Taikoo Immortal King

Chapter 408 The Truth About Immortal City

Chapter 408 The Truth About Immortal City

In the middle of the incense burner, there is a stick of sandalwood.However, this sandalwood was not ignited, but kept extinguished.Xu Miao's index finger and thumb rubbed together, and a blue flame appeared out of thin air on the index finger.

Xu Miao brought the flame close to the sandalwood, no matter how Xu Miao pushed the flame, the sandalwood could not be ignited.Strange, Xu Miao simply summoned the spiritual fire and used the spiritual fire to light the sandalwood, but the sandalwood still did not respond.

He retracted his fingers and began to think about this sandalwood.If it cannot be ignited with fire, then what should be ignited with it.In the Immortal Tower, you can't use common sense to speculate, you must approach the hunter's mind.

The hunter most needs the prey to be under his control. How to control the prey can use a contract.Xu Miao's eyes lit up, it was a contract!Those who need the monk's life need the monk to be under his control.

In the world of comprehension, what can best control external objects is a contract, especially a contract based on blood.Only this kind of contract can firmly control the monks.

Xu Miao cut her finger and accurately dripped a drop of blood on the sandalwood.The sandalwood that could not be ignited before was finally ignited, exuding fresh air.

As the sandalwood is lit, the stairs leading to the fifth floor also appear.At this time, the place where he came up also had fluctuations in spiritual power, and Huo Yu and the others should have already cleared the illusion.

When he reached the fifth floor, he immediately felt his eyes darken, and his chest felt cramped.Xu Miao raised her hand and grabbed her chest, sweating profusely.

The contract should have played a role, and Xu Miao is now in a state of being controlled.The corner of Xu Miao's mouth raised an obvious arc. It might not be so easy to control him.

Xu Miao mobilized the dragon's blood, and the dragon force instantly enveloped his whole body.Shielding the outside world, Xu Miao's body will no longer be affected by the control.

In the middle of the fifth floor, there is a desk with a piece of yellow paper placed on top of the desk.Next to the table, there is a futon.Xu Miao crossed her legs and sat on the futon, silently reading the words on the yellow paper.

As Xu Miao read, the words gradually emitted a shining light.Immediately afterwards, the yellow paper became brighter and brighter, directly turning into a ball of flames, and the yellow paper also turned into a ball of black ash.

Hei Hui slowly floated in front of Xu Miao, and there was a line of words on the case table - take Hei Hui to show sincerity.Xu Miao looked at this line of words with a flickering expression.

He remained still for a while, swallowing Hei Hui.The moment the black ash entered the body, it turned into black air and spread to every part of the body, even the Nascent Soul was enveloped by the black air.Xu Miao turned a blind eye and walked towards the stairs that just appeared.

On the seventh floor, a glass of water appeared, asking the monk to drink it.With no expression on Xu Miao's face, she stretched out her hand to hold the cup, without the slightest hesitation, and drank the water with her neck raised.

After the water entered the body, it dissolved the black air in various parts of the body just now, and everything returned to normal.Xu Miao knew very well that this seemed normal, but in fact it was the most abnormal.

If the water he drank just now could counteract the black air, then it would be meaningless for him to swallow the black ash before.The only possibility is that control has shifted from the bright side to the dark side.

No matter how the monk probed, it was impossible to find out whether the body was really set with some kind of curse.He'll soon find out, though.There were still two floors to go, Xu Miao walked to the eighth floor without stopping.

On the eighth floor, silver-armored guards suddenly appeared.Ten silver-armored guards attacked Xu Miao at the same time, in all directions, with no room for dodge at all.

Instead of retreating, Xu Miao advanced, and the Wu Ningjian slashed straight at the two silver armored guards.Under the attack of the Mist Sword, the silver armored guard was split in half.

This time, the silver-armored guard didn't have enough body, but emitted a strong gas from separate body parts, enveloping Xu Miao.Xu Miao held her breath the first time she noticed the gas.

However, these gases will not only enter the body through the mouth and nose, but also enter the body through the pores of the body.The scene in front of him immediately became a little different, and the number of silver-armored guards increased.

"Xiaotian, I have a problem with my vision. I can't see the number of the silver-armored guards and their exact locations. Help me see. Tell me where the silver-armored guards are. I'll kill them!" Xiaotian heard Xu Miao's words The command was answered yes.

"Third from the left!" Xu Miao raised her hand and stabbed out the Fog Condensing Sword, and the silver armored guard was hacked to death.Without Xiaotian, Xu Miao would definitely spend a lot of time here.

When the last silver armor guard was killed, all the gas dissipated in an instant, and what appeared in front of Xu Miao was the last staircase.He had a hunch that as long as he walked up to the ninth floor, he would know a lot of things.

Including the master of the ancient monk's cave, Shengxian City, and the secrets and truths of Shengxian Pagoda.Xu Miao's spiritual power in her body has problems, and her legs are almost weak.

He supported his body with the Mist Sword and walked towards the ninth floor.Above the ninth floor, there is only one door.There are three big characters written on the door - Shengxian Gate.

Xu Miao looked at these three words, and a mocking smile appeared on the corner of her mouth.Immortal?It was just a scam from the beginning to the end, a scam that tricked the monk into the middle of the trap step by step.

But he has come here, there is no reason not to push the door open.Xu Miao staggered to the door and held out her hand.Xiaotian was worried in the Huntian Stone, but he couldn't stop Xu Miao.

The moment the door was pushed open, a shining but very soft, warm glow fell on Xu Miao's body.For those monks who have worked so hard to get to the ninth floor, their hearts must be filled with infinite joy and hope at this time.

It is a pity that this hope is doomed to become despair, and this joy is doomed to become sorrow.The world inside the door is surrounded by immortal energy, immortal sounds permeate the ears, and the existence of immortal Yu can be vaguely seen.

With a mocking smile on the corner of Xu Miao's mouth all the time, she walked into the so-called "immortal world", and the door behind her was also closed at this moment.A bridge made of white jade appeared in front of him. Xu Miao walked over it, but just halfway there, the whole bridge collapsed completely.

Xu Miao, whose spiritual power movement was obscure, couldn't use her spiritual power to fly up in time when she fell.Xu Miao continued to fall with a very calm face, the wind whistling in her ears, the picture of the fairyland gradually faded away, and there was more and more black mist around her.

From the beginning to the end, Xu Miao did not show the slightest panic.When he fell heavily on the ground, he only frowned slightly.

"Won't you be angry, despair, and angry when you see the fairyland turning into hell!" A voice suddenly rang in Xu Miao's ear.

Xu Miao propped up her body and looked at the man in black standing beside her: "It doesn't matter whether I have this emotion or not. The important thing is that you have this emotion, and this emotion has tortured you for many years."

The body of the man in black was invisible for the first time, and he said sharply, "What did you say!"

"Don't you understand what I'm talking about? You have worked hard to build the cave, dug criss-crossing roads underground, and specially built the Immortal City and Immortal Tower, just to attract monks from outside? "

Xu Miao looked at the man in black, walked to the side and sat down.Although he didn't show any signs of pain, his current physical condition was very bad, and he couldn't stand for a long time at all.

"Since you came out of Shengxian City alive, why did you tell your close friends about this. What is your purpose, and the female cultivator who was made into a human pig? If I guessed correctly, it should be you Taoist couple."

"You said that her soul has been imprisoned until today, is it for her to enjoy eternal life, or eternal pain!" The moment Xu Miao saw the man in black, many questions that had been haunting her mind were answered.

The man in black listened to Xu Miao's statements and questions, but did not answer for a long time.Xu Miao sat at the side without urging him, just waiting for him to speak.

The man in black has lived from ancient times to the present age. No matter the method he uses, it is against the sky, and he has to pay a huge price for it.

In the same way, if he is alone for a long time, there will inevitably be many things that no one talks about.Xu Miao was waiting, waiting for the moment when the man in black took the initiative to confide. He believed that more information would be revealed to him if the man in black told him himself.

"You're right. I imprisoned her soul, but I didn't dare to see her. Is it for her good or for her harm..." The man in black spoke hoarsely, telling Xu Miao a story about a million years ago. , the story of ancient times.

Some of the plots are almost the same as what Xiaotian's previous owner knew.The man in black, named Qi Feng, was the first cultivator who discovered Shengxian City.

Although Qi Feng was excited, he also found it strange, and he also had a Taoist companion, the woman who became a human pig—Jin Ting, so he quit Shengxian City immediately.

In order to be able to judge the truth of the incident in Shengxian City, Qi Feng pretended to be worried and told his close friends.At that time, his friend's apprentice was on the side, but he knew it but didn't point it out.

He had to wait for other monks to get the news, and was tempted by Cheng Xian to verify Shengxian City for him.With Qi Feng's help, countless monks knew about this matter, and countless monks poured into Shengxian City.

A small number of monks noticed the abnormality and quit in time, but more monks couldn't resist the temptation of becoming immortals, and walked into the City of Immortal Ascension and the Tower of Immortal Ascension.

One of the monks who was tempted was Qi Feng's Taoist companion Jin Ting.Jin Ting longs to become an immortal, and her purpose of cultivating immortality is to become an immortal. She couldn't resist this temptation, so she entered the City of Ascending Immortals alone without telling Qi Feng.

When Qi Feng knew about it, Jin Ting had already entered the Ascension Tower.In order to get Jin Ting back, Qi Feng had no choice but to forcibly break into the Tower of Immortal Ascension, and he walked through every floor of the Tower of Immortal Ascension.

But when he saw Jin Ting again, Jin Ting had already turned into a human pig, and was being sucked away by a person who couldn't see her face clearly.

(End of this chapter)

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