Taikoo Immortal King

Chapter 403 Where is the Immortal Way?

Chapter 403 Where is the Immortal Way?
This Huo Yu seems to be a chatterbox, a bunch of nonsense, but judging from his investigation of this place before he came here, he is definitely a person with a delicate mind.

This bamboo house is strange, and it cannot be searched with the spiritual sense that monks are used to.The two looked at each other, and decided to search the bamboo house separately, inside and out, up and down, and in all aspects.

Under the quilt of the bamboo bed, Xu Miao found a well-preserved book.The text on this book is not the text used in the cultivation world today, but the text used in ancient times.

Relying on this book, Xu Miao can confirm that the owner of this place is indeed a monk from the ancient times.The four characters "Where is the Immortal Way" are written on the cover, with crimson handwriting and the faint smell of blood, Xu Miao even saw unwillingness and madness from these four characters.

He opened the book, which recorded in detail that in ancient times, there was another period called Taikoo.Xu Miao has never heard of an era older than ancient times.

In the ancient times hundreds of millions of years ago, immortals and all kinds of creatures lived together in harmony.At that time, all kinds of resources in the cultivation world were so rich that monks in ancient times could not even imagine, and the speed of monks' advancement was also very fast.

It took Xu Miao more than 100 years to advance from Jindan to Nascent Soul, and he has been called a genius who is hard to meet in ten thousand years.In the ancient times, it only took more than 100 years to advance from a mortal to a cultivator in the transformation stage.

This is only for monks with average talents. As for those monks with extraordinary talents, they can reach the stage of crossing the catastrophe and even become immortals in less than 200 years.

Therefore, in the ancient times, there were a large number of immortals, so the immortals elected an immortal king through elections.

The name of the Immortal King has long been untestable due to its long history, and we can only know that the Immortal King is a very holy immortal from the few words that have been handed down.

Under the leadership of this fairy king, no matter whether it is the fairy world, the human world, the demon world, the demon world, or the ghost world, all creatures can live peacefully.

It's just that this peace was simultaneously destroyed by the four fierce beasts and the changes of the world. In order to stabilize all walks of life, the Immortal King hastily commanded all the immortals to participate in killing the beasts and rescuing the creatures from all walks of life.

At that time, the changes in the world were very serious. In order to protect the world, the Immortal King did not hesitate to use himself to support the world.Although the world was supported by the Immortal King, the Immortal King fought against the Heaven and Earth with his own power.

His strength weakened irresistibly until - the content behind was artificially torn away, and Xu Miao couldn't see the result behind.Xu Miao frowned slightly, and continued to turn backwards.

Many contents of this book have been torn out, only the last page is left, the immortal way is hard to find, where is the immortal way!There are only these eight characters on the last page, and they are still written in blood.

Xu Miao looked at these eight characters quietly, and he could feel the anger, despair, unwillingness, and pain that came to his face.Xu Miao could even feel the mood of the monk who wrote these eight words at that time.

After Huo Yu searched the house, he saw Xu Miao holding a book, standing aside in a daze, looking over curiously.When Huo Yu saw these eight characters, his eyes froze, and his breath changed instantly.

Although Xu Miao's attention was always on the book, his spiritual consciousness was always observing the changes nearby.When Huo Yu came over, Xu Miao didn't move, because she wanted to see Huo Yu's reaction.

Although Huo Yu adjusted his breath in a very short period of time and restored it to its original state, he couldn't fool Xu Miao's keen spiritual sense.But if Huo Yu didn't say anything, Xu Miao wouldn't ask either.

He pretended to be unintentional and said: "The story in this book is so strangely written, and it is difficult to reach the immortal way. I am afraid that the monk who wrote this story is stuck at a certain stage and cannot make a breakthrough for a long time."

Huo Yu wanted to make some comments just now, but when Xu Miao spoke, he followed Xu Miao's words and said bluntly that the monk complained about himself.

If Xu Miao couldn't be sure at first, but after hearing Huo Yu follow his tone and comment down, Xu Miao can be sure that Huo Yu must know something.

According to Huo Yu's personality, if he didn't know the truth of the matter, he would definitely sigh and give a long series of comments, and he would never finish it so hastily and perfunctorily.

Xu Miao couldn't figure out what Huo Yu knew about Chengxian even if he tried his best.No matter what the content is, one day, Xu Miao will know.

Xu Miao put this book into the Huntian Stone and studied it later.Huo Yu's eyes flickered, as if he wanted to stop him, but he didn't say anything in the end.

"What else did you find?" Xu Miao didn't want to worry about this book any more. No matter how confidential the book contained, it was just a book, and it didn't help Xu Miao to leave.

Huo Yu also looked away from the book, took out a box and put it on the table: "I found this box, but I haven't found a way to open it yet."

Xu Miao controlled the spiritual sense to sweep up and down the box, the box was tightly stitched, no gaps were exposed at all, and the spiritual sense could not play any role.

Huo Yu added: "I've tried it. I cut it with a knife, burned it with violence, and dismantled it violently. It can't be opened at all. This box should be the key to leaving this place. As long as we open this box, we have a chance to leave."

The two people's thoughts now are no longer to get anything from the cave, but to find a way to leave this place.The concentration of aura here is not strong, if they still can't leave, they will be completely trapped here and unable to practice.

Spiritual consciousness is useless, Xu Miao can only observe the box with both eyes.He found that the box had a mechanism, and when one of the wooden blocks was pressed, the other wooden blocks would spring up.If another block is pressed, two blocks will fall.

"If I'm not mistaken, as long as this mechanism is opened, the box will be opened." Xu Miao judged.

Huo Yu's face collapsed when he heard Xu Miao's words, and he waved his hands again and again: "I'm the worst at being an organ, and I still have to rely on you, fellow Taoist Xu Miao."

Seeing Huo Yu's expression, Xu Miao didn't seem to be doing anything, and studied his mechanism resignedly.This mechanism is very complicated, with a total of ten times ten small wooden blocks. In the initial state, all the small wooden blocks of 100 yuan are raised.

He reckoned that the mechanism would be cracked only after all the 100 yuan pieces of wood fell down.Xu Miao calmed down and began to study the law of the rise and fall of the wooden blocks.

Whether it is a formation or a mechanism, there are their special laws, as long as you find this law, you can break them.Xu Miao pressed every small wooden block one after another. In different order, the rising and falling of other wooden blocks pressed was different.

Xu Miao's spiritual consciousness played a role at this time. He recorded all the ups and downs of the wooden blocks, and constantly combined and changed them in the sea of ​​consciousness.

Although the algorithm of this wooden block is not as complicated as some large formations, it is not far behind.Xu Miao's spiritual consciousness was working at full strength, trying to piece together the wooden blocks and try all the possibilities.

In order to speed up, Xu Miao's subordinates pressed the mechanism while calculating a method with their spiritual sense, and worked together to speed up the verification of the method.In Huo Yu's view, Xu Miao's hand was almost an afterimage, constantly pressing down on the wooden block.

Even though it was cracked so quickly, it took Xu Miao a full day and night to open the wooden box.If the owner of the wooden box knew that it took Xu Miao only one day and one night to open his wooden box, he would be very excited.

It's just that the owner of this wooden box has already turned into a drop of water in the long river of time and disappeared in this world.Huo Yu was shocked when he heard the sound of the wooden box opening.

Inside the opened wooden box was a roll of parchment and a key made of unknown material.Xu Miao spread out the parchment and found that it was a map of a certain place.

This map is very complicated, and the roads on it are small and dense, with twists and turns.When Xu Miao wrote down the contents on the parchment and was about to rub it on the blank jade slips, she froze.

He found that when he pasted the jade slip on his forehead, all the content he wrote down in his mind became blank.Xu Miao looked at the parchment again in disbelief, and he tried again without giving up, but the result was still the same.

The contents of this roll of parchment cannot be copied. In other words, once this roll of parchment is lost, they will never find a second copy.Now Xu Miao is not alone, Huo Yu is beside him. Although the two are living together peacefully now, there is no guarantee that they will be able to do so in the future.

Once you turn your face and deny anyone, this roll of parchment... Huo Yu proposed to separate the parchment, half for each person.But Xu Miao shook her head: "It's impossible to even copy rubbings, and it's even more impossible to separate them."

Huo Yu didn't believe Xu Miao's words at first, but when he tore the parchment hard, he had to admit that Xu Miao's words were right.Huo Yu was very curious about how Xu Miao guessed it.

Xu Miao looked at the parchment in his hand and said, "The strength of the owner here is absolutely unfathomable. How could the things he left behind be destroyed by people of our level of strength."

"Hey, the master here doesn't make the picture bigger, it makes people blind!" Huo Yu complained helplessly, and Xu Miao's eyes lit up when she heard Huo Yu's words.

Since he can't directly copy it through his divine sense, he can draw another copy according to the parchment.Manual operation, the role of parchment will definitely not be able to play.

Xu Miao grew a piece of paper and copied it completely.Sure enough, the content on the parchment only has an effect on the divine consciousness, and there is no restriction on copying it by hand.

Cultivators are used to using their spiritual sense to solve everything they encounter, but they forget the most basic thing and record all kinds of words with their hands.Huo Yu stared dumbfounded at Xu Miao quickly copying the map, and sighed, "You're smart, why didn't I think of it!"

When the two of them finished copying everything, they took the key and left the bamboo house.Xu Miao looked at the wooden box that gave him a headache, and had an idea to reset it.

(End of this chapter)

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