Taikoo Immortal King

Chapter 410 Capture Qi Feng Alive

Chapter 410 Capture Qi Feng Alive
Xu Miao snorted coldly, and said, "How is that impossible? You are just a monk from the ancient times. Certain exercises in the ancient times did ruin the inheritance, but some exercises were passed down intact."

"The ancient sect that can stabilize the soul, you should know better than me which sect it is."

"Soul Wumen!" Qi Feng said after thinking about it, gnashing his teeth, "Your luck and chance are really not shallow. I underestimated you to be able to obtain the inheritance and skills of Soul Wumen."

"However, do you think that the martial arts of Soul Wumen can keep your soul safe and sound?" After Qi Feng said, a purple-golden bell slowly appeared in the black mist.

As Qi Feng recited the mantra, the bell gradually grew larger.Qi Feng shook the bell, and the sound waves generated by the bell even materialized, directly attacking Xu Miao's soul.

Xu Miao frowned suddenly, the attack power of this bell should not be underestimated.It can ignore the defenses of the body and the mind, allowing the soul to be directly attacked.

"Your era is not great enough after all. How strong can the monks cultivated in this era be?" Qi Feng spoke coldly, and his voice was full of absolute confidence.

Xu Miao didn't answer Qi Feng's words. Ling Dang's attack had already caused his soul to float again. Even using the skills of Soul Wumen could not stop this trend.

He silently mobilized the dragon's blood in his heart. The protective effect of dragon's blood involves all aspects. He believed that the dragon's power would definitely be able to protect the soul.The dragon's blood slowly moved into the blood vessels of the head, releasing the dragon's power.

Under the protection of Longli, the soul can finally not be affected by the sound of the bell.Xu Miao continued to practice the soul martial arts to stabilize the soul.

"Dragon power?" Qi Feng stared at Xu Miao intently, the monk in front of him completely exceeded his expectations, with endless methods, even with dragon power.

Even in the early days of ancient times when cultivation resources were abundant, there were no dragons in the cultivation world.All the monks believed that dragons had long been extinct in ancient times and no longer existed.

But in the realm of comprehension a million years later, a monk with dragon power suddenly appeared, how could this make Qi Feng calm.With Xu Miao Yuanying's initial strength, he can possess dragon power, and he can be sure that this child is favored by heaven.

If he can take this son's body as his own, he will definitely be able to return to the Transcending Tribulation Stage and successfully ascend.Qi Feng's eyes were burning. In his heart, Xu Miao was no longer a person, but a perfect container.

This container can help him and bring him good luck.It is not uncommon in the world of comprehension to rob a monk of his luck.

"Boy, your luck is really against the sky. You have surprised me again and again. Your body is even better than any body I have ever seen."

Xu Miao's voice was cold, without any warmth: "Before you, there were many opportunities to covet my body and my body. But you should be very clear about their ending. I can stand here, which means that they are all dead."

"You -- you won't be that exception!" Xu Miao and Qi Feng shot at the same time, and the Wu Condensing Sword collided with the black mist in the air.Although Xu Miao's current spiritual power reserves are not enough, his sword practice has reached the point where he can display sword intent without spiritual support.

His sword intent was a dazzling white light, Qi Feng's black mist tried to eat away at Xu Miao's sword intent, but Xu Miao's sword intent blocked it instead.One black and one white, constantly fighting in the air, not giving in to each other.

"It turns out that you are a swordsman. Although I am not a swordsman, it doesn't matter. I will reluctantly accept it." Qi Feng's words were arrogant, and he directly regarded Xu Miao's body as his own.

Xu Miao sneered again and again: "Accept? Just because you are an old man, you want to accept my body in a whimsical way? Who gave you the courage, who gave you the confidence? You don't even look in the mirror, you have the qualification ?"

Before the words fell, Xu Miao's aura surged again, suppressing the black mist backwards.Qi Feng wondered why a monk in the early stage of Nascent Soul who was seriously injured had such a frightening aura.

What surprised Qi Feng even more was that two more terrifying auras suddenly appeared behind him, one was the aura of an incarnation, and the other was the aura of a half-step incarnation.

If it was in the past, he would naturally not pay attention to it.Even if a monk in the Mahayana period stood in front of him, he would just smile and kill him with one move.

But today is different from the past, Qi Feng does not have the strength of the past, and can only control the monks in the early and middle stages of Nascent Soul.Incarnation of a monk, half-step incarnation of a monk, he can't control it at all, let alone two appearing at the same time.

To make matters worse, there was a monk in front of him whose strength far surpassed that of the Nascent Soul Stage, which put him in a completely hostile situation.

Although Qi Feng had already changed his form to the state of black mist, Xu Miao knew that Qi Feng was afraid from the panic of the black mist just now.

"Aren't you surprised? Are you surprised? As I said, you are just a cultivator abandoned by time, and you have passed away long ago. In front of me, you don't have the qualifications and capital to be arrogant." Xu Miao's words were domineering, and directly shocked everyone. Feng's mind.

Huoyan Lingyao and Qingjiao attacked at the same time, assisted by Xu Miao's sword intent to suppress, and directly captured Qi Feng's black mist alive.Xu Miao was not careless. After capturing Qi Feng, his subordinates kept imposing restraints on Qi Feng.

Ancient monk, this is the first time Xu Miao confronts an ancient monk face to face.He didn't know their methods, and their methods of suppressing the bottom of the box.What he can do is to impose restrictions as much as possible, so that even if Qi Feng wants to escape, he cannot break the restrictions.

"Damn it! You! You!" After Qi Feng was captured alive by Xu Miao, he was so angry that he was incoherent and couldn't complete his words.

Xu Miao looked at Qi Feng contemptuously: "What's wrong with me? Aren't you very powerful? Aren't you very arrogant? Don't you still want to take my body for yourself? Why don't you continue to do it? Why don't you continue to be arrogant? gone?"

"You are right. The times are indeed different. People like you have long been abandoned by the times. They should have died a million years ago, but they have survived until now."

Xu Miao has imposed many restrictions, most of which are to imprison the opponent's strength.Qi Feng also returned from the state of black mist to the state of an adult.

Although he has caught Qi Feng now, Xu Miao has a premonition that Qi Feng still has tricks that he hasn't revealed yet.He didn't dare to be careless, and remained vigilant.

Qi Feng wanted to seize his body and occupy his body, so Qi Feng's soul must still be there.Otherwise, it is impossible to completely occupy his body with just one avatar.

That being the case, Qi Feng's soul must be hidden not far away.What Xu Miao has to do now is to find Qi Feng's soul and destroy it.

A monk soul who used to be in the tribulation period, even if a million years have passed, the soul strength of the opponent still cannot be underestimated.If Qi Feng used his own soul power as soon as he came up, Xu Miao really couldn't resist it.

But Qi Feng was too careful about his own soul, and at the same time underestimated Xu Miao too much.Qi Feng never imagined that a monk whose cultivation base was only in the early stage of the Nascent Soul could possess strength far beyond that in the early stage of the Nascent Soul.

In addition, there are even monsters who have transformed into gods and half-step transformed into gods, and the monsters are by his side.One wrong move, and the whole game is lost.Qi Feng's carelessness made him lose his greatest support.

This place is Qi Feng's territory, and he will definitely set up many traps or defenses here.If you search rashly, you may fall into Qi Feng's trap.

Strictly speaking, Qi Feng's lifespan is a million years.To use a common saying in the mortal world, Qi Feng has traveled more bridges than Xu Miao.

Regardless of the various things he has experienced or the degree of rigor in considering things, Xu Miao dare not compare him casually.Before being able to extract Qi Feng's words and deal with the other party, Xu Miao's every word he said was thoughtful and proficient.

Such an old monster, how could Xu Miao dare to relax her vigilance.Qi Feng looked at Xu Miao's face as if he was facing a formidable enemy, and laughed loudly: "I thought you are so calm and powerful, and you are not walking on thin ice!"

Xu Miao glanced at Qi Feng: "At least I caught you. It is an undisputable fact that I won and you lost. You'd better keep quiet, otherwise, you should be very clear. , What methods does the Soul Martial Sect have to punish souls?"

Of course Qi Feng would not listen to Xu Miao's request to keep quiet, he wanted to influence Xu Miao's thinking by talking constantly.In order to ensure that Qi Feng did not speak, Xu Miao simply cast a silencing spell to completely silence Qi Feng.

There is no place to talk about it, Qi Feng is very uncomfortable, but his body skills are imprisoned, and he can only express his inner anger with his eyes.

Xu Miao explored carefully, while Qingjiao and Huoyan Lingyao stood aside, keeping vigilant and ready to resist the traps and means set by Qi Feng at any time.

Qi Feng is worthy of being an ancient monk, and every step Xu Miao takes inward is very difficult.All kinds of formations and tricks came one after another, which made Xu Miao very anxious.

Xu Miao glanced at Qi Feng who was leisurely beside him: "Huo Yan, go and beat him up." Huo Yan Lingyao was worried that he had nothing to do, so Xu Miao ordered him to do something.

Huo Yan Lingyao's heart is already moved just thinking about teaching the ancient monks a lesson.Huoyan Spirit Demon gave out a very sinister smile and approached Qi Feng.

Qi Feng's reserved strength was already limited, and with the restriction imposed by Xu Miao, it was even more impossible for him to be the opponent of Huo Yan Lingyao.Unsurprisingly, Qi Feng was beaten by Huo Yanling Yao.

Xu Miao walked up to Qi Feng who was lying on the ground, and looked down at him: "You pray most that I can solve the formations and traps quickly, otherwise, I will beat you once I encounter a trap or a trap."

Hearing Xu Miao's words, Qi Feng finally showed humiliation in his eyes.How can a dignified cultivator in the Transcending Tribulation Period be treated like this by a cultivator in the early stage of Nascent Soul?

(End of this chapter)

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