Taikoo Immortal King

Chapter 406 Ascending Immortal City

Chapter 406 Ascending Immortal City

With the joint efforts of the three monks, the wheel finally started to spin.However, the rotation speed of the roulette is too slow, and it takes at least half a stick of incense to complete a complete revolution.

The struggle between Xu Miao and the woman was getting more and more stressful.The woman's strength is constantly increasing, but his spiritual power is constantly being consumed.

Under the ebb and flow, Xu Miao has already stepped back ten steps.Xu Miao's strength already belongs to the best monks of the same rank.An opponent that even he couldn't resist, let alone Xu Guan.

Xu Guan's strength ranked second in Qianyangmen. This time, Zhang Ya was supposed to lead the team, but because Zhang Ya was defeated by Xu Miao in the monk ranking competition, he was hit and went to retreat directly after the match.

Therefore, Qianyangmen could only send a team led by Xu Guan to explore the ancient monk's cave.Xu Guan's strength, if he does not meet Xu Miao, top monks like Zhang Ya, is also worth seeing.

It's a pity that he lived in the same era as Xu Miao, Zhang Ya, etc., and he has always maintained the second place in Qianyangmen, and he was also nicknamed the second in the millennium.

Xu Guan has tried his best to influence the woman, but with little success.However, although Xu Guan's strength could not compete with his own, at least he could influence the woman a little bit and give Xu Miao a chance to replenish his spiritual power.

If Xu Miao fights with them alone, there is no need to be so troublesome. Just release Qingjiao and Huoyan Lingyao directly, and the three of them will fight one, which is enough for fun.

At this time, Xu Miao could only think about it freely and talk to comfort herself.The roulette wheel was about to complete one rotation, and the tiger's mouth where Xu Miao was holding the Wu Ningwu Sword was completely torn apart.

Every attack of the woman will have a great impact on the Ningwu Sword.The current level of the Mist Sword has not been improved, so he cannot let the Mist Sword be damaged here.

"Xu Miao, there are still ten breaths left!" Huo Yu transmitted the voice to Xu Miao, telling Xu Miao the specific time.In ten breaths, the gate will open, and he needs to push the woman back and enter the gate within ten breaths.

Under the fierce attack of the woman, Xu Guan had already suffered serious injuries.Xu Miao ordered Xu Guan to step back first and enter the gate.The woman was about to strike Xu Guan, but Xu Miao came to Xu Guan in time, and raised the fog sword upwards.

It was dangerous and dangerous, Xu Miao blocked the blow for Xu Guan.Although the fatal blow had been blocked, Xu Guan and Xu Miao were still affected by the aftermath of the blow.

Especially Xu Guan, who was thrown to the ground by the aftermath.Xu Miao slapped Xu Guan, and with this palm, Xu Miao sent Xu Guan to Huo Yu's side.

"Take him into the gate!" With that slap just now, although Xu Miao successfully sent Xu Guan away, he sent the empty gate to the woman's hands.The woman let out a cold laugh and slapped Xu Miao.

The woman's hand was made of white bones, and this grab directly left five bloodstains on Xu Miao's chest.Xu Miao didn't defend against this grab, he wanted to use this opportunity to retreat.

The woman never expected that Xu Miao would rather be attacked than retreat.Xu Miao faced the woman, swung a horizontal sword at her, and stepped back.

The five claw marks left on his chest continued to erode Xu Miao's body, and Xu Miao's dragon blood worked at the same time.Use dragon power to cover the bloodstains and prevent them from spreading.

"Huh?" The woman let out a light snort, but did not immediately chase after her.Xu Miao seized the opportunity and entered the gate.When Xu Miao entered the gate, before she could even catch her breath, she cut off the rope connecting the gate with a sword.

The rope broke and the roulette was no longer functioning.Judging by the strength of this gate, it can last for a while.At this time, Xu Miao felt powerless all over her body, and almost all her spiritual power was exhausted.

He took out the spiritual source water and the Cangmu fruit and swallowed it to replenish his spiritual power.Seeing the fruit in Xu Miao's hand, Huo Yu asked curiously, "Xu Miao, where did you pick this fruit? I've never seen such a strong spiritual power!"

Xu Miao raised her eyes and glanced at him, only saying that she got it by chance during an adventure in a secret realm.He didn't say that this fruit was produced by his own image, which is too dangerous.

He had never seen in any historical materials that the images of monks could bear fruit and help monks recover their spiritual power.Therefore, Xu Miao never told outsiders about this matter.

Even though Huo Yu had no other thoughts but just asked out of curiosity, Xu Miao had to guard against it.Except for Xu Miao and Xu Guan who were seriously injured, everyone else is in good condition and there is no problem.

After the breath adjustment, Xu Miao had time to watch the specific environment behind the gate.Behind the gate is a small town.The construction of this town, from the city gates to the city walls, is completely different from the current cultivation world.

On the plaque above the city gate, there are three big characters - Shengxian City.When Xu Miao saw the name of this town, her heart trembled.The reason why monks practice so hard is to become a fairy and obtain eternal life.

Here, there is a City of Ascension to Immortals.What surprised Xu Miao the most was that this Immortal City was not located on the ground, but underground.Xu Miao took out the map, and saw a square indicated on the map, which probably should be this Immortal City.

The city gate was tightly closed. Xu Miao pushed it with her hand, and the door made a "creaking" sound and opened slowly.What appeared in the eyes of everyone was a road about ten feet wide.

There are row upon row of houses on both sides of the road.On both sides of the main road, there are also other roads extending in all directions.The most central location of Shengxian City is a nine-story tower.

The whole city is spacious and tidy. Whether it is roads or houses, they all show the prosperity and grandeur of the city.Everyone split up and checked the situation of each house.

Every house is very normal, whether it is furnishings, displays, or various utensils, all of them show the leisure and comfort of the people living here.

It seems normal, but in fact it is the most abnormal.These houses are not like places where monks live at all, but more like towns for mortals.Every arrangement is according to the preferences of mortals.

No matter which house it was, Xu Miao found no trace of monks.The futon for practicing kung fu, the spiritual animal room, the spiritual grass room, the alchemy room... nothing, completely contrary to the name of this town.

Since this city is called Shengxian City, it should have gathered all kinds of monks instead of a paradise for mortals.The five people searched all the places except the tower, and all came to the same conclusion.

Now, they must go to the tower to find out, maybe in the tower, they can find some clues.The tall tower is in the center of Shengxian City, and there are many windows on each floor.

The door of the high tower is different from other doors. The doors in other places need to be pushed open by them to open.As for the door of the tower, Xu Miao just stood in front of the door and it opened automatically.

A look of vigilance flashed in Xu Miao's eyes, she was condensed and fierce in one hand, and she walked into the tower with the Wu Condensing Sword in the other.As soon as the five people entered the tower, the tower door closed automatically again.

As a monk's intuition, the five people immediately gathered in one place, with their backs pressed against each other, facing outward, and stood vigilantly.The quaint bell rang slowly, one after another, for a total of five rings.

Does the five bells correspond to the five of them?Xu Miao frowned and asked Master Wule.Master Wule was born in the Yintai sect. Although he is also a monk, he also keeps company with the ancient Qingdeng Buddha every day. He must be no stranger to the sound of bells.

"Does the five bells have any special meaning in Buddhism?" Master Wule heard Xu Miao's question, pondered for a moment, and shook his head: "No, Buddhism generally emphasizes the return of nine to one. Ring the bell with nine, or multiples of nine."

Xu Miao immediately asked another question: "If there is a Buddha cultivating to become a Buddha, or if a Buddha cultivating falls, will the bell ring?"

Master Wule thought for a while according to Xu Miao's thinking, and said: "There is such a way. According to the records of the Buddhist scriptures, if there is a Buddha who cultivates and becomes a Buddha, a bell will ring in the direction of the western sky. If there is a Buddha sitting and transforming, there will also be a bell." Long beep."

Whether it was Xu Miao or the other three, when they heard Master Wule's words, bad thoughts arose in their hearts.Naturally, they did not become Buddhas, so it is very likely that they are going to sit down.

When the bell fell silent, a few lines of golden words appeared out of nowhere on the wall inside the tower—those who successfully climbed to the top of the ninth floor of the tower will ascend to immortality.

In Xu Miao's eyes, these words would not be regarded as a guide to ascend, but a reminder.I'm afraid that when they reach the ninth floor, they will die.

But the tower gate could no longer be reopened, and if he wanted to leave, he could only rely on the ninth floor of the tower.The golden words suddenly disappeared, and ten golden armored guards holding long spears appeared beside the five people at the same time.

Xu Miao's expression was concentrated, and she said in a deep voice: "One person and two, quick battle and quick decision!" Before he finished speaking, Xu Miao had already rushed towards the two golden armored guards in front of him.

The Ningwu sword almost became an afterimage in his hand, and each sword could hit the joints of the golden armored guard.However, the strange thing was that no matter how Xu Miao hit the golden armored guard, the golden armored guard did not suffer any damage.

"What's going on! These guys can't be killed!" Huo Yu threw out the talismans one by one, but the aftermath of the explosion dissipated, and the golden armored guards were still golden armored guards, without any change at all.

Xu Miao summoned the spirit fire and burned the golden armored guards, but there was no response.Xu Miao sent out sword energy, but there was no response.No matter what kind of attack Xu Miao used, she couldn't really hurt the golden armored guard.

"Xu Miao, I remembered, this golden armored guard, and this Immortal City, Immortal Tower, I know what they are!" Xiaotian's voice was a little annoyed with excitement, if she could remember earlier, It will definitely prevent Xu Miao from entering the tower.

Since the golden armored guard could not be killed, Xu Miao simply slowed down the momentum of the attack, reserved her spiritual power, and listened to Xiaotian's introduction of the specific situation here.

It turned out that Xiaotian's first master, a monk in the Mahayana period, had also searched for things about becoming an immortal.

(End of this chapter)

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