After a brief discussion among the major monks in the later period, they simply selected the most powerful monk and entered it.

They all have juniors they recognize, so they will naturally choose these people.It's just that the number of these people still exceeds 20.The scene was at a stalemate for a while, and no one was willing to withdraw.

"Since we choose the strongest one, why don't we ask the monks who want to enter the cave to stand up and compete. As long as you can defeat other monks, you can enter. If you fail, don't blame others."

This proposal was made by a casual cultivator in the late Yuanying period.As soon as his suggestion came out, the sect and the monks of the family were very upset.

Their family and sect's monks were all dispatched under command.No matter who is sent in, there will be no objection. How could it be like a casual cultivator, in a mess, with no rules.

Anyway, there are a lot of casual cultivators, no matter who is injured or who dies, this late casual cultivator will not feel distressed.But their sect and family monks are different. It is definitely not a good idea to lose troops and generals before entering the cave.

"How about this, casual cultivators choose your monks, our sect and family choose our monks, and don't interfere with each other, how about it?" He's later monks stood up and suggested.

In the end, after bargaining, the casual cultivators got six places, and the remaining fourteen places were taken by monks from the sect family.Although Sanxiu didn't want to, but the situation was stronger than others, he could only hold his nose and agree.

There are more than 200 casual cultivators. Although the strength varies, there are more than six cultivators who can get this quota.Among casual cultivators, in the face of such obvious interests, they will not show mercy to others at all.

All of a sudden, swords were tense among the casual cultivators.Everyone looked at the people around them with vigilant eyes, for fear that the other party would suddenly explode into trouble.

In the end, the suggestions put forward by casual cultivators in the late Yuanying period were applied to casual cultivators themselves.Since Xu Miao appeared as a casual cultivator, she can only obtain the qualification to enter the cave through this competition method.

Xu Miao did not show up directly to participate in the competition, but waited by the side until the last place for the monk.A middle-aged monk defeated the previous monks, and just when he thought that no one would come forward to challenge him, Xu Miao appeared slowly.

The middle-aged monk is at the mid-stage of Nascent Soul, while Xu Miao is only at the early stage of Nascent Soul. Ordinary monks will think that Xu Miao is looking for death when they see this difference in realm.

The middle-aged monk who saw Xu Miao walked into the crowd also didn't take it seriously: "Boy, if you want to save your life, don't come out at this time. The ancient monk's cave is not something that anyone can enter."

Among the five casual cultivators whose quota has been determined, four of them are middle-stage Nascent Soul cultivators, and only one is an early-stage Nascent Soul cultivator.This early-stage cultivator who got the quota was because of all kinds of talismans in his hands that didn't cost money.

No matter who stepped forward to challenge, he threw a bunch of talismans to the opponent.Each talisman is not only of high quality, but also has great attack power.Under the bombardment of the talisman, no one dared to challenge this early stage monk.

Xu Miao, on the other hand, does not look like a rich man, and her clothes are plain. Whether it is Taoist robes or shoes, they are not priceless magic weapons, which is in stark contrast to that early stage monk.

In addition to casual cultivators who are watching the show, there are also sects and family monks who have already confirmed 14 candidates.In their eyes, Xu Miao, a casual cultivator, was a bit arrogant.

He Ting, who was standing by the side all the time, stared at Xu Miao. Although Xu Miao changed his face, his clothes remained the same. It was exactly the same as when he taught them in the village.

"Boy, I'm talking to you, why don't you even fart!" The middle-aged monk's face was ugly, and being ignored by an early-stage monk made him feel ashamed.

Regardless of whether the battle started or not, the middle-aged monk held the iron awl in his hand and stabbed towards Xu Miao majesticly.Xu Miao stood where she was, neither dodging nor dodging.

In the eyes of others, they would only think that Xu Miao was terrified by the attack of the middle-aged monk.But there are still some monks who can see that Xu Miao's body does not have the slightest fluctuation of panic.

Xu Miao raised her eyes to look at the middle-aged monk, without any fluctuation in her expression, and summoned the fog-condensing sword to collide directly with the iron cone, mitigating the attack of the iron cone.

When the Wu Ningjian appeared, everyone's eyes widened.They don't know the face that Xu Miao is showing now, but they all know Xu Miao's Mist Condensing Sword.

The Fog Condensing Sword is Xu Miao's talisman, the place where the Fog Condensing Sword appears is the place where Xu Miao appears.The middle-aged monk also saw the fog-condensing sword that repelled his own attack, and took a deep breath.

With a look of confusion on his face, he asked, "Who is your Excellency?" Xu Miao's reputation had spread throughout the mainland, and he beat Zhang Ya and Xie Xiu to win No.1 in the monk ranking competition. The fog-condensing sword in his hand.

The middle-aged monk's address to Xu Miao has also changed from boy to lord.Xu Miao didn't answer the other party's question, but asked instead: "Are you still fighting?"

"No more beatings, no more beatings!" The middle-aged monk didn't have the courage to listen to Xu Miao's answer. He put away the iron awl and returned to the group of casual cultivators, fearing that he would be killed by Xu Miao later.

Xu Miao walked to the side of the five people, ignoring anyone's gaze.Due to the sudden appearance of Xu Miao, the situation on the scene was temporarily broken.The sect and the family looked at Xu Miao cautiously. After all, Xu Miao's strength was well known.

If Xu Miao wanted to attack their disciples, absolutely no one could resist them.

(End of this chapter)

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