Taikoo Immortal King

Chapter 404 The Call of Emergence

Chapter 404 The Call of Emergence

Since he and Huo Yu were able to find this bamboo house, other people must be able to find this bamboo house as well.If someone saw the wooden box that had been opened, they would just throw it aside and wonder who took the contents away.

But when Xu Miao reset the wooden box, no one would think about the contents.When Huo Yu saw Xu Miao's actions, he couldn't help but secretly lamented Xu Miao's deep scheming, so that he could notice the details and caused troubles to other monks.

"The problem now is that we have the map, but we don't know where the map is?" Huo Yu played with the key in his hand. Xu Miao and Huo Yu held the key and the parchment.

It seems that Xu Miao is at a disadvantage, but Xu Miao has observed this roll of parchment, and he can be sure that this roll of parchment is definitely not simple parchment.

Just by looking at its influence on the spiritual consciousness that monks are most proud of, one can know its extraordinaryness.In addition, Xu Miao felt that there was more content on this roll of parchment, which he had not deciphered yet.

As long as he is with Huo Yu, he always has a chance to use the key, but Huo Yu has no chance to use the parchment again.Xu Miao and Huo Yu searched this grassland for a long time, but they still found nothing.

Worst of all, the two of them lost their way.The prairie was endless, their spiritual sense couldn't function, and there was nothing that could help them identify the direction, so the two lost their way without any accident.

The two looked at each other and smiled wryly.Two monks in the Nascent Soul stage lost their way, and no one believed them when they told them.

"Xiaotian, is there a way for you to find your way here?" Huo Yu's ability to identify directions is not as good as Xu Miao's, so Xu Miao can only ask Xiaotian for help.

When Xiaotian heard Xu Miao's inquiry, he disappeared from the Hunting Stone. Immediately afterwards, Xu Miao felt a strange but familiar atmosphere in his mind.

"I'm staying in your sea of ​​consciousness now, and observe the outside world through your five senses. Just don't reject me." Xu Miao did as he said, and Xiaotian lived up to everyone's expectations, and found a specific direction.

Although there is no phantom formation in this grassland, it still has an extremely slight impact on the monk's five senses.This kind of influence, relying on Xu Miao's cultivation in the Nascent Soul Stage, is undetectable.

As for Xiaotian, as a weapon spirit, although the main body Hunting Stone is now a top-grade innate spirit weapon, it will not be affected by the grassland like a monk, so he can naturally find his way.

"North is in this direction, let's go." Xu Miao pointed forward obliquely and told Huo Yu.Although Huo Yu didn't see what Xu Miao used to identify the direction, but at this moment he knew very well that he had to trust Xu Miao.

From the first time he saw Xu Miao, Huo Yu felt that Xu Miao was unpredictable. His sixth sense told him that Xu Miao, a seemingly ordinary monk, actually hid a lot of secrets in him.

It is these secrets that support Xu Miao to reach her present height.Huo Yu didn't think about attacking Xu Miao and snatching Xu Miao's secrets, but instead considered cooperating with Xu Miao. As for the extent of cooperation, it depends on how far Xu Miao can go.

In the eyes of the other side, both sides are people full of secrets, yet the two can walk along the way in an unusually harmonious way. It has to be said that both of them have the intuition of being top monks-knowing who is the enemy and who is the friend.

All the way to the north, Xu Miao saw a bamboo house again.The structure of this bamboo house is completely different from the ones seen before. The owner of this place bent the bamboo into a dome, and the floor inside the bamboo house is also paved with bamboo.

The bamboo house built in this way has no decorations inside, it is empty.Xu Miao dispersed her consciousness, but the result was the same as before, without any effect.

Xu Miao sighed secretly, and searched the bamboo house with Huo Yu.Walking through a certain ground of the bamboo house, Xu Miao obviously felt that the sound of footsteps falling was quite different from before.

He stepped back a few steps, listened carefully to the sound, and then walked forward, the sound coming out was even more empty.Xu Miao lay down, put her ears on the ground, and tapped the ground with her hands.

If his prediction is correct, the bottom of this bamboo house should be hollow.As for whether there is a tunnel, you need to break through the bamboo here.

The spiritual power is running and concentrated on the right hand.Xu Miao knew that the owner of this place was powerful, so the bamboo laid must be unusual.This palm, Xu Miao used all her strength, but when Xu Miao slapped down, except for the dust flying all over the sky, the bamboo remained motionless.

Huo Yu also joined them, and the two of them were exhausted for a long time, as tired as a cow, and the bamboo didn't respond.At this moment, Xu Miao regretted coming to this strange place.

The two sat back to back on the ground that had just been bombarded, discussing how to break through the bamboo.Suddenly, the bamboo under the two of them was retracted to the sides, and the two of them flew into the air at the same time.

Xu Miao put her hands aside for a moment, turned her body to the right, and landed on the side where she was intact.However, Xu Miao hadn't stood firm yet, and the bamboo on the intact ground began to shrink, more than twice as fast as before.

In this space, the laws of heaven and earth are different from those of the outside world. Xu Miao cannot use teleportation, so she can only move her body and dodge constantly.At this moment, sharp bamboo arrows were shot from the top of the bamboo house, the left and right sides at the same time.

Xu Miao had no doubt that if she was shot by these bamboo arrows, she would definitely be seriously injured.Holding the Mist Condensing Sword in his hand, he opened the bamboo arrow while avoiding the ever-shrinking standing area.

The door of the bamboo house was closed at some point, no matter how hard Xu Miao tried, he couldn't open the door.When dozens of bamboo arrows came at him at the same time, Xu Miao turned around and opened the bamboo arrows, and jumped into the ground.

The bottom of the ground was pitch black, and Xu Miao tried to slow down the descent by running her spiritual power, but found that her spiritual power couldn't work at all.In a hurry, Xu Miao inserted the fog-condensing sword on the downward stone wall, and the fog-condensing sword left a deep scratch on the stone wall.

With the help of the friction between the Mist Sword and the stone wall, Xu Miao's speed slowly decreased, and finally reached the bottom.Xu Miao took out the night pearl to illuminate the surrounding environment.

He raised his head and looked in the direction of the fallen bamboo house, only to see a light that couldn't be smaller, which meant that there was a long distance between this place and the bamboo house above.

Although the spiritual power in Xu Miao's body was able to function, she couldn't use it to go back to the top. The only choice was to walk forward.

"What the hell is this place?" Huo Yu didn't control his direction when he came down, and was hit by a stone wall, with a big bruise swollen on his face.

Xu Miao didn't speak. He looked at the path covered with bones and shook his head silently.These white bones all maintained the appearance of leaping forward, as if they were trying to run forward, but failed to escape.

What kind of secret is hidden here, Xu Miao has no way of knowing.There were more and more bones, until Xu Miao needed to go up to the place where the bones piled up.

"Crack———" There was a piercing sound from the depths of the road. Xu Miao listened carefully to this sound, which seemed to be the sound of bones rubbing against each other.

Xu Miao looked at the white bones that started to vibrate on the soles of her feet, and her face changed.These bones seem to be regrouping and standing up.As soon as Xu Miao had this idea, the white bones on the soles of her feet kept moving.

The sword Qi of the Ningwu Sword surged out, and the wind and ice blades slashed at the bone that was about to be assembled beside him.Under the attack of the fierce sword energy of the Ningwu Sword, the bones scattered one after another.

However, the broken bones did not give up, and continued to vibrate.Xu Miao and Huo Yu looked at each other, and they speeded up and ran forward.

When passing a fork in the road, an attack obviously came from a monk.Xu Miao raised her sword to resist, and after defusing the opponent's attack, Xu Miao did not continue to attack.

This place is too weird, any monk is the strength to fight for.The other party sensed Xu Miao's intention and stopped attacking.When the two groups met, Xu Miao discovered that there were three people on the other side, namely the monks from Qianyangmen, Yintaizong, and Fufenggu.

It's just that the two groups of people didn't even have time to stop to talk, and the bone's attack came again. A group of people ran wildly, resisting the attack of the bone from time to time, and didn't stop until they ran out of the range of the bone.

The common danger disappears, and the two sides stand clearly on either side.Xu Miao looked at the three people on the opposite side, and said slowly: "You guys started to attack because of the white bones?"

Xu Guan from Qianyangmen touched his nose unnaturally: "I was just curious and moved the bones on the table, but I didn't expect to cause this situation."

The two sides exchanged and shared their respective situations, and Xu Miao knew the sect. After the monks of the family left the Illusory Formation, they also found the first bamboo house.

It's just that they don't have the support of Xu Miao's strong spiritual sense, so they can't open the wooden box, so they can only take the wooden box away.After that, he walked to a place by mistake, fell into a hole, and came to the ground.

Finally, I saw the table case, which led to the current situation.According to the description of the three of them, the truth of this place was also not found out.Xu Miao felt that whether it was the phantom array outside, or the grassland, including the bamboo house, it was the intention of the owner of this place.

Otherwise, with the strength of the master of this place, if he does not want outsiders to enter, then the monks in the lower planes will definitely not be able to discover this cave.

There are also monks who entered the cave by mistake at first, and then escaped, their bodies even mutated, and their spirits became crazy.More importantly, there is news about Ascension in his Sea of ​​Consciousness.

However, this group of people has come to the present, and they still have nothing.If the owner of this place specially guides it, the monks who enter will never be allowed to mess around aimlessly.

When Xu Miao was still thinking about what happened, she heard a call: "Come—come—come here—"

This call, obviously a woman's voice, heard a chill down the spine.Xu Miao frowned and walked towards the direction of the voice.

Those present were all monks who had experienced wind and rain, and they would not feel afraid, and walked over one by one.

(End of this chapter)

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