Chapter 405
When Xu Miao walked to the source of the sound, what he saw was a huge transparent glazed jar, inside which was the corpse of a woman.The woman had her limbs chopped off, her eyes gouged out, her nose cut off and her hair and eyebrows shaved off.

"This is—a human pig?" Master Wule of the Yintai Sect asked in surprise, and chanted the Buddha's name.

Xu Miao looked at the woman in the glazed vat in front of her. He had heard of it before. It was a severe punishment for monks who made mistakes in ancient times.

During the execution process, the monk's cultivation base will be completely abolished, and at the same time, a special elixir will be given to the monk to ensure that his life will not die.

Then the monks who made mistakes cut off their limbs, gouged out their eyes, cut off their noses, cut off their tongues, poured brass liquid into their ears, and guaranteed that the monks would not die within 100 years.

This kind of punishment is extremely cruel, and in this day and age, human beings have been wiped out from the world of comprehension.No sect, family, force, or individual is allowed to use this kind of punishment.

Once discovered, monks who use this kind of punishment will be wanted by the entire cultivation world and cast aside by all monks.Xu Miao looked at the woman. If the woman was punished by the human pig, she would have her tongue cut off and her cultivation base abolished.

It is absolutely impossible for them to be able to make a sound and let them hear it after a million years.Xu Miao was not the only one who thought of this, and all five of them had suspicious and serious expressions on their faces.

"Come—don't go—" The woman's voice reappeared. If the voice came from such a short distance, it would definitely not be able to fool the five Nascent Soul cultivators present.

Xu Miao was sure that the voice came from a woman, so Master Wule of Yintai Sect clasped his hands together and recited the Mantra of Rebirth.Everyone's first reaction was that this name's soul was at work.

The reincarnation curse of the Yintai sect can dispel the hostility of the soul, so that the soul can regain its clarity and go to reincarnation.But Master Wule had already recited the mantra of rebirth more than ten times, and the woman's voice was still lingering.

The only possibility is that the strength of the woman's soul is far greater than that of the monk who recited the rebirth mantra—Master Wule.

Before, everyone's attention was on the woman, but they ignored the stone room where the woman was.On one wall of the stone room, there is a stone door inlaid.

Xu Miao walked to the side of the stone gate and pushed it lightly.Unlike the previous door of the bamboo house, this stone door was easily opened by Xu Miao.Inside the stone chamber, there are various instruments of punishment.

"Ahhh—" Xu Miao heard the woman's scream outside before continuing to investigate the small stone room.Xu Miao quickly came to the side of the woman and saw the woman in the glazed vat struggling continuously.

Xu Miao's pupils shrank, and the Mist Condensation Sword appeared in her hand.Master Wule also stopped chanting the mantra of rebirth, and tightly held the prayer beads in his hand.The woman's aura continued to increase, and the five of them felt like they were facing a formidable enemy.

With a "pop", the glazed jar was shattered into pieces, and the woman's body rose into the air.A few white bones flew into this stone room from the outside, constructing a complete body for the woman.

"Hahaha—how many years, how many years, I finally woke up! Hahahaha!" The woman's mouth opened and closed, making a very strange and unpleasant sound.

The woman raised her head and said hysterically, "I want to trap me, abolish my cultivation, suppress my soul, and prevent me from being reborn forever. It's just a dream, a dream! I said I would come back, and I will definitely come back!" "

The eyeless head slowly turned to the direction where the five people were standing: "Since you saved me, then do the good thing to the end, help me one more time, and dedicate all your spiritual power to me!"

As soon as the words fell, the woman walked towards the five people.Her legs were made of white bones, and she couldn't walk steadily, so she wasn't very fast.Xu Miao seized this opportunity and hurriedly fled to the way she came.The speed of the other four people was not slow, their figures flashed and disappeared inside the stone room.

"Hahaha——" the woman staggered after her, "You don't have to run away, because you can't escape at all!" The bones all over the ground, as the woman's voice fell, attacked the five people again.

Under the control of the woman, Bone's attack was much more severe than before.With Xu Miao's strength, he couldn't even survive the attack of bones.

On the arms, legs, and back, there were scars caused by white bones.The moves of Xu Miao's subordinates became more and more fierce, and there was almost no aura here. He could only repel the bones while drinking the spiritual source water to replenish his aura.

Although the woman's speed was not fast, Xu Miao and the others were also not much faster under the obstruction of countless bones.The distance between the two sides became shorter and shorter, and the Wule mage who fell at the end was even attacked by the woman's hand bone.

Xu Miao saw a stone room not far away, and immediately notified the others: "The stone room in front can be temporarily hidden, let's go inside!"

He stood at the door of the stone room and met the remaining four people.Huo Yu entered the stone room the fastest, and the injury suffered by the woman attacking the last mage Wule seriously affected his spiritual power.

Xu Miao stretched out his hand to pull Master Wule into the stone room at the same time as Master Wule stretched out his hand, and swung his sword at the woman who was chasing him.With this sword, Xu Miao struck the woman's kneecap, causing her to lie on the ground.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, Xu Miao quickly stepped back, pushed into the stone room, and watched the door of the stone room.The door of the stone room weighs tens of thousands of catties, and there is a special mechanism inside, as long as you put down the mechanism, it can temporarily resist it for a period of time.

The woman reassembled her kneecaps, walked to the side of Shimen, and aimed at Shimen to attack continuously.Shimen received a strong attack, sending out violent vibrations.

"This stone gate can't last too long, we need to leave as soon as possible!" Unknowingly, Xu Miao became the leader of the five.

One is related to Xu Miao's strength, and the other is that Xu Miao is not chaotic in the face of danger. In the most critical time, he can calmly make the most accurate decisions and choices.

The four of them had no objection, followed the other door and walked to the side passage.Xu Miao observed the passage here, and took out the parchment rubbed before and compared them one by one.

First of all, Xu Miao couldn't be sure whether the map on the parchment was the map of their underground.Second, every passage is similar, and it is even more difficult to determine one's own position from this map.

He can only recall the distance and direction of the passage and the stone chamber along the way, and make a rough guess.This map is too cumbersome, and Xu Miao checked it for a while before confirming the map.

"This map is indeed the map of our underground, and our current location is probably at this location." Xu Miao spread the map and pressed his finger on one of the locations.

Huo Yu is still holding the map for comparison, his speed is not as fast as Xu Miao.When Xu Miao had already determined his location, he still had a headache looking at the map.

Xu Guan's eyes lit up when he saw the map Xu Miao was holding, and asked if he could make a copy.Xu Miao pondered for a moment and agreed to the matter.Even if the other party has a map, it will be useless without the crucial key.

In addition, this map is very complicated, and the underground passages are curved and horizontal. From the map, there are more than one layer of underground passages, at least three layers of passages.It is not an easy task to find passages just through the map.

Since the map and the key are placed together, it means that the most critical place is the door that can only be opened by the key.After Xu Guan and the three of them rubbed it once, the five of them set off again.

The stone gate behind them has already formed a curved bulge.This means that Shimen is about to reach its limit, and they must leave this place as soon as possible.

According to the instructions of the map, they are now on the first floor of the basement. If they want to leave the ground, they must first go to the third floor, and then pass through the teleportation circle on the third floor to leave the cave.

The footsteps of the five people were fast, and they quickly shuttled through the passages.Behind them was the woman's cry of "perseverance", which made the five people dare not stop and rest at all.

The woman adapted to the legs made of bones, and her speed became faster and faster. Fortunately, there were no bones here to hinder their steps, otherwise, they would definitely not be able to escape from the woman's hands.

However, a gate blocked their way forward.There is a wheel next to the gate, and the wheel must be turned to open the gate.

However, the roulette has been placed for too many years, and it has long been rusted and cannot be used.Xu Miao glanced at the roulette wheel, then at the woman who was chasing after her, and ordered decisively: "Xu Guan, you and I will resist that woman."

"You three, turn the roulette as soon as possible." Before the words finished, Xu Miao had already rushed towards the woman.Facing the ancient monks, Xu Miao did not dare to be careless or hold back, and her move was the strongest reincarnation Nirvana formula.

Xu Miao quickly pinched the French seal with both hands, and met the woman's bone hand.When the bones touched Xu Miao's light seal, they immediately backed away.

The woman asked in amazement: "Reincarnation Nirvana Jue? Are you from the Heavenly Cauldron Sect?"

Xu Miao didn't answer the woman's question directly, but just played Tai Chi: "So what if it is? So what if it's not? Would you change your mind about killing us because of these?"

The woman grinned: "You are right, whether you are a cultivator of the Tiandingmen or not, you will die by my hands! The Tiandingmen cannot escape the end of destruction, let alone you!"

The woman waved the bones again and attacked Xu Miao.Xu Miao couldn't withstand the opponent's frontal attack, so she could only circle around without making direct contact with him.

Xu Guan attacked the woman in time and affected her.The woman had just come out of the glazed vat, and her strength had not yet recovered. Otherwise, Xu Miao and Xu Guan could be killed instantly with just one blow.

Xu Miao could clearly feel that the woman's strength was gradually recovering. Although the recovery speed was very slow, she was still slowly recovering.He was thinking of playing around with the other party, so why didn't this woman also have this idea.

(End of this chapter)

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