Taikoo Immortal King

Chapter 402 The Weird Ancient Cave Mansion

Chapter 402 The Weird Ancient Cave Mansion

For casual cultivators, Xu Miao was not from Zhonglu, and it was even more impossible for him to be of one mind with them.As a result, no matter which side it is, Xu Miao cannot be trusted, and they all have doubts about him.

Xu Miao was very clear about the thoughts of the people present, but to him, these were just the doubts of the weak.Whether it was Zhang Ya or Xie Xiu, to be precise, none of the people Xu Miao recognized came here when they explored the Guxiu cave.

Originally, Xu Miao was overwhelming the monks of the same level, and the people most qualified to compete with Xu Miao did not come. The environment of four to five hundred people suddenly became silent.

"Since both sides have selected monks, let them enter the Guxiu cave." A loose monk broke the silence here, and other monks echoed.

Xu Miao looked at the nearby monks silently all the time. The monks in Zhonglu really disappointed him, and he didn't even have the confidence to enter the Guxiu cave with him.

20 people walked to the front of the bronze gate, and 20 people struck out their spiritual power at the same time.The bronze door let out a "squeak" and slowly rose upwards.

The inside of the bronze gate was pitch black.Xu Miao's spiritual consciousness penetrated into it for the first time, and found that the spiritual consciousness had lost its function inside.It seems to have entered a fog and cannot find the exact direction.

Xu Miao took the first step and walked into the bronze gate.The remaining 19 people, not to be outdone, followed Xu Miao into it.When the last of the 20 people entered the bronze door, the bronze door immediately fell, and no one else was allowed to enter.

This place seems to be able to swallow darkness, neither the Ye Mingzhu nor the flames stimulated by Xu Miao can illuminate this place.All the people have become blind, smearing forward.

"Xu Miao, this is still a phantom formation." Xiaotian's voice came to Xu Miao's mind, and he began to introduce the phantom formation to Xu Miao.

The phantom formation next to the bronze gate is called Wuming phantom formation, which literally means that there will never be a moment of dawn.If someone stood outside the phantom formation, twenty people would each take out a night pearl and release a spiritual fire.

And looking inside the phantom formation from outside the phantom formation, there is a piece of light inside.But inside the ignorance array, all people are plunged into darkness and cannot find light.

The consciousness is blocked, and the only thing the monk can rely on is his eyes.However, the eyes are most likely to be confused, and it is too simple to create a situation where the monk's eyes cannot see through.

Xiaotian introduced here, and Xu Miao suddenly realized.This phantom array seems complicated, but it doesn't use too many restrictions.It just imprisoned the monk's spiritual consciousness and made the monk's eyes useless.

That being the case, he simply does not use eyes.Xu Miao closed her eyes, recalling the position where he stepped into the bronze door.At that time, he was on the far right of the six people, and the monks of the sect family were on the other side. In other words, he was the closest to the wall now.

Xu Miao stretched out her right hand and walked slowly towards the wall, feeling the wall with her hand.Suddenly, Xu Miao touched something very soft and sticky.

Since she couldn't see it, Xu Miao couldn't be sure what this soft, sticky thing was.While Xu Miao was still thinking, this soft and sticky thing stretched out its tentacles and wrapped around Xu Miao's arms.

Xu Miao subconsciously shot out a wave of spiritual power, but found that this thing was not affected by Xu Miao's attack at all, and still stretched out her hand, entangled towards other parts of Xu Miao's body.

The Fog Condensing Sword appeared instantly, Xu Miao thought, and the Fog Condensing Sword slashed at the tentacles in his hand.However, the tentacles were not affected at all, but Xu Miao's hand was attacked.

If Xu Miao's body hadn't been accustomed to the Mist Condensing Sword, just that blow just now would have left a deep scar on his hand. "Xu Miao, this is also an illusion, it's all fake." Xiaotian reminded Xu Miao anxiously.

Xiaotian made a mistake in her judgment. The ignorant illusion array in her memory only affected the monk's consciousness and vision, but she didn't expect that the ignorance illusion array here has been improved, and it can even affect the monk's sense of touch.

Now Xu Miao's whole body is trapped by the soft and slippery tentacles, and he feels that the tentacles are constantly tightening, getting harder and harder, and Xu Miao can't even breathe.

He couldn't hear Xiaotian's voice, he could only feel the tentacles tightening his body, depriving him of his breath.Xu Miao was not the only one affected by the phantom formation. The other 19 people were all troubled by the phantom formation.

Xu Miao kept breathing, and his chest rose and fell rapidly, but he still felt that he couldn't breathe.Suddenly, there was a pain in Xu Miao's sea of ​​consciousness, and Xu Miao felt that her breathing became much easier.

But when the pain goes away, the feeling of being out of breath reappears.Xu Miao bit the tip of her tongue directly, and the bloody smell and pain from her tongue made the tentacles disappear instantly.

At this time, Xu Miao's right hand also felt a solid wall.Taking advantage of this short period of sobriety, Xu Miao walked along the wall.

The darkness finally passed, and Xu Miao saw a burst of light.Here, no matter how you look at it, it doesn't look like a monk's cave, but more like a secluded valley.Xu Miao looked at the boundless grassland in front of him, and there were no other creatures on the grassland.

Xu Miao, who had been stimulated by the phantom array too many times, asked cautiously: "Xiaotian, is there any phantom formation here?" Xiaotian observed for a while, and gave a negative answer.

This grassland is too peaceful, and there is no phantom formation, which means that there is a greater danger inside.Xu Miao was still observing the grassland when a human voice suddenly appeared from behind.

Xu Miao turned her head and saw that it was the casual cultivator who was only in the early stage of Nascent Soul.When the man saw Xu Miao, he raised his eyebrows with great interest: "Xu Miao? You are Xu Miao? My name is Huo Yu. We are lucky to meet you for the first time."

A monk, like a celebrity in the mortal world, has a large number of high-level and high-quality talismans. This person's background is definitely not ordinary.One more friend is naturally better than one more enemy, Xu Miao nodded friendly.

When Huo Yu saw Xu Miao nodding, it was as if he had discovered a new continent: "People outside say you are fierce, and you don't like to pay attention to people..." Xu Miao listened to Huo Yu's chatter, and felt very headache, so she raised her hand to signal He stopped.

Xu Miao changed the topic to the cave: "From the perspective of fellow Taoist Huo Yu, do you think this place is a simple cave?"

"Of course not, how could this be a simple..." Huo Yu started a long speech again, Xu Miao sighed, he made a directional mistake, thinking that he could refer to Huo Yu's opinion, but this person can only talk nonsense .

When Xu Miao saw this prairie, she had lost her consciousness.However, with the range of Xu Miao's spiritual consciousness, he didn't even touch the border of this grassland, which surprised Xu Miao.

Before coming to this ancient cave, Xu Miao had observed the environment of the cave.The cave is opened up in the belly of a mountain, and it must not exceed the size of the mountain.

However, the size of the grassland in front of him far exceeds the size of that mountain.The strangeness of the grassland is not only that.Above the grassland, there is still the sun, blue sky, and white clouds.But outside the cave, there is no such grassland at all.

Who is the owner of this cave, who has such a means, can build such a grassland in such a small area, and also change the sky like the outside world, with his strength, there is no abnormality.

"It's strange, it's really strange. Everything here is the same as the outside, and it can't be seen that it is in a cave." Huo Yu muttered as he walked.

Xu Miao ignored Huo Yu. He observed all the surrounding situations, trying to find something unusual, but found nothing.At the Bronze Gate, such a troublesome checkpoint was set up, but there is no strange place to be found here. This is the strangest thing.

Huo Yu took out a talisman and threw it forward, and the power of the seventh-level talisman exploded instantly.Xu Miao watched Huo Yu use the talisman with great pain, and the corners of her mouth twitched.

Although he is now worth 100 million spirit stones because he recently killed the three monks who attacked Ye Qianqian, it still hurts to see someone wasting spirit stones like this.

But Xu Miao's heartache didn't last long, and he was attracted by other things.The power of detonating the seventh-level talisman is equivalent to the level of a full-strength strike by a monk in the early stage of Yuanying.

Such a blow, placed outside, can destroy any grass.But the grassland here has not been affected in any way, the grass is still grass, and the ground is still ground.

Xu Miao is even more suspicious and vigilant about this place. What kind of monk is the owner of this place to maintain the situation here.Xu Miao also tried flying, but before reaching midair, he was pulled back to the ground by an irresistible force.

For the first time, Xu Miao felt powerless.I don't know what happened, and I don't know how to deal with it.Suddenly, Xu Miao noticed a bamboo house in front of her.

Xu Miao's spiritual sense had never discovered this bamboo house.Huo Yu also realized this, and there were several more talismans in his hand in an instant.Holding the fog-condensing sword, Xu Miao approached the bamboo house carefully.

Inside the bamboo house, there are messy bamboo beds and meals on the bamboo tables.The weirdest thing is that the food is still steaming.The bamboo chopsticks next to the meal are placed side by side, as if waiting for the owner of the bamboo house to enjoy the meal.

Xu Miao and Huo Yu looked at each other, and they both saw incredible in each other's eyes.Huo Yu also put away his idle look, and his expression became extremely serious.

"Before I came here, I investigated this place. There is almost no aura, and there are few people. Except for a few families at the foot of the mountain, there is nothing else. Not even monsters come here."

Huo Yu introduced the information he knew to Xu Miao.At this time, only by the cooperation of the two can it be possible to crack the secret book here.

"I also took the cave mansion as the center, with a radius of tens of thousands of miles. I checked it once, and found nothing abnormal. It was just a deserted area that couldn't be more ordinary."

Xu Miao nodded secretly, he just checked casually, not as thorough and rigorous as Huo Yu.

(End of this chapter)

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