Taikoo Immortal King

Chapter 409 Qi Feng's Purpose

Chapter 409 Qi Feng's Purpose

Qi Feng used secret techniques to rescue Jin Ting, but found that he could not connect his limbs.At that time, Jin Ting's mind had already fallen into a state of madness. In desperation, he could only say that Jin Ting was placed in the glass jar.

The glazed jar is a rare treasure, which can delay the aging of monks.Although Qi Feng was angry that Jin Ting went to Shengxian City without his own will, he couldn't just sit back and watch Jin Ting die in front of him.

So he used a special method to imprison Jin Ting's soul in her body.As long as the spell imprisoning the soul does not disappear, Jin Ting can obtain the so-called "immortality".

Although Jin Ting doesn't like this kind of "immortality", she has no right to choose.After Qi Feng rescued Jin Ting from the mysterious man, he was also seriously injured. He didn't know what the mysterious man was planning, but he knew that the mysterious man's purpose was definitely not pure.

Qi Feng built a simulation of Shengxian City and placed it underground, waiting for someone who wants to crack it.This cave will be opened every ten thousand years, but unfortunately no monk has ever walked in front of Qi Feng.

The current Qi Feng is no longer the Qi Feng of ancient times, but a phantom formed by the condensed resentment and unwillingness left over.In order to let future generations know about Shengxian City, Qi Feng also left a clone here.

It's just that this avatar remained in a sleeping state until Xu Miao appeared, woke it up, and told Xu Miao everything that had happened.

After Xu Miao listened to Qi Feng's added details, it was roughly similar to what he had guessed.The mysterious person needs a large number of monks to do one thing.

However, ordinary monks alone cannot accomplish his goal.Therefore, the mysterious person set up the Immortal City and the Immortal Pagoda to allow the monks to pass the test of the Immortal Tower, thereby changing the monk's body. Xu Miao's current body is in the process of changing.

"What do you plan to transform my body into?" Xu Miao was more concerned about the current condition of her body than anything else.

Qi Feng glanced at Xu Miao, and said, "Due to the limitations of the era you live in, your body is filled with a lot of turbidity. Although you can't perceive this kind of turbidity, it will affect your future advancement speed."

"Although every level of the test in the Immortal Pagoda is exactly the same as what I experienced at that time, I have made improvements to facilitate the discharge of the stale air in your body. It is also my reward for asking you to investigate the truth behind this matter."

When Xu Miao heard this, her spiritual consciousness swept across her body.There is turbidity in his body, which is something he has never discovered.The turbidity in the monk's body that Qi Feng said was different from the turbidity in Xu Miao's monk ranking match that day.

This kind of turbidity exists between heaven and earth.When a monk absorbs the aura of heaven and earth, he will discard as much impurities as possible and only choose aura.But impurities cannot be completely discarded, there will always be one or two entering the monk's body along with the aura of heaven and earth.

Over time, more and more impurities will accumulate in the monk's body, which is the turbid air in Qi Feng's mouth.Moreover, this kind of impurity is not easy to be found by monks, and it is easy to ignore, and it will also affect the future cultivation of monks.

Xu Miao discovered that his bones were already in a state of white jade.However, after several floors of the Shengxian Pagoda have been transformed, the bones are now more transparent.In addition, the state displayed by his Nascent Soul is also more thorough.

If it wasn't for this coincidence, Xu Miao would not have discovered the problem when he entered this ancient monk's cave.

"After all, your era is different from ours. Even though you have eliminated the turbid qi now, as you practice in the future, the turbid qi will still accumulate in your body. With the decline of cultivation, many skills and inheritances have disappeared. I will eliminate the turbid qi now. The skills taught to you."

A white light rushed towards Xu Miao's sea of ​​consciousness. Although Qi Feng said a lot and Xu Miao believed a lot, Xu Miao was still vigilant about this kind of inheritance.

His consciousness gathered aside, ready to launch a counterattack at any time.However, Xu Miao guessed wrong this time, Qi Feng was indeed teaching the exercises.After teaching the exercises, the white light also dissipated in Xu Miao's sea of ​​consciousness, and there was no trace left.

"You told me so much just to let me investigate the mysterious person behind it?" The monks in ancient times would only be more scheming than the current monks, and it is even more impossible to give away the exercises in vain. To Xu Miao.

Qi Feng nodded slightly in surprise and said: "Ordinary monks would have been overjoyed if they had obtained the exercises of the ancient times. But I can't see the joy and happiness from your face at all, and you can still ask Yu Yu so calmly. I."

"You are right. I really need you to find the truth behind it. But not now, your strength is too weak. Compared with me in the past, you are just an ant-like existence, let alone that mysterious person."

Xu Miao has always guessed that Qi Feng's previous cultivation was able to save Jin Ting from the hands of a suspected "immortal" and get away. This kind of strength is definitely not just an ordinary level.

"You are a cultivator in the period of crossing the catastrophe, and you are only one step away from becoming an immortal. If you can survive the catastrophe, you should be able to ascend in the daytime."

Qi Feng's surprise was clearly shown: "If it wasn't for the bronze gate I set up to distinguish the real strength of a monk, I would really suspect that you are not a cultivation base of the Nascent Soul Stage at all, but some old monster who lowered the cultivation base. for coming in."

"Whether it is heart, resourcefulness, or courage, you far surpass me. When I was still in the Nascent Soul Stage, I didn't have your strength."

Xu Miao did not show the slightest joy in the appreciation of the ancient monk Qi Feng.If he is Qi Feng, he must be looking for a monk with a higher cultivation base, the more able to help him avenge him.

However, Qi Feng didn't choose the monks of the stage of transformation into gods, nor the monks of the late stage of Nascent Soul, but the monks of the early and middle stage of Nascent Soul. This choice must have his deep meaning.

Xu Miao speculated that there should be a kind of exercise in Qi Feng's hands, or a kind of contract.With Qi Feng's current strength, it is no longer possible to control the cultivators of Huashen and the late stage monks, and can only control the early and middle stage monks.

Sure enough, Qi Feng coughed a few times, and said: "I still have a heaven-level high-grade exercise in my hand, as long as you are willing to sign a contract with me, I can pass it on to you." Xu Miao's eyes flashed when he heard this. A look of "I knew it".

"Heaven-level top-grade exercises?"

"That's right. I know that your current cultivation world is different from the ancient times. It is divided into the upper plane and the lower plane. You are a monk belonging to the lower plane, and you must have never seen the heavenly high-grade exercises."

"Once you ascend to the upper plane, your strength will not be able to compete with the monks on the upper plane. But as long as you practice the heaven-level top-grade kung fu, you absolutely don't need to be afraid of them in the future."

Xu Miao interrupted Qi Feng's boastful talk: "I'm afraid your contract is not a simple contract, but a means of control. This is the reason why you didn't choose a monk with a higher cultivation level."

"It's been too long, even though your avatar has been in a deep sleep state, it can't change the sharp decline in strength. The heaven-level top-grade exercises you promised must exist, but the price you need to pay will definitely not be less .”

"You have spent millions of years trying your best, just to get rid of a monk you don't know, to find a truth that has nothing to do with him at all?"

Xu Miao questioned Qi Feng word by word, "What you said is indeed true, but the most believable lie has always been the one that conceals part of the truth."

"Your real purpose is nothing more than to leave this place, regain the opportunity to practice, and finally ascend to immortality. As for Jin Ting, it may indeed be your obsession, but from the moment you imprisoned her soul, you have no longer Tell her to be your Taoist companion."

After Xu Miao finished speaking, there was no more words.He would say all of these, just to stimulate Qi Feng to lose his composure, thus revealing some flaws.

He can be sure that Qi Feng, who has set up such complex caves, underground passages, Shengxian City, and Shengxian Pagoda, must still have a backup.No matter what this backhand is, it is absolutely terrifying.

Listening to Xu Miao's words, Qi Feng was silent for a long time, and after a long time, he sneered: "Yes, yes, you have far exceeded my expectations and calculations, and you can see through all my purposes."

"But so what, since you know that I will choose the monks in the early and middle stages of Nascent Soul, it is precisely because I have full confidence that I can control you!"

"Most of the monks in this era are cowardly. It is really not easy to meet a genius like you. If you are given time, you will definitely reach a level that surprises me in the future."

"But you don't have that chance anymore, because your body will be taken over by me. From now on, your soul and will will dissipate between heaven and earth, and only I, Qi Feng, will be left!"

As soon as the words fell, Qi Feng's whole body turned into a cloud of black mist and rushed towards Xu Miao.Xu Miao's body was seriously injured due to the transformation of the Immortal Ascension Pagoda and the direct fall to the ground.

Although he tried his best to talk to Qi Feng and procrastinate for time, he had reached his limit.There must be a battle between him and Qi Feng!
At the moment when the black mist charged, Xu Miao supported the stone wall behind her with her right hand, and rolled to one side with her short body, avoiding the first round of impact of the black mist.Xu Miao's expression was solemn, and there was a dark tide in his eyes.

The black mist is coming fiercely, and it will inevitably occupy his body and destroy his soul through means similar to seizing the house.

Xu Miao heard a low murmur from the black mist. He couldn't hear it clearly, but he vaguely felt that his soul was a little unstable.Xu Miao didn't panic, and used the skills of Soul Wumen to stabilize her soul.

Want to pass this, just take away his soul?His soul has been tempered by the Soul Martial Arts, so how could he be easily attacked by Qi Feng.

Qi Feng was obviously surprised: "How could your soul not respond? This is impossible!"

(End of this chapter)

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